

      2015年7月2日,来自英国曼彻斯特大学(the University of Manchester)机械、宇宙航空和土木工程成人自拍视频 (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering)的王永昌(Yong-Chang Wang)教授来土木系访问。

      王永昌教授为土木系黄廷芳/信和讲席教授,近几年多次到土木系访问。此次访问期间,王永昌教授开展了两个主题的讲座,主题一是“薄壁钢结构抗火性能的研究进展”(Progress of Research on Fire Resistance of Thin-Walled Steel Structures),介绍了薄壁钢结构抗火性能研究和成果,介绍了试验设计、试验结论、分析及实用设计建议和方法;主题二是“曼彻斯特的钢管结构研究”(Research on Steel Tubular Structures at Manchester),介绍了目前其对钢管结构梁柱节点性能、钢管桁架结构性能等研究成果。此次访问为期三天,期间王永昌教授将与土木系教师就合作事宜进行商讨,同时还将与土木系研究生开展进一步交流,对研究生的科研工作提出指导。

附:王永昌教授简介(Professor Yong-Chang Wang)

Yong-Chang Wang graduated from South West Jiao Tong University in China in 1984 and was awarded a British Council Scholarship. He came to the UK in 1985 and earned his PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 1988. He worked for eight years at the Building Research Establishment (including as a core member of the BRE team that carried out the Cardington structural fire tests) prior to joining the University of Manchester in 1997. His main research interests are structural and fire engineering, steel and composite structures and fire protection materials and systems. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers and the UK's Higher Education Academy. He is the Leader of the Structural & Fire Engineering theme.

(供稿  周侃)