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1998/9 - 2003/1,清华大学,岩土工程,硕士、博士(获评清华大学优秀博士论文)

1994/9 - 1998/7,清华大学,水利水电工程建筑,学士(提前一年毕业、清华大学优秀毕业生)


2011/12 - 至今,清华大学,水利系,教授(择优晋升)

2005/12 - 2011/11,清华大学,水利系,副研究员

2003/2 - 2005/11,清华大学,水利系,助理研究员


1. 新生研讨课:未来灾害调控

2. 本科生课程:土力学与基础工程

3. 本科生课程:工程灾害学

4. 研究生课程:岩土工程仿真


1. 岩土破损力学

2. 土与结构静动力相互作用

3. 工程灾害与调控


1. 北京市科技新星计划项目,2009-2012

2. 国家重点研发计划课题:堰塞坝长期工作性态演变机理与一体化分析方法,2018-2021

3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题,坝堤溃决灾害综合诊断与风险调控,2007-2011

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,开挖与渗流耦合条件下基坑支护系统破坏机理与安全评价研究,2015-2018 

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,地震条件下土质边坡抗滑桩加固机理与评价,2010-2012 

6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于物理-数值模拟的边坡渐进破坏研究与评价,2004-2006 

7. 教育部自主科研计划课题,水库区边坡稳定性耦联分析理论研究及应用,2016-2018 

8. 国家科技支撑计划课题“紫坪铺水库震损评估与抗震减灾技术研究”专题,高土石坝接触面特性测试及动力反应分析与评价,2009-2011 

9. 国家科技支撑计划专题“近海风电场基础设计方法”子课题,循环荷载作用下的桩基承载力分析研究,2008-2008 

10. 国家科技支撑计划课题“奥林匹克森林公园挖湖堆山工程的重大岩土工程问题及其环境影响研究”子课题,地震作用下山体的稳定和变形研究及安全性评价,2006-2008 

11. 国家科技重大专项课题“石墨堆内构件的动力学响应和结构完整性研究”子课题,石墨球床的动力特性实验研究,2009-2010

12. 国电大渡河流域水电开发有限公司委托项目:大渡河库区边坡地质灾害智能诊断与预警系统研究,2020-2023

13. 中国水利水电科学研究院委托项目:标准贯入试验的离散元数值模拟研究,2020-2021 

14. 广东阳茂高速公路有限公司委托项目:广东省高速公路改扩建关键技术研究课题--软弱路基扩宽加高新技术研究,2019-2022

15. 北京市基础设施投资有限公司、北京城投地下空间开发建设有限公司委托项目:复杂环境下高层建筑与地下结构上下同步施工的安全控制理论与技术及其应用,2019-2021

16. 贵州电网有限责任公司六盘水供电局委托项目:贵州典型煤矿采空区输电线路塔基稳定性分析新方法研究,2016-2020

17. 中国石油大学(北京)委托项目:HYSY944压载穿刺预防技术离心试验模拟服务,2019-2020

18. 中国铁路设计集团有限公司委托项目:地面沉降对轨道交通桥梁结构影响机理及注浆防控效果模型试验,2019

19. 西北农林科技大学委托项目:自重湿陷性黄土离心模型试验,2018-2019

20. 天津大学委托项目:钻井船插、拔桩对邻近桩基础影响的离心模型试验,2017-2018

21. 中国水利水电科学研究院委托项目:高土石坝接触面特性试验测试及多耦合动力响应模拟分析,2017

22. 同济大学委托项目:交通循环动载下饱和软黏土变形响应离心试验模拟,2016-2017 

23. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,羊曲面板堆石坝三维应力变形特性及方案论证研究,2010-2013 

24. 北京中水科水电科技开发有限公司委托项目,海上风机导管架基础桩土作用研究,2015-2016 

25. 北京中水科水电科技开发有限公司委托项目,海上风机筒形基础力学行为与承载特性研究,2013-2015 

26. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,积石峡面板堆石坝设计方案优化与安全性评价,2006-2007 

27. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,积石峡面板堆石坝开挖料筑坝的可行性研究,2005-2006 

28. 中国科成人自拍视频 力学研究所委托项目,地震作用下典型基覆高陡边坡破坏机理离心振动实验研究,2009-2011 

29. 中国水利水电科学研究院委托项目,LXJ-4-450岩土离心机高速摄影设备及图像分析软件,2005-2007 

30. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,积石峡面板堆石坝流变特性与大坝施工方案可行性论证,2008-2009 

31. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,公伯峡面板堆石坝变形反演分析与大坝安全性评价,2008-2009 

32. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司委托项目,积石峡面板堆石坝坝料补充试验与大坝施工优化措施分析,2008-2009 

33. 中国水电顾问集团西北勘测设计研究院委托项目,白龙江苗家坝水电站工程混凝土面板堆石坝坝体三维非线性有限元静力动力分析,2008-2009 

34. 中国水电顾问集团西北勘测设计研究院委托项目,大渡河金川水电站混凝土面板堆石坝面板分缝影响研究分析,2008-2009 

35. 中国水电顾问集团西北勘测设计研究院委托项目,白龙江苗家坝水电站砼面板堆石坝筑坝料动力试验研究,2007-2008 

36. 铁道第三勘察设计院委托项目,地面沉降对高速铁路系统影响的评价及对策研究,2006-2007


1. 中国振动工程学会理事

2. 中国振动工程学会土动力学委员会委员

3. 中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会理事

4. 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会土的本构关系及强度理论专业委员会委员

5. 中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会软土工程专业委员会委员






1. 2013  国家技术发明一等奖:大型结构与土体接触面力学试验系统研制及应用(排名2)

2. 2018  国家科学技术进步奖(创新团队):清华大学工程结构创新团队(排名6)

3. 2011  国际岩土力学计算方法与进展学会IACMAG杰出青年研究者奖(Outstanding Young Investigator Award)

4. 2015 ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineering) Outstanding Reviewer

5. 2012  中国振动工程学会青年科技奖

6. 2012  大禹水利科学技术一等奖:高土石坝抗震理论及关键技术与工程应用(排名4)

7. 2011  中建总公司科学技术成果一等奖:地铁地下结构抗震理论及关键技术研究与应用(排名4)

8. 2012  教育部技术发明二等奖:大型三维接触面试验设备系统和测试技术(排名2)

9. 2007  教育部技术发明二等奖:大型土与结构接触面试验设备及测试技术(排名2)

10. 2006  湖南省科学技术进步三等奖:三板溪水电站面板堆石坝结构安全性评价(排名2)

11. 2007  北京市科学技术进步三等奖:强震环境下北京地铁地下结构抗震的设计及分析方法(排名3)


1. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Large-scale apparatus for monotonic and cyclic soil-structure interface test. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2006, 29 (5): 401-408

2. Zhang Ga*, Liang Dongfang, Zhang Jian-Min. Image analysis measurement of soil particle movement during a soil-structure interface test. Computers and Geotechnics, 2006, 33 (4-5): 248-259

3. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Monotonic and cyclic tests of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2006, 46 (4): 505-518

4. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min, Yu Yilin. Modeling of gravelly soil with multiple lithologic components and its application. Soils and Foundations, 2007, 47 (4): 799-810

5. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Simplified method of stability evaluation for strain-softening slopes. Mechanics Research Communications, 2007, 34 (5-6): 444-450

6. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Unified modeling of monotonic and cyclic behavior of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2008, 48 (2): 231-245

7. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Large-scale monotonic and cyclic tests of interface between geotextile and gravelly soil. Soils and Foundations, 2009, 49 (1): 75-84

8. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Constitutive rules of cyclic behavior of interface between structure and gravelly soil. Mechanics of Materials, 2009, 41 (1): 48-59 

