7.国家自然科学基金面上项目:施工环境排放相关职业健康风险评价方法及应用研究,2014-2017, 主持
13.住建部委托项目:全寿命期质量管理各方主体和个人责任研究,2009- 2011,主持
1.Ruichang Mao,Yankun Wu, Jian Chen, Peng Chen, Xiaodong Li*. Development patterns, material metabolism, and greenhouse gas emissions of high-speed railway in China. Communications Earth & Environment (Nature Portfolio). 2023, 4:312
2.Chen Zhu, Guisong Guo, Shu Su, Jingke Hong, Xiaodong Li*. Multiple accounting of carbon emission responsibility in the construction sector under different principles: A study from China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2023, 186:113651
3.Alaeldin Abdalla, Xiaodong Li, Fan Yang*. Stressors and job burnout of Chinese expatriate construction professionals. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2023, Online, //doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-03-2023-0237
4.Fan Yang, Yifan Fei, Lin Guo, Xiuxiu Bai, Xiaodong Li*. Job crafting intervention for job burnout and work engagement among young construction project management practitioners in China. 2023, Online, //doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-10-2022-0935
5.Laila Essaghouri, Ruichang Mao, Xiaodong Li*. Environmental benefits of using Hempcrete walls in residential construction: An LCA based comparative case study in Morocco Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2023,100:107085
6.Kaicheng Shen, Yimin Zhu, Jianchao Pan, Xiaodong Li*. An intelligent decision-making model for the design of precast slab joints based on case-based reasoning. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2023, 149(5): 04023025
7.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu, Siyu Yue. A dynamic intelligent building retrofit decision-making model in response to climate change. Energy and Buildings. 2023, 284(4):112832
8.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu. An intelligent retrofit decision-making model for building program planning considering tacit knowledge and multiple objectives. Energy, 2023, 263: 125704.
9.Chen Zhu, Zhihan Yang, Boyu Huang, Xiaodong Li*. Embodied Carbon Emissions in China’s Building Sector: Historical Track from 2005 to 2020. Buildings. 2023,13:211
10.Chen Zhu, Xiaodong Li*, Weina Zhu, Gong Wei. Embodied carbon emissions and mitigation potential in China's building sector: An outlook to 2060. Energy Policy, 2022,170:113222
11.Xiaodong Li, Runshuang Wang, Yizhu Zhao, Yang Fan*, Wang Xinyi. An interwoven psychological syndrome of job burnout and work engagement in construction project management professionals due to work-family imbalance. International Journal Research and Public Health, 2022,19:14111
12.Chen Zhu, Yuan Chang, Xiaodong Li*, Mingyang Shan. Factors influencing embodied carbon emissions of China’s building sector: An analysis based on extended STIRPAT modeling. Energy and Buildings. 2022,255:111607
13.Fan Yang, Jian Yu, Xiaodong Li*, Weilun Qiu. An SLCA method based framework of large-scale transportation infrastructure in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2022, 93:106716
14.Kaicheng Shen, Xiaodong Li, Xinying Cao*, Zhihui Zhang. Prefabricated construction process optimization based on rework risk. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, 148(6): 04022031
15.高华建、李小冬*、高晓江.建筑业高质量发展评价指标体系研究. 工程管理学报,2021,35(01):1-6
16.Bingqing Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu. A CBR-based decision-making model for supporting the intelligent energy-efficient design of the exterior envelope of public and commercial buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2021, 231:110625
17.Xiaodong Li, Yi Fan, Tracey E.Rizzuto, Fan Yang*.What are the occupational hazards of construction project managers: a data mining analysis in China. Safety Science.2021,134:105088
18.Kaicheng Shen, Xiaodong Li, Xining Cao*, Zhihui Zhang. Research on the rework risk core tasks in prefabricated construction in China. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2021, 28(10): 3299-3321
19.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Chen Cheng. The impact of the international construction standard application capability on contractors’ competitiveness: Chinese contractors’ experience, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2020, 26:13749
20.Ziyang Song,Fan Yang, Edwin J. Boezeman, Xiaodong Li*. Do new-generation construction professionals be provided what they desire at work? A study on work values and supplies–values fit. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2020,27:2835-2858
21.Weina Zhu,Wei Feng*, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. Analysis of the embodied carbon dioxide in the building sector: A case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 269:122438
22.Bingqing Zhang, Shu Su, Yimin Zhu, Xiaodong Li*. An LCA-based environmental impact assessment model for regulatory planning. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2020,83(7): 106406
23.李小冬、费奕凡、杨帆*. 建筑业从业人员职业心理健康研究综述. 中国安全科学学报,2020,30(09):202-210
24.李小冬*、朱辰. 我国建筑碳排放核算及影响因素研究综述. 安全与环境学报. 2020,20(01):317-327
25.Weina Zhu, Zhihui Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Wei Feng, Jifeng Li. Assessing the effects of technological progress on energy efficiency in the construction industry: A case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019,238(20):117908
26.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu. Dynamic assessment elements and their prospective solutions in dynamic life cycle assessment of buildings. Building and Environment, 2019,15(87):248-259
