美国注册绿色建造师(LEED AP)
Advanced Engineering Informatics副主编
Journal of Management in Engineering副主编
Automation in Construction编委
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction编委
2022-23 爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”
2023年 公共安全学会青年科技奖
2022年 清华大学学术新人奖
2021年 北京市科技进步一等奖
2020年 广东省科技进步一等奖
2018年 麻省理工科技评论中国区“35岁以下科技创新35人”
2017年 北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖
2017年 福布斯中国“30位30岁以下精英”
1.Xia, X., Chen, J., Zhang, J., Li, N.* (2024). "How the Strength of Social Relationship Affects Pedestrian Evacuation Behavior: A Multi-participant Fire Evacuation Experiment in a Virtual Metro Station." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 167, 104805.
2.Wang, R., Wang, Y., Li, N. * (2024). "Revealing Disaster Dynamics and Disparities in Urban Facility Accessibility using an Improved Utilization-based Metric." Cities, 144, 104636.
3.Zhang, X., Li, N.* (2024). "An Activity Space-based Gravity Model for Intracity Human Mobility Flows." Sustainable Cities and Society, 101, 105073.
4.Chen, J., Shi, Y., Li, N.* (2023). "The Role of Selective Attention in Emergency Wayfinding: An Eye Tracking-integrated Virtual Reality Experiment." Safety Science, 168, 106320.
5.Wang, R., Wang, Q., Li, N.* (2023). "Percolation Transitions in Urban Mobility Networks in America's 50 Largest Cities." Sustainable Cities and Society, 91, 104435.
6.Magoua, J.J., Li, N.* (2023). "The Human Factor in the Disaster Resilience Modeling of Critical Infrastructure Systems." Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 232, 109073.
7.Yang, Y., Ng, S.T., Li, N.*, Xu, X., Xu, P., Xu, F.J. (2023). "Adapting HLA-based Co-simulation for Interdependent Infrastructure Resilience Management." Automation in Construction, 150, 104860.
8.Magoua, J.J., Wang, F., Li, N.* (2023). "Incorporating the Human Factor in Modeling the Operational Resilience of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems." Automation in Construction, 149, 104789.
9.Lin, J., Li, N.*, Rao, L.L.*, Lovreglio, R. (2023). "Individual Wayfinding Decisions under Stress in Indoor Emergency Situations: A Theoretical Framework and Meta-Analysis." Safety Science, 160, 106063.
10.Chen, J., Li, N.*, Shi, Y., Du, J. (2023). "Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Effect of Spatial Information on Firefighters’ Wayfinding Performance: A Virtual Reality-based Study." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103486.