

长聘副教授 博导 水利系副系主任
E-mail:[email protected]


2014年1月 – 2016年1月     香港科技大学,土木及环境工程学系,博士

2011年9月 – 2013年12月    香港科技大学,土木及环境工程学系,硕士

2004年9月 – 2008年7月     清华大学,土木工程系,学士


2023 – 至今     清华大学,教务处,副处长(挂职)  

2020 – 至今     清华大学,水利水电工程系,副系主任  
2019 – 至今     清华大学,水利水电工程系,副教授、博士生导师
2018 – 2019     清华大学,水利水电工程系,助理教授、博士生导师         
2017 – 2018     香港科技大学,土木及环境工程学系,助理教授(研究)、博士生导师
2016 – 2017     香港科技大学,土木及环境工程学系,博士后
2008 – 2011     斯伦贝谢油田服务公司,地球物理工程师

















“Developing parametric models for strong-motion amplification considering 3D topography and subsurface soils(考虑覆盖土层的地震波三维地形放大效应参数模型研究)”,香港研究资助局优配基金项目 (General Research Fund), 2018.7-2021.6,曾为项目负责人

“Investigating Multiple Liquefaction Resistance of Granular Soils: Cyclic Torsional Shear Tests and Discrete Element Modeling (砂土反复液化研究:扭转剪切试验与离散元方法)”,香港科技大学助理教授启动经费,2017.11-2018.10,项目负责人

“VPRGO-IAS fund”香港科技大学高等研究院基础研究项目,项目负责人





国际大坝委员会技术公报《Rock-Filled Concrete Dams(堆石混凝土坝)》,主要起草人

国家能源局行业标准《堆石混凝土筑坝技术导则(NB/T 10077-2018)》,主要起草人

国家能源局行业标准《水电水利工程堆石混凝土施工规范(DL/T 5806-2020)》,主要起草人




教育部高等学校水利类专业教学指导委员会水工分委员会 ,秘书



国际土力学与岩土工程学会 (ISSMGE) 地震专业委员会TC203,通讯委员

国际土力学与岩土工程学会 (ISSMGE) 海洋专业委员会TC209,委员

国际土力学与岩土工程学会 (ISSMGE) 大坝专业委员会TC210,委员






2022年   教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名1)
2022年   第二十五届茅以升北京青年科技奖
2022年   第七届张光斗优秀青年科技奖
2022年   中国大坝工程学会科技进步奖一等奖
2020年   清华大学“学术新人奖”
2020年   国际土力学与岩土工程学会未来之星讲座奖
2018年   国家海外高层次人才引进计划
2017年   香港科技大学高等研究院“青年学人”
2016年   香港工程师学会“最佳岩土工程博士论文奖”
2014年   刘恢先地震工程奖学金



JIN Feng and HUANG Duruo, Rock-Filled Concrete Dam(堆石混凝土坝), Springer出版社, ISBN: 978-981-16-8298-8


1. Yang S.Y., Huang D. (2023). Evolution of Void Fabrics and Their Effects on Liquefaction Behaviors of Granular Soils: Insight from DEM-Clump Simulation. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 149(6), 04023029.

2. Chen Z.W., Huang D., Wang G. (2023). A regional scale coseismic landslide analysis framework: Integrating physics-based simulation with flexible sliding analysis. Engineering Geology, 315, 107040.

3. Li L., Jin F., Huang D., Wang G. (2023). Soil seismic response modeling of KiK-net downhole array sites with CNN and LSTM networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 121, 105990.

4. Qin W., Jin F., Yang S.Y., Huang D. (2023). X-ray microtomography study on the cemented structure of cemented granular materials, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 21(1), 1-16.

5. Sun P., Huang D. (2023). Regional-scale assessment of earthquake-induced slope displacement considering uncertainties in subsurface soils and hydrogeological condition. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 164, 107593.

6. Sun P., Huang D., Du S.L. (2023). Improving soil liquefaction prediction through an extensive database and innovative ground motion characterization: a case study of port island liquefied site. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 165, 107696.

7. Chen Z.W., Huang D., Wang G. (2023). Large-scale ground motion simulation of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake incorporating soil nonlinearity and topographic effects. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(4), 956-978.

8. Tian Y., Lu X.Z., Huang D., Wang T. (2023). SCI effects under complex terrains: shaking table tests and numerical simulation. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 27(5), 1237-1260.

9. Yang S., Huang D. (2022). Fabric evolution and liquefaction resistance in multiple-liquefaction processa micromechanical study using DEM-clump. Acta Geotechnica, 17(12), 5655-5674.

10. Shen Z.H., Huang D., Wang G., Zhao Y.T., Jin F. (2022). A mesoscale bond model for discrete element modeling of irregular cemented granular materials. Computers and Geotechnics, 152, 105051.

