
Nan Li

Position:Associate Professor
Address:New Civil Engineering Building 230
Tel:(8610) 62796834
E-mail:[email protected]

Personal Site
Education Background

2005.08 – 2009.07, B.S. in Construction Management, Tsinghua University, China

2005.08 – 2009.07, B.A. in Economics, Tsinghua University, China

2009.08 – 2011.12, M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, U.S.

2012.1 – 2012.12, M.S. in Computer Science, University of Southern California, U.S.

2009.08 – 2014.05, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Southern California, U.S.

Work Experience

2017.7 – Present     Director, Institute of Sustainable Urbanization, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

2017.1 – Present     Assistant Dean, School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University

2016.12 – Present   Associate Professor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University

2014.7 – 2016.12     Assistant Professor, Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

Undergraduate courses: Engineering Estimation, Cornerstone Course (1), Sustainable Urbanization in an International Comparative Perspective

Graduate course: Research Methodology in Construction Management

Honors and Awards

2022-23 Highly Cited Chinese Researcher, Elsevier

2023  Youth Science and Technology Award, China Association for Public Safety

2022  Young Scholar Award, Tsinghua University

2021  First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award, Beijing Municipal Government

2020  First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award, Guangdong Provincial Government

2018  Innovators Under 35 in China, MIT Technology Review

2017  First Prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, Beijing Municipal Education Commission

2017  30 Under 30, Forbes China

Research Interests

Urban and infrastructure resilience, IT in construction

Professional Service

Professional Engineer, Registered in California

Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

LEED AP (BD+C), U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)

Associate Editor, Advanced Engineering Informatics

Associate Editor, Journal of Management in Engineering

Editorial Board Member, Automation in Construction

Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Research Projects

1. Data Ontology for Climate Resilience of Urban Transportation, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation, 2024.6-2026.5

2. Investigating Crowd Evacuation Behaviors through the Lens of Multi-dimensional Social Interactions and with Crowdsourced Virtual Reality Experiments, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation, 2024.1-2027.12

3. Big Data based Analysis and Prediction of Urban Human Mobility Patterns during Extreme Weather Events, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation, 2020.1-2023.12

4. Research on Individual Evacuation Behaviors during Emergencies in Large Public Buildings Based on Cognitive Process Modeling and Virtual Evacuation Experiments, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation, 2017.1-2019.12

Representative Academic Achievements

1.Xia, X., Chen, J., Zhang, J., Li, N.* (2024). "How the Strength of Social Relationship Affects Pedestrian Evacuation Behavior: A Multi-participant Fire Evacuation Experiment in a Virtual Metro Station." Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 167, 104805.

2.Wang, R., Wang, Y., Li, N. * (2024). "Revealing Disaster Dynamics and Disparities in Urban Facility Accessibility using an Improved Utilization-based Metric." Cities, 144, 104636.

3.Zhang, X., Li, N.* (2024). "An Activity Space-based Gravity Model for Intracity Human Mobility Flows." Sustainable Cities and Society, 101, 105073.

4.Chen, J., Shi, Y., Li, N.* (2023). "The Role of Selective Attention in Emergency Wayfinding: An Eye Tracking-integrated Virtual Reality Experiment." Safety Science, 168, 106320.

5.Wang, R., Wang, Q., Li, N.* (2023). "Percolation Transitions in Urban Mobility Networks in America's 50 Largest Cities." Sustainable Cities and Society, 91, 104435.

6.Magoua, J.J., Li, N.* (2023). "The Human Factor in the Disaster Resilience Modeling of Critical Infrastructure Systems." Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 232, 109073.

7.Yang, Y., Ng, S.T., Li, N.*, Xu, X., Xu, P., Xu, F.J. (2023). "Adapting HLA-based Co-simulation for Interdependent Infrastructure Resilience Management." Automation in Construction, 150, 104860.

8.Magoua, J.J., Wang, F., Li, N.* (2023). "Incorporating the Human Factor in Modeling the Operational Resilience of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems." Automation in Construction, 149, 104789.

9.Lin, J., Li, N.*, Rao, L.L.*, Lovreglio, R. (2023). "Individual Wayfinding Decisions under Stress in Indoor Emergency Situations: A Theoretical Framework and Meta-Analysis." Safety Science, 160, 106063.

10.Chen, J., Li, N.*, Shi, Y., Du, J. (2023). "Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Effect of Spatial Information on Firefighters’ Wayfinding Performance: A Virtual Reality-based Study." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 84, 103486.