
Fang Dongping

Position:Professor and Dean
Address:School of Civil Engineering|| Tsinghua university|| Beijing|| 100084 PR
Postal Code:100084
E-mail:[email protected]

Education Background

1992-1993    Kyushu Univ., Japan; Civil Engineering; D. Eng.

1992-1993    Iwate Univ., Japan; Civil Engineering; M. Eng.

1985-1988    Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China; Structural Mechanics; M. Eng.

1981-1985    Xi'an Jiaotong Univ., China; Applied Mechanics; B. Eng.

Work Experience

2020-present   Dean, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ.

2017-2020       Chair, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ.

2016-present   Deputy director, Institute of future cities and infrastructures

2007-2017       Head, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua Univ.

2003-present   Deputy Director, Institute of International Engineering Project Management

2002-present   Professor of Construction Management, Tsinghua Univ.

2001-2005       Deputy Director, FIDIC-Tsinghua-CNAEC Training Center

1999-present   Director, Tsinghua-Gammon Construction Safety Research Center

1997-2000       Associate Director, Campus Planning & Construction Division, Tsinghua Univ.

1995-1998       Assistant to the Chair of Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ.

1995-2002       Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ.

1993-1995       Post-doctoral researcher, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua Univ.

1990-1993       Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.

1988-1990       Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.

Courses taught

Undergraduate Courses:

1.Safety and Health in Construction (16 credit hours)

2.Personalized Instruction for Future Excellent (16 credit hours)

Graduate Courses:

1.Risk Management in Construction (32 credit hours)

2.Frontier in Construction Management (in English, 48 credit hours)

Research interests

Safety and risk management in construction,Sustainability and Urban resilience

Research and Consulting Projects

Funded projects undertaken as a leader by National Natural Science Foundation of China

1、Research on Theory and methodology of cross-system and cross-dimensional urban infrastructure system planning for safety and resilience

(Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.01-2026.12)

2、Research on approaches for quantitative assessment and enhancement of healthcare system resilience to earthquakes

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020.01-2023.12)

3、Strategic research on construction safety towards 2035

(Urgent Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019.01-2020.12)

4、The fundamental theories and key technologies for the safety and protection of smart city infrastructure systems from a resilience perspective

(Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018.01-2021.12)

5、Impact of safety leadership on safety performance of construction project: Theoretical and empirical study

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016.01-2019.12)

6、Construction safety related behaviors simulation based on system dynamics modeling and multi-agent modeling

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.01-2017.12)

7、Behavior-Based Safety and its application in construction project safety management under an organizational perspective

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.01-2015.12)

8、Mechanism of unsafe behavior of construction workers and its application in construction safety management

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010.01-2012.12)

9、Research on the theory and application of international engineering safety and health risk management based on the idea of structural reliability

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008.01-2010.12)

10、Study on construction company’s safety culture and worker’s safety behavior and their correlations

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2006.01-2008.12)

11、Analytical theory and safety control of concrete structure during construction period based on characteristic parameter

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2004.01-2006.12)

12、Research on safety management of engineering construction projects based on factor analysis and experimental psychology

(General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2002.01-2004.12)

Visiting positions

Adjunct Professor at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (2018-2023)

Visiting professor at UNSW, Australia (2006-2009, 2013-2016)

Visiting professor at Loughborough Univ., UK (2009-2012)

“Jubilee Professor” at Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Sweden (2007)

Eminent Scholar at Del Webb School of Construction, Arizona State Univ., USA (2006)

Professional Services

Vice Chair, Engineering Management Research Committee, THE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY OF CHINA (2023-present)

Vice Chair, Specialists Committee of China Construction Industry Association (2020-present)

Member, Quality and Safety Professional Committee, Science and Technology Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (2019-2024)

Vice chair, ConstructionCommittee, THE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY OF CHINA (2019-present)

Vice Chair, Engineering diagnosis and maintenance Committee, THE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY OF CHINA (2019-2024)

Deputy Director, Teaching Guidance Sub-committee for Engineering Management and Engineering Costing Programs, Ministry of Education (2018-2022)

Vice Chair, China Disaster Defense Association Professional Committee on Urban and Rural Resilience and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (2018-2023)

Executive Committee Member, Global Leadership Forum for Construction Engineering and Management Programs (GLF-CEM) (2011-present)

Vice President, CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) (Conseil International du Bâtiment) (2013-2016)

Program Committee Chair, CIB (2010-2013)

Member, Program Committee, CIB (2022-2025)

Standing committee member, Engineering Management Research Committee, THE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY OF CHINA (2017-2023)

Executive Committee Member, Global Leadership Forum for Construction Engineering and Management Programs (GLF-CEM) (2011-present)

Editorial board of Safety Science, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Construction Management and Economics, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, China Civil Engineering Journal (In Chinese), Journal of Engineering Management (In Chinese), China Safety Science Journal (In Chinese), Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (In Chinese), Construction Safety (In Chinese), Labor Protection (In Chinese)

Honors and awards

1.International Grand Prize Award of CIC Construction Innovation Award (2022)

2.The First Prize, Beijing Technology Progress Reward (2021)

3.The 13th Guanghua Engineering Technology Award, Chinese Academy of Engineering. (2020)

4.The First Prize, Guangdong Technology Progress Reward (2020)

5.Grand Award for Science and Technology, The Architectural Society of China. (2019-2020)

6.Most Cited Chinese Researchers, Elsevier (2014-2022)

7.Emerald Literati Network 2009 Outstanding Paper Award (2009)

8.ICPMA (International Construction Project Management Association) Award, CIOB (2008)

There are another 17 domestic honors earned within Tsinghua Univ. or China.

