职称: 副教授
邮编: 100084
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1999.9 - 2003.7 清华大学土木工程系结构工程 获工学学士学位
2003.9 - 2008.7 清华大学土木工程系结构工程,获工学博士学位
2008.09 - 2010.10 清华大学土木工程系 博士后研究员
2010.11 - 2019.11 清华大学土木工程系结构力学教研室 讲师
2019.12 - 今 清华大学土木工程系结构力学教研室 副教授
[1] 邢沁妍, 袁驷. 结构力学学习精要. 北京:高等教育出版社,2021.
[1] Q.Y. XING. The roles of mechanics courses in student-centered civil engineering education. Procceeding of the 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC16), Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 3-6, 2019, P105.
[2] 邢沁妍. 结构力学课程中创造性思维培养的启发式教学设计. 清华大学教育研究(增刊), 2019.
[3] Qin-yan XING. Application of ADDIE Model in Instructional Design of Structural Mechanics Course. Proceeding of 2018 3rd Annual International Conference on Education Science and Education Management (ESEM 2018), Wuhan, China, Apr. 20-22, 2018: 264-269.
[4] 王崇安*, 邢沁妍. 笛沙格定理的结构力学分析再证明. 力学与实践, 2018, 40(2): 210-214.
[5] 孙宏杨, 邢沁妍*. 基于结构力学求解器的框架“强柱弱梁”机制探讨. 力学与实践, 2018, 40(5): 569-573
[1] Wang W, Xing Q, Yang Q. An Improved Time Integration Method Based on Galerkin Weak Form with Controllable Numerical Dissipation[J]. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(4): 1932.
[2] Jiang Kaifeng, Yuan Si, Xing Qinyan. An adaptive nonlinear finite element analysis of minimal surface problem based on element energy projection technique. Engineering Computations, 2020, 37(8): 2847-2869.
[3] Qinyan Xing*, Qinghao Yang, Weixuan Wang. A Time Integration Method Based on Galerkin Weak Form for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics. Applied Sciences. 2019, 9(15): 3076.
[4] 邢沁妍*, 杨青浩, 陆琛宇, 杨杏. 杆件轴向受迫振动的 Galerkin 有限元 EEP 法自适应求解. 应用数学和力学, 2019, 40(9): 945-956.
[5] Yiyi Dong, Si Yuan, Qinyan Xing*. Adaptive finite element analysis with local mesh refinement based on a posteriori error estimate of element energy projection technique. Engineering Computations, 2019, 36(6): 2010-2033.
[6] Si Yuan, Yiyi Dong, Qinyan Xing*, Nan Fang. Adaptive Finite Element Method of Lines with Local Mesh Refinement in Maximum Norm Based on Element Energy Projection Method. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2019, 18(3): 1950008.
[7] 董义义, 邢沁妍*, 方楠, 袁驷. 自适应有限元线法在二维无穷域问题中的应用. 工程力学, 2019, 36(7): 8-17.
[8] J. H. ZHENG, Q.Y. XING*, D.W. WANG. Numerical analysis of seepage for saturated-unsaturated pavement structure under rainfall conditions. the 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC16), Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 3-6, 2019: P098.
[9] Pengfei Liu,Qinyan Xing,Dawei Wang,Markus Oeser. Application of Linear Viscoelastic Properties in Semianalytical Finite Element Method with Recursive Time Integration to Analyze Asphalt Pavement Structure. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018: 9045820.
[10] YUAN, S., WU, Y., and XING, Q. Y*. Recursive super-convergence computation for multidimensional problems via one-dimensional element energy projection technique. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2018, 39(7): 1031–1044.
[11] 邢沁妍, 杨杏, 袁驷. 离散系统运动方程的Galerkin有限元EEP法自适应求解.应用数学和力学,2017,38(2) : 133-143.
[12] Liu P, Xing Q, Dong Y, et al. Application of Finite Layer Method in Pavement Structural Analysis[J]. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(6): 611.
[13] Liu P, Xing Q, Wang D, et al. Application of Dynamic Analysis in Semi-Analytical Finite Element Method [J]. Materials, 2017, 10(9): 1010.