2022 Elsevier "China Highly Cited Scholar"
2021 Third Class Prize of the Science and Technology Award, China State Construction Engineering Corporation(CSCEC)
2020 First Class Prize of the Science and Technology Award, China Occupational Safety and Health Association
2020 Award of Outstanding Employee, Tsinghua University
2023 Excellent Doctoral Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2022 Excellent Doctoral Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2018 Excellent Doctoral Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2023 Excellent Master Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2021 Excellent Master Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2020 Excellent Master Degree Dissertation Supervisor, Tsinghua University
2019 First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University
2017 First Prize of Education & Teaching Achievement Award, Beijing
2016 Second Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
2014 First Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
2012 Second Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
2010 Second Prize, Teaching Achievement Award, Tsinghua University
Best Paper, 2022 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Nanchang, China, Dec.18-19, 2022
Best Paper, 2019 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Alberta, Canada, May 23-25, 2019
Best Paper, 2018 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, South Carolina, US, Aug. 8-10, 2018
Vice President, Beijing Engineering Management Science Institute, 2023- Present
Vice Chair, Engineering Management Committee, China Society of Management Science and Engineering, 2023- Present
Vice Chair, Infrastructure Operation & Maintenance Management Committee,China Society of Urban Economics, 2022- Present
Vice Chair, Engineering Management Committee, China Society of Management Modernization, 2022- Present
Member of Engineering Management Professional Education Evaluation Committee, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China, 2021- Present
Member of Research Task Group, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China, 2020-Present
Editorial board member, Journal of Systems Management, 2022-Present (In Chinese)
Editorial board member, Buildings, 2022-Present
Associate Editor, Project Management Technology, 2022- Present(In Chinese)
Editorial board member, Journal of Engineering Management, 2021-Present (In Chinese)
Member of Youth Editorial Board, Journal of Safety and Environment, 2021- Present
Deputy Chief Member of Youth Editorial Board, China Safety Science, 2020-Present
Special Corresponding Expert, Frontiers of Engineering Management (FEM), 2020- Present
Guest Editor, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2019- 2020
Guest Editor, Energy and Buildings (ENB), 2016- 2017
1.Research on carbon emission accounting and emission reduction strategies of key innovative technologies in urban underground roads construction, Beijing Capital Highway Construction Management Inc, 2023-2025, PI
2.Research on carbon emission accounting, emission reduction target and strategy of transportation infrastructure construction enterprises, China Railway 14th Bureau Group Corporation Limited, 2022-2024, PI
3.Accounting model on total building carbon and its control objectives in china, National Key Research and Development Plan, 2018-2021, PI
4.Research of intelligent decision-making support model and methods for energy-efficient design of public building envelope, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2021-2024, PI
5.Dual-process mechanism research on job burnout and work engagement of contractors’ construction project management professionals, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2018-2021, PI
6.Study of assessment method of construction occupational health related to environmental emissions and its application, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2014-2017, PI
7.Quantitative assessment framework and model of human health damage in construction, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2011-2013, PI
8.Green construction assessment modeling and its application, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2008-2010, PI
9.EIA modeling for earthwork construction based on LCA, Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China, 2008-2010, PI
10.Research on evaluation system of construction industry development, The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHUD), 2019, PI
11.Research on construction project quality and safety supervision Mode and system, MOHUD, 2019, Co-PI
