1.国家自然科学基金原创探索项目 整体装配式混凝土-混凝土组合结构智能设计与建造研究 2024/08至2026/12
2.国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目 钢-混凝土组合结构 2024/01至2028/12
3.国家自然科学基金原创探索项目 整体装配式混凝土-混凝土组合结构受力机理研究 2023/01至2023/12
4.国家重点研发计划子课题 高海拔深切峡谷区铁路悬索桥钢管混凝土组合索塔的受力行为及设计方法研究 2021/12至2024/11
5.国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金 高速铁路组合结构桥梁 2021/01至2023/12
6.国家自然科学基金面上项目 组合结构转换节点间接传力构造受力机理研究 2020/01至2023/12
7.国铁集团重大课题 钢-混凝土组合结构在铁路桥梁工程应用关键技术研究 2018/10至2020/12
8.国家重点研发计划课题 立式工业建筑组合结构体系及其关键技术研究 2018/07至2021/06
9.高速铁路轨道技术国家重点实验室开放基金 基于铁路运营条件的钢混组合梁关键构造传力特征研究 2017/09至2018/12
10.国家重点研发计划子课题 高性能组合结构建筑体系新型施工构造及设计方法研究 2017/07至2020/06
11.国家自然科学基金面上项目 具有震后功能可快速恢复能力的减隔震桥梁体系开发 2016/01至 2019/12
[1]Xin Nie, Linli Duan*, Muxuan Tao, Yutao Guo. Experimental investigation on the behavior of the steel–concrete composite frames with uplift-restricted and slip-permitted screw-type (URSP-S) connectors. Engineering Structures, 2022, 254: 113868
[2]Xin Nie, Jiaji Wang*, Muxuan Tao, Jiansheng Fan, Y.L. Mo, Ziyu Zhang. Experimental study of shear-critical reinforced-concrete shear walls under tension-bending shear-combined cyclic load. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2020, 146(5): 04020047
[3]Xin Nie, Jiaji Wang*, Muxuan Tao, Jiansheng Fan, Fanmin Bu. Experimental study of flexural critical reinforced concrete filled composite plate shear walls. Engineering Structures, 2019, 197: 109439
[4]Nie Xin, Wang Yuhang*, Li Shuo, Chen Ju. Coupled bending-shear- torsion bearing capacity of concrete filled steel tube short columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 123: 305-316.
[5]Huang D, Nie X*, Fan J S, Ding R. Experimental study on longitudinal shear behavior of prefabricated steel-concrete composite beams with notched connections. Engineering Structures, 2024, 300: 117151.
[6]Duan L L, Nie X*, Wang J J, Wu G Q. Experimental and analytical study on steel-concrete-ECC composite frames with URSP-S connectors. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76: 107072.
[7]Huang D, Nie X*, Zeng J H, Jiang Y X. Experimental and numerical analysis on flexural behavior of improved U-bar joint details for accelerated bridge construction. Engineering Structures, 2023, 289: 116328.
[8]Jiang Y X, Nie X*, Yan A G, Zeng J H, Nong X Z, Fan J S. Experimental research on the structural performance of continuous composite beams with uplift-restricted and slip-permitted connectors. Engineering Structures, 2023, 289: 116291.
[9]Zhou X Y, Nie X*, Xu S Q, Ding R, Zhang C B, Yin X B. Experimental studies on seismic performance of socket connections with shear keys and inner and outer filled reinforced concrete. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273: 115021.
[10]Liu T, Nie X*, Zeng J H, Su H. Static and fatigue behaviors of corroded stud connectors in weathering steel–concrete composite beams. Engineering Structures, 2022, 272: 115030.
[11]Xin Nie, Linli Duan*, Liangdong Zhuang, Ran Ding, Jiansheng Fan. Experimental and numerical study on steel-concrete composite frames with engineered cementitious composites, Engineering Structures, 2022, 265: 114489.
[12]Yang Y N, Nie X*, Tian C Y, Ding R, Li R. Experimental study on seismic performance of prefabricated RC columns with non-contact lap splices. Engineering Structures, 2022, 264: 114470.
[13]Gu Y W, Nie X*, Yan A G, Zeng J H, Liu Y F, Jiang Y X. Experimental and numerical study on vibration and structure-borne noise of high-speed railway composite bridge. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 192: 108757.
[14]Guo Y T, Nie X*, Fan J S, Tao M X. Shear resistance of steel–concrete–steel deep beams with bidirectional webs. Steel and Composite Structures, 2022, 42(3): 299-313.
[15]Gu Y W, Nie X*, Liu Y F, Duan S K, Fan J S. Experimental and numerical study of steel-to-concrete joint section in hybrid cable-stayed bridges. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 187: 106982.
[16]Yuexin Jiang, Hongbin Chen, Xin Nie*, Muxuan Tao. Experimental study on bond and anchorage of steel bars in precast concrete structures with new-to-old concrete interface. Engineering Structures. 2021, 247: 113086.
[17]Chen H B, Nie X*, Gan S Y&, Zhao Y D&, Qiu H H. Interfacial imperfection detection for steel-concrete composite structures using NDT techniques: A state-of-the-art review. Engineering Structures, 2021, 245: 112778.
[18]Wang J J, Nie X*, Bu F M, Tao M X, Fan J S. Experimental study and design method of shear-dominated composite plate shear walls. Engineering Structures, 2020, 215: 110656.
[19]Nie X, Wang W, Wang Y, Yu J*, Hou C. Ultimate torsional capacity of steel tube confined reinforced concrete columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2019, 160: 207-222.
[20]Guo Y T, Nie X*, Tao M X, Ding R, Tang L, Fan J S. Selected series method on buckling design of stiffened steel-concrete composite plates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 161: 296-308.
[21]Guo Y T, Nie X*, Tao M X, Qiu S Y, Tang L, Fan J S. Bending capacity of steel-concrete-steel composite structures considering local buckling and casting imperfection. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. 2019, 145(10), 04019102: 1-16.
[22]杨悦, 姜雪蔚, 聂鑫*, 王凇晗, 吴斌. 开槽密拼混凝土叠合板受力性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报, 2023, 44(07):142-151.
[23]聂鑫, 刘泰. 混凝土-混凝土组合梁弯曲受力性能试验及数值研究.土木工程学报,2022,55(08):14-25
[24]发明专利. 采用板端不出筋预制板的装配式钢-混凝土组合楼盖体系, CN201910016152.3.
[25]发明专利. 钢-混组合结构界面粘结滑移的实时监测系统, CN201910310368.0.
[26]发明专利. 悬臂支架以及使用悬臂支架的钢-混凝土组合桥混凝土翼缘的施工方法, CN201811489002.6.
[27]发明专利. 一种预置混凝土T梁横向连接拼缝构造及施工方法, CN201710890164.X.
[28]发明专利. 一种防止钢筋混凝土简支梁桥脱落的纵向连接构造及其施工方法, CN201610309834.X.
[29]发明专利. 一种防止既有混凝土梁桥端部纵向脱落的加固方法, CN201610663627.4.
[30]发明专利. 一种混凝土预制板板端取消胡子筋的构造及施工方法, CN201710265325.6.
[31]发明专利. 一种防止桥梁横向倾覆的构造及其施工方法, CN201610332727.9.