Journal Papers

Journal articles published in recent years

1.Yuan H, Wang X, Gao L, Wang, T, Liu, B, Fang D, Gao, Y. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals has been slowed by indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Communications Earth & Environment, 2023, 4(1): 184.

2.Ma R, Fang D, Chen J, Li X. A tiled multi-city urban objects dataset for city-scale building energy simulation. Scientific Data, 2023, 10(1): 352.

3.Li Z, Lim H, Li N, Long Y, Fang D. Assessing the seismic resilience of a healthcare system: A hybrid modeling. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023, 93: 103730.

4.Wang Y, Huang Y, Gu B, Cao S, Fang D. Identifying mental fatigue of construction workers using EEG and deep learning. Automation in Construction, 2023, 151: 104887.

5.Magoua J J, Wang F, Li N, Fang D. Incorporating the human factor in modeling the operational resilience of interdependent infrastructure systems. Automation in Construction, 2023, 149: 104789.

6.Huang Y, Zhang Z, Cao S, Li J, Fang D. Safety culture management mechanism design in the construction industry based on semantic analysis. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,2023,63(02):179-190.

7.Huang Y, Li B, Yu X, Wang Y, Fang D. Path analysis of attachment in the safety interactions of construction team members. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,2023,63(02):169-178.

8.Gu B, Cao S, Wang Y, Huang Y, Fang D. Types and characteristics of unsafe behaviors in construction team work. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,2023,63(02):160-168.

9.Fang D, Wang Y, Lim H W, et al. Construction of a Bayesian Network Based on Leadership-Culture-Behavior Model to Improve Owner Safety Management Behavior. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2023, 149(3): 04022177.

10.Fang D, Li W, Zhang H, Liu H. Engineering Management Ethics in the Context of Engineering Practice in China. Strategic Study of CAE, 2022, 24(05): 187-196.

11.Li N, Wang F, Magoua J J, Fang D. Interdependent effects of critical infrastructure systems under different types of disruptions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022, 81: 103266.

12.Long, Y, Li, Z, Pan, S, Lim, H. W, Zhao, Z, Huang, Y, Fang, D. Assessing Prehospital Seismic Resilience: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. IT Professional, 2022, 24(3): 18-27.

13.Li K, Zhang J, Fang D, Guo H, Zhu D, Han J, Su P. Civil Engineering and Systems: Exploration and Practice of Liberal Education Mode in Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program. Research in Higher Education of Engineering, 2022(03): 46-51.

14.Guo H, Wang Y, Ma L, Cao S, Guo B, Huang Y, Fang D. Research on civil engineering construction safety:status and trends. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition),2022,50(08):89-98.

15.Fang D, Li W, Zhang H, Liu H. Analysis of Ethical Issues in the Emergency Engineering Management of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control. Journal of Engineering Studies, 2022, 14(02): 104-113.

16.Xu Z, Wu Y, Hao X, Li N, Fang D. A joint analysis method for capability and demand of post-earthquake medical rescue in a city. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022: 103249.

17.Pan S, Zhao Z, Lim H W, Li N, Fang D. Restored quality of life-based approach (REQUALIFE) for urban seismic resilience assessment: Quantitative method. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022, 79:103169.

18.Pan S, Zhao Z, Lim H W, Li N, Fang D. Restored quality of life-based approach (REQUALIFE) for urban seismic resilience assessment: Case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022, 79:103170.

19.Zhao Z, Pan S, Li N, Li Z, Zhao C, Xu Z, Fang D. A seismic emergency performance optimization model for infrastructure systems under demand differences: A case study in China. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience, 2022, 1(2):193-210.

20.Lim H, Fang D. Role of hazard information in the adoption of seismic hazard adjustments: Information treatment experiment in Beijing. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2022, 79:103182.

21.Chen J, Xu Q, Fang D, Zhang D, Liao P. C. Perceptual decision-making ‘in the wild’: How risk propensity and injury exposure experience influence the neural signatures of occupational hazard recognition. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022, 177:92-102.

22.Wang Y, Ma L, Zhang P, Fang D. Evaluation and improvement of owner's safety management behavior based on lcb theory. Tumu Gongcheng Xuebao/China Civil Engineering Journal, 2021,54(10):117-124.

23.Ma L, Wang Y, Huang Y, Li P, Fang D. Safety leadership characteristics and key dimensions of building industry regulators. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,2022,62(02):221-229.