9. Zhang Ga*, Hu Yun, Zhang Jian-Min. New image analysis-based displacement-measurement system for geotechnical centrifuge modeling tests. Measurement, 2009, 42 (1): 87-96

10. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Numerical modeling of soil-structure interface of a concrete-faced rockfill dam. Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36 (5): 762-772

11. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jianmin. State of the art: mechanical behavior of soil-structure interface. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19 (10): 1187-1196

12. Hu Yun, Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min, Lee C F. Centrifuge modeling of geotextile-reinforced cohesive slopes. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2010, 28 (1): 12-22

13. Wang Liping*, Zhang Ga, Zhang Jian-Min. Nail reinforcement mechanism of cohesive soil slopes under earthquake conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2010, 50 (4): 459-469

14. Zhang Ga*, Wang Liping, Zhang Jian-Min. Monotonic and cyclic modeling of interface between geotextile and gravelly soil. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2010, 34 (13): 1346-1361

15. Zhang Ga*, Wang Liping. Stability analysis of strain-softening slope reinforced with stabilizing piles. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2010, 136 (11): 1578-1582

16. Wang Rui, Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge modelling of clay slope with montmorillonite weak layer under rainfall conditions. Applied Clay Science, 2010, 50 (3): 386-394

17. Zhang G*, Wang L, Zhang J-M. Dilatancy of the interface between a structure and gravelly soil. Geotechnique, 2011, 61 (1): 75-84

18. Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Modeling of low-cement extruded curb of concrete-faced rockfill dam. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2011, 48 (1): 89-97

19. Zhang Ga*, Qian Jiyun, Wang Rui, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge model test study of rainfall-induced deformation of cohesive soil slopes. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51 (2): 297-305

20. Wang Liping, Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min. Centrifuge model tests of geotextile-reinforced soil embankments during an earthquake. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2011, 29 (3): 222-232

21. Li Ming, Zhang Ga*, Zhang Jian-Min, Lee C F. Centrifuge model tests on a cohesive soil slope under excavation conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2011, 51 (5): 801-812 

22. Zhang Ga*, Wang Rui, Qian Jiyun, Zhang Jian-Min, Qian Jiangu. Effect study of cracks on behavior of soil slope under rainfall conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2012, 52 (4): 634-643

23. Zhang Ga*, Cao Jie, Wang Liping. Centrifuge model tests of deformation and failure of nailing-reinforced slopes under vertical surface loading condition. Soils and Foundations, 2013, 53 (1): 117-129

24. Zhang Ga*, Rong Bing, Fu Ping. Centrifuge model test study of static and cyclic behavior of a pile foundation for an offshore wind generator. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2013, 41 (5): 701-712

25. Wang Liping, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge model test study on pile reinforcement behavior of cohesive soil slopes under earthquake conditions. Landslides, 2014, 11(2): 213-223

26. Wang Liping, Zhang Ga*. Progressive failure behavior of pile-reinforced clay slopes under surface load conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71(12): 5007-5016

27. Zhang Ga*, Li Ming, Wang Liping. Analysis of the effect of the loading path on the failure behaviour of slopes. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014, 18 (7): 2080-2084

28. Zhang Ga*, Cao Jie, Wang Liping. Failure behavior and mechanism of slopes reinforced using soil nail wall under various loading conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54 (6): 1175-1187

29. Zhang Ga*, Hu Yun, Wang Liping. Behaviour and mechanism of failure process of soil slopes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73(4): 1701-1713

30. Wang Liping, Zhang Ga*. In flight simulation of pile installation in slopes in centrifuge model tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2015, 38 (1): 50-60

31. Zhang Ga*, Yan Guanchen. In-flight simulation of the excavation of foundation pit in centrifuge model tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2016, 39 (1): 59-68

32. Zhang Ga*, Wang Liping. Integrated analysis of a coupled mechanism for the failure processes of pile-reinforced slopes. Acta Geotechnica, 2016, 11(4): 941-952

33. Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*. Progressive failure behavior of cohesive soil slopes under water drawdown conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75 (11): 973

34. Zhang Ga*, Hu Yun. Numerical modeling of failure process of soil slopes. ASCE’s International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17 (4): 06016031

35. Wang Yaliang, Zhang Ga*, Wang Aixia. Progressive failure behavior and mechanism of soil slopes under dynamic loading conditions. ASCE’s International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17 (4): 04016102

36. Lu Wenjun, Zhang Ga*, Wang Aixia. Bearing behavior of multiple piles for offshore wind driven generator. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 129: 538-548

37. Zhang Ga*, Luo Fangyue. Simplified stability analysis of strain-softening slopes under drawdown conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76 (4): 151

38. Zhang Ga*, Wang Liping. Simplified evaluation on the stability level of pile-reinforced slopes. Soils and Foundations, 2017, 57 (4): 575-586

39. Zhang Ga*, Wang Liping, Wang Yaliang. Pile reinforcement mechanism of soil slopes. Acta Geotechnica, 2017, 12 (5): 1035-1046

40. Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*, Liu Yang, Ma Changhui. Centrifuge modeling of the geotextile reinforced slope subject to drawdown. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2018, 46(1): 11-21

41. Li Yang, Zhang Ga*, Liu Chunying. Effects of pile installation simulation on behavior of pile groups in centrifuge model tests. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2018, 41 (4): 815-820 

42. Wang Yaliang, Zhang Ga*, Wang Aixia. Block reinforcement behavior and mechanism of soil slopes. Acta Geotechnica, 2018, 13 (5): 1155-1170

43. Wang Yaliang, Zhang Ga*, Wang Aixia. On the cyclic failure mechanism of soil slopes. Acta Geotechnica, 2018, 13 (6): 1419-1432

44. Zhao Yiying, Zhang Ga*, Hu Daisong, Han Yuzhen. Centrifuge model test study on failure behavior of soil slopes overlying the bedrock. ASCE’s International Journal of Geomechanics, 2018, 18 (11): 04018144

45. Lu Wenjun, Zhang Ga*. Influence mechanism of vertical-horizontal combined loads on the response of a single pile in sand. Soils and Foundations, 2018, 58 (5): 1228-1239

46. Rehman ur Zia, Zhang Ga*. Shear coupling effect of the monotonic and cyclic behavior of the interface between the steel and gravel. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2019, 56 (6): 876-884

47. Wang Teng, Zhang Ga*. Failure behavior of soil-rock mixture slopes based on centrifuge model test. Journal of Mountain Science, 2019, 16(8): 1928-1942

48. Sun Wei, Fish Jacob, Zhang Ga*. Superposition of non-ordinary state-based peridynamics and finite element method for material failure simulations. Meccanica, 2020, 55: 681-699

49. Rehman ur Zia, Luo Fangyue, Wang Teng, Zhang Ga*. Large-scale test study on the three-dimensional behavior of the gravel-concrete interface of a CFR dam. ASCE’s International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20 (6): 04020046

50. Ma Liqiu, Yang Kun, Yuan Wenzhong, Li Lingao, Wei Yanxun, Ma Changhui, Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge modeling of the pile foundation reinforcement on slopes subjected to uneven settlement. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79: 2647-2658

51.Liu Sujia, Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge model tests on pile-reinforced slopes subjected to drawdown. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2020, 12 (6): 1290-1300

52.Lu Wenjun, Zhang Ga*. New p-y curve model considering vertical loading for piles of offshore wind turbine in sand. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 133: doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107228

53.Lu Wenjun, Zhang Ga*. Long-term cyclic loading tests for offshore pile foundations based on hydraulic gradient modeling. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2021, 45: DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20190374

54.Rehman ur Zia, Zhang Ga*. Cyclic behavior of the gravel-steel interface under varying rotational shear paths. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2020, 57 doi: 10.1139/cgj-2019-0472 

