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2004/03 - 2007/06 天津大学 力学系(流体力学专业) 博士

2001/09 - 2004/02 天津大学 力学系(流体力学专业) 硕士

1997/09 - 2001/07 天津大学 工程力学专业 本科


2014/12 - 今 清华大学 水利系 副研究员

2012/12 - 2014/12 清华大学 水利系 助理研究员

2010/05 - 2011/05 英国卡迪夫大学 工成人自拍视频         访问学者

2007/07 - 2012/12 天津大学 力学系(流体力学专业) 讲师






[1] 2020/01-2022/12, 江河上游水电优质发展与河流-河口生态环境演化机制研究, 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室课题.

[2] 2019/07-2021/06, 大型辫状河流水沙动力条件及地貌演替机制, 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室开放课题.

[3] 2018/01-2020/12, 天津滨海新区近岸海域入海污染物调查及入海主要污染物控制方案研究, 天津市滨海新区环境局项目. 合作单位: 天津市环境保护科学研究院.

[4] 2018/01-2021/12, 雅鲁藏布江辫状河流非均匀泥沙运动与地貌演变规律研究, 国家自然科学基金 面上项目. 合作单位: 西藏自治区水文水资源勘测局.

[5] 2018/01-2021/12, 入海物质通量变化机制与趋势预测, 重点研发计划任务, 所属项目: 应对转型中的河口三角洲, “政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项, 中荷(兰)政府间合作项目. 合作单位: 华东师范大学.

[6] 2016/07-2021/06, 大型水库影响下河流水文泥沙动力过程与水沙输运通量变化, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 所属项目: 大型水库对河流-河口系统生物地球化学过程和物质输运的影响机制 (全球变化及应对). 合作单位: 武汉大学, 华东师范大学, 长江水文局, 中国海洋大学.

[7] 2015/03-2017/03, 超大城市发展和气候变化条件下城市洪水灾害研究 (Flood impact assessment in mega cities under urban sprawl and climate change). 全球创新计划(GII)项目. 

[9] 2015/01-2017/12, 冲积型河流演变过程的机理和模拟研究, 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室课题.

[8] 2015/01-2016/12, 典型河口水体交换特性研究, 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室课题.

[10] 2013/01-2015/12, 人类活动等对河流下游物质通量的作用与对策:大型水库滞温效应、规律与对策, 清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室课题.

[11] 2012/01-2016/04, 波浪、潮流能资源调查、建模与评估, 国家高技术研究发展计划 (863计划).

[12] 2011/01-2013/12, 近岸海域环境水动力学三维垂向高分辨率数值模拟研究, 国家自然科学基金 青年项目.

[13] 2009.05-2010.05, 临港工业区污水处理厂排水对临近海域水环境影响的数值模拟研究. 天津市环境影响评价中心课题.

[14] 2008.10-2009.06, 新泉海水淡化厂取排水对循环渠及近岸海域盐度影响数值模拟研究. 中国市政工程华北设计研究院课题.

[15] 2007/11-2008/10, 珠江河口及毗邻海域二维水质数学模型计算研究. 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所课题.

[16] 2007/01-2007/09, 天津港内外水域水交换特性和水环境预测. 天津港课题.

[17] 2007.07-2009.06, 渤海湾天津海域海水淡化环境影响分析、评估及总量控制研究――海水淡化及综合利用工程环境影响数值模拟计算及海水淡化可承受总量研究. 天津市环境保护科学研究院课题.

[18] 2006/07-2007/06, 上海洋山深水港区潮流泥沙动床数学模型试验, 中交第三航务工程勘查设计研究院(上海)课题.



Science of the Total Environment,  Journal of Hydrology,  Hydrological Processes, Earth Surface Dynamics,  Geomorphology,  Catena,  Estuary Coastal and Shelf Science,  Ocean Dynamics,  Journal of Coastal Research,  ICE-Water Management,  International Journal of Sediment Research


1. 2015年,英国土木工程师协会“Robert Alfred Carr Prize”,排名第1

2. 2008年,天津市科学技术进步奖 三等奖”,排名: 4

3. 2005年, 天津市科学技术进步奖 一等奖,排名: 11



[1] Sun Jian, Liu Leyang, Lin Jie, Lin Binliang*, Zhao Haiping. Vertical water renewal in a large estuary and implications for water quality. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 710: 135593.

