Deng Xiaomei
Position:Associate Professor
Address:Dept. Civil Engineering|| Tsinghua University|| Beijing|| 100084 PR
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
BA: Aug.1986 – Jul.1991 , Architecture, Tsinghua University
PhD: Aug.1996 – Dec.2000, Management Science and Engineering, Tongji University (Successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study )
Work Experience
Jul, 2014- : Director, Re-surety Bond Research Center, Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen
Jan, 2012- : Founder & the Director, Surety Bond and Construction Market Governance Research Center, Tsinghua University
Nov, 2006- : Associate Professor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Deputy-director, Research Institute of Engineering Management, Department of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2004- Oct, 2006: Assistant Professor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University
2004- Oct, 2006: Deputy-director, Research Institute of Engineering Management, Department of Construction Management, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University
2001 – May, 2004: Post-doc, Anti-Corruption Research Center, School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University
Jan – Aug, 1996: Architect, Manager, Chengdu Huanghe Decoration Company, Inc.
1995: Architect, President Assistant, Shanghai Runwu Real Estate, Inc.
1994: Architect, Huaxin International Urban Development, Inc.
1991-1993: Architect, No.11 Design & Research Institute of MOE.
Teaching Courses
For Undergraduates
1. Construction Project Management I(32)
2. Construction Project Management II(32)
3. Construction Market Transaction & Regulation (16)
4. Comprehensive Construction Management Project Practices (14/32)
5. Briefings in Architecture (16)
6. Frontiers of Civil Engineering & Construction Management(2/32)
For Graduates
1. Surety Bonds for Construction (16)
2. Professionalism, Leadership & Anti-Corruption(32 for ICPM, in English)
3. Project Delivery (2/32 for ICPM, in English)
4. Academic Norms and the Ethics of Civil Engineering(A)(2/16)
5. Frontier Lecture of the Academy (2/16)
6. Project Procurement Management(32,for M.O.E)
7. Construction Management (48,for M.O.E)
8. Urban Planning (8/32, in English, Jointly offered by the Hong Kong University, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, & Tongji University)
Training Courses
1. Project Management
2. Project Management for Public Works
3. Construction Market Regulation Reform
4. Surety Bonding System
5. Anti-corruption in Construction Area
6. World Bank financed Project Procurement Management
Research Interests
1. Public policy on construction industry: Surety bond; Construction market governance; Administration & Management for Public Work; anti-corruption; Construction market regulation reform ; The building quality security system
2. Project management: Coordination of design and construction; Procurement; Construction project planning; Project life cycle management;
3. Architectural design, planning and sustainable development: Planning and sustainable development of nature reserve areas; Green building and housing industrialization system
Research Projects
As the Principal Investigator
1. 2016-2017 Research on the Strategies for Establishing a Construction Market Integrity Island in Hengqin FTA of Zhuhai City, assigned by the Anti-Corruption Office of Hengqin FTA
2. 2015-2016 Preliminary Planning for a Smart Construction Support & Supervision Platform of Construction Quality & Safety in Shenzhen City, assigned by the Housing & Urban-rural Development Bureau of Shenzhen City
3. 2015-2016 Regulation Innovation of Construction Quality & Safety Regulation via Administrative Contract, assigned by the Housing & Urban-rural Development Bureau of Shenzhen City
4. 2015-2017 The Legislative Research to draft a Local Code of Construction Market Regulations for Shenzhen, assigned by the Housing & Urban-rural Development Bureau of Shenzhen City (196,000 RMB)
5. 2015 Research on the revision of Construction Law oriented to better governing of the conduct of project owners, assigned by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Rural Development (MHURD) (70,000 RMB)
6. 2014-2018 NSFC Project No. 71473145: Research on governance innovation for the surety bonding market based on public private partnership, supported by National Science Foundation of China (630,000 RMB)
7. 2014 Research on the surety bonds credit system and information platform for Shenzhen City, assigned by the Construction Trading Center of Shenzhen City (140,000 RMB)
8. 2013-2014 Research on the methods of construction market regulation reform in China, assigned by MHURD (120,000 RMB)
9. 2013-2014 Research on the Surety Bonding Market Regulation for Shenzhen City, assigned by the Construction Trading Center of Shenzhen City (80,000 RMB)
10. 2013 The Integrity Management Assessment for the Government Investment Major Projects in Zhuhai City, assigned by Zhuhai City Commission for Discipline Inspection (300,000 RMB)
11. 2011-2013 NSFC Project No. 71073091: Research on a Rating System for the Capability in Project Integrity Management for a Project Performing Organization (290,000 RMB)
