研究紧密结合我国水利水电高坝工程实践,完成了三峡、二滩、小湾、溪落渡等30多项高坝结构与抗震等关键技术研究。已培养工学博士30余名。发表论文200余篇,SCI收录30余篇,SCI他引130篇次以上,合作撰写专著3部,其中《Numerical Modeling of Concrete Dam-Foundation-Reservoir Systems》为英文版清华大学学术专著。
1. 张楚汉,王光纶 编著.结构动静力分析原理与CAL语言.机械工业出版社,1987.
2. Zhang Chuhan,John P Wolf (Eds).Dynamic soil-structure interaction: current research in China and Switzerland.Elsevier,1998.
3. Zhang Chuhan,et al.Numerical modelling of concrete dam-foundation-reservoir systems.Tsinghua University Press,2001.
4. 张楚汉主编.水利水电工程科学前沿.清华大学出版社,2002.
5. R. W. Clough 'nbsp; Zhang Chuhan.Seismic Cavitation Effects on Gravity Dams.John Wiley 'nbsp; Sons Ltd Edited by R. Lewis et. al. 1984.
6. Zhang Chuhan and Zhao Chongbin.Coupling method of finite and infinite elements for strip foundation wave problems.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,15,839-851,1987.
7. Zhang Chuhan, Zhao Chongbin.Effects of Canyon Topography and Geological Conditions on Strong Ground Motion.Int. Journal of Earthquake Engineering 'nbsp; Structural Dynamics Vol.16, 81-97 (1988).
8. Chuhan Zhang, Guanglun Wang and Chongbin Zhao.Seismic wave propagation effects on arch dam response.Proc. 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,VI,367-372,1988.
9. Zhang Chuhan, Song Chongnin, Wang Guanglun and Jin Feng.3-D Infinite Boundary Elements and Simulation of Monolithic Dam Foundations.Communications in Applied Numerical Methods Vol.5, No.6, 1989, UK.
10. Zhang Chuhan,Song Chongmin and O.Pekau.Infinite boundary elements for dynamic problems of 3-d half space.Int. Journal Numerical Methods in Engineering,31,447-462,1991.
11. Zhang Chuhan, O.A. Pekau and Jing Feng.Application of FE-BE-IBE Coupling to Dynamic Interaction between Alluvial Soil and Rock Canyons.International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.21, 1992.
12. Zhang Chuhan.On Problems of Soil-Structure Interactions.A Keynote Paper for National Conference Theory and Applications of Interactions between Structures and Surrounding Media Heihai University Press, June 1993.
13. Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng and Wang Guanglun.A Method of FE-BE-IBE Coupling for Seismic Interaction of Arch Dam-Canyons.Boundary Element Methods, M. Tanaka and Q. Du Edited, Elsevier, 1993.
14. Li Qingbin, Zhang Chuhan and Wang Guanglun.Dynamic Constitutive Model of Concrete in Uniaxial Tension.International Journal of Engineering Fracture Mech. No.24, 1995.
15. Zhang Chuhan,Jin Feng and O.Pekau.Time domain procedure of FE-BE-IBE coupling for seismic interaction for arch dams and canyons.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,24,1651-1666,1995.
16. Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng and Wang Guanglun.Seismic interaction between arch dam and rock canyon.11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,Elsevier Science Ltd.,Paper No.595,1996.
17. Zhang Chuhan and Sun Lixiang.Analytical Solutions for Hydrodynamic Pressures on Submerged Rigid Bodies.Proceedings of the Fifth National Fluid- Solid Mechanics Conference. Oct. 1996, Chongqing P145-153
18. Zhang Chuhan, O. Pekau, Jin Feng and Wang Guanglun, Application of Distinct Element Method in Dynamic Analysis of High Rock Slopes and Blocky Structures.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 16, 385-394, 1997.
19. Zhang Chuhan, Xu Yanjie and Jin Feng.Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Nonlinear Response of Arch Dams, Proceedings of 11th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Balkema, 1998.
20. Zhang Chuhan, Chen Xinfeng and Wang Guanglun.A coupling model of FE-BE-IBE for nonlinear layered soil-structure interaction.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,28,421-441,1999.
21. Liu Haixiao, Zhang Chuhan and Zhou Xireng.Photoelastic Studies for Composite Dynamics.J. Material Sci., Vol.34, 3479-3487, 1999.
22. Dong Yuexing, Zhang Chuhan, Wang Guanglun, S.P.Chiew.Non-overlapping Conditions for Crack Face Displacement of Anisotropic Bodies.Theoretical and Appl. Fracture Mech., Vol.31, 99-104,1999.
23. Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng, Xu Yanjie, Wang Guanglun.Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Xiaowan Arch Dam with Contraction Joint, 12WCEE, Elsevier Ltd, 1999.
24. Zhang Chuhan, Xu Yanjie, Wang Guanglun and Jin Feng.Nonlinear seismic response of arch dams with contraction joint opening and joint reinforcements.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 29,1547-1566,2000.
25. Zhang Chuhan, Yan Chengda, Wang Guanglun.Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Sediment and Effects on Hydro-dynamic Response of Arch Dams.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.30, 1817-1837, 2001.
26. Zhang Chuhan, Xu Yanjie, Wang Guanglun, JinFeng.Earthquake Behaviour of Arch Dams. Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in the New Millennium,203-208. Editors: Specer Jr. and Hu., A.A.Balkema Publishers, 2001.
27. Liu Haixiao, Zhang Chuhan, Zhou Xireng.Wave Propagation in Fiber Reinforced Composite Plate With Circular Hole under Impact Loading, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.17, 472-476, 2001.
28. Liu Haixiao, Zhang Chuhan.Comparative Study on Orthotropic Solid Waves by Time Domain BEM and Dynamic Photoelasticity.International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol.25, 429-454, 2001.
29. Liu Haixiao, Zhang Chuhan, JinFeng, Li Zheng.Analytical and Experimental Study on Wave Propagation Problem in Orthotropic Media.Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.46, 4, 289-296, 2001.
30. Zhang Chuhan, Wang Guanglun, Wang Shaomin, Dong Yuexing.Experimental Tests on RCC and Nonlinear Seismic Safety Evaluation of RCC Dams.ASCE, Journal of Material in Civil Engineering, 14, 108-115, 2002.
31. Feng J, Zhang CH, Wang G, Wang GL.Creep modeling in excavation analysis of a high rock slope.ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129(9):849-857,2003.
32. Liu HX, Zhang CH.Internal stress calculation in 2D time domain BEM for wave propagation in anisotropic media.Communications in Numerical Methods in Enegineering 19(8):637-643,2003.
33. Yan Junyi, Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng.A coupling procedure of FE and SBFE for soil-structure interaction in the time domain.Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng., Vol. 59, No. 11, 1453-1471, 2004.
34. Yan Junyi, Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng.A Finite Element-Scaled Boundary Finite Element coupling for soil-structure interaction.Proc. of WCCM VI, Beijing, 2004.
35. Zhang Chuhan, Ren Yuntao, Pekau, O.A. Jin Feng.Time domain boundary element method for underground structures in orthotropic media.J. Eng. Mech, ASCE, Vol. 130, No.1, 105-116, 2004.
36. Zhang Chuhan, Xu Yanjie, Jin Feng and Wang Guanglun.Studies on Seismic Behavior of Xiaowan Arch Dam and Earthquake Resistance Measures.Proc. of 13WCEE, Vancouver, 2004.
37. Zhang Chuhan.Chanllenges of high dam construction to computational mechanics.Proceedings of the sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with Second Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,2004.
38. Zhang Chuhan, Ren Yuntao, O. A. Pekau, Jin Feng.Time-Domain boundary element method for underground structures in orthotropic media.ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(1):105-116,2004.