27.Chen Zhu, Yuan Chang, Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. Development of q-L-EIV interactive curves for comparison of the environmental performance of composite slabs and RC slabs from the perspective of mechanical features. Science of The Total Environment. 2019,68:508-523
28.Xiaojiang Gao-Zeller, Xiaodong Li, Fan Yang*, Weina Zhu. Driving mechanism of csr strategy in Chinese construction companies based on neo-institutional theory. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.2019, 2019,23(5):1939-1951
29.Xiaodong Li, Xiaojiang Gao-Zeller, Tracey E. Rizzuto, Fan Yang*. Institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility strategy in construction corporations: The role of internal motivations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2019,26(4):721-740
30.Shu Su, Chen Zhu, Xiaodong Li*. A dynamic weighting system considering temporal variations using the DTT approach in LCA of buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 220:398-407
31.Tao Wang, Shande Gao, Xiaodong Li*, Xin Ning. Meta-network-based risk evaluation and control method for industrialized building construction Projects. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 205: 552-564
32.Yuan Chang*, Xiaodong Li, Eric Masanet, Lixiao Zhang, Zhiye Huang, Robert Ries. Unlocking the green opportunity for prefabricated building and construction in China. Resource, Conservation& Recycling. 2018, 139: 259-261
33.Fan Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Ziyang Song, Yulong Li, Yimin Zhu. Job burnout of construction project managers: considering the role of organizational Justice. ASCE's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2018, 144(11): 04018103
34.Ruipeng Tong, Mengzhao Cheng, Lei Zhang, Xiaoyi Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Wentao Yin. The construction dust-induced occupational health risk using Monte-Carlo simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 184: 598-608
35.Jun Xiao, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang, Jianhan Zhang. Ontology-based knowledge model to support construction noise control in China. ASCE's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.2018, 144(2): 04017103
36.Weina Zhu, Ruochen Zeng, Xiaodong Li*, Yi Zhu and Zhihui Zhang. Managerial drivers of Chinese labor loyalty in international construction projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2017, 23(8): 1109-1122
37.Fan Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Yulong Li, Chunlin Wu. Job burnout of construction project managers in China: a cross-sectional analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 2017, 35(7): 1272-1287
38.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Borong Lin. Dynamic LCA framework for environmental impact assessment of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 149(8): 310-320
39.Xiaodong Li*, Shu Su, Zhihui Zhang, Xiangqin Kong. An integrated environmental and health performance quantification model for pre-occupancy phase of buildings in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2017, 63(3): 1-11
40.杨帆、李小冬*、宋子阳.建筑业从业人员工作倦怠研究综述 [J]. 工程管理学报, 2017,31(2):1-6
41.Jun Xiao, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. DALY-based health risk assessment of construction noise in Beijing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016, 13(11): 8:1-18
42.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Tao Wang, Yimin Zhu. A comparative study of environmental performance between CFST and RC columns under combinations of compression and bending. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 137:10-20
43.Tao Wang, Xiaodong Li, Pin-Chao Liao*, Dongping Fang. Building Energy-Efficiency for public hospitals and healthcare facilities in China: Barriers and Drivers. Energy. 2016, 103(5):588-597
44.Xiaodong Li, Ziyang Song, Tao Wang*, Yu Zheng, Xin Ning. Health impacts of construction noise on workers: A quantitative assessment model based on exposure measurement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 135: 721-731
45.Xiaodong Li*, Kwan Hang Chow, Yimin Zhu, Ying Lin. Evaluating the impacts of high-temperature outdoor working environments on construction labor productivity in China: A case study of rebar workers. Building and Environment. 2016, 95(1): 42-52
46.Xinying Cao, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu and Zhihui Zhang. A comparative study of environmental performance between prefabricated and traditional residential buildings in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015, 109: 131-143
47.Xiaodong Li*, Shu Su, Jonathan Shi, Zhihui Zhang. An environmental impact assessment framework and index system for the pre-use phase of buildings based on the distance-to-target approach. Building and Environment, 2015, 85(2): 173-181
48.Xiaodong Li*, Fan Yang, Yimin Zhu, Yuanxue Gao. An assessment framework for analyzing the embodied carbon impacts of residential buildings in China. Energy and Buildings. 2014, 85(12): 400-409
49.李小冬*、王帅、孔祥勤、张智慧. 预拌混凝土生命周期环境影响评价. 土木工程学报,2011,44(1):132-138
50.Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Zhihui, Zhang. An LCA-based environmental impact assessment model for construction processes. Building and Environment. 2010, 45(3):766-775
51.李小冬、李玉龙、曹新颖等编. 建设工程管理概论(教材). 机械工业出版社,2021年4月(“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目)
52.李小冬、关军、方东平、刘建军、宋子阳等.《建设工程职业健康管理标准》(T/CECS 1163-2022)[S]. 中国工程建设标准化学会
53.关军、李小冬、郭海山、冯大阔、张宗军等. 装配式混凝土建筑结构绿色建造数据采集标准(ZJKX-GYH001-2020)[S]. 中国建筑集团科学技术协会
54.张智慧、于法典、李小冬、肖厚忠、王元丰等. 建筑全生命周期可持续性影响标准评价标准(JGJ/T222-2011) [S]. 住建部