12. 2009-2010 Research on the Global Trends for the Development of a Barrier Free Environment, assigned by MHURD (300,000 RMB)
13. 2009-2010 Research on the Wetland Restoration and Economic and Social Development Plan for The Hengshui Lake,the Development and Reform Commission of Hengshui City (350,000 RMB)
14. 2008-2009 Research on the Design and Construction Coordination and Related Regulation Reform, assigned by MHURD (500,000 RMB)
15. 2007-2008 Strategic Planning for the Sustainable Development of Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, a sub-project of the 5th Technical Assistance Program to China supported by the World Bank (690,000 RMB)
16. 2003-2006 Sustainable Procurement Training Program in China, supported by the World Bank (21.65 US Dollar)
17. 2005 Research on the Mechanism of Science and Technology Innovation in the Reconnaissance and Design Industry in China, assigned by MHURD (50,000 RMB)
18. 2003-2005 NSFC Project No. 70203004: The Theoretical Foundations for the Development of the Surety Industry in China. (140,000 RMB)
19. 2003-2004 The Master Planning for the Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, assigned by the Administrative Office of the Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve (900,000 RMB)
20. 2003 Research on the introduction of construction surety bonding systems in China and the related reform of the construction management system, supported by the ZhongDa Post Doctoral Foundation (20,000 RMB)
As a Participant
1. 2016-2019 NSFC Project No. 51578300: Research on maintenance data mining of apartment building based building technology evaluation and quality management system -- Based on a university renovation project in Beijing. PI is A. Prof. Jiang Yong, the vice-director of SCRC, Tsinghua University (I participate in the research on Quality Management Systems.)
2. 2015 Study on the Patent Management System for Engineering & Construction Standards, assigned by MHURD. Led by Mr. Cheng Zhijun, a Senior Engineer from the China Architectural Standards Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.. (I participated in the research on institutional innovation.)
3. 2011-2012 Research on the integrated management mechanism of the development and utilization of urban underground space, assigned by The National Civil Air Defense Office. Led by Dr. Zhu Wenjun, Senior Engineer in the Department of Civil Engineering. (I participated in the management innovation.)
4. 2008-2009 Research on the project delivery methods under the background of project investment system reform, assigned by MHURD. PI was Prof. Fang Dongping, the Head of Department of Construction Management. (I was the vice-PI, and the main executor of this research project.)
5. 2007 Research on the management system of public works in China, led by Prof. Chen Zhaoyuan, Member of the China Engineering Academy. (I was the main drafter of the related legislative proposal.)
6. 2007 Research on quality and safety management systems for large public buildings, led by Prof. Chen Zhaoyuan, Member of the China Engineering Academy. (I was one of the drafters of the research report and related legislative proposal.)
7. 2006-2007 A Comparative Study on the Strategies of Public Facility Standards among China, the US, and Canada, assigned by MHURD, led by Prof. Zhang Zhihui, the Director of the Engineering Management Institute. (I was the core member of the research team)
8. 2006 Research on the regulation system and legal basis of construction surety bonding system in China, assigned by MHURD, led by Mr. Liang Baozhong, the director of the Surety Bonds Expert Committee in the Management Branch of China Construction Industry Association. (I was the core member of the research team.)
9. 2006-2008 Promoting Best Practices in transparent procurement and improving corporate social responsibility, led by Pascal Fabie, the project director of Transparency International. (I was one of the main partners in China.)
10. 2006 Research on the Development Strategies for the Construction Industry in Baoan District of Shenzhen City, led by Prof. Fang Dongping, the Head of Department of Construction Management. (I participated in the drafting of the report.)
11. 2005-2007 NSFC Project No. 70403010: Research on the Beijing Olympic Games Comprehensive Anti-Corruption Strategies, led by Prof. Cheng Wenhao, the Director of the Anti-Corruption Research Center of SPPM. (I was the undertaker of the sub-project: Research on Corruption Prevention Systems for the Beijing Olympic Works.)
12. 2002-2004 Study on the Relationship between the 2008 Olympic Games and China's economic and Social Development,a Key Project of National Social Science Foundation of China (NSSFC), led by Prof. Chen Xi, the Chairman of the University Board of Tsinghua University. (I was the undertaker of the sub-project related to the construction industry.)
13. 2002-2003 Study on the Regional Economic Development Strategies for the Dayun Highway Economic Belt, assigned by the Shanxi Provincial Transportation Department, led by A.Prof. Zhou Rong. (I was one of the core drafters of the report.)