12.Research of stakeholders’ quality responsibility through building life time, MOHUD, 2009-2011, Co-PI
13.Comparative study of the construction standards for government investment projects: China, USA and Canada, MOHUD, 2006-2007, PI
14.The 14th five years plan for Beijing construction industry for Civil Engineering Society of China (CESC), 2021, PI
15.The 14th five years plan for Beijing construction industry, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee of Beijing (COHUD-Beijing), 2020-2021, PI
16.The 13rd five years plan for Beijing construction industry, COHUD-Beijing, 2015-2016, PI
17.The 12nd five years plan for Beijing construction industry, COHUD-Beijing, 2010-2011, PI
18.Regional comparison of construction industry development: Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, COHUD-Beijing, 2011-2012, PI
19.Investigation of Beijing public industrialized housing, Beijing Public Housing Center, 2016, PI
20.Research on intelligent reasoning optimization of concrete precast member node design Scheme, Institute for Guo Qiang. 2022-2024. PI
21.Research of occupational health risk assessment method and management standard for construction, Institute for Guo Qiang. 2019-2021. PI
22.Comparative study of the SSGF construction with traditional and prefabricated construction, Country Garden, 2018-2019, PI
23.Environment-health Impacts analysis and assessment for new diatoms-based materials and conventional interior decoration material, Dongtai Fubo Inc., 2016-2017, PI
24.Comparative study of environmental performance between industrialized housing and traditional housing at construction stage, Vanke Inc., 2010-2011, PI
25.Risk decision support system research of Overseas EPC projects. China State Construction Engineering (CSCEC), 2011-2013, PI
1.Ruichang Mao, Yankun Wu, Jian Chen, Peng Chen, Xiaodong Li*. Development patterns, material metabolism, and greenhouse gas emissions of high-speed railway in China. Communications Earth & Environment (Nature Portfolio). 2023, 4:312
2.Chen Zhu, Guisong Guo, Shu Su, Jingke Hong, Xiaodong Li*. Multiple accounting of carbon emission responsibility in the construction sector under different principles: A study from China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2023, 186:113651
3.Alaeldin Abdalla, Xiaodong Li, Fan Yang*. Stressors and job burnout of Chinese expatriate construction professionals. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2023, Online, //doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-03-2023-0237
4.Fan Yang, Yifan Fei, Lin Guo, Xiuxiu Bai, Xiaodong Li*. Job crafting intervention for job burnout and work engagement among young construction project management practitioners in China. 2023, Online, //doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-10-2022-0935
5.Laila Essaghouri, Ruichang Mao, Xiaodong Li*. Environmental benefits of using Hempcrete walls in residential construction: An LCA based comparative case study in Morocco Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2023, 100:107085
6.Kaicheng Shen, Yimin Zhu, Jianchao Pan, Xiaodong Li*.An intelligent decision-making model for the design of precast slab joints based on case-based reasoning. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2023, 149(5): 04023025
7.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu. An intelligent retrofit decision-making model for building program planning considering tacit knowledge and multiple objectives. Energy, 2023, 263: 125704
8.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu, Siyu Yue. A dynamic intelligent building retrofit decision-making model in response to climate change. Energy and Buildings. 2023, 284(4):112832
9.Chen Zhu, Zhihan Yang, Boyu Huang, Xiaodong Li*. Embodied carbon emissions in china’s building sector: historical track from 2005 to 2020. Buildings. 2023,13:211
10.Chen Zhu, Xiaodong Li*, Weina Zhu, Gong Wei. Embodied carbon emissions and mitigation potential in China's building sector: An outlook to 2060. Energy Policy, 2022, 170:113222
11.Xiaodong Li, Runshuang Wang, Yizhu Zhao, Yang Fan*, Wang Xinyi. An interwoven psychological syndrome of job burnout and work engagement in construction project management professionals due to work-family imbalance. International Journal Research and Public Health, 2022, 19:14111
12.Chen Zhu, Yuan Chang, Xiaodong Li*, Mingyang Shan. Factors influencing embodied carbon emissions of China’s building sector: An analysis based on extended STIRPAT modeling. Energy and Buildings. 2022, 255:111607
13.Fan Yang, Jian Yu, Xiaodong Li*, Weilun Qiu. An SLCA method based framework of large-scale transportation infrastructure in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2022, 93:106716