11. Huang D., Wang Z. (2022). Wavelet-based Stochastic Model for Jointly Simulating Three-component Ground Motions. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112(3), 1483-1501.

12. Yang S., Huang D., Wang G., Jin F. (2022). Probing fabric evolution and reliquefaction resistance of sands using discrete element modeling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 148(6), 04022023.

13. Liang T., Jin F., Huang D., Wang G. (2022). On the elastic modulus of rock-filled concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 340, 127819.

14. Wang W., Jin F., Wang B.H., Wang G., Huang D., Cui CY. (2022). Adhesion behavior and deposition morphology of cement grout flowing through granular materials. Construction and Building Materials, 337, 127547.

15. Zhang R., Huang D., Liu N., Jin F. (2022). Quantifying the effect of ground-motion nonstationarity on the nonlinear dynamic responses of an ultra-high arch dam. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 155, 107154.

16. Feng K., Huang D., Wang G., Jin F., Cheng Z. (2022). Physics-based large-deformation analysis of coseismic landslides: A multiscale 3D SEM-MPM framework with application to the Hongshiyan landslide. Engineering Geology, 297, 106487.

17. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2022). Quadrilateral-area-coordinate-based numerical manifold method accommodating static and dynamic analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 134, 315-340.

18. Shen Z., Wang G., Huang D., Jin F. (2022). A resolved CFD-DEM coupling model for modeling two-phase fluids interaction with irregularly shaped particles. Journal of Computational Physics, 448, 110695.

19. Amini P. F., Huang D., Wang G., Jin F. (2021). Effects of strain history and induced anisotropy on reliquefaction resistance of Toyoura sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(9), 04021094.

20. Feng K., Wang G., Huang D., Jin F. (2021). Material point method for large-deformation modeling of coseismic landslide and liquefaction-induced dam failure. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 150, 106907.

21. Yan C.Z., Wang X., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). A new 3D continuous-discontinuous heat conduction model and coupled thermomechanical model for simulating the thermal cracking of brittle materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 229, 111123.

22. Feng K., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). Two-layer material point method for modeling soilwater interaction in unsaturated soils and rainfall-induced slope failure. Acta Geotechnica, 16(3), 2529-2551.

23. Li L., Huang D., Jin F., Du S. (2021). Evaluation of synthetic and recorded ground motions for soil liquefaction analyses. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 149, 106815.

24. Yan C.Z., Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). A 2D mixed fracturepore seepage model and hydromechanical coupling for fractured porous media. Acta Geotechnica, 16(4), 3061-3086

25. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). A four-way enhanced numerical manifold method for crack propagation and failure analysis of rock slopes. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 95, 623-643.

26. Yan C.Z., Zheng Y.C., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). A coupled contact heat transfer and thermal cracking model for discontinuous and granular media, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 375, 113587.

27. Huang D., Sun P., Jin F., Du C. (2021). Topographic amplification of ground motions incorporating uncertainty in subsurface soils with extensive geological borehole data. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 141, 106441.

28. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). Cone-complementary manifold method for stability and failure analysis of jointed/fractured rock masses. Computers and Geotechnics, 131, 103955.  

29. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). Cone complimentary-based numerical manifold method modeling frictional and cohesive contact problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 89, 1341-1356.

30. Huang D., Wang G., Du C., Jin F. (2021). Seismic amplification of soil ground with spatially varying shear wave velocity using 2D spectral element method. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 25(14), 2834-2849.

31. Amini P. F., Huang D., Wang G. (2021). Dynamic properties of Toyoura sand in reliquefaction tests. Geotechnique Letters, 11(4), 239-246.

32. Wang M., Huang D., Wang G., Du W., Li D. (2020). Vine copula-based dependence modeling of multivariate ground-motion intensity measures and the impact on probabilistic seismic slope displacement hazard analysis. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110 (6), 2967-2990.

33. Wang M., Huang D., Wang G., Li D. (2020). SS-XGBoost: a machine learning framework for predicting Newmark sliding displacements of slopes. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 146(9), 04020074.

34. Wei J., Huang D., Wang G. (2020). Fabric evolution of granular soils under multi-directional cyclic loading. Acta Geotechnica, 15(9), 2529-2543.

35. Huang D., Wang G., Jin F. (2020). Effectiveness of pile reinforcement in liquefied ground. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 24(8), 1222-1244

36. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G. (2020). Discontinuous deformation analysis handling vertex-vertex contact based on principle of least effort, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121(18), 4070-4100.

37. Huang D., Wang G., Wang C., Jin F. (2020). A modified frequency-dependent equivalent linear method for seismic site response analyses and model validation using KiK-net borehole arrays. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 24(5), 827-844.

38. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G., Jin F. (2020). Discontinuous deformation analysis for ellipsoids using cone complementary formulation, Computers and Geotechnics, 121, 103459.

39. Huang D., Wang G., Du C., Jin F., Feng K., Chen Z. (2020). An integrated SEM-Newmark model for physics-based regional coseismic landslide assessment. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 132, 106066.

40. Cui C.Y., Wang W., Jin F., Huang D. (2020). Discrete-element modeling of cemented granular material using mixed-mode cohesive zone model. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(4), 04020031.

41. Fan H., Huang D., Wang G., Wang J. (2020). Discontinuous deformation analysis for SH-body, Computers and Geotechnics, 117, 103234.

42. Wang B.H., Jin F., Zhou H., Huang D., Liu N., Wang W., Wang Y.Y. (2019). Pilot study on vibrated rock-filled concrete. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 17(10), 559-570.

43. Mohajerani S., Wang G., Huang D., Jalali S.M.E., Torabi S.R., Jin F. (2019). An efficient computational model for simulating stress-dependent flow in three-dimensional discrete fracture networks. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(3), 1384-1394.

44. Huang D., Wang G, Jin F. (2019). Performance of on-site earthquake early warning system using strong-motion records from recent earthquakes, Natural Hazards Review ASCE, 20(1), 04018030.

45. Wang G., Du C., Huang D., Jin F., Koo R.C.H., Kwan J.S.H. (2018). Parametric models for 3D topographic amplification of ground motions considering subsurface soils. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 115, 41-54.

46. Lu X.Z., Tian Y., Wang G., Huang D. (2018). A numerical coupling scheme for nonlinear time-history analysis of buildings on a regional scale considering site-city interaction effects. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 47(13), 2708-2725.

47. Du W., Huang D., Wang G. (2018). Influence of slope property variabilities on seismic sliding displacement analyses. Engineering Geology, 242, 121-129.

48. Du W., Wang G., Huang D. (2018). Evaluation of seismic slope displacement based on fully coupled sliding mass analysis and NGA-West2 database. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 144(8), 06018006.

49. Wei J., Huang D., Wang G. (2018). Microscale descriptors for particle-void distribution and jamming transition in pre- and post-liquefaction of granular soils, Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, 144(8), 04018067.

50. Du W., Huang D., Wang G. (2018). Quantification of model uncertainty and variability in Newmark displacement analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 109, 286-298.

51. Mohajerani S., Huang D., Wang G., Jalali S.M.E., Torabi S.R. (2018). An efficient algorithm for generation of conforming mesh for three-dimensional discrete fracture networks. Engineering Computation, 35(8), 2860-2882.

52. Huang D., Du W., Zhu H. (2017). A procedure to select ground-motion time histories for deterministic seismic hazard analysis from the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) database. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(10), 1725-1739.

53. Huang D., Wang G. (2017). Energy-compatible and spectrum-compatible (ECSC) ground motion simulation using wavelet packets. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 46(11), 1855-1873.

54. Huang D., Wang G. (2015). Stochastic simulation of regionalized ground motions using wavelet packets and cokriging analysis. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(5), 775-794.

55. Huang D., Wang G. (2015). Region-specific spatial cross-correlation model for stochastic simulation of regionalized ground-motion time histories. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105 (1), 272-284.

56. 张饶, 金峰, 黄杜若, 刘宁 (2022). 地震波频率非平稳对土石坝非线性结构响应影响研究[J].水利学报, 53(8), 926-938.

57. 金峰, 周虎, 李玲玉, 黄杜若. 堆石混凝土系列技术在西部水电工程中的应用[J]. 水电与抽水蓄能, 2021, 7(1),7.

58. 李林, 黄杜若, 金峰. 基于竖井台站实测强地震动记录的剪切波速反演[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2020, 42(S2),179-184.

59. 汪博浩,王卫,金峰,谭捍东,黄杜若. 薄层水泥净浆早期水化过程分层电学测量[J].水利发电学报, 2020, 39(8), 28-35.

60. 黄杜若, 王刚, 盛志刚. 基于小波包和空间相关性分析的人工地震波仿真技术[J]. 华南地震, 2014, 000(003),82-90.


