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2002.01 - 2007.12  The Univ. of Texas at Austin  土木、建筑与环境工程系   博士

1997.09 - 2000.03  同济大学     道路与铁道工程                                            硕士

1993.09 - 1997.07  同济大学     公路、城市道路及机场工程                            学士


2023.08- 今 清华大学土木工程系             长聘副教授/副所长

2017.08-2023.07 清华大学土木工程系           副教授/支部书记

2014.09-2017.07 新疆大学建筑工程成人自拍视频 (援疆)    副教授/副院长

2011.12-2014.08 清华大学土木工程系           副教授/副所长

2008.06-2011.11 清华大学土木工程系           讲师

2006.12-2007.12 美国德克萨斯州交通运输部       项目研究员

2005.12-2006.12 Austin Community College       Trainee Teacher

2003.07-2005.12 Research Center of SUPERPAVE-UT UT-SUPERPAVE 实验室主管






2022年 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 一等奖

2022年 中国公路建设行业协会技术成果 一等奖

2021年 清华大学学生社会实践 优秀指导老师

2021年 清华大学青年教师教学大赛 工科组优胜奖

2019年 北京市科学技术奖 二等奖

2019年 第二届国际智慧交通产业博览会综合交通产业创新大赛 二等奖

2017年 清华大学校先进工作者

2017年 中共新疆维吾尔自治区委员会组织部/新疆维吾尔自治区人力资源和社会保障厅援疆干部人才奖励




2022.03-今 新型道路材料国家工程研究中心   学术委员会委员

2021.06-今 特种道面铺装技术创新发展联盟   技术委员会委员

2020.12-今 中关村智盟环境土木智能检测监测产业联盟   专家委员会委员

2020.04-今 中国仿真学会道路基础设施建模与仿真专业委员会   常务副主任

2020.02-今 中国仿真学会复杂系统建模与仿真专业委员会   副主任委员

2019.06-今 中国公路建设行业协会   专家委员会委员

2017.09-2019.08 世界交通运输大会资产管理委员会   专家委员会委员

2012.01-2014.12 亚洲开发银行普洱地区综合交通发展项目   中方组长

2012.01-今 International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research   编委

