发明专利:韩建国, 王军. 一种水泥基材料宾汉姆流变参数分析方法, ZL 202010796182.3
发明专利:韩建国, 阎培渝. 一种多信号融合的混凝土泵送安全度检测装置及保障方法, ZL 202010135858.4
发明专利:韩建国, 阎培渝. 一种严寒地区混凝土伸缩缝施工质量控制的综合保障方法. ZL 201710979982.7
发明专利:韩建国, 阎培渝. 一种反应型混凝土防水粉及其制备方法,ZL 2011 1 0245647.7
发明专利:韩建国, 阎培渝. 用于水泥基材料的非接触式激光位移测量系统,ZL 2010 1 0543263.9
韩建国,基于Delaunay 算法的混凝土粗骨料二维分布特征分析系统,登记号:2017SR590785
深圳市工程建设地方标准《轨道交通工程混凝土结构抗裂防渗技术规程》(排名6/36),SJG 156-2023
中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管再生混凝土结构技术规程》(排名19/35),T/CECS 625-2019
1) 韩建国,阎培渝. 清华园出土古墓砖力学性能与微结构关系[J/OL]. 建筑材料学报: 1-12. [2024-7-10](网络首发)
2) Li Kefei, Han Jianguo, Wang Shengnian, et al. Long-term performance of structural concretes in China southeast coastal environments exposed to atmosphere and chlorides[J].Cement and Concrete Research, 2023. Vol.164, p.107064
3) Li Mengyuan, Yan Peiyu, Han Jianguo, et al. Which is an appropriate quadratic rheological model of fresh paste, the modified bingham model or the parabolic model?[J]. Processes, 2022, 10(12): 2603.
4) 韩建国,毕耀,黎梦圆等.矿物掺合料和化学外加剂对胶凝材料浆体的流变参数的影响[J].土木工程学报,2021,54(10):55-63.
5) 韩建国,阎培渝,师海霞等.大流态混凝土配合比与新拌和硬化混凝土性能关系剖析[J].混凝土,2021(06):1-8.
6) 韩建国,阎培渝,陈喜旺等.混凝土沿程泵送压力损失测定与影响因素分析[J].施工技术,2021,50(09):12-15+19.
7) Li Mengyuan, Han Jianguo, Zhou Yuqi, et al. A rheological model for evaluating the behavior of shear thickening of highly flowable mortar[J]. Molecules, 2021, 26(4): 1011.韩建国,毕耀,阎培渝等.使用同轴双圆柱流变仪获取Bingham流体流变参数[J].硅酸盐学报,2021,49(02):323-330.
8) Han Jianguo, Yan Peiyu. Influence of segregation on the permeability of self - consolidating concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 269(4): 121277.
9) 黎梦圆,刘宇,韩建国等.采用Couette逆问题的解计算水泥基材料流变参数[J].硅酸盐学报,2020,48(08):1302-1309.
10) 黎梦圆,刘宇,韩建国,高玉亭,张慧杰,阎培渝.砂率与浆骨比对大流动性混凝土新拌性能的影响[J].硅酸盐学报,2020,48(07):1107-1113.
11) Li Mengyu, Han Jianguo, Liu Yu, et al. Integration approach to the Couette inverse problem based on nonlinear rheological models in a coaxial cylinder rheometer[J]. Journal of Rheology, 2019, 63: 55-62.
12) 叶斌斌, 韩建国, 潘鹏等. 芳纶纤维和超高分子量聚乙烯纤维制备工程用纤维/水泥复合材料的适用性[J]. 复合材料学报, 2019, 36(1): 245-253.
13) Liu Yu, Han Jianguo, Li Mengyuan, Yan, Peiyu. Effect of a nanoscale viscosity modifier on rheological properties of cement pastes and mechanical properties of mortars[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 190, 255-264.
14) 阎培渝,黎梦圆,韩建国,赵晓.新拌混凝土可泵性的研究进展[J].硅酸盐学报, 2018, 46(02): 239-246.
15) 赵晓,黎梦圆,韩建国,阎培渝. 超高程泵送过程对混凝土流变性质的影响[J].施工技术, 2018, 47(03): 14-16.
16) 韩建国,阎培渝,张友海.C4A3$-CaSO4-CaO体系中CaO水化活性与膨胀特性关系[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018,58(02):217-224.
17) 韩建国, 阎培渝. C4A3$-CaSO4-CaO体系在硅酸盐水泥浆体中的膨胀机理[J], 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(11): 1543-1551.
18) Han Jianguo, Wang Kejin, Wang Xuhao, Paulo J.M. Monteiro. 2D image analysis method for evaluating coarse aggregate characteristic and distribution in concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 127: 30-42.
19) 韩建国, 阎培渝. C4A3$-CaSO4-CaO 体系在硅酸盐水泥浆体中的膨胀能力, 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(8): 1120-1125.
20) Han Jianguo, Jia Di, Yan Peiyu. Understanding the shrinkage compensating ability of type K expansive agent in concrete[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2016, 116:36-44.
21) Han Jianguo, Wang Kejin. Influence of bleeding on properties and microstructure of fresh and hydrated Portland cement paste. Construction and Building Materials 2016, (115): 240-246.
22) Han Jianguo, Wang Kejin. Mechanism of triethanolamine on Portland cement hydration process and microstructure characteristics [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 93: 457-462.
23) Han Jianguo, Wang Kejin. Study of aluminum sulfate and anhydrite on cement hydration process[J]. Materials and Structures, 2016, 49(4): 1105-1114.
24) 韩建国, 李克非. 混凝土抗氯离子渗透能力测试方法的适用性[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2015, 18(4):704-709.
25) Han Jianguo, Wang Kejin. Influence of sodium aluminate on cement hydration and concrete properties[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 64: 342-349.
26) Han Jianguo, Fang Hui, Wang Kejin. Design and control shrinkage behavior of high-strength self-consolidating concrete using shrinkage-reducing admixture and super-absorbent polymer[J]. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2014, 3(3-4): 182-190.
27) 韩建国, 阎培渝. 碳酸锂对硫铝酸盐水泥水化特性和强度发展历程的影响[J], 建筑材料学报,2011, 14(1):6-9.
28) 韩建国, 阎培渝. 锂化合物对硫铝酸盐水泥水化历程的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2010 (4): 608-614.
29) 韩建国, 阎培渝. 系统化的高性能混凝土配合比设计方法[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2006, 34(8): 1026-1030.