55.Luo Fangyue, Huang Renlong, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge modeling of the geogrid-reinforced slope subjected to differential settlement. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15(10), 3027-3040

56.Zhao Yiying, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge modeling of soil slopes overlying bedrock under excavation conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2020, 60 (4): 886-897

57.Chen Tianyi, Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*, Yang Yusheng. Study on deformation and failure of slopes under coupled application of water level change and vertical load. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80: DOI:10.1007/s10064-020-01958-w

58.Luo Fangyue, Zhang Ga*, Ma Changhui. On the soil slope failure mechanism considering the mutual effect of bedrock and drawdown. ASCE’s International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021, 21 (2): 04020247

59.Rehman ur Zia, Zhang Ga*. Three-dimensional elasto-plastic damage model for gravelly soil-structure interface considering the shear coupling effect. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 129: 103868

60.Lu Wenjun, Kaynia AM, Zhang Ga*. Centrifuge study of p-y curves for vertical-horizontal static loading of piles in sand. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2021, DOI: 10.1680/jphmg.19.00030

61.Sun Wei, Zhang Ga*, Zhang Zongliang. Damage analysis of the cut-off wall in a landslide dam based on centrifuge and numerical modeling. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 129: 103936

62. 张嘎*, 王刚, 尹振宇, 杨仲轩. 土的基本特性及本构关系. 土木工程学报, 2020, 53 (2): 105-118

63. 张建民,张嘎. 观测土与结构件接触面力学特性的循环加载剪切仪. 国家发明专利 02131066.1

64. 张嘎,胡耘,张建民. 用于离心机模型试验的土体图像实时采集方法和系统. 国家发明专利 200710177474.3

65. 张嘎,李明,张建民. 模拟离心场边坡开挖工况的设备. 国家发明专利 201010259002.4

66. 张建民,侯文峻,张嘎,殷昆亭. 大型三维多功能土工试验机. 国家发明专利 200610165244.0

67. 宋飞,刘超,张建民,张嘎,郑瑞华. 一种离心模型挡土墙试验设备. 国家发明专利 200910131281.3

68. 张建民,张建红,张嘎,郑瑞华. 水下岩土触探设备及水下岩土勘探方法. 国家发明专利200910244129.6

69. 郑瑞华,张建民,张嘎,王丽萍,王睿. 用于离心设备的颗粒状物质供给装置. 国家发明专利 201010225660.1

70. 张建民,郑瑞华,张嘎,张连卫,张雷. 排水阀和具有它的排水装置. 国家发明专利 201010249544.3, 2012.1

71. 郑瑞华,张建民,张嘎,王丽萍,王睿. 用于离心设备的颗粒状物质抛撒和动态回填装置及系统. 国家发明专利 201010225675.8

72. 张建民,张建红,张嘎,郑瑞华. 水下岩土钻探设备及水下岩土勘探方法. 国家发明专利 200910244128.1

73. 张嘎,王丽萍,张建民. 离心场边坡入桩系统. 国家发明专利 201110199834.6

74. 王丽萍,张嘎. 一种用于模型试验的剪切结构模型桩. 国家发明专利201210196990.1

75. 张嘎, 闫冠臣, 马昌慧, 王爱霞. 离心场基坑开挖支护模拟设备. 国家发明专利201410310260.9

76. 卢雯珺,张嘎. 长期水平循环荷载下海洋工程桩基础试验模拟设备及方法. 国家发明专利201610137300.3

77. 马立秋,赵艺颖,肖致黔,张彬,魏延勋,马昌慧,张嘎. 一种联合电塔桩基础. 国家发明专利 201910371139.X

78.李世俊,张嘎. 土工离心模型中连续可调梯形或锥形不均匀沉降控制设备. 国家发明专利201911166956.8

79.李世俊,张嘎. 土工离心模型中连续可调近弧形不均匀沉降机械装置. 国家发明专利201911168421.4