
IPMA honors Prof. Wang Shouqing with the Research Achievement Award 2021

IPMA Research Awards judges selected the IPMA Global Research Achievement Awards Winner 2021. This prestigious award was presented to Professor Wang Shouqing. The Award Judges decided to reward his more than 30 years of research achievement on project management, especially on Public-Private-Partnership programs, and for his outstanding contributions in academic research, public service, education, and training in the global project management world.


Prof. Wang Shouqing, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University; Chief Specialist, Center for PPP at Tsinghua University; Director, PPP Lab of Hang Lung Center for Real Estate; Tsinghua University.

His research and teaching interest have been solely on PPP and PM since 1984. He has produced 400+ publications, being one of the top contributors of international journal papers on PPP in the last two decades and Elseviers Chinese Most Cited Researchers in six successive years (2014-2019).

He has offered thousands of lectures on PPP and PM to relevant professionals and officers in China. He is also Chairman of Academic Committee of the Chinese Universities PPP Forum (70+ universities), Chairman (2004-2018) of China National Collaboration Network for MPM Education (161 universities), one of the two leading experts for legislation of the China Concession Law for Infrastructures (draft edition).

He is one of the Editorial/Advisory Board Members of the International Journal of Project Management, Project Management Journal, Journal of Financial Management of Property & Construction, etc.

IPMA is one of the world's two top project management associations, with a total of more than 70 national members. China is represented by the China (French and Chinese) Project Management Research Committee (PMRC). This year marks the ninth year of the Research Lifetime Achievement Award, which has not been awarded for the past two years. The award is given to senior and top international experts. The award is not applied for but is nominated and approved by the IPMA Research Awards Selection Committee. Previous winners of the award include Professor Rodney Turner from the UK, Professor Jeffrey Pinto from the US, and Professor Lynn Crawford from Australia. Professor Wang Shouqing is the first Chinese scholar to win the award.