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2004.9~2009.7  清华大学       房地产研究所 2009年7月获工学博士学位

2000.9~2004.7  清华大学       建设管理系 2004年7月获工学学士学位


2023.7~今          清华大学建设管理系                 长聘教授、博士生导师

2021.7~今          成人自拍视频-成人国产自拍               副院长

2017.1~今          清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心     主任

2020.7~2023.6   清华大学建设管理系                 长聘副教授、博士生导师

2017.1~2020.7   清华大学建设管理系                 系主任

2014.6~2020.7   清华大学建设管理系                 副教授、博士生导师

2012.6~2014.6   清华大学建设管理系                 副教授

2011.3~2012.6   新加坡国立大学房地产研究院   高级研究员

2010.3~2011.3   新加坡国立大学房地产研究院   研究员

2009.7~2010.3   清华大学土木工程系                助理研究员


《工程经济学》 清华大学校级标杆课程

《房地产价格理论与估价方法》 清华大学校级本科生精品课

《房地产投资》 清华大学校级研究生精品课


2022年             清华大学年度教学优秀奖

2021年             清华大学年度教学优秀奖

2021年             清华大学优秀班主任                   一等奖

2020年             北京市高校青年教学名师奖

2020年             清华大学年度教学优秀奖

2019年             宝钢优秀教师奖

2019年             中国房地产业协会优秀青年教师奖

2019年             清华大学年度教学优秀奖

2018年             清华大学年度教学优秀奖

2017年             教育部长江学者奖励计划青年学者

2017年             北京市优秀教师

2016年             清华大学先进工作者

2015年             北京市青年教师基本功比赛          一等奖

2015年             清华大学青年教师优秀教学奖

2014年             清华大学青年教师教学比赛          一等奖

2009年             清华大学优秀博士论文                一等奖

2007年             清华大学优秀研究生

2004年             清华大学优秀毕业生

2003年             清华大学特等奖学金


城市和房地产经济学; 房地产金融与投资; 地方政府行为












China Economic Review 副主编(2018年至今)

Real Estate Economics 编委(2020年至今)

Journal of Housing Economics 编委(2022年至今)

Journal of Housing Economics、Small Business Economics、Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 客座主编



2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,“土地财政对城市经济增长的影响研究”, 2019~2022,项目负责人。

3.国家自然科学基金“大数据驱动的管理与决策研究”重大研究计划培育项目,“基于多维度大数据的住房抵押贷款风险管理决策支持研究”, 2016~2018,项目负责人。

4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,“居住用地价格波动的轨迹度量、规律研究和影响分析”, 2014~2017,项目负责人。

5.国家自然科学基金青年项目,“城市政府住房市场调控行为的特征测量与规律研究”, 2011~2013,项目负责人。

6.国家社会科学基金重大项目,“加快保障性安居工程建设研究”, 2010~2015,子课题负责人。




1.An, Lei, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, Wei You.  "The Local Labor Market Effect of Relaxing Internal-Migration Restrictions: Evidence from China," Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming. (SSCI)

2.Gu, Yizhen, Naijia Guo, Jing Wu, Ben Zou.  "Home Location Choices and the Gender Commute Gap," Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. (SSCI)

3.Xu, Mandi, Hefan Zheng, Jing Wu.  "Are Online-Only Real Estate Marketplaces Viable? Evidence from China," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, forthcoming. (SSCI)

4.Li, Keyang, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, Jubo Yan.  "Perceived Economic Prospects During the Early Stage of COVID-19 Breakout," Contemporary Economic Policy, forthcoming. (SSCI).

5.Qian, Haifeng, Jing Wu, Siqi Zheng.  “Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, and Urban Development,” Small Business Economics, forthcoming. (SSCI).