24.Guan Z, Xiang T, Fang D, Guo H. Improved experimental measurement method of construction worker fatigue and unsafe behavior. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,2021,61(10):1186-1194.

25.Fang D, Ma L, Guo H, Yang F, Zhang J. Risk Evaluation of Accidents for Super High-rise Buildings under Construction I: Methods.Industrial Construction,2021,51(11):200-204.

26.Huang Y, Chang Z, Ni S, Yao Z, Jin D, Fang D, Yue Q. Key Issues of Urban Safety Development and Administration.Industrial Construction,2021,51(11):171-177.

27.Gao X, Guo H, Fang D. Suggestions on the Development of Vocational Education in the Construction Industry Based on German Experience. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,2021,38(04):30-33+40.

28.Mao Q, Li N, Fang D. Modeling the Multisector Business Interruption Ratio in Earthquake-Struck Regions. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2021, 37(6): 04021072.

29.Liu B, Wang T, Zhang J, Wang X, Chang Y, Fang D, Yang M & Sun X. Sustained sustainable development actions of China from 1986 to 2020. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 1-10.

30.Lim H, Zhang F, Fang D, Pena-Mora, Liao P. Corporate social responsibility on disaster resilience issues by international contractors. Journal of Management in Engineering. 2021; 37(1), 04020089.

31.Zhang Q, Guo H, Liao P, Fang D, Fu M. Optimizing safety-measure combinations to address construction risks. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2020:1-82.

32.Mao Q, Li N, Fang D. Framework for modeling multi-sector business closure length in earthquake-struck regions. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020; 51: 101916.

33.Pan S, Lim H, Xiao N, Wang T, Fang D. Revelation of Wuhan City’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic on Urban Resilience Enhancement. Journal of Emergency Management and Disaster Communications. 2020; 1(1): 59-72.

34.Wang F, Magoua JJ, Li N, Fang D. Assessing the impact of systemic heterogeneity on failure propagation across interdependent critical infrastructure systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020: 101818.

35.Fang D, Li W, Zhang H, et al. Ethical Reflection on the Emergency Engineering Management of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control[J]. Engineering (Beijing, China), 2020, 6(10): 1070.

36.Lu X, Liao W, Fang D, Lin K, Tian Y, Zhang C, Zheng Z, Zhao P. Quantification of disaster resilience in civil engineering: A review[J]. Journal of Safety Science and Resilience, 2020, 1(1): 19-30.

37.Fang D, Pan S, Li Z, Yuan T, Jiang B, Gan D, Sheng B, Han J, Wang T, Liu Z. Large-scale public venues as medical emergency sites in disasters: lessons from COVID-19 and the use of Fangcang shelter hospitals in Wuhan, China. BMJ Global Health. 2020; 5(6): e002815.

38.Fang D, Huang Y, Guo H, Lim H. LCB approach for construction safety. Safety Science. 2020; 128: 104761.

39.Lim H, Li Z, Fang D. Impact of management, leadership, and group integration on the hospital response readiness for earthquakes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020: 101586.

40.Li Z, Li N, Cimellaro G, Fang D. System Dynamics Modeling-Based Approach for Assessing Seismic Resilience of Hospitals: Methodology and a Case in China. Journal of Management in Engineering. 2020; 36(5): 04020050.

41.Zhang P, Li N, Jiang Z, Fang D, Anumba C. An agent-based modeling approach for understanding the effect of worker management interactions on construction workers' safety-related behaviors. Automation in Construction. 2019; 97: 29-43.

42.Zhou B, Wu C, Wang T, Fang D. The influence of conscientiousness to safety behavior in construction projects. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2018; 51(8): 89-95.

43.Meng B, Li N, Fang D. Attributes, challenges and future directions of community resilience. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2018; 5(3):307-23.

44.Zhao C, Li N, Fang D. Criticality assessment of urban interdependent lifeline systems using a biased PageRank algorithm and a multilayer weighted directed network model. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. 2018; 22: 100-112.

45.Lim H, Li N, Fang D, Wu C. Impact of safety climate on types of safety motivation and performance: multigroup invariance analysis. Journal of Management in Engineering. 2018; 34(3): 04018002.

46.Tong R, Wu C, Li Y, Fang D. An assessment model of owner safety management and its application to real estate projects. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. 2017: 1-15.

47.Wu C, Li N, Fang D. Leadership Improvement and its impact on workplace safety in construction projects: A conceptual model and action research. International Journal of Project Management. 2017; 35(8): 1495-1511.

48.Zhang P, Li N, Fang D, Wu H. Supervisor-Focused Behavior-Based Safety Method for the Construction Industry: Case Study in Hong Kong, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2017; 143(7):05017009.

49.Fang D, Li Z, Li N, Han L, Wu J, Lu X, Kong X, Li Y, Lu X. Urban resilience: a perspective of system of systems in trio spaces. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2017; 50(7): 1-7.

50.Wu C, Wang F, Zou P, Fang D. How safety leadership works among owners, contractors and subcontractors in construction projects. International Journal of Project Management. 2016; 43(5):789-805.