14. 2002 Study on the comprehensive strategy of anti-corruption in China in the new century, a key project under the university’s 985 Foundation, led by Prof. Tian Qian, my postdoc supervisor. (I was in charge of a sub-project)
15. 1998-2000 Research on the Surety Bonding System in China, assigned by the Ministry of Construction(MOC, the predecessor of MHURD), led by Prof. Ding Shizhao, my Ph.D. supervisor. (I was the first contributor for this research.)
16. 1998 Research on the Construction Management Organizational System, Legal System & Mechanism in Germany, assigned by MOC. Led by Prof. Ding Shizhao (I participated in the drafting of some parts of the report.)
Professional Service
1. 2016- Education Chairman, China Chapter, CoreNet Global
2. 2015- Member of the Board of Directors, Risk and Insurance Research Branch of China Civil Engineering Society
3. 2014- Member of the Professional Committee of Anti-Corruption Research and and Education Society
4. 2013- Member of Expert Committee for Duty Crime Prevention of The Procuratorate of Beijing
5. 2010- Member, Deputy-Director, Academic Committee of China Construction Supervision Society
6. 2009- Member, Academic Committee of the Construction Economics Branch of China Construction Industry Association
7. 2006- Member, Expert Committee of Construction Contract Bonding System, Management Division of The China Construction Industry Association
8. 2004- Head of "Sustainable Procurement" Training Network - World Bank assistance project
9. 2014-2015 Co-editor, Transport Policy Special Issue in Global Climate Change & Infrastructure
10. 2008- Reviewer,Journal of Management(in Chinese)
11. 2004- Reviewer,Journal of Construction Economics & Management
12. 2004- Reviewer,Journal of Civil Engineering(in Chinese)
Honors and Awards
For Scientific Research
2014 Second Class Award for Science and Technology Progress, by the China Academy of Architecture, as the first contributor for the Development & Promoting of the Surety Bonding System in China.
2006 First Class Award for Higher Education Science and Technology Progress (by the Ministry of Education) , as the first contributor for the Research on & Application of the Surety Bonding System in China.
2007 First Class Excellent Paper Award in 2016-2017, Academic Committee of the Construction Economics Branch of the China Construction Industry Association, as the first author of the paper: Xiaomei Deng & Chunyang Wang, The Prospect of Performance Bonds in China: Based on a Survey in Xiamen & Shenzhen, Construction Economics, 2006.283(5):20-23
2006 First Class Excellent Paper Award in 2015, Academic Committee of the Construction Economics Branch of the China Construction Industry Association, as the correspondence author of the paper: Zhang Rui & Xiaomei Deng, A Comparative Study on the Priority for Construction Work Payment in China & the Mechanics’ Lien in USA[J]. Construction Economics, 2005, 08: 45-48.
For Teaching
2015 Won the First-Ever Academic Challenge Presented by CoreNet Global, as the adviser of a team of three overseas students: Ricardo Jose Chacon Vega from Costa Rica, Waynika Tanpipat from Tailand, and Obichukwu Udeh from the US.
2008 Second Prize, Tsinghua University Teaching Achievements Awards, as the teacher in charge of the undergraduate courses "Comprehensive Construction Management Project Practices"
2005 Outstanding Class Adviser Award for the Intensive Training Program for Foreign Language Learning and Cultural Exchange at Tsinghua University
Other Personal Honor
2016 Outstanding Contribution Award by the the Hengshui Lakeside New District Administrative Committee ( Equate to the Administrative Commission of the Hengshui Lake National Reserve)
Academic Achievement
Academic Books
1. Deng, Xiaomei. Research on the Construction Surety Bonding System in China. The 2nd edition. China Architecture & Building Press, 2012. (in Chinese, Supported by NSFC Project No. 71073091)
2. Deng, Xiaomei; Jiang, Chunbo; & Wang, Yuhong as the chief compiler: The Strategic Planning for the Sustainable Development of Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve, China Forestry Publishing House, 2011.(Bilingual both in Chinese & English, Supported by the World Bank)
3. Deng, Xiaomei. Research on the Construction Surety Bonding System in China. The 1st edition. China Architecture & Building Press, 2003. (in Chinese, Supported by the National Scientific Publications Foundation)
Teaching Materials & Government Official Report
1. 6 Studio, Road to PMP, China Mechanic Industry Publication House, July, 2003(Co-editor of the book, and the drafter for Chapter 1 & Chapter 2; This book was recognized as the National Bureau of Foreign Experts Designated Materials for Project Management Training)
2. Jianxin You, Jied Sun edr. Facility Management Practice, China Architecture & Building Press, 2003(Chief Editor for the 4th Part: Facility Management International References)
3. Policy Research Center of MOC, 2005 Report on Construction Industry of China Reform & Development, China Architecture & Building Press, 2005. (Core Drafter for the Design Industry Part; Author of the report on Comparative Study on the Design Industry of the USA & China)
1. Xiye Huang, Xiaomei Deng, & Shenglong Wang, the Translator, for PMI: PMBOK- Government Project Management Extention (the Chinese Version). Published by The China Electronic Publishing House, 2008
2. Xiye Huang, Xiaomei Deng, & Chunxue Zhu, , the Translator, for TI: Public Procurement Handbook (the Chinese Version). Published by the Fangzheng Press, Jan. 2007
3. Xiaomei Deng, Linsheng Gu, Xianglu Huang, the Translator, New Performance Bonding System in Japan, by Kozo Kusakari, China Architecture & Building Press, Nov., 2004.
