Professor David A. Nethercot访问土木系
(Imperial College London)教授、美国皇家工程院(National Academy of Engineering)院士David A. Nethercot于2016年7月5日至7月9日来访我系,与师生开展了一系列的合作交流活动。


党委书记石永久教授为Nethercot教授颁发了土木工程系荣誉访问教授(Honored Visiting Professor)聘书。

随后,Nethercot教授为土木系师生作了题为“Securing the Benefits from Successful Civil Engineering Research”的讲座,通过列举和分析一系列的工程实例、个人经验以及行业热点现象,讲述了我们在土木工程领域所做的研究应该如何评估,且如何更好地实现研究成果的实际价值。在座师生积极发言、提问,现场气氛活跃。
Professor David A Nethercot简介:
Prior to his retirement in the autumn of 2011 Professor David Nethercot spent 12 years as Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. He remains active in research, consulting and professional work.
David is the author of some 450 research papers, has addressed conferences in over 50 countries worldwide, has supervised over 40 PhD students to completion and has been involved with more than 40 externally funded research projects. In 1993 he was awarded a DSc degree and elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering that same year; he is also a Foreign member of the Australian and American National Academies of Engineering. In 2003/04 he was President of the Institution of Structural Engineers and received their Gold Medal 5 years later. Awarded an OBE for 'services to Structural Engineering' in 2006, he is the current President of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.
In addition to his academic career David has been active professionally, including preparing Standards and Design Guides as well as acting as an Expert Witness for projects such as Wembley Stadium Roof and the New Forth Crossing.