14.Kaicheng Shen, Xiaodong Li, Xinying Cao*, Zhihui Zhang. Prefabricated Construction Process Optimization Based on Rework Risk. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2022, 148(6): 04022031
15.Huajian Gao, Xiaodong Li*, Xiaojiang Gao. Study on the index system for evaluating the high-quality development of the construction industry, Journal of Engineering Management (in Chinese), 2021,35(01):1-6
16.Bingqing Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Borong Lin, Yimin Zhu. A CBR-based decision-making model for supporting the intelligent energy-efficient design of the exterior envelope of public and commercial buildings. Energy and Buildings.2021, 231:110625
17.Xiaodong Li, Yi Fan, Tracey E.Rizzuto, Fan Yang*.What are the occupational hazards of construction project managers: a data mining analysis in China. Safety Science.2021,134:105088
18.Kaicheng Shen, Xiaodong Li, Xining Cao*, Zhihui Zhang. Research on the rework risk core tasks in prefabricated construction in China. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2021, 28(10):3299-3321
19.Dingyuan Ma, Xiaodong Li*, Chen Cheng. The impact of the international construction standard application capability on contractors’ competitiveness: Chinese contractors’ experience, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2020, 26:13749
20.Ziyang Song,Fan Yang, Edwin J. Boezeman, Xiaodong Li*. Do new-generation construction professionals be provided what they desire at work? A study on work values and supplies–values fit. Engineering Construction & Architectural Management. 2020,27:2835-2858
21.Weina Zhu,Wei Feng*, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. Analysis of the embodied carbon dioxide in the building sector: A case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 269:122438
22.Bingqing Zhang, Shu Su, Yimin Zhu, Xiaodong Li*. An LCA-based environmental impact assessment model for regulatory planning. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2020,83(7): 106406
23.Xiaodong Li, Yifan Fei, Fan Yang*. Literature review on occupational health psychology of construction practitioners, China Safety Science Journal (in Chinese). 2020, 30(09):202-210
24.Xiaodong Li*, Chen Zhu. Summary of research on account of carbon emission in building industry and analysis of its influential factors. Journal of Safety and Environment (in Chinese). 2020, 20(01):317-327
25.Weina Zhu, Zhihui Zhang, Xiaodong Li*, Wei Feng, Jifeng Li. Assessing the effects of technological progress on energy efficiency in the construction industry: A case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019,238(20):117908
26.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu. Dynamic assessment elements and their prospective solutions in dynamic life cycle assessment of buildings. Building and Environment, 2019,15(87):248-259
27.Chen Zhu, Yuan Chang, Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. Development of q-L-EIV interactive curves for comparison of the environmental performance of composite slabs and RC slabs from the perspective of mechanical features. Science of The Total Environment. 2019,68:508-523
28.Xiaojiang Gao-Zeller, Xiaodong Li, Fan Yang*, Weina Zhu. Driving mechanism of CSR strategy in chinese construction companies based on neo-institutional theory. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.2019, 2019,23(5):1939-1951
29.Xiaodong Li, Xiaojiang Gao-Zeller, Tracey E. Rizzuto, Fan Yang*. Institutional pressures on corporate social responsibility strategy in construction corporations: The role of internal motivations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2019,26(4):721-740
30.Shu Su, Chen Zhu, Xiaodong Li*. A dynamic weighting system considering temporal variations using the DTT approach in LCA of buildings. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 220:398-407
31.Tao Wang, Shande Gao, Xiaodong Li*, Xin Ning. Meta-network-based risk evaluation and control method for industrialized building construction Projects. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 205: 552-564
32.Yuan Chang*, Xiaodong Li, Eric Masanet, Lixiao Zhang, Zhiye Huang, Robert Ries. Unlocking the green opportunity for prefabricated building and construction in China. Resource, Conservation& Recycling. 2018, 139: 259-261
33.Fan Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Ziyang Song, Yulong Li, Yimin Zhu. Job burnout of construction project managers: considering the role of organizational Justice. ASCE's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2018, 144(11): 04018103
