
Professor Joseph Gyourko was Awarded as Tsinghua Distinguished Visiting Professor

On October 16, 2018, the appointment ceremony of Tsinghua Distinguished Visiting Professor Joseph Gyourko was held in Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University. The ceremony starts with the welcome speech given by Jing WU, Head of Department of Construction Management. He briefly introduced Professor Joseph Gyourko and his extraordinary achievements. Then, on behalf of the School, Professor Hongyu LIU, Director of Institute of Real Estate Studies, awarded Joseph Gyourko the certificate of Distinguished Visiting Professor. Over 20 university staff and students witnessed the ceremony.

In his speech, Professor Gyourko expressed his gratitude for the recognition of the University and the School, said he will “have more reasons to come to Tsinghua”, and will further strengthen the existing collaborative relationship.

Following the ceremony, Professor Joseph Gyourko addressed a talk of “The Economic Implications of Housing Supply”. He discuss two main effects of developments in housing prices: on patterns of household wealth and on the incentives for relocation to high-wage, high-productivity areas

Tsinghua Distinguished Visiting Professorship is an academic honorary title, which is awarded to top professors and scholars worldwide who have a high international reputation and can play an important role in talent training, scientific and academic research for Tsinghua.

About Joseph Gyourko

Joseph Gyourko is a Martin Bucksbaum Professor of Real Estate, Finance and Business Economics & Public Policy, and Nancy A. Nasher and David Haemisegger Director of the Zell/LurieReal Estate Center at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include real estate finance, local public finance, and urban economics. Formerly co-editor of Journal of Urban Economics and Real Estate Economics, Professor Gyourko also serves on the editorial boards of various real estate economics and finance journals. His work is published in journals such as Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Journal of Urban Economics.

Professor Gyourko is Nonresident Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and a trustee of the Urban Land Institute. In addition, he serves as an ex officio member of the Real Estate Round table’s Research Committee. Professor Gyourko received his BA from Duke University and a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago.