1. 国家自然科学基金项目,高坝复杂基础灌浆机理与抬动变形控制研究,2020-2023
2. 国家自然科学基金项目,岩石缺陷性能演化与力电磁响应机理研究,2013-2016
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,含三维裂纹岩体损伤局部化加固理论和试验研究,2008-2010
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,含三维裂纹与孔洞缺陷介质的破坏行为研究,2005
5. 科技部973项目子题,大型水利水电工程高陡边坡全生命周期性能演化与安全控制,2011-2015
6. 教育部资助,清华自主项目,无裂缝混凝土高坝控制理论与技术研究,2011-2014
7. 企业委托,海上风电全生命周期闭环智能管理方法及系统研发,2019-2021
8. 企业委托,白鹤滩大坝复杂基础灌浆机理与抬动控制理论研究,2019-2020
9. 企业委托,西拉沐沦特大桥大体积混凝土智能温控关键技术研究,2019-2021
10. 企业委托,乌东德大坝施工期-初期蓄水-运行初期整体变形协调分析、安全评估、调控策略研究,2017-2024
11. 企业委托,白鹤滩大坝混凝土智能通水技术升级研究,2017-2024
12. 企业委托,溪洛渡拱坝通水冷却智能温度控制系统研发(I,II期),2012-2016
13. 企业委托,溪洛渡拱坝施工监测与仿真分析系统研究(2011,2013),2011-2014
14. 企业委托,基于地质力学模型试验的超高拱坝整体安全标准体系研究,2015-2016
15. 企业委托,超高拱坝三维非线性整体安全度标准体系研究,2015-2016
1. Peng Lin, Pengcheng Wei, Cheng Wang, Shengzu Kang, Xin Wang, Effect of rock properties on cracking and the electromagnetic radiation mechanism, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 13(2021),798-810 DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.01.001
2. Peng Lin, Haoyang Peng, Qixiang Fan,Yunfei Xiang, Zongli Yang, Ning Yang,A 3D Thermal Field Restructuring Method for Mass Concrete Dams Based on Real-time Temperature Monitoring, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(4), DOI: 10.1007/s12205-021-1084-8
3. Peng Lin, Junfeng Guan, Haoyang Peng, Jie Shi, Horizontal cracking and crack repair analysis of a super high arch dam based on fracture toughness, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019,97, 72-90
4. Peng Lin, Jie Shi, Pengchen Wei,Qixiang, Fan, Zhilin, Wang, Shallow unloading deformation analysis on Baihetan super-high arch dam foundation, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019,78,5551–5568
5. Peng Lin, Jie Shi, Weiyuan Zhou, Renkun Wang, 3D geomechanical model tests on asymmetric reinforcement and overall stability relating to the Jinping I super-high arch dam. Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2018,102,28-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2017.11.017
6. Peng Lin, Xiaoli Liu, Senyin Hu, Pujian Li, Large deformation analysis on a high slope relating to the Laxiwa reservoir, China, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2016, 49: 2253-2276, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-0925-0
7. Peng Lin, Xiaoxu Zhu, Qingbin Li, Hongyuan. Liu, Yongjun Yu, Study on optimal grouting timing for controlling uplift deformation of a super high arch dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng.,2016,49(1), 115-142, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-015-0732-z
8. Peng Lin, Robina H.C.Wong, Chunan Tang, Experimental study of coalescence mechanisms and failure under uniaxial compression of granite containing multiple holes, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2015, 313-327, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.04.017
9. Peng Lin, Bo Huang, Qingbin Li, Renkun Wang, Hazard and seismic reinforcement analysis for typical large dams following the Wenchuan earthquake, Eng. Geo.,2015, 194, 86-97, DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.05.011
10. Peng Lin, Zhou Weiyuan, Hongyuan Liu, Experimental study on cracking, reinforcement, and overall stability of the Xiaowan super-high arch dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2015, 48(2): 819-841, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-014-0593-x