6.Li, Keyang, Yu Qin, Guoxu Wei, Jing Wu.  "What Drives Health-Care Spending in China? A Nationwide Decomposition Analysis," Applied Economics, 2023, 55(9): 1028-1043. (SSCI)

7.Zheng, Hefan, Rongjie Zhang, Jing Wu.  "Value of Qualification to Buy a House: Evidence from the Housing Purchase Restriction Policy in China," Cities, 2023, 135: 104197. (SSCI)

8.Zhu, Enwei, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu, Keyang Li.  "A Sentiment Index of the Housing Market in China: Text Mining of Narratives on Social Media," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2023, 66: 77–118. (SSCI)

9.Shen, Yang, Shuping Wu, Jing Wu.  "City-chief Turnover and Place-based Policy Change: Evidence from China," Journal of Regional Science, 2022, 62(5): 1296-1328. (SSCI)

10.Gyourko, Joseph, Yang Shen, Jing Wu, Rongjie Zhang.  "A Comprehensive Review of Land Finance in China," China Economic Review, 2022, 76: 101868. (SSCI).

11.Li, Hao, Jing Wu*, Mandi Xu.  "Estimating the Leverage Condition of China’s Urban Households: Evidence from the Housing Sector," Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2022, 37: 1579–1606. (SSCI)

12.Qin, Yu, Jing Wu, Rongjie Zhang.  "Can Professional Football Players Adapt to Air Pollution? Evidence From China," Journal of Sports Economics, 2022, 23(3): 277-300. (SSCI)

13.Zhu, Enwei, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu, Xindian Li.  "Within-City Spatial Distribution, Heterogeneity and Diffusion of House Price: Evidence from a Spatiotemporal Index for Beijing," Real Estate Economics, 2022, 50(3): 621-655. (SSCI)

14.Lin, Yatang, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, Mandi Xu.  "Impact of high-speed rail on road traffic and greenhouse gas emissions," Nature Climate Change, 2021, 11: 952–957. (SCI)

15.Bao, Helen X. H., Charlotte Chunming Meng, Jing Wu.  "Reference Dependence, Loss Aversion and Residential Property Development Decisions," Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2021, 36: 1535–1562. (SSCI)

16.Wang, Xiaodan, Keyang Li, Jing Wu*.  "House Price Index Based on Online Listing Information: The Case of China," Journal of Housing Economics, 2020, 50: 101715. (SSCI)

17.Agarwal, Sumit, Keyang Li, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, Jubo Yan.  "Tax Evasion, Capital Gains Taxes, and the Housing Market," Journal of Public Economics, 2020, 188: 104222. (SSCI)

18.Wu, Jing*, Hao Li, Keyang Li.  "Political Chief Turnover and Economic Growth: Evidence from China," Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 2020, 28(3): 441-466. (SSCI)

19.Li, Keyang, Yu Qin, Jing Wu*.  "Recent Housing Affordability in Urban China: A Comprehensive Overview," China Economic Review, 2020, 59: 101362. (SSCI)

20.Zhang, Li, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu, Xiaoling Zhang.  “The value of going green in the hotel industry: Evidence from Beijing”, Real Estate Economics, 2020, 48: 174-199. (SSCI)

21.Deng, Yongheng, Yu Qin, Jing Wu.  "Superstar Cities and the Globalization Pressures on Affordability," Journal of Housing Economics, 2019, 45: 1-2. (SSCI)

22.Zhang, Bo, Li Zhang, Shouqing Wang and Jing Wu*.  "Determinants of PPP development in China from the government perspective," Sustainability, 2019, 11(23): 1-14. (SCI)

23.Qin, Yu, Jing Wu*, Yubo Yan.  "Negotiating Housing Deal on a Polluted Day: Consequences and Possible Explanations," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 94: 161-187. (SSCI)

24.Zhang, Li, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu.  "Policies to Enhance the Drivers of Green Housing Development in China," Energy Policy, 2018, 121: 225-235. (SSCI)

25.Zhang, Li, Jing Wu*, Hongyu Liu.  "Turning Green into Gold: A Review on the Economics of Green Buildings," Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 172: 2234-2245. (SSCI)

