专利 介玉新. 一种气动喷射线绳机(ZL200610144017X). 2009
专著 杨光华,李广信,介玉新.土的本构模型的广义位势理论及其应用,中国水利水电出版社,2007
1) 介玉新,高燕,李广信. 建筑物间距的统计规律及对附加应力的影响. 工业建筑,2010,40(S1):62-65
2)介玉新. 加筋高边坡及计算方法.工程地质学报,2010,18(Suppl.):263-267
3)介玉新,杨光华. 基于广义位势理论的弹塑性模型的修正方法. 岩土力学,2010,31(S2):38-42
4) 介玉新,刘立珍,武海鹏,傅旭东. 夹层和各向异性对渗流浸润线的影响. 广州大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 03(专刊): 161-163
5)周晓杰,介玉新,李广信. 堤防管涌的数值模拟. 水力发电学报,2011,30(2):100-106
6) 介玉新,董唯杰,傅旭东,李广信,周晓杰. 管涌发展的时间过程模拟. 岩土工程学报. 2011,33(2): 215-219
7) 介玉新. 加筋土不同计算方法之间的关系. 岩土力学,2011,32(S1):43-48
8) 介玉新,毕明宇,李圃林,孙 铁. 海中取淤的海堤安全距离分析. 西北地震学报,2011,33(Suppl.):254-256
9)介玉新,武海鹏,王乃东,杨光华. 岩土材料的剪胀方程. 地下空间与工程学报,2011,7(6):1086-1090
10) 介玉新,秦晓艳,金鑫,徐文杰,王恩志. 加筋土高边坡的有限元分析. 水利水电科技进展,2012,32(1):83-86
11) 介玉新,秦晓艳,金鑫; 徐文杰,王恩志. 加筋高边坡的稳定分析. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(4): 660-666
12) Zhou XJ, Jie YX, Li GX. Numerical simulation of the developing course of piping. Computers and Geotechnics,2012, 44:104-108
13) Jie YX, Liu Y. Simulated annealing based algorithm for node generation in seepage analysis with meshless method. Mechanics Research Communications, 2012, 43: 96-100
17)Jie YX, Wen YF, Deng G, Chen R, Xu ZP. Impact of soil deformation on phreatic line in earth-fill dams. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 46: 44-50
18) Xu WJ, Jie YX, Yu YZ. Study on the breakage mode and risk analysis of Tangjiashan barrier dam. Earthquake-Induced Landslides, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake-Induced Landslides, Kiryu, Japan, 2012, 965-974
19) 秦晓艳,金鑫,介玉新,王恩志. 加筋土边坡的矢量和法稳定分析. 水力发电学报, 2012, 31(5): 223-228
20) Jie YX, Li GX, Tang F, Jin Y, Hua JX. Soil stabilization in the fill project of the Olympic Rowing-canoeing Park in Beijing. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2013, 25(4): 462-472
21)Jie YX, Liu LZ, Xu WJ, Li GX. Application of NEM in seepage analysis with a free surface. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2013, 89: 23-37
22) Jie YX, Fu XD, Deng G. Treatment of transitional element with the Monte Carlo method for FEM-based seepage analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 52: 1-6
23) Jie YX, Xu WJ, Danzeng Dunzhu, Wei YF, Peng T, Zhou ZY. Laboratory testing of a densified municipal solid waste in Beijing. Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20: 1953-1963
24) Yang GH, Jie YX, Li GX. A mathematical approach to establishing constitutive models for geomaterials. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, Article ID 739068, DOI: 10.1155/2013/739068
25) Jie YX, Yuan HN, Zhou HD, Yu YZ. Bending moment calculations for piles based on the finite element method. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, Article ID 784583, DOI: 10.1155/2013/784583
26) Zhang BY, Jie YX, Kong DZ. Particle size distribution and relative breakage for a cement ellipsoid aggregate. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 53: 31-39
27) He J, Jie YX, Zhang JH, Yu YZ, Zhang GP. Synthesis and characterization of red mud and rice husk ash-based geopolymer composites. Cement & Concrete Composites, 2013, 37: 108-118
