2015年5月24日~5月30日,澳大利亚future fellow,Gianluca Ranzi副教授来土木工程系访问,与我系师生展开了积极合作与交流。
Dr. Gianluca Ranzi在悉尼大学土木工程成人自拍视频
任职,并担任结构工程研究中心的主管。此次来访期间,Dr. Gianluca Ranzi在106会议室开展了题为“Behaviour and design of composite steel-concrete floor systems”的讲座,介绍了悉尼大学近期开展的组合楼板体系长期性能试验研究和理论分析的最新结果,多名师生参与并展开了热烈的讨论。
来访期间,Dr. Gianluca Ranzi在我系访问学者办公室办公,多次与相关领域的老师和同学进行了一对一的见面讨论,取得了理想的效果。Dr. Gianluca Ranzi参观了我系结构工程实验室,对正在进行的部分力学试验进行了观摩并提出了自己的见解。Dr. Gianluca Ranzi的来访活动增进了我系师生对澳大利亚组合结构发展情况的了解,拓宽了同学们的国际视野,加深了双方的学术交流,为进一步合作奠定了良好的基础。
附:Dr. Gianluca Ranzi简介
Dr. Gianluca Ranzi is currently an ARC Future Fellow, an Associate Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Director of the Centre for Advanced Structural Engineering at the University of Sydney. He has previously worked for several years as a structural consultant in Australia. He completed a degree in Management and Production Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), a BE Hons I at the University of Wollongong (Australia), a degree in Civil Engineering at the Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) and a PhD at the University of New South Wales (Australia). His main research interests span analytical and numerical modelling to laboratory testing in the fields of structural engineering, materials science and architectural science. He is currently involved in code committees in both Australia and Europe in the fields of composite steel-concrete and precast concrete construction. His teaching interests are in the broad areas of structural analysis and design.
(供稿 侯超)