[2] Li Yuanyi, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, Liu Zhaowei. Thermal-hydrodynamic circulations and water fluxes in a tributary bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 585: 124319.

[3] Yuan Bing, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, Zhang Fanyi. Long-term morphodynamics of a large estuary subject to decreasing sediment supply and sea level rise. Global and Planetary Change, 191, 2020: 103212.

[4] Yuan Bing, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*. Decadal changes in sediment budget and morphology in the tidal reach of the Yangtze River. Catena, 2020, 188: 104438.

[5] Huang Zhe, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*, et al. Suspended Sediment Transport Responses to Increasing Human Activities in a High-Altitude River: A Case Study in a Typical Sub-Catchment of the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Water, 2020, 12: 952. 

[6] Li Yuanyi, Zhang Weiguo, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, Feng Huan*. 210PB, 137CS and 7Be as Tracers for Sediment Deposition in an Embayment of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chapter of Radionuclides: Properties, Behaviour and Potential Health, edited by Todorović Nataša and Nikolov Jovana, 2020, Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.

[7] 陶磊, 孙健, 李原仪, 刘海英, 尚建程, 林斌良, 聂振华, 袁德奎. 潮汐和季风作用下渤海湾水交换研究. 水力发电学报, 2020, 39(5): 99-107.

[8] 董娇娇, 孙健, 陈燕珍, 刘长根, 马慧敏, 刘春宏. 渤海岸线及地形变化对水动力影响的数值模拟. 海洋科学进展, 2020, 38(4): 676-687.

[9] Sun Jian, Zhang Man, Zhou Jianjun, Lin Binliang*. Investigation on hydrothermal processes in a large channel-type reservoir using an integrated physics-based model. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2019, 21(3): 493-509.

[10] Shang Jiancheng, Sun Jian, Tao Lei, Li Yuanyi*, Nie Zhenhua, Liu Haiying, Chen Rui, Yuan Dekui. Combined effect of tides and wind on water exchange in a semi-enclosed shallow sea. Water, 2019, 11(1762).

[11] Zhang Fanyi, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*. Current reversals in a large tidal river. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019, 223: 74-84.

[12] 刘璐, 孙健, 袁冰, 林斌良. 城市暴雨地表积水过程研究:以清华大学校园为例. 水力发电学报, 2019, 38(8): 98-109.

[13] Chen Yaling, Lin Binliang*, Sun Jian, Guo Jinxi, Wu Wenlong. Hydrodynamic effects of the ratio of rotor diameter to water depth: An experimental study. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 331-341.

[14] Li Yuanyi, Feng Huan, Zhang Haiwen, Sun Jian, Yuan Dekui*, Guo Lei, Ni Jing, Du Jinglong. Hydrodynamics and water circulation in the New York/New Jersey Harbor: A study from the perspective of water age. Journal of Marine Systems, 2019, 199(103219).

[15] Zhang Fanyi, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, 2018. Huang Guoxian. Seasonal hydrodynamic interactions between tidal waves and river flows in the Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Marine Systems, 186: 17-28.

[16] Liu Lu, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Lu Lingwei, 2018. Building performance in dam-break flow – an experimental study. Urban Water Journal, 15(3): 251-258. 

[17] Li Jun-De, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, 2018. Bed-Load Transport Based on the Entrainment Probabilities of Sediment Grains by Rolling and Lifting. International Journal of Sediment Research, 33: 126-136.

[18] Sun Jian, Lu Lingwei, Lin Binliang*, Liu Lu, 2017. Processes of dike-break induced flows: A combined experimental and numerical model study. International Journal of Sediment Research, 32: 465-471.