2008.01-2011.12 美国运输研究学会(TRB)- 亚洲分委员会   秘书

2006.01-今 国际道路联合会(IRF)   执行理事


1. 企事业单位委托项目   冷再生混合料新旧界面黏附机能表征与衰变机制研究 2023 — 2025

2. 中国工程院科技项目   智慧公路安全应急保障研究  2022 — 2023

3. 中国工程院科技项目   黄河流域生态保护和双碳目标下宁夏绿色交通发展顶层设计研究  2022 — 2023

4. 政府科技计划       空地一体智能装备在数字交通管理中的集成和应用研究  2022 — 2024

5. 国际联合共建支撑项目  面向智慧城市的智能出行系统与示范  2022 — 2023

6. 部委科技项目       粤港澳大湾区综合智能交通发展战略研究  2020 — 2021

7. 联合共建支撑项目     交通基础设施全自动数据采集及智能分析平台建设  2020 — 2022

8. 企事业单位委托项目   安徽省城市旧水泥路面改造工程共振碎石化技术规范  2019 — 2021

9. 重点研发计划        安全韧性城市构建原理与综合集成平台研究  2018 — 2021

10.企事业单位委托项目    WV聚氨酯类材料应用研究  2018 — 2021

11.清华大学国际科技合作项目   芳纶纤维在水泥混凝土中的应用二期  2018 — 2021

12.部委科技项目        交通强国战略研究(傅志寰)  2017 — 2019

13.北京市科技计划       基于智慧城市的北京城市副中心—通州智慧交通管理体系研究  2016 — 2018

14.企事业单位委托项目    一体化全自动道路检测车  2016 — 2021

15.国家基金委         复杂交通基础设施系统进化理论与级联管理方法研究  2016 — 2020

16.企事业单位委托项目    阿勒泰、塔城、阿克苏、喀什机场道面综合评价  2015 — 2017

17.政府科技计划/基金项目  公路基础设施快速养护技术应用研究  2015 — 2017

18.清华大学国际科技合作项目   芳纶纤维在水泥混凝土中的用研究  2015 — 2018

19.国家科技支撑计划     城市核心功能区交通智能联网联控关键技术与示范  2014 — 2017

20.教育部2011计划       首都世界城市顺畅交通协同创新中心技术开发  2013 — 2016

21.企事业单位委托项目     印尼布敦岩沥青应用研究  2013 — 2015

22.国家基金委          交通基础设施的连锁效应分析及路网养护决策优化  2011 — 2014

23.教育部留学回国人员启动基金  新型沥青路面快速冷补技术研究  2011 — 2012

24.政府科技计划/基金项目     季节性冻土区岩沥青的应用研究  2011 — 2014

25.企事业单位委托项目     刚果(布)一号公路II期工程关键技术  2011 — 2014

26.部委科技项目         适应高速重载交通的路基长期性能研究  2010 — 2013

27.企事业单位委托项目     旧水泥混凝土“碎石化”技术应用研究  2008 — 2011


1. Guo, RH and Liu, SQ. Development and road performance of clear asphalt with high transparency and adhesion. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 2023

2. Liu, SQ and Guo, RH. Design and experiment of KH550 modified high transparency clear asphalt and light colored asphalt pavement. Road Materials and Pavement Design.2022

3. Runhua Guo, Haihu Zhang, Yuanxin Tan. Influence of salt dissolution on durable performance of asphalt and Self-ice-melting asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials. 2022

4. Runhua Guo, Siquan Liu, Yulin He, Li Xu. Study on Vehicle-Road Interaction for Autonomous Driving. Sustainability, 2022

5. Guo R, Liu J. Reaction mechanisms of slowly cooled and quickly cooled copper slag in magnesium phosphate cement [J]. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2022

6. Haihu Zhang, Runhua Guo. Investigation of Long-Term Performance and Deicing Longevity Prediction of Self-Ice-Melting Asphalt Pavement. Materials, 2022

7. Runhua Guo, Siquan Liu. Design and experiment of self-luminescent asphalt-based pavement materials. Construction and Building Materials. 2022

8. Guo R, Fu D, Sollazzo G. An ensemble learning model for asphalt pavement performance prediction based on gradient boosting decision tree [J]. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2021

9. Runhua Guo. Smart Road Infrastructure: Innovative Technologies [M]. IET-The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2021.

10.Guo R, Yu Z, Zhou Y. Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Varying-Speed Road Profiler[J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2020, 48(5). [J].

11.Sun M , Guo R , Zhu J , Fan W. Roadway Crack Segmentation Based on an Encoder-decoder Deep Network with Multi-scale Convolutional Blocks. 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2020

12.Liu J , Guo R , Shi P , et al. Hydration mechanisms of composite binders containing copper slag at different temperatures[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019

13.Liu J , Guo R . Hydration properties of alkali-activated quick cooled copper slag and slow cooled copper slag[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019

14.Liu J , Guo R . The microstructures of hardened composite binders containing steel slag and GGBS at 10 years[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019

15.Jin L , Runhua G . Applications of Steel Slag Powder and Steel Slag Aggregate in Ultra-High Performance Concrete[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering,2018,(2018-1-30), 2018, 2018:1-8.

16.Tingting Su, Runhua Guo,Xiaobing Qiao and Jian Liu. Premature Pavement Distresses of Cracks and Rutting Analysis and Mechanical Analysis in Ultra-Thin Asphalt Pavement. Geo-Shanghai 2014. May 2014. DOI: 10.1061/9780784413418.018

17.Su T , Guo R , Qiao X , et al. Premature Pavement Distresses of Cracks and Rutting Analysis and Mechanical Analysis in Ultra-Thin Asphalt Pavement[J]. :167-178.

18.Zheng J J , Wu L J , Guo R H . Sliding Mechanism Analysis and Treatment for Rock Pile Subgrade in GuiZhou Province[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 919-921:1150-1154.