26.Zhang, Li, Hongyu Liu, Jing Wu*.  “The Price Premium for Green-Labelled Housing: Evidence from China,” Urban Studies, 2017, 54: 3524-3541. (SSCI)

27.Wu, Jing, Joseph Gyourko, Yongheng Deng*.  “Evaluating the Risk of Chinese Housing Markets: What We Know and What We Need to Know,” China Economic Review, 2016, 39: 91-114. (SSCI; NBER Working Paper #21346)

28.Wu, Jing, Joseph Gyourko, Yongheng Deng*.  "Real Estate Collateral Value and Investment: The Case of China," Journal of Urban Economics, 2015, 86: 43-53. (SSCI; NBER Working Paper #18762).

29.Deng, Yongheng, Randall Morck, Jing Wu, Bernard Yeung.  "China’s Pseudo-monetary Policy," Review of Finance, 2015, 19: 55-93. (SSCI; NBER Working Paper #16871)

30.Wu, Jing, Yongheng Deng.  "Intercity Information Diffusion and Price Discovery in Housing Markets: Evidence from Google Searches," Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance, 2015, 50: 289-306. (SSCI; Leading article)

31.Wu, Jing, Yongheng Deng, Hongyu Liu.  "House Price Index Construction in the Nascent Housing Market: The Case of China,” Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance, 2014, 48(3): 522-545. (SSCI)

32.Deng, Yongheng, Jing Wu*.  "Economic Returns to Residential Green Building Investment: The Developer’s Perspective," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014, 47(1): 35-44. (SSCI)

33.Wu, Jing, Yongheng Deng, Jun Huang, Randall Morck, Bernard Yeung.  "Incentives and Outcomes: China’s Environmental Policy," Capitalism and Society, 2014, 9(1): 1-41.  (NBER Working Paper #18754; Economist, The Telegraph等报道)

34.Wu, Jing, Joseph Gyourko, Yongheng Deng.  "Evaluating Conditions in Major Chinese Housing Markets," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2012, 42 (3): 531-543. (SSCI; NBER Working Paper #16189; New York Times (《参考消息》转载), Financial Times等报道)

35.Zheng, Siqi, Jing Wu, Matthew Kahn, Yongheng Deng.  "The Nascent Market for Green Real Estate in Beijing," European Economic Review, 2012, 56 (5): 974-984. (SSCI)

36.Deng, Yongheng, Joseph Gyourko, Jing Wu.  "Land and House Price Measurement in China," Property Markets and Financial Stability, Heath A., Packer F. and Windsor C. eds., Bank of International Settlement and Reserve Bank of Australia, 2012. (NBER Working Paper #18403; Wall Street Journal (《参考消息》转载), NBER Digest等报道)


37.李科杨, 吴璟, 毛捷. 不能征还是不愿征?以二手房交易税收征管为例, 经济学季刊, 已接收.

38.张戎捷, 孙伟增, 李昊, 吴璟*. 土地财政、企业税收补贴与招商引资, 经济学报, 2021, 8(4). (CSSCI;通讯作者)

39.吴璟, 徐曼迪. 中国城镇新增住房需求规模的测算与分析, 统计研究, 2021, 9. (CSSCI)

40.王秋懿, 吴璟*, 潘鹏. 居民家庭对住宅建筑抗震韧性的支付意愿研究, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(6). (EI;通讯作者)

41.吴璟, 张戎捷. 中国居住用地市场的买方集中度分析: 基于大数据的研究, 江西财经大学学报, 2020, 1. (CSSCI)

42.朱恩伟, 吴璟*, 刘洪玉. 基于新闻文本共线性的银企关系分析:以房地产上市公司为例, 金融研究, 2019, 2. (CSSCI;通讯作者)

43.郑思齐,孙伟增, 吴璟*, 武赟. “以地生财,以财养地”——中国特色的城市建设投融资模式研究. 经济研究, 2014, 8. (CSSCI;通讯作者)