[19] Lin Jie, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*, Chen Yaling, 2017. Numerical model simulation of island-headland induced eddies in a site for tidal current energy extraction. Renewable Energy, 101C: 204-213.

[20] Yang Haiyan*, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, 2017. Huang Guoxian. Simulating laboratory braided rivers with bed-load sediment transport. Water, 2017(9): 686.

[21] Xu Xiaofu, Sun Jian, Nie Hongtao, Yuan Dekui, Tao Jianhua, 2016. Linking structural equation modeling with Bayesian network and its application to coastal phytoplankton dynamics in the Bohai Bay. China Ocean Engineering, 30(5): 733-748.

[22] Lin Jie, Lin Binliang*, Sun Jian and Chen Yaling, 2016. Modelling hydrodynamic processes in tidal stream energy extraction. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 28(6). 1058-1064.

[23] 林杰, 林斌良, 陈娅玲, 孙健, 2016. 水平轴潮流发电机作用下流场的动态模拟. 太阳能学报, 37(4): 1050-1055.

[24] 陆灵威, 林斌良, 孙健, 刘璐, 2016. 河道溃堤水波的物理模型实验研究. 水力发电学报, 35: 25-34.

[25] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, 2016. A hydro-morphological study with a physics-based numerical model. The 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Feb 7-12, Melbourne, Australia.

[26] Liu Lu, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Lu Lingwei, 2016. Numerical and Experimental Study on dam-break flows with building, 12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 21-26 August, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea.

[27] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Kuang Hongwei, 2015. Modelling the dynamic processes of channel migration. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 168(6), 256-269.

[28] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Yang Haiyan, 2015. Development and application of a braided river model with non-uniform sediment transport. Advances in Water Resources, 81: 62-74.

[29] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Kuang Hongwei, 2015. Numerical modelling of channel migration with application to laboratory rivers. International Journal of Sediment Research, 30(1): 13-27.

[30] Lin Jie, Sun Jian, Liu Lu, Chen YaLing, Lin Binliang, 2015. Refined representation of turbines using a 3D SWE model for predicting distributions of velocity deficit and tidal energy density. International Journal of Energy Research, 39:1828-1842.

[31] 张伟, 孙健, 聂红涛, 姜国强, 陶建华, 2015. 珠江口及毗邻海域营养盐对浮游植物生长的影响. 生态学报, 35(12): 4034-4044.

[32] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, 2015. Study on numerical simulation of morphodynamic processes of braided rivers. E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands.

[33] Lin Jie, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, 2015. Numerical model simulation of island induced vortexes in a tidal current energy extraction site. The 7th East Asia Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy (EAWOMEN 2015), October 15-17, 2015, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.

[34] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, Jiang Guoqiang, Li Kaiming, 2014. A modelling study of residence time and exposure time in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 8: 281-291.

[35] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Jiang Guoqiang, Li Kaiming, Tao Jianhua, 2014. Modelling study on environmental indicators in an estuary. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 167(3): 141-151.

[36] Ren Yuheng, Lin Binliang*, Sun Jian, 2014. Predicting water age distribution in the Pearl River Estuary using a three-dimensional model. Journal of Marine Systems, 139: 276-287.

[37] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Yang Haiyan, 2014. Numerical modelling of morpho-dynamic processes with multi-thread flows. Proc. Int. Conf. Fluv. Hydraul., RIVER FLOW 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1239-1244.

[38] 况宏伟, 孙健, 林斌良, 2014. 流量非恒定性对河道演变影响机理的研究. 水利发电学报, 33(6): 118-125.

[39] Ren Yuheng, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, 2014. Study on water age in an estuary using three-dimensional models. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2014, New York City, USA.

[40] Lin Jie, Lin Binliang, Chen Yaling, Sun Jian, 2014. A promising method for real time simulation of tidal current power farm. Global Conference on Global Warming-2014, 25 - 29 May, Beijing China.