19.Guo, Runhua,Prozzi,Jorge A.,Prediction of In-Service Fatigue Life of Flexible Pavements Based on Accelerated Pavement Testing,Journal of Testing and Evaluation,2009,37(5):449-453.1,SCI

20.Hong F,Guo R,Zhou F,Impact of recycled asphalt pavement material variability on pavement performance,Road Materials and Pavement Design,2014,15(4):841-855。SCI

21.Gao, Lu,Guo, Runhua,Zhang, Zhanmin,An augmented Lagrangian decomposition approach for infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation decisions under budget uncertainty,Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,2013,9(5):448-457。2,SCI,SSCI

22.Jiang X,Lyles R W,Guo R,A comprehensive review on the quasi-induced exposure technique,Accident Analysis & Prevention,2014,2014(65):36-46。SCI

23.“Early Damage of cracks and rutting and mechanism analysis in Ultra-thin Asphalt Pavement”. GeoShanghai International Conference 2014 。

24.Ke-hao Zeng,Runhua Guo,Structural Response Analysis of Highways under Heavy Loads,Advanced Materials Research,2013,723(2013):204-211。EI

25.Guo, Runhua,Prozzi, Jorge A.,Prediction of In-Service Fatigue Life of Flexible Pavements Based on Accelerated Pavement Testing,Journal of Testing and Evaluation,2009,37(5):449-453。1,SCI

26.Guo, Runhua,Prozzi, Jorge A.,A Statistical Analysis of Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device Testing Results,3rd International Asphalt Conference,327-335,Qingdao Province, PEOPLES R CHINA,2009.8.6-2009.8.7。0,EI,SCI,ISTP

27.Lin, X., R. Guo, and J. Ling,“The analysis and recommended solutions for rural roads in China,” American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication, n 203 GSP, p 517-522, 2010, EI:20103513204093.

28.Guo, R., J.A. Prozzi, and J. Ling, “Material Characterizations with Seismic Technology,” Pavement Mechanics and Performance, American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Special Publication No. 154, p 55-62, 2006. EI:20065110311549.

29.Guo, R. and J.A. Prozzi, “Calibrating the Aging Difference between In-Service Fatigue Performance of Flexible Pavements and Accelerated Pavement Testing,” Airfield and Highway Pavements 2006, American Society of Civil Engineers Proceedings of the 2006 Airfield and Highway Pavement Specialty Conference, pp. 98-106, Atlanta, GA, 2006, EI:2006249937938.

30.Zhang, Z., W. Cui and R. Guo, “Effect of environmental conditions on stability of an unsaturated soil slope,” Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 202, p 144-151, 2010, EI:20103513204114

31.Ling, J., R. Guo, and J. Yuan, “A Methodology to Monitor and Evaluate Seasonal Variation of Subgrade Resilient Modulus.” ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 154. p 150-156, 2006, EI:20065110311558.

32.Ling, J., R. Guo, and J. Yuan, “Comparative Analysis of Using Laboratory Testing and Nondestructive Testing to Obtain Subgrade Resilient Moduli.” Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, Chicago. p 99-104, 2006, EI:20074410893367.

33.Guo, R. and J.A. Prozzi, “Characterization of Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device Testing Results,” Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, Chicago. p. 105-110, 2006, EI:20074410893368.

34.Guo, R., J.A. Prozzi, and F. Tudtud, “Effect on Pavement Performance of Characterizing Traffic Loading by Means of ESALs and Axle load Spectral,” Proceedings of the International Innovation Forum for Doctoral Students in Transportation Engineering 2005, pp. 156-173, Shanghai, China, January 28-29, 2005.

35.Prozzi, J., R. Guo, and J. A. Prozzi, "Can Texas Preserve Its Extensive Rural Road System?" CD-ROM Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-14, 2004.

36.Jolanda Prozzi, Runhua Guo, and Rob Harrison. “Rural truck traffic and pavement conditions in Texas.” FHWA/TX-05/0-4169-1, October 2003.