1. 金峰,聂建国,周虎,黄杜若,梁婷;一种钢筋堆石混凝土结构及其施工方法,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010608113.5

2. 黄杜若,孙培贵,金峰,梁婷,曹子龙,林宁,杜三林,杨传根,封伯昊;一种适用于井下强震仪的扶正器,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL202110924088.6

3. 黄杜若,王刚,梁婷,金峰,崔治;一种叠环式空心扭剪设备及其压力补偿方法,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL202011233820.7

4. 金峰,黄杜若,林宁,梁婷,杜三林,杨传根;一种结构化胶结接触界面试样制备装置及其制备方法,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL202110430517.4

5. 金峰,周虎,王刚,黄杜若,王卫;一种结构化胶结碎石桩及其施工方法,已授权,国际专利,专利号:WO 2019/169956 A1

6. 金峰,王卫,黄杜若,潘坚文,周虎,汪博浩;浇筑型胶结颗粒料及其制备方法,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201910049727.1

7. 金峰,周虎,王刚,黄杜若,王卫;一种结构化胶结碎石桩及其施工方法,已授权,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL 201810185860.5

8. 黄杜若,金峰,崔治,梁婷,杜三林;一种钻孔中原状土试样套膜装置,实质审查,公开日:2021-04-20,中国,申请号:CN202011496308.1

9. 黄杜若,梁婷,金峰,杨思远,杜三林,杨传根;一种井下原位土体加载装置,实质审查,公开日:2021-04-16,中国,申请号:CN202011512653.X

10. 黄杜若,金峰,杜三林,李林,梁婷,孙培贵,曹子龙,杨传根,封伯昊,林宁;人工地震动合成方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质,实质审查,公开日:2021-08-16,中国,申请号:CN202110937806.3

11. 金峰,王浩,周虎,黄杜若,林宁;胶结爆破堆石坝及其施工方法,实质审查,公开日:2020-11-24,中国,申请号:CN202010771166.9

12. 金峰,王浩,周虎,黄杜若;全材料坝,实质审查,公开日:2020-08-04,中国,申请号:CN202010772591.X

13. 金峰,陈松贵,陈汉宝,周虎,刘海源,彭程,周元德,黄杜若;一种基于胶结化堆石的透水防波堤,实质审查,公开日:2018-12-04,中国,申请号:CN201810832627.1

14. 陈汉宝,金峰,周虎,陈松贵,刘海成,刘海源,周元德,黄杜若;一种基于胶结化块石的防波堤施工季风期防护方法,实质审查,公开日:2018-07-24,中国,申请号:CN201810822477.6

15. 黄杜若,金峰,梁婷,杜三林,杨传根,崔治;一种井下原位土样套膜装置,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202023050921.9

16. 黄杜若,梁婷,金峰,杨思远,杜三林,杨传根;一种深地原位土体加载装置,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202023078064.3

17. 黄杜若,孙培贵,金峰,梁婷,曹子龙,林宁,杜三林,杨传根,封伯昊;一种适用于井下强震仪的稳定器,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202121883577.3

18. 金峰,黄杜若,林宁,梁婷,杜三林,杨传根,封伯昊;一种结构化胶结颗粒料胶结界面试样制备装置,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202121882090.3

19. 金峰,周虎,黄杜若,梁婷,杨佐斌,王明友;一种生态挡土墙结构,已授权,实用新型专利,中国,专利号:ZL202120199601.5

20. 金峰,王浩,周虎,黄杜若,林宁;胶结爆破堆石坝,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202021597935.X

21. 金峰,王浩,周虎,黄杜若;全材料坝,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202021598401.9

22. 陈松贵,金峰,陈汉宝,周虎,谭忠华,赵旭,黄杜若,金瑞佳,彭程,王依娜;一种单桩防冲刷护底,已授权,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201821853620.X

23. 陈汉宝,金峰,周虎,陈松贵,刘海成,刘海源,周元德,黄杜若;一种基于胶结化块石的防波堤施工季风期防护结构,已授权,实用新型专利,中国,专利号:ZL201821179361.7

24. 金峰,陈松贵,陈汉宝,周虎,刘海源,彭程,周元德,黄杜若;一种基于胶结化堆石的透水防波堤,已授权,实用新型专利,中国,专利号:ZL201821177712.0



 1. 黄杜若,金峰,王卓,Esqke谱能双匹配地震波生成软件1.0,登记号2020SR0984400

 2. 黄杜若,金峰,王卓,曹子龙,梁婷,杜三林,竖井地震动数据库软件1.0,登记号2021SR0155512

 3. 王卓、黄杜若、金峰,三分量人工地震波生成软件1.0,登记号2022SR0228051

 4. 金峰、梁婷、黄杜若、赵厚然、邱奕翔,堆石混凝土三维细观有限元模型建模软件1.0,登记号2022SR0238129

 5. 金峰、梁婷、黄杜若、赵厚然、林宁,堆石混凝土弹性模量计算器软件1.0,登记号2021SR1970914

 6. 金峰、徐小蓉、周虎、黄杜若,堆石混凝土坝施工与运维管理信息系统(电脑版)V1.0,登记号2019SR1164863