28) Chen X, Jie YX, Yu YZ. GPU-accelerated iterative solutions for finite element analysis of soil-structure interaction problems. Computational Geosciences, 2013, 17: 723-738
29) Zhang BY, Jie YX, Kong DZ. Particle breakage of cement ellipsoid aggregate—Part II: investigation of particle crushing. Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM), 2013, 41(5): 761-769
30) Jie YX, Nyema L, Tian C, Wei YQ, Cai H. Deformation and failure pattern of cohesive slopes reinforced with different materials: Centrifuge modeling study. Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of the International Symposium and 9th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG, Beijing, China, 2013, 265-271
31) 介玉新,傅志斌,刘立珍. 基坑位移分析与预测. 水力发电学报, 2013, 32(1): 223-229
32) 马超锋,介玉新,王笃礼,李晓,梁昌玉. 山岭隧道施工阶段围岩动态分级研究. 铁道学报,2013,35(10):106-113
33) Zhang BY, Jie YX, Kong DZ. Particle breakage of cement ellipsoid aggregate—Part I: triaxial compression tests. Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM), 2014, 42(1): 170-180
34) Jie YX, Fu XD, Liu Y. Mesh generation for FEM based on centroidal Voronoi tessellations. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2014, 97: 68-79
35) Zhang BY, Jie YX, Kong DZ. Simulation of rockfill materials using aggregates of cement ellipsoids. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 2014, 26(1): 107-116
36) Chen X, Jie YX, Liu JK. Robust partitioned block preconditioners for large-scale geotechnical applications with soil–structure interactions. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(1): 72-91
37) Xu XF, Jie YX. Third-order bound of nonlinear composites and porous media under hydrostatic deformation. Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 68: 137-146
38) Xu YC, Li XD, Jie YX. Test on water level stabilization and prevention of mine-shaft failure by means of groundwater injection. Geotechnical Testing Journal (ASTM), 2014, 37(2): 319-332
39) Xu WJ, Jie YX, Li QB, Wang XB, Yu YZ. Genesis, mechanism, and stability of the Dongmiaojia landslide, yellow river, China. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2014, 67, 57–68
40) 介玉新,李广信. 有限元法在加筋土结构设计中应用的必要性和可行性. 长江科成人自拍视频
41) 介玉新. 岩土工程研究中SCI论文的写作. 华中科技大学学报(社会科学版),2014,28(专辑),14-20 (第四届全国土力学教学研讨会)
42) Wang DY, Fu XD, Jie YX, Dong WJ, Hu Die. Simulation of pipe progression in a levee foundation with coupled seepage and pipe flow domains. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(5), 974-984
43) Xu XF, Jie YX, Beyerlein, IJ. A probability model for the strength of carbon nanotubes. AIP Advances, 2014, 4, 077116, 1-8
44) Fu ZB, Jie YX, Li YG, Wu W. Construction of a foundation pit without dewatering. Tunneling and Underground Construction GSP 242 (ASCE), 900-909
45) Wang DY, Fu XD, Jie YX, Feng QF. How a suspended cut-off wall functions: Effect of soil anisotropy in a levee foundation. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Perth, Australia, pp 129-139, 2014
