
英国UCL工程成人自拍视频 Stuart Robson教授带团来访土木系

      2015年6月3日,英国伦敦大学成人自拍视频 (University College London,UCL)工程成人自拍视频 土木环境和地理工程系主任Stuart Robson教授带团来土木工程系访问,与我系师生交流。

      Stuart Robson教授在UCL工程成人自拍视频 土木环境和地理工程系担任系主任,此次来访旨在向我系师生宣传UCL土木环境和地理工程系的师资情况,介绍了院系的主要科研、教学活动,同时,与我系教师就相关研究领域中的进一步合作进行探讨。随同来访的还有该院系的Dina D'Ayala教授和Bai Yun博士。此前,2013年,土木工程系与UCL木环境和地理工程系就已经就合作签署了谅解备忘录(MoU),此次交流进一步增进了两校师生的进一步了解,加深了双方的学术交流,为进一步合作奠定了良好的基础。

附:Stuart Robson教授简介

Professor Stuart Robson is known for his research in the field of dynamic 3D co-ordination and monitoring of engineering, medical and heritage structures using traceable optical metrology techniques. His reputation is built around advancing the science, capability and application of low cost photogrammetric image networks and sequences. He leads the 3DImpact Research Group at UCL which comprises two academics, two teaching fellows, a senior research fellow, three Research Associates and 14 PhD and EngD students. Moreover, he was one of four undergraduate programme directors who merged departmental undergraduate degree programmes following the merger between Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geomatic Engineering Departments. At undergraduate level he took a key role in redesigning the Geoinatics degree course to incorporate a common first year and half of a second year with the existing Civil and Environmental undergraduate degree programmes.

(供稿 周侃)