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• 2010-2014:美国加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校地球与行星科学系,获博士学位;
• 2006-2010:清华大学水利水电工程系水利水电工程专业,获工学学士学位;


• 2021至今



• 2019-2021

• 2014-2019








国家级青年人才项目,多孔介质中溶质的迁移与转化, 2019-2022在研,主持,项目经费:300万元

面上项目,指流对包气带污染物快速下渗的影响机理与模型研究:以氮污染为例, 2021-2025在研,主持,项目经费:52万元




2022至今: Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrology


1. K. Zhou et al., Volcanism driven Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) terrestrial climate and environment perturbations. Global and Planetary Change 216, 103919 (2022).

2. L. Li et al., Influence of CO2 migration from geological storage on the chemical composition of groundwater and monitoring indicators. Environmental Earth Sciences 81, 1-14 (2022).

3. Q. Jia, S. Zhang, L. Lammers, Y. Huang, G. Wang, A model for pH dependent strontium partitioning during calcite precipitation from aqueous solutions. Chemical Geology 608, 121042 (2022).

4. S. Gao et al., A new seq2seq architecture for hourly runoff prediction using historical rainfall and runoff as input. Journal of Hydrology 612, 128099 (2022).

5. X. A. Chen et al., A long-term reconstructed TROPOMI solar-induced fluorescence dataset using machine learning algorithms. Scientific Data 9, 1-11 (2022).

6. C. Nie et al., Effects of soil water content on forest ecosystem water use efficiency through changes in transpiration/evapotranspiration ratio. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308, 108605 (2021).

7. R. March, S. Zhang, H. H. Liu, Direct numerical simulation of density driven fingering flow: Towards a model to predict the spacing between halite fingers in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108929 (2021).

8. A. B. Li, S. Zhang, C. C. Xu, X. G. Zhao, X. Zhang, 3D Printing of True Pore-Scale Berea Sandstone and Digital Rock Verification. Spe Journal 26, 3719-3724 (2021).

9. D. J. DePaolo et al., Opportunities for large-scale CO2 disposal in coastal marine volcanic basins based on the geology of northeast Hawaii. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 110, 103396 (2021).

10. S. Zhang, R. J. Zhou, D. J. DePaolo, The seawater Sr/Ca ratio in the past 50 Myr from bulk carbonate sediments corrected for diagenesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 530, 115949 (2020).

11. S. Zhang, D. J. DePaolo, Equilibrium calcite-fluid Sr/Ca partition coefficient from marine sediment and pore fluids. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 289, 33-46 (2020).

12. S. Zhang, The relationship between organoclastic sulfate reduction and carbonate precipitation/dissolution in marine sediments. Marine Geology 428, 106284 (2020).

13. P. Lu, P. Luo, G. Zhang, S. Zhang, C. Zhu, A mineral-water-gas interaction model of pCO2 as a function of temperature in sedimentary basins. Chemical Geology 558, 119868 (2020).

14. S. Gao et al., Short-term runoff prediction with GRU and LSTM networks without requiring time step optimization during sample generation. Journal of Hydrology 589, 125188 (2020).

15. S. Agar, W. Li, R. Goteti, D. Jobe, S. Zhang, Bayesian artificial intelligence for geologic prediction: Fracture case study, Horn River Basin. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 67, 141-184 (2019).

16. S. Zhang, P. Lu, Effect of Micrite Content on Calcite Cementation in an Upper Jurassic Carbonate Reservoir, Eastern Saudi Arabia. Journal of Petroleum Geology 42, 79-89 (2018).

17. F. Watson et al., Comparison of Flow and Transport Experiments on 3D Printed Micromodels with Direct Numerical Simulations. Transport in Porous Media 129, 449-466 (2018).

18. E. H. Mitnick, L. N. Lammers, S. Zhang, Y. Zaretskiy, D. J. DePaolo, Authigenic carbonate formation rates in marine sediments and implications for the marine δ13C record. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 495, 135-145 (2018).

19. S. Ishutov et al., Three-dimensional printing for geoscience: Fundamental research, education, and applications for the petroleum industry. Aapg Bulletin 102, 1-26 (2018).

20. S. Zhang et al., Improved quantification of the porosity–permeability relationship of limestones using petrographical texture. Petroleum Geoscience 24, 440-448 (2017).

21. S. Zhang, D. J. DePaolo, Rates of CO2 Mineralization in Geological Carbon Storage. Acc Chem Res 50, 2075-2084 (2017).

22. T. D. Jobe, S. Geiger, Z. Jiang, S. Zhang, S. Agar, Micropore network modelling from 2D confocal imagery: impact on reservoir quality and hydrocarbon recovery. Petroleum Geoscience 24, 323-334 (2017).

23. L. E. Beckingham et al., Evaluation of accessible mineral surface areas for improved prediction of mineral reaction rates in porous media. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 205, 31-49 (2017).

24. S. Zhang, H. H. Liu, M. I. J. van Dijke, S. Geiger, S. M. Agar, Constitutive Relations for Reactive Transport Modeling: Effects of Chemical Reactions on Multi-phase Flow Properties. Transport in Porous Media 114, 795-814 (2016).

25. S. Zhang, H.-H. Liu, Porosity–permeability relationships in modeling salt precipitation during CO2 sequestration: Review of conceptual models and implementation in numerical simulations. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 52, 24-31 (2016).

26. L. E. Beckingham et al., Evaluation of mineral reactive surface area estimates for prediction of reactivity of a multi-mineral sediment. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 188, 310-329 (2016).

27. S. Zhang, L. Yang, D. J. DePaolo, C. I. Steefel, Chemical affinity and pH effects on chlorite dissolution kinetics under geological CO2 sequestration related conditions. Chemical Geology 396, 208-217 (2015).

28. S. Zhang, D. J. DePaolo, M. Voltolini, T. Kneafsey, CO2 mineralization in volcanogenic sandstones: geochemical characterization of the Etchegoin formation, San Joaquin Basin. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 5, 622-644 (2015).

29. S. Zhang, D. J. DePaolo, L. Zheng, B. Mayer, Reactive transport modeling of stable carbon isotope fractionation in a multi-phase multi-component system during carbon sequestration. Energy Procedia 63, 3821-3832 (2014).

30. S. Zhang, D. J. DePaolo, T. F. Xu, L. G. Zheng, Mineralization of carbon dioxide sequestered in volcanogenic sandstone reservoir rocks. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 315-328 (2013).

31. 聂冲, 陈星安, 黄跃飞, 张硕, 叶片尺度水汽压差的量化方法及其影响因素. 应用基础与工程科学学报  (2022).

32. 仝利红,刘英俊,张硕,刘晓伟,贾其萃,黄跃飞,倪广恒,卢文洲, 乌伦古湖水体矿化度和氟化物浓度的年际变化及模拟. 湖泊科学 34, 134 (2022).