
【讲座预告】Philip Liu院士:A Tale of Two Typhoons in Macau

Philip Liu 教授:


共出版著作7部,参编专著17部,发表期刊论文250余篇。根据Google Scholar统计数据,2013年至今,其论文被引用次数达7300余次,H指数39。

国际著名的海洋水动力学家。他在水波理论、水波和结构物的相互作用、海啸动力学、近岸泥沙输运过程等领域均取得了开创性的成果。他带领团队研发的基于非线性浅水波理论 COMCOT 多重尺度耦合的海啸模拟预报的数值模型、基于雷诺平均NS方程的计算水动力学模型 COBRAS,在国际上应用极其广泛、认可度极高。

讲座题目:A Tale of Two Typhoons in Macau



讲座内容摘要: Typhoon Hato (2017) and Typhoon Mangkhut (2018)  caused severe wind damage and flooding in Guangdong, Fujian, Macau and Hong Kong. A suite of coupled numerical models for wind, wave, atmosphere pressure, storm surge and tide has been validated with measured data. In this talk, the similarities and dissimilarities of these two typhoon events with respect to typhoon characteristics and the resulting flooding patterns in Macau will be discussed.