11. Peng Lin, Hongyuan Liu, Weiyuan Zhou, Experimental study on failure behavior of deep tunnels under high in-situ stresses, Tunnel.Underg.Space Technol., 2015, 46, 28-45, DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2014.10.009
12. Peng Lin, Tianhui Ma, Zhengzhao Liang, Chunan Tang, Renkun Wang. Failure and overall stability analysis on high arch dam based on DFPA code, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2014,45:164-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.06.020
13. Peng Lin, Yaneng Zhou, Hongyuan Liu and Chen Wang, Reinforcement design and stability analysis for large-span tailrace bifurcated tunnels with irregular geometry, Tunnel.Underg.Space Technol., 2013. 38(9): 189-204, DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2013.07.011
14. Jie Shi, Peng Lin, Yuande Zhou, Pengcheng Wei, Renkun Wang, Reinforcement Analysis of Toe Blocks and Anchor Cables at the Xiluodu Super-High Arch Dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2018, 51(8), 2533-2554 ,DOI:10.1007/s00603-018-1517-y
15. Hancheng Jiang, Peng Lin, Maoshan Qiang, Qixiang Fan, A labor consumption measurement system based on real-time tracking technology for dam construction site, Authom. Contr., 2015, 52, 1–15, //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2015.02.004
16. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin, Numerical study of stress distribution and crack coalescence mechanisms of a solid containing multiple holes, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2015,79,41-54, DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.08.003
17. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin, Chunan Tang, Experimental and numerical study on splitting failure of brittle solids containing single pore under uniaxial compression, Mechanics of Materials,38,142-159,2006
18. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin, Chunan Tang, Chau, K.T. Creeping damage around an opening in rock-like material containing non-persistent joints,Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 69, 2015-2027, 2002
19. 林鹏,宁泽宇,李明,樊启祥,汪志林,陈文夫,特高拱坝通水冷却管网智能联控原型试验研究,水利学报,2021
20. 樊启祥,林鹏,魏鹏程,宁泽宇,李果,智能建造闭环控制理论,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2021,61(7),660-670
21. 林鹏,魏鹏程,樊启祥,陈闻起,基于CNN模型的施工现场典型安全隐患数据学习,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,59(8),628-634
22. 林鹏,王英龙,汪志林,杨建业,龚远平,基于微信的大型水电工程安全隐患排查治理系统研发与应用, 中国安全生产科学技术,2017,13(7),137-143
23. 佘诗刚,林鹏,中国岩石工程若干进展与挑战,岩石力学与工程学报,2014.33(3):433-457
24. 林鹏, 王铖, 翁永红,曹去修,胡清义,乌东德特高拱坝-地下厂房整体稳定相互作用机制分析,岩石力学与工程学报,2014, 33(11):2236-2246
25. 林鹏,李庆斌,周绍武,胡昱,大体积混凝土通水冷却智能温度控制方法与系统,水利学报,2013.44(8), 950-957
26. 林鹏,王仁坤,康绳祖,张海超,周维垣,特高拱坝基础破坏、加固与稳定关键问题研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2011,30(10),1945-1958
27. 林鹏,李庆斌,胡昱等,一体化流量和温度控制装置,2014,中国,ZL201210299997.6
28. 林鹏,魏鹏程,彭浩洋等,基于介质的智能温度控制数据管理系统及方法,2020,中国,ZL2019102644843
29. 林鹏,樊启祥,汪志林等,一种介质换热智能控制系统及方法,2020,中国,ZL2019102636175
30. 林鹏,樊启祥,汪志林等,智能通水温度控制专家系统及硬件检测和数据监测方法,2020,中国,ZL2019102644580
31. 林鹏,周绍武,彭浩洋,一种全域大坝定温方法, 2020,中国,ZL2019102295912
32. 林鹏,汪志林,陈文夫等,一种大坝热交换媒介温度自适应调整方法,2020,中国,ZL 2019102581736
33. 林鹏,宁泽宇,陈文夫等,一种混凝土仓内温差控制方法,2020,中国,ZL2019110895561
34. 林鹏,周绍武,向云飞等,基于光纤测温与数字测温互补的温度场形成方法与系统,2020,中国,ZL2019102290444
35. 林鹏 宁泽宇 彭浩洋 魏鹏程,一种基于智能学习的大体积混凝土温控方法,2021,中国,ZL2019102645916
36. 林鹏,彭浩洋,宁泽宇等,一种大体积混凝土多场实时在线协同智能仿真方法和系统,2021,中国,2019102746438
37. 林鹏,欧阳建树,宁泽宇等,一种智能梯度控温方法、系统、设备及可读存储介质,2021,中国,ZL2020109955259
38. 林鹏 彭浩洋 王义锋等,衬砌混凝土温度控制方法及系统,2021,中国,ZL2020110866491