
Huang Yuecheng

Name:Huang Yuecheng

Position:Research Assistant Professor

Tel: 86-10-62772734

Address:Dept. Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, PR

E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

1998-2003. Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering, Dept. of Construction Management and Real Estate, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

1993-1998. B.Eng. in Structural Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 

Work Experience

2020-prensent: Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Construction Management, Tsinghua University

2017-2020: Post-doc Fellow, Dept. of Construction Management, Tsinghua University

Research Interests

Construction Safety Management (Unsafe behavior, Safety Culture, Safety Leadership, Management mechanism design)

Research Projects
  1. Research on Risk Assessment and Pre-Warning Method for Transportable Hazards (China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2018-2020)

  2. 2035 Strategy for Civil Engineering Construction Safety (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018-2020)

  3. Impact of Safety Leadership on Safety Performance of Construction Project: Theoretical and Empirical Study (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2019)

  4. Big Data Based Research on Macro Safety Risk Control and Emergency Technology for Pressure Equipment (National Key Research and Development Program of the 13th 5-years Plan, Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R.C., 2016-2020)

  5. Research on risk based supervision technologies of special equipment (The National Key Technology R&D Program of the 12th 5-years plan, 2010-2013)

  6. Research on the Application of "Strategy-System" Approach in Public Safety Standardization (The National Quality Supervision Public Welfare Industry Targeted Research Fund of the 12th 5-years plan, 2012-2013)

  7. Research on the Application of Comprehensive Standardization in Public Safety (The National Quality Supervision Public Welfare Industry Targeted Research Fund of the 12th 5-years plan, 2013-2016)

  8. Research on Scientific Prevention System for Work Safety of Tai'an City (Government safety supervision consulting project, 2013-2016)

  9. Research on Safety Culture of TEDA (Government safety supervision consulting project, 2015-2016)

  10. Research on Safety Management Theory of China Huaneng Group (Enterprise safety management consulting project, 2016-2017)

  11. Study on safety culture of Xiadian Gold Mine (Enterprise safety management consulting project, 2014-2015)

  12. Study on Safety Culture of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project (Enterprise safety management consulting project, 2013-2015)

Professional Service

Reviewer of China Civil Engineering Journal

Honors and Awards

China State Construction Engineering Corporation: Science and Technology Progress Award, Grade one, rank 5th, 2018.

Academic Achievement
  1.  Fang Dongping*, Huang Yuecheng, Guo Hongling, Lim Huey Wen. LCB approach for construction safety. Safety Science, 2020, 128:104761.

  2. Chen Lu*#, Huang Yuecheng#, Bai Ruizhen, Chen An. Regional disaster risk evaluation of China based on the universal risk model, Natural Hazards, 2017, 89:647-660

  3. Huang Yuecheng*, Cheng Wuyi, Luo Sida, Luo Yun, Ma Chengchen, He Tailin. Features of the Asynchronous Correlation between the China Coal Price Index and Coal Mining Accidental Deaths, PLOS ONE, 2016, 11: e0167198

  4. Huang Yuecheng*, Zhang Ying, Cheng Wuyi, Luo Sida, Luo Yun. A Dynamic Risk Quantification Method of HAZOP for the Leak in Chemical Equipment, Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, 2016:66-75.

  5. Luo Yun, Huang Yuecheng*. Conceive of Modeling on Operation Mechanism of Public Safety Standardization, Proceedings of 31th International System Safety Conference, 2013

  6. Huang Yuecheng*, Luo Yun, Wang Xiaoqiao, Xia Fengshe, Xu Ming, Zhang Hongtao. Study for Optimization and Modeling on Operation Mechanism of Work Safety Standardization. China Safety Science Journal, 2013, 23(04):159-166. (In Chinese)

  7. Huang Yuecheng*, Yang Jia, Yu Xiaoxia. Research on urban safety development mode and operation mechanism based on the “Strategic-System” thinking, Shenzhen Occupational Safety and Health, 2018, 6:13-16. (In Chinese)

  8. Yang Jia*, Huang Yuecheng. Research on Composition and Classification of Cost Elements of Emergency Response to Work Safety Accidents. China Safety Science Journal, 2019, 29:143-149. (In Chinese)

  9. Luo Yun*, Huang Yuecheng, Xu Ming. Establishment of the Accident Emergency Procedure System in Special Equipment Safety Based on the “Strategic-System” Thinking, China Special Equipment Safety,2015,10:1-8. (In Chinese)

  10. Du Xiaoyan*, Huang Yuecheng, Zhang Hao, Zhu Qingming. Current status and trend of disposal techniques for ammonia leakage. Modern Chemical Industry, 2018, 38:6-10 (In Chinese)