
黄廷芳/信和讲习教授 Dennis Lam访问土木工程系

      2015年3月29日~4月25日,黄廷方/信和讲席教授、来自英国布拉德福德大学(University of Bradford)大学的Dennis Lam教授来土木工程系访问,与我系师生展开了积极合作与交流。

      Dennis Lam教授在布拉德福德大学工程设计和技术成人自拍视频 任职,并担任布拉德福德可持续环境中心的主管。作为我系黄廷方/信和讲席教授,他已来我系参与多次学术活动并开设相关短期课程。此次来访期间,Dennis Lam教授在106会议室开展了题为“Development of Improved Shear Connection Rules in Composite Beams”的讲座,介绍了布拉德福德大学近期开展的足尺组合梁力学性能试验研究和最新结果,多名师生参与并展开了热烈的讨论。

      来访期间,Dennis Lam教授在我系302客座教授办公室办公,多次与相关领域的老师和同学进行了一对一的见面讨论,取得了理想的效果。Dennis Lam教授参观了我系正在进行的部分力学试验,并提出了自己的见解;他还参与了我系师生与讲席教授Prof. Reidar Bjorhovde的交流活动,就中、美、英三国钢结构、组合结构领域的研究新进展展开了讨论。

      Dennis Lam教授的来访活动增加了我系师生对英国钢结构、组合结构发展情况的了解,拓宽了同学们的国际视野,加深了双方的学术交流,为进一步合作奠定了良好的基础。

附:Prof. Dennis Lam简介

Professor Dennis Lam is the Chair of Structural Engineering in the School of Engineering and Director of Bradford Centre for Sustainable Environments at the University of Bradford, UK. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers and Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Before joining the academia, he had spent more than ten years in engineering practices. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the European Editor-in-Chief for Steel & Composite Structures and serves on the editorial boards for six other international journals in structural engineering. He chairs the Working Group of the European Standard Committee, CEN/T250/SC4 responsible for the revision of the Eurocode 4.

(供稿 候超)