[41] 林杰, 孙健, 陈娅玲, 林斌良, 2014. 水平轴潮流发电机在三维浅水模型中的垂向定位及作用模拟. 2014海洋能技术研究进展, 清华大学出版社, 第五届全国海洋能学术讨论会, 2014年11月22-23日, 北京.

[42] Yuan Bing, Sun Jian*, Yuan Dekui, Tao Jianhua, 2013. Numerical simulation of shallow-water flooding using a two-dimensional finite volume model. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 25(4): 520-527.

[43] 郑东升, 孙健*, 陶建华, 2013. 一种基于能量形式的风场数据统计方法及其在渤海湾水交换方面的应用. 海洋环境科学, 32(2): 280-283.

[44] Xing Fangwei, Sun Jian, Li Yuanyi, Yuan Dekui, Tao Jianhu, 2013. Numerical Simulation of Water Exchange in Bohai Sea with Age and Half-life Time. 35th IAHR World Congress September 8-13, 2013, Chengdu, China.

[45] Ren Yuheng, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, 2013. Water age distribution in the Pearl River Estuary. ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change, 13-17 October, 2013, Shanghai, China.

[46] 冯露, 亢一澜, 王志勇, 孙健, 王世斌, 贾启芬, 沈岷, 2013. 基于问题学习的探究式教学改革实践. 高等工程教育研究, 4: 176-180.

[47] Sun Jian, Yang Kun, Wang Hongli, Li Wei, 2012. Numerical Assessment of Environmental Impact of Brine Discharge from a Desalination Plant on Coastal Water. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 188: 319-323.

[48] Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua, Jiang Guoqiang, Li Kaiming, 2012. Modelling Study on the Nitrogen Distribution in the Pearl River Estuary, China. Proceedings of 2nd RSETE 2012, 3: 1676-1679.

[49] Zheng Dongsheng, Sun Jian, Wang Aimei, Tao Jianhua, Xiang Xiangquan, 2012. The simulation of the Chlorophyll-a by using the CA-SVM method and its application in Bohai Bay. Proceedings of 2nd RSETE 2012, Nanjing China, 5: 3164-3168.

[50] Zheng Dongsheng, Sun Jian, Wang Aimei, Tao Jianhua, 2012. A statistical method of wind field based on the form of energy and its application in Bohai Bay water exchange. Proceedings of 2nd RSETE 2012, 1, 148-152.

[51] Yuan Bing, Yuan Dekui, Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua. 2012. A finite volume model for coupling surface and subsurface flows. Peocedia Engineering, 31: 62-67.

[52] Sun Jian, Kuang Hongwei, Lin Binliang, 2011. Physical experiments and numerical modelling of channel evolution process. Proceedings of the 7th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, D3020. September 6-8, 2011.

[53] Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua*, 2010. A new wetting and drying method for moving boundary in shallow water flow models. China Ocean Engineering, 24(1): 79-92.

[54] Li Xiaobao, Yuan Dekui, Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua, 2010. Simulation of land reclamation's effect on the water exchange in Tianjin coastal area. Int. Conf. Bioinformatics Biomed. Eng., June 18, 2010 - June 20, 2010, Chengdu, China, 1-5.

[55] 孙健, 李伟, 王红莉, 陶建华, 2010. 海水淡化厂外排浓盐水输移扩散数值模拟预测. 中国给水排水, 26(3): 53-56.

[56] 冯露, 王燕群, 亢一澜, 孙健, 2010. 工程教育在材料力学教学中的探索与实践, 力学与工程应用, 13(1): 353-355.

[57] Yuan Dekui*, Sun Jian, Li Xiaobao, 2008. Simulation of wetting and drying process in depth integrated shallow water flow model by slot method. China Ocean Engineering, 22(3): 1-10.

[58] Nie Hongtao, Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua, 2008. An improvement on wetting and drying method for moving boundary in shallow water flow models. Adv. Water Resour. Hydraul. Eng. - Proc. IAHR-APD Congr. Symp. IAHR-ISHS, Nanjing, China, V: 1683-1688.

[59] