
Yang Zan

Position:Associate Professor
Address:Dept. Civil Engineering|| Tsinghua university|| Beijing|| 100084 PR China
E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:    Sep.1987-July.1991, Industry Management, Southwest Jiaotong University
PhD: Dec.1996-Oct.2000,  Building and Real Estate Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Work Experience

2009-present:  Associate Professor, Institute of Real Estate Studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2001-2008:     Assistant Researcher, Researcher, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Sweden
2000-2001:    Post doctor, Department of Building and Real Estate Economics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Teaching Courses
  1. Urban and Real Estate Economics (in Chinese)

  2. Real Estate Market Survey (in Chinese)

  3. Hot Issues of Urbanization and Real Estate (in Chinese)

  4. Corporation and Project Finance (in English)

  5. Real Estate Mglish)

  6. Analytical, Theories, Techniques and Tools (in English)

Research Interests
  1. Real Estate Economics: Real estate price and volatility, Land price and policy, Household consumption, Housing policy, Age in place

  2. Urban Economics: Household carbon emission, Healthy community, New city development

  3. Real Estate Finance: Household mortgage, Corporate finance and investment

Research Projects
  1. The Fairness and Efficiency of the Rental Housing Market: Toward Sustainable Urban Development. National Nature Science foundation of China and Swedish STINT Collaborate Project. 2020-2023.

  2. Integrated and Innovated Development of Urban Housing: to Insure Age – friendly Communities. Tsinghua -Toronto University Collaborate Project. 2019-2020.

  3. Uncertainty and Its Pass – Through into Housing Market : A Behavior Study based on Household’s Housing Decision in ChinaNational Nature Science Foundation of China, 2017-2020

  4. Optimizing Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing-in-Place: Towards Autonomy, Affordability and Financial Sustainability, Natural Science Foundation of China and Euro-China UPC project. 2015-2017

  5. Sino – German Electric Vehicle Charging Project, BMW China Automotive Trading LTD; VOLKSWAGEN (China) Investment Company Limited; Daimler Greater China Limited, 2013-2014

  6. Effect of house price on household consumption – perspective from region and individual household, National nature science foundation of China, 2011-2013.

  7. sub project of Prompt development on affordable housing, National social science foundation of China, 2010-2012

  8. Origins of Security and Insecurity (OSIS): the interplay of housing systems with jobs, household structures, finance and social security, European Union under its Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society programme (6th Framework Programme). 2004-2005

  9. Housing affordability in China, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), 2004-2006

  10. Housing price volatility in Sweden, Swedish Research Council, 2002-2004

  11. Risk performance on the property stock market in Sweden,Bank research institution, 2000

Professional Service
  1. Board member, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC)

  2. Board member, Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES)

  3. International editorial advisory board, Housing studies

  4. Advisory board, Housing, Theory & Society

  5. Secretary of Steering Committee of real estate and property management education (2014-2018)

Honors and Awards
  1. 2017 Tsinghua University annually Excellent Teaching Award

  2. 2015 Best Paper Award in Global Real Estate Summit. Special Level

  3. 2014 Tsinghua Teaching Achievement Award

  4. 2013 Tsinghua Award for Education and Service

  5. 2002 Albert Aronson – Priset of Svenska Bostäder, Sweden

Academic Achievement
  1. Ying Fan, Zan Yang, Yavas Abdullah. Understanding real estate price dynamics: The case of housing prices in five major cities of China. Journal of Housing Economics. 2019, 43: 37-55.

  2. Zan Yang, Yuqi Fu. Physical attributes of housing and elderly health: A new dynamic perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16: 4961.

  3. Zan Yang, Shuping Wu. Land acquisition outcome, developer risk attitude and land development timing. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2019, 59(2): 233-271.

  4. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Liqing Zhao. A reexamination of housing price and household consumption in China: The dual role of housing consumption and housing investment. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018, 56(3): 472-499.

  5. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Song Shi, Jing Liao. Political connections and corporate borrowing: An analysis on the listed real estate firms in China. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018, 57(3): 315-350.

  6. Ying Fan, Shuai Fang, Zan Yang. Living arrangements of the elderly: A new perspective from choice constraints in China. China Economic Review, 2018, 50: 101-116.

  7. Ying Fan, Jing Wu, Zan Yang. Informal borrowing and home purchase: Evidence from urban China. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2017, 67: 108-118.

  8. Jie Chen, Zan Yang. What do young adults on the edges of homeownership look like in big cities in an emerging economy: Evidence from Shanghai. Urban Studies, 2017, 54(10): 2322-2341.

  9. Zan Yang, Shuping Wu, Cindy Cheung. From income and housing wealth inequalities to emissions inequality carbon emissions of households in China. Journal of Housing & the Built Environment, 2017, 32(2):231-252.

  10. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Cindy Cheung. Housing assets to the elderly in urban China: to fund or to hedge? Housing Studies, 2017, 32(5): 638-658.

  11. Zan Yang, Ying Fan, Siqi Zheng. Determinants of household carbon emissions: Pathway toward eco-community in Beijing. Habitat International, 2016, 57: 175-186.

  12. Zan Yang, Bengt Turner. Shock hunting: Effects of regional-dependent, regional-specific shocks in the Swedish property market, Housing Theory& Society, 2016, 33(2): 178 – 194.

  13. Song Shi, Zan Yang, David Tripe, Huan Zhang. Uncertainty and new apartment price setting: A real options approach. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2015, 35, 574-591.

  14. Zan Yang, Rongrong Ren, Hongyu Liu, Huan Zhang. Land leasing and local government behavior in China: Evidence from Beijing. Urban Studies, 2015, 52(5), 841-856.

  15. Jie Chen, Zan Yang, Yaping Wang. The new Chinese model of public housing: A step forward or backward? Housing studies, 2014, 29 (4): 534-550.

  16. Zan Yang, Chengdong Yi, Wei Zhang, Chun Zhang. Affordability of housing and accessibility of public services: Evaluation of housing programs in Beijing. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 2014, 29(3): 521-540

  17. Zan Yang,Songtao Wang. Permanent and transitory shocks in owner-occupied housing: A common trend model of price dynamics. Journal of Housing Economics, 2012(21): 336-346

  18. Zan Yang, Songtao Wang. The impact of privatization of public housing on housing affordability in Beijing: An assessment using household survey data, Local Economy, 2011, 26(5): 384-400.

  19. Songtao Wang, Zan Yang, Hongyu Liu. Impact of urban economic openness on real estate prices: Evidence from thirty-five cities in China, China Economic Review, 2011, 22(1): 42-54.

  20. Zan Yang, Songtao Wang, Robert Campbell. Monetary policy and regional price boom. Journal of Policy Modelling, 2010, 32: 865- 879.

  21. Zan Yang, Yue Shen. The Affordability of owner occupied housing in Beijing. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 2008, 23: 317-335.

  22. Bharat Barot, Zan Yang. Housing price and housing investment in Sweden and UK, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 2020, 14(2): 189-216.

  23. Zan Yang. Cointegration of housing price and property stock prices: Evidence from the Swedish market. Journal of Property Research, 2015: 1-17.

  24. Zan Yang. An application of the hedonic price model with uncertain attributes: The case of the People’s Republic of China, Journal of Property Management, 2000, 19(1): 50-63.

  25. Christian Janssen, Zan Yang. Estimating the market value of a proposed townhouse development, Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 1999, 17(5): 501-516.

  26. Zan Yang, Jie Chen. Housing affordability and housing policy in China. Springer, 2014. 

  27. Chennan Zhang, Jiyang Zheng, Zan Yang. Simulation research of urban transportation equity based on general equilibrium theory (in Chinese). Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 2020, 20(3): 33-38.

  28. Zan Yang, Liqun Ding, Haoqun Zhang. Chinese real estate policy uncertainty index (in Chinese). Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2020(01): 89-96.

  29. Zan Yang, Liqun Ding, Hongjie Yang. Research on the relevance of housing demand and policy impact based on urban agglomeration (in Chinese). East China Economic Management.2019, 33(11): 100-106.

  30. Zan Yang, Jiahong Jiangxie, Ying Fan, Yanping Lin. Research on the design of government incentive mechanism of community pension station PPP model:From the perspective of game theory (in Chinese). Construction Economy, 2019, 40(01): 15-20.

  31. Zan Yang, Shuai Fang, Ying Fan. A microscopic study on life satisfaction of the elderly in China: Based on actual and preferred living arrangements (in Chinese). Journal of East China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2018, 50(06): 153-162+177.

  32. Shuping Wu, Zan Yang. Impacts of land supply planning on local government land supply behavior: An analysis based on prospect theory (in Chinese). Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2018, 58(09): 849-857.

  33. Ying Fan, Zan Yang. Social capital, human capital and household mortgage demand in Chinese urban (in Chinese). Economic Review, 2018(04): 115-132.

  34. Shiran Sun, Ying Fan, Zan Yang. Research on asymmetric land leasing behavior of local government under real estate market volatility in China (in Chinese). China Land Sciences, 2017, 31(08): 44-52.

  35. Zan Yang, Hongjie Yang, Ying Fan. Influence of industrial structure and human resource on cities: From a perspective of housing supply elasticity (in Chinese). Journal of East China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2017, 49(04): 130-136+164-165.

  36. Zan Yang, Yanping Lin. The economic efficiency of concession model for aging-in-place in Beijing (in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Management, 2017, 31(02): 136-140.

  37. Shuping Wu, Ying Fan, Zan Yang. The asymmetric effect of interest rate on housing prices: Based on wavelet analysis and GARCH model (in Chinese). Shanghai Finance, 2017(02): 3-10.

  38. Zan Yang, Shuping Wu, Huan Zhang. Influence of political connection on listed real estate companies' excessive investment behavior (in Chinese). Journal of Engineering Management, 2016, 3: 143-147.

  39. Zan Yang, Hongjie Yang, Shuping Wu. How to overcome the battery charging barrier of Chinese electric vehicle market? (in Chinese). China Real Estate, 2015, 30: 67-73.

  40. Ying Fan, Zan Yang. Governmental public goods provision on housing price and household consumption (in Chinese). China Real Estate, 2015, 27: 3-10.

  41. Ying Fan, Hong Zhang, Zan Yang. Cyclical fluctuation of Beijing residential housing market based on Wavelet analysis (in Chinese). Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2015, 55(9): 984-990.

  42. Ying Fan, Xiaoying Zhang, Zan Yang. Micro – research on elderly consumption and wealth effect in Urban China (in Chinese). Consumer Economics, 2015, 31(3): 39-42.

  43. Ying Fan, Zan Yang, Jing Wu, Who is paying for the inclusionary affordable project? An empirical analysis based on the micro data of Beijing (in Chinese). Economic Review, 2015(2):3-12.

  44. Zan Yang, Huan Zhang, Yanhao Shen, Bank-enterprise relationship and real estate firms’ loan default—Research based on the embeddedness perspective (in Chinese). Collected Essays on Finance and Economics, 2015 (9): 78-86.

  45. Zan Yang, Huan Zhang, Liqing Zhao. Dual role of housing consumption and investment: Reexamine correlation of housing and consumption in urban China (in Chinese). Economic Research, 2015(2): 3-12.

  46. Zan Yang, Huan Zhang, Jie Chen, How does potential motivation for purchasing houses again affect housing wealth effect? A micro study based on urban household survey data (in Chinese). Journal of Finance and Economics, 2014, 40(7):54-64.

  47. Zan Yang, Liqing Zhao, Jie Chen, Characteristics of elder household consumer behavior in urban China (in Chinese). Statistical Research, 2013, 30 (12): 83-88.

  48. Zan Yang, Wei Zhang, Chengdong Yi, Boyang Gao. Affordability of housing and accessibility of public rental housing: Taking Beijing as an example (in Chinese). Urban Development Studies, 2013, 10: 69-74.

  49. Zan Yang, Yanhao Shen. Soft information, relationship borrowing and default measuring – empirical research on listed developed enterprise (in Chinese). Commercial Times, 2014, 27: 83-85.

  50. Zan Yang, Yanhao Shen, International experience of affordable housing financing – The role of government (in Chinese). Model city research, 2010, 9: 8-12