46) 介玉新,武海鹏,徐曦. 加筋土不同计算方法的比较. 工程地质学报,2014,22(Suppl.),377-382
47) Xu WJ, Zhang HY, Jie YX, Yu YZ. Generation of 3D random meso-structure of soil-rock mixture and its meso-structural mechanics based on numerical tests. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22: 619-630
48)介玉新,武海鹏,徐曦. 加筋土的加筋间距研究. 建筑结构,2015,45(Suppl.),1087-1092
49) Chen TL, Liu JJ, Jie YX, Zhang DL. Numerical simulations of pattern evolution of shear bands during pure shear of geomaterials. Tectonophysics, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.04.005
50)马超锋,马伟斌,介玉新,王笃礼,付兵先. 地铁交叉隧道结构地震动力响应分析的ADINA模型构建. 铁道建筑,2015,5:53-57
51) 任鹤,费建波,介玉新,傅旭东,张丙印. 用自然单元法模拟管涌发展过程. 水力发电学报, 2015, 34(7): 21-26
52) Fei JB, Jie YX, Zhang BY, Fu XD. A shallow constitutive law-based granular flow model for avalanches. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 68: 109-116
53) 介玉新,柏永亮,余卓憬,张彬. 边坡的潜在滑动面分析. 工程地质学报,2015,23(Suppl.),242-246
54) 介玉新,周诗博,陈杰,孙铁,李晓茹. 差分法计算一维固结的若干问题探讨. 地下空间与工程学报,2015,11(Suppl.),48-52
55) 介玉新,柏永亮,张彬. 基于加速度的边坡和挡土墙稳定性分析. 地球科学与环境学报,2015,37(6),120-126
56) 介玉新,柏永亮,张彬. 边坡潜在滑动面的包络线分析. 水力发电学报,2016,35(3),28-35
57) 费建波,介玉新,张丙印,傅旭东. 土的三维破坏准则在颗粒流模型中的应用. 岩土力学,2016, 37(6):1809-1817
58) 费建波,介玉新,张丙印,傅旭东. 颗粒流底部摩擦模型在高速远程滑坡模拟中的运用. 水力发电学报,2016,35(1):104-109
59) 柏永亮,介玉新,张彬. 边坡稳定分析中加速度与安全系数的关系研究. 工程地质学报,2016,24(S1):668-672
60) Liu XQ, Jie YX, Xu YC. Prevention of mine-shaft failure by aquifer replenishment. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2017, 45(3): 890-903
61) 介玉新,刘占奎. 基于类比方法确定边坡地基的承载力和变形模量. 水力发电学报,2017,36(2):92-101
62) 介玉新,柏永亮,张彬. 边坡稳定分析中加速度临界滑动面研究. 工程地质学报,2017,25(5):1238-1244.
63) 张丙印,介玉新,李广信,于玉贞. 土力学教学专业委员会回顾与展望.河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2017,19:1-4
64) 张丙印,介玉新, 叶冠林,李广信,于玉贞. 第一届全国大学生岩土工程竞赛命题总结. 2017,19:75-78
65) 介玉新,刘占奎,郭政豪. 边坡滑动面构造的数学函数. 水力发电学报,2018,37(2):108-120
66) 介玉新,李伟瀚,张彬. 用加速度方法分析隧洞的稳定性. 河海大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46(4):301-306
67) 介玉新,李伟瀚,张彬. 用加速度方法计算隧洞的安全系数. 水力发电学报,2018,37(8):103-110
68) 介玉新,郭政豪. 基于加速度计算边坡的安全系数. 水力发电学报,2018, 37(9):74-83
69) 介玉新,周诗博,郭政豪,等.平台分级对加筋土边坡稳定性的影响研究. 工程地质学报,2018, 26( 5) : 1178-1187
70) 牛键, 介玉新, 张彬. 一种类比坡面侵蚀的优化计算方法. 工程地质学报,2018, 26(S1) : 409-413
71) 介玉新. 有限土体土压力和边坡安全系数分析. 清华大学学报. 2019,59(8): 619-627
72) 郭政豪,黄浚鸣,费建波,介玉新. 摩擦系数变化对边坡滑动过程的影响. 工程地质学报, 2019, 27(S1): 193-199
73) 介玉新,王乃东,杨光华. 土石坝计算中多重势面模型与沈珠江模型的比较. 工程地质学报, 2019, 27(S1): 54-59
74) 介玉新, 郭政豪, 赵雪莹. 接触面单元计算土石坝渗流逸出点的效果分析. 河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2019(4): 329-336
75) 介玉新, 张延亿, 杨光华. 土石料湿化变形计算方法探讨. 岩土力学, 2019(S1): 11-20
76) Fei Jianbo, Jie Yuxin, Sun Xiaohui, et al. Experimental investigation on granular flow past baffle piles and numerical simulation using a (I)-rheology-based approach. Powder Technology, 2019, 359: 36-46
77) 介玉新. 土工计算中的参数分析. 水力发电学报, 2020, 39(2): 52-66
78) Jianbo Fei, Yuxin Jie, Haipeng Wu, and Ting Zhou. Laboratory pullout test study on the influence zone of geosynthetics. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. 2020, 15:1-11