34.Ruipeng Tong, Mengzhao Cheng, Lei Zhang, Xiaoyi Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Wentao Yin. The construction dust-induced occupational health risk using Monte-Carlo simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 184: 598-608
35.Jun Xiao, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang, Jianhan Zhang. Ontology-based knowledge model to support construction noise control in China. ASCE's Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.2018, 144(2): 04017103
36.Weina Zhu, Ruochen Zeng, Xiaodong Li*, Yi Zhu and Zhihui Zhang. Managerial drivers of Chinese labor loyalty in international construction projects. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2017, 23(8): 1109-1122
37.Fan Yang, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Yulong Li, Chunlin Wu. Job burnout of construction project managers in China: a cross-sectional analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 2017, 35(7): 1272-1287
38.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Borong Lin. Dynamic LCA framework for environmental impact assessment of buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 149(8): 310-320
39.Xiaodong Li*, Shu Su, Zhihui Zhang, Xiangqin Kong. An integrated environmental and health performance quantification model for pre-occupancy phase of buildings in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2017, 63(3): 1-11
40.Fan Yang, Xiaodong Li, Ziyang Song. Review on job burnout of construction professionals, Journal of Engineering Management (in Chinese), 2017, 31(2):1-6
41.Jun Xiao, Xiaodong Li*, Zhihui Zhang. DALY-based health risk assessment of construction noise in Beijing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016, 13(11): 8:1-18
42.Shu Su, Xiaodong Li*, Tao Wang, Yimin Zhu. A comparative study of environmental performance between CFST and RC columns under combinations of compression and bending. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 137:10-20
43.Tao Wang, Xiaodong Li, Pin-Chao Liao*, Dongping Fang. Building Energy-Efficiency for public hospitals and healthcare facilities in China: Barriers and Drivers. Energy. 2016, 103(5):588-597
44.Xiaodong Li, Ziyang Song, Tao Wang*, Yu Zheng, Xin Ning. Health impacts of construction noise on workers: A quantitative assessment model based on exposure measurement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 135: 721-731
45.Xiaodong Li*, Kwan Hang Chow, Yimin Zhu, Ying Lin. Evaluating the impacts of high-temperature outdoor working environments on construction labor productivity in China: A case study of rebar workers. Building and Environment. 2016, 95(1): 42-52
46.Xinying Cao, Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu and Zhihui Zhang. A comparative study of environmental performance between prefabricated and traditional residential buildings in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015, 109: 131-143
47.Xiaodong Li*, Shu Su, Jonathan Shi, Zhihui Zhang. An environmental impact assessment framework and index system for the pre-use phase of buildings based on the distance-to-target approach. Building and Environment, 2015, 85(2): 173-181
48.Xiaodong Li*, Fan Yang, Yimin Zhu, Yuanxue Gao. An assessment framework for analyzing the embodied carbon impacts of residential buildings in China. Energy and Buildings. 2014, 85(12): 400-409
49.Xiaodong Li, Shuai Wang, Xiangqin Kong, Zhuihui Zhang. Life Cycle Assessment of environmental impacts of ready-mixed concrete, China Civil Engineering Journal (in Chinese), 2011, 44(1): 132-138
50.Xiaodong Li*, Yimin Zhu, Zhihui Zhang. An LCA-based environmental impact assessment model for construction processes. Building and Environment. 2010, 45(3):766-775
51.Xiaodong Li, Yulong Li, Xinying Cao, et al. Introduction to Construction Management (Textbook, in Chinese), listed in 13th Five-Year National Key Publication Planning Programme, Machinery Industry Press, Beijing, China. April, 2021 (in Chinese)
52.Xiaodong Li, Jun Guan, Dongping Fang, Jianjun Liu, Ziyang Song et al., Standard for Occupational Health Management in Construction Projects(T/CECS 1163-2022)[S], China Engineering Construction Standardization Association (in Chinese)
53.Jun Guan, Xiaodong Li, Haishan Guo, Dakuo Feng, Zongjun Zhang et al., Standard for Green Construction Data Collection of Prefabricated Building (ZJKX-GYH001-2020)[S], Association for Science and Technology, CSCEC (in Chinese)
54.Zhihui Zhang, Fadian Yu, Xiaodong Li, Houzhong Xiao et al., Standard for building life cycle sustainability impact assessment(JGJ/T222-2011) [S], MOHUD (in Chinese)