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2001.7~2006.5   美国佐治亚理工成人自拍视频    土木工程系      博士

1999.9~2001.7   清华大学                     土木工程系      硕士

1994.9~1999.7   清华大学                     土木工程系      学士


2018.7~ 至今          清华大学土木系    长聘副教授

2011.1~ 2018.6      清华大学土木系    副教授

2006.10~2010.12   清华大学土木系    讲师



  1. 结构抗震性能及安全性分析

  2. 既有结构承载力评估、可靠性分析及维护管理策略

  3. 混凝土结构在海洋环境中的耐久性评估与设计

  4. 结构退化模型与时变可靠度

  5. 城市综合防灾基本理论与分析方法

  1. 国家自然科学基金(面上),“兼顾适用性和安全性的混凝土结构耐久性设计方法研究(51778337)”,2018~2021

  2. 十三五国家重点研发计划专项项目,“8度区装配式混凝土结构抗震新体系与设计理论(2016YFC0701404)”,2017~2019

  3. 国家自然科学基金(面上):“考虑参数空间变异性的氯盐环境下混凝土结构耐久性研究(51578315)”,2016~2109

  4. 交通部重大专项,“基于实测数据的高桩码头结构退化模型研究(201332849A090)”,2015~2016

  5. 国家科技支撑计划,“基于可靠度的混凝土结构120年设计使用年限耐久性设计关键技术(2011BAG07B04)”,2011~2013

  6. 国家自然科学基金(青年):“优化既有桥梁运营管理策略的研究(50708052)”,2008~2010

  1. Structural Safety,编委

  2. 中国建筑金属结构协会,检测鉴定和加固改造分会,常务会员


2019,中国钢结构协会科技技术奖特等奖,“复杂受力状态下钢-混凝土组合结构基础理论及关键技术”, 12

2018, 广东省土木建筑学会科学技术一等奖,“跨海集群工程混凝土结构120年使用寿命保障关键技术”,9









  1. 李全旺,张望喜。装配式混凝土结构抗震与防连续倒塌。东南大学出版社,南京,2020

  2. Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*, Bruce Ellingwood. “Post-earthquake modelling of transportation networks using an agent-based model”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2020.1713170

  3. Cao, Zijian, and Quanwang Li*. "Effect of Connection Deficiency on Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Shear Wall-Frame Structures." Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2019,13(3-4):1940005

  4. Kefei Li, Dongdong Zhang, Quanwang Li, Zhihong Fan. “Durability for concrete structures in marine environments of HZM project: Design, assessment and beyond”. CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH, 2019, 115: 545-558.

  5. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. Moment-based evaluation of structural reliability. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2019, 181:38-45.

  6. Cao Wang, Kairui Feng, Hao Zhang & Quanwang Li*, “Seismic performance assessment of electric power systems subjected to spatially correlated earthquake excitations”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019, 15(3): 351-361

  7. 叶新一,王草,李全旺*。桥梁结构时变可靠度计算的新方法。工程力学,2018,35(11):86-91

  8. 潘晨,李全旺*。考虑主观风险态度的建筑结构地震风险决策。土木工程学报,2018,51(9):121-128

  9. Quanwang Li*, Xinyi Ye. “Surface deterioration analysis for probabilistic durability design of RC structures in marine environment”. Structural Safety, 2018, 75: 13-23.

  10. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. “Time-dependent reliability assessment of aging series systems subjected to nonstationary loads”. Structural and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(12): 1513-1522

  11. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*. A simple gradient wind field model for translating tropical cyclones. Natural Hazards, 2017, 88(1): 651-658

  12. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Hao Zhang, Bruce Ellingwood. “Modelling the temporal correlation in hurricane frequency for damage assessment of residential structures subjected to climate change”. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE. 2017, 143(5): 04016224

  13. Kairui Feng, Naiyu Wang, Quanwang Li* and Peihui Lin. “Measuring and enhancing resilience of building portfolios considering the functional interdependence among community sectors”. Structural Safety, 2017, 66: 118-126

  14. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Quanwang Li*. “Reliability assessment of aging structures subjected to gradual and shock deteriorations”. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2017, 161: 78-86

  15. Cao Wang, Hao Zhang, Kairui Feng, Quanwang Li*. “Assessing hurricane damage costs in the presence of vulnerability model uncertainty”. Natural Hazards, 2017, 85(3):1621-1635

  16. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Long Pang, Aming Zou. “Estimating the time-dependent reliability of aging structures in the presence of incomplete deterioration information”. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2016, 17(9): 677-688

