

E-mail:[email protected]


2004.9-2008.6    北京交通大学       土木建筑工程成人自拍视频 (土木工程)            学士

2008.9-2010.2    美国哥伦比亚大学    土工工程与工程力学系(土木工程)         硕士

2008.9-2012.10   美国哥伦比亚大学    土工工程与工程力学系(土木工程)         博士


2022.07      迄今    清华大学建设管理系                          副教授

2019.09-2022.06   香港城市大学建筑及土木工程系          副教授

2013.07-2019.08   香港城市大学建筑及土木工程系          助理教授

2012.10-2013.06   美国内布拉斯加大学(林肯分校)       博士后


1. 科技论文写作(研究生)

2. 工程项目管理(计划)


2019年   CRIOCM会议最佳论文奖

2016年   深圳市科技项目奖

2016年   最佳硕士论文指导奖,ASCE香港分会

2015年   最佳论文奖,ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering

2014年   优秀审稿人,ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering








International Journal of Construction Management,编委成员

Frontier in Built Environment, Applied Science, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Neuroscience ,特刊编委


1.香港优配研究金(GRF),Perceived Risks Extended Safety Program Development for Construction Projects through Quantitative Hybrid Kinematic-Electroencephalography Vigilance Recognition, 2021-2023,主持

2.香港优配研究金(GRF-ECS),Mitigating Human-related Hazards in Construction Projects: An Agile Framework for Jobsite Safety Assessment through Integrating Multiple Data Sources, 2017-2019,主持


4.深圳市基础研究项目,基于室内定位系统的建筑能耗主动控制理论、方法及应用的研究,2015-2017, 主持

5.深圳市基础研究项目,复杂社会网络下的智能反馈理论、方法及其在居民节能行为中的应用研究,2015-2017, 主持

6.香港环境及自然保育基金(ECF),Developing Effective Eco-feedback Platform to Benchmark Building Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emission and Promote Energy Saving Behavior and Awareness in Hong Kong , 2015-2017,主持

7.香港建造业议会 (CIC), Gyroscopic Stabilizers for Construction Cranes and Gondolas, 2014-2016, 主持


1.Rui Ma, Tao Wang, Yan Wang, Jiayu Chen*, “Tuning urban microclimate: A morpho-patch approach for multi-scale building group energy simulation”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022,76:103516

2.Bin Ren, Xurong Luo, Heng Li, Jiayu Chen*, and Yao Wang, “Gait trajectory-based interactive controller for lower limb exoskeletons for construction workers”, Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2021, 37(5): 558-572

3.Guangchong Chen , Jiayu Chen, Yuchun Tang , Yan Ning , and Qiming Li*, “Collaboration strategy selection in BIM-enabled construction projects: a perspective through typical collaboration profiles”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022, 29(7): 2689-2713

4.Jinjing Ke, Ming Zhang, Xiaowei, Luo*, and Jiayu Chen, “Monitoring distraction of construction workers caused by noise using a wearable Electroencephalography (EEG) device”, Automation in Construction, 2021, 125: 103598

5.Rui Ma, Xin Li, and Jiayu Chen*, “An elastic urban morpho-blocks (EUM) modeling method for urban building morphological analysis and feature clustering”, Building and Environment, 2021, 192: 107646

6.Yan Zhang, His-Hsien Wei, Dong Zhao, Yilong Han, and Jiayu Chen*, “Understanding innovation diffusion and adaption strategies in megaproject networks through a fuzzy system dynamic model”, Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2021, 8(1):32-47

7.Bin Ren, Yao Wang, and Jiayu Chen*, “Trajectory-tracking-based Adaptive Neural Network Sliding Mode Controller for Robot Manipulators”, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2020, 20(3): 031009

8.Bin Ren, Xurong Luo, Yao Wang, and Jiayu Chen*, “A Gait Trajectory Control Scheme through Successive Approximation based on RBF Neural Networks for the Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot”, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2020, 20(3): 031008

9.Rui Ma, Bin Ren, Dong Zhao, Jiayu Chen*, and Yujie Lu, “Modeling urban energydynamics under clustered urban heat island effect with local-weather extended distributed adjacency blocks”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 56:102099

10.Yongjun Sun, Rui Ma, Jiayu Chen*, and Tao Xu, “Heuristic Optimization for Gridinteractive Net-zero Energy Building Design through the Glowworm Swarm Algorithm”, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 208:109644

11.Zhuang Zheng, Jiayu Chen*, and Xiaowei Luo*, “Parallel computational building chain model for rapid urban-scale energy simulation”, Energy and Buildings, 2019, 201:37-52

12.Bin Ren, Yao Wang, and Jiayu Chen*, “A Novel Robust Finite-Time Trajectory Control With the High-Order Sliding Mode for Human–Robot Cooperation”, IEEE Access, 2019, 7:130874 – 130882

13.Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, Ning Xu, Xiaodong Xu*, Jiayu Chen*, and Xiaofang Shan, “Cross-source sensing data fusion for building occupancy prediction with adaptive lasso feature filtering”, Building and Environment, 2019, 162:106280

14.Heng Li, Di Wang, Jiayu Chen*, Xiaochun Luo, Jue Li, and Xuejiao Xing, “Preservice fatigue screening for construction workers through wearable EEG-based signal spectral analysis”, Automation in Construction, 2019, 106: 102851

15.Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, Xiaodong Xu, Jiayu Chen*, Ziang Liu, and Ning Xu, “Forecasting district-scale energy dynamics through integrating building network and Long short-term memory learning algorithm”, Applied Energy, 2019, 245:217-230

16.Jiayu Chen, Hainan Chen, and Xiaowei Luo*, “Collecting building occupancy data of high resolution based on WiFi and BLE network”, Automation in Construction, 2019, 102:183-194

17.Di Wang, Heng Li, and Jiayu Chen*, “Detecting and measuring construction workers’ vigilance through hybrid kinematic-EEG signals”, Automation in Construction, 2019, 100:11-23

18.Wei Wang, Tianzhen Hong, Nan Li, Ryan Qi Wang, and Jiayu Chen*, “Linking energy-cyber-physical systems with occupancy prediction and interpretation through WiFi probe-based ensemble classification”, Applied Energy, 2019, 236:55-69

19.Jiayu Chen, Qiwen Qiu, Yilong Han, and Denvid Lau*, “Piezoelectric materials for sustainable building structures: fundamentals and applications”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019, 101:14-25

20.Wei Wang, Jiayu Chen*, and Tianzhen Hong*, “Occupancy prediction through machine learning and data fusion of environmental sensing and Wi-Fi sensing in buildings”, Automation in Construction, 2018, 94:233-243

Ardalan Khosrowpour, Rishee K. Jain, John E. Taylor, Gabriel Peschiera, Jiayu Chen, and Rimas Gulbinas, “A Review of Occupant Energy Feedback Research: Opportunities for Methodological Fusion at the Intersection of Experimentation, Analytics, Surveys and Simulation”, Applied Energy, 2018, 218:304-316