4. Anti-corruption Center of Tsinghua University, the Translator, Confronting Corruption – National Integrity System by the Transparency International (the Chinese Version),Fangzheng Press, Jan. 2003(As Translation Project Coordinator and Co-Translator of the book)
Paper cited in SCI/SSCI
1. Deng, Xiaomei; Wang, Yuhong*. Special Issue on Transport Infrastructures to Climate Change, Transport Policy, July 2015,41(S1).pp101-102 (SCI cited)
2. Xiaomei Deng、Yuhong Wang*、Qianqian Zhang、Judy Xiye Huang、Jingjing Cui,Analysis of fraud risk in public construction projects in China,Public Money & Management, Jan 2014,34(1), pp 51-58,(SSCI cited)
3. Wang, Yuhong; *Deng, Xiaomei; Marcucci, Daniel J.; Le, Yuen. Sustainable Development Planning of Protected Areas near Cities: Case Study in China. Journal of Urban Planning & Development -ASCE, Jun 2013,139(2):133-143, (SCI cited)
4. *Deng, Xiaomei; Zhang, Le. The Necessity of Applying Building Industrialization Strategy in China: Lesson Learned from the Disaster of Wenchuan Earthquake,in Teng,JG (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization, 2010, pp:419-426 (SCI cited)
5. *Xiaomei Deng, Yuhong Wang , Bojin Li , Tianyi An . Poverty issues in a national wildlife reserve in China, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 2010,17(6), pp: 529-541 (SCI & SSCI cited)
6. Xiaomei Deng, Shizhao Ding & Qian Tian. Reasons Underlying High Penalty Mandatory Construction Contract Bonding System. Journal of Construction Engineering & Management -ASCE,130(1), 2004, 130 (1): 67-74(SCI cited)
7. Xiaomei Deng, Qian Tian, Shizhao Ding and Bob Boase. Transparency in the Procurement of Public Works. Public Money & Management, JULY 2003, 23(3): 155-162(SSCI cited)
Papers cited in EI
1. Xue,Yanguang; Deng, Xiaomei; & Feng, Ke. Game Analysis of Reverse Multiple Attribute Electronic Bidding in Construction Market for End Users[J], Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci & Technol) , 2016,08:836-843.(EI cited, in Chinese)
2. Wang H., Deng X., Feng K. and Li Y., Re-Surety System As a Governance Innovation in China's Specialized Construction Contract Bond Market[A], 2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management[C], Kunming, Harbin Institute of Technology, Sept.27-28, 2014. (EI cited)
3. Feng K, Deng XM,Wang H,Queenie,Yu, The study of specialized engineering guarantee companies' multiplier levels in China[A], 2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management[C], Kunming, Harbin Institute of Technology, Sept.27-28, 2014.(EI cited)
4. Li, Junjie;Deng, Xiaomei;Yu Xiaoying;& Zhu Xiangyu. Research on A Kind of Vehicle Route Scheduling[A], 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science[C], Taylor & Francis Group. July 10-11, 2014(EI cited)
5. Deng, Xiaomei & Yan, Tianhua. Methods for Promoting Design and Construction Coordination from the Perspective of Design Changes[A]. Intelligent Information Technology Application Association. Management Science and Engineering(MSE 2011 V5)[C].Engineering Technology Press, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, National University of Singapore:Intelligent Information Technology Application Association,2011:12.(in Chinese, EI cited)
6. Deng, Xiaomei & Wang, Tao. A decision-making model for project implementation modes for government invested non-commercial projects [J]. , Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci & Technol) ,2010,12:1953-1957. (in Chinese, EI cited)
7. Lin, Zhanqin & Deng, Xiaomei. Original Failure Modes for Interpersonal Communications in Business [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci & Technol) , 2008,03:333-335.(in Chinese, EI cited)