  17. 李全旺*,王草,邹阿鸣,庞龙,张龙,“基于Poisson过程的沿海地区飓风灾害评估”。清华大学学报(自然科学版),2016,56(8):801-805

  18. 庞龙,应宗权,范志宏,田俊峰,李全旺*,“基于实测数据的港工混凝土结构环境荷载模型及耐久性分析”,工程力学,2016,33(S),168-172

  19. Long Pang, Quanwang Li*. “Service life prediction of RC structures in marine environment using long term chloride ingress data: comparison between exposure trials and real structure surveys”. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 113: 979-987

  20. 邹阿鸣,李全旺*,何铭华,张浩,“基于三折线半刚性节点模型的碗扣式脚手架受力性能有限元分析”,建筑结构学报,2016,37(4):151-157

  21. 王草,李全旺*,“考虑非平稳车载过程的在役桥梁时变可靠度分析”,工程力学,2016,33(3):18-23

  22. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Bruce R. Ellingwood, “Time-dependent reliability of aging structures: an approximate approach”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2016, 12(12):1566-1572

  23. Quanwang Li, Aming Zou*, Hao Zhang. “A simplified method for stability analysis of multi-story frames considering vertical interactions between stories”. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016, 19(4): 599-610

  24. 王草,邹阿鸣,张龙,李全旺*。考虑车载历史信息的既有桥梁可靠度更新方法。公路交通科技,2016,33(2):67-72

  25. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*. “Simplified Method for Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Aging Bridges Subjected to Nonstationary Loads”. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 2016, 23(1):1650003

  26. Quanwang Li*, Cao Wang, Hao Zhang. “A Probabilistic framework for hurricane damage assessment considering non-stationarity and correlation in hurricane actions”. Structural Safety, 2016, 59: 108-117

  27. Cao Wang, Quanwang Li*, Aming Zou, Long Zhang, “A realistic resistance deterioration model for time-dependent reliability analysis of aging bridges”. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 2015, 16(7): 513-524.

  28. Quanwang Li*; Cao Wang. “Updating the assessment of resistance and reliability of existing aging bridges with prior service loads”. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 141(12): 04015072

  29. Kefei Li*, Quanwang Li, Xingang Zhou, Zhihong Fan. “Durability design of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau sea link project: Principle and Procedure”. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 20(11): 04015001

  30. Quanwang Li, Kefei Li*, Xingang Zhou, Qinming Zhang, Zhihong Fan, “Model-based durability design of concrete structures in Hong Kong- Zhuhai- Macau sea link project”. Structural Safety, 2015, 53: 1-12

  31. Quanwang Li*, Cao Wang, Bruce R. Ellingwood, “Time-dependent reliability of aging structures in the presence of non-stationary loads and degradation”. Structural Safety, 2015, 52A: 132-141

  32. 张秦铭,李全旺*,李克非,范志宏,“氯盐环境下港珠澳工程混凝土耐久性质量控制”,工程力学,2015,32(3):175-182

  33. 李全旺*,王草,张龙,“考虑结构劣化和荷载历史的既有桥梁承载力更新”,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2015,55(1):8-13

  34. 刘胜来,李全旺*,“从数学推导过程讨论能量法的适用条件”,力学与实践,2014,36(4):497-499

  35. 李全旺*,王草 “荷载随机过程相关性对结构时变可靠度的影响”,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2014,54卷(10):1316-1320

  36. 管悦,李全旺*,“从卡式第二定理探讨结构位移计算方法的关系”,力学与实践,2012,34(2):66-67

  37. 李植淮,李春前,李全旺*,“基于GPD模型的车辆荷载效应极值估计”,工程力学,2012,29(S1):166-171

  38. 张宇,李全旺*,樊健生,“框架结构在双向地震动作用下的最大结构反应”,工程力学,2012,29(11):129-136

  39. 李全旺*,樊健生,聂建国,“地震动方向随机性对结构动力反应的影响”,《工程力学》,2010,第27卷第12期:135-140

  40. 李全旺*,李春前,孙健康,“基于结构可靠度理论的既有桥梁承载能力评估”,《工程力学》,2010,第27卷增刊II:142-151

  41. Quanwang Li*, Bruce R. Ellingwood. “Damage inspection and vulnerability analysis of existing buildings with steel moment-resisting frame”. Engineering Structures, 2008, 30(2): 338-351

  42. Quanwang Li, Bruce R. Ellingwood*. “Performance evaluation and damage assessment of steel frame buildings under mainshock-aftershock earthquake sequence”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2007, 36(3): 405-427

  43. Quanwang Li, Bruce R. Ellingwood*. “Structural response and damage assessment by enhanced uncoupled modal response history analysis”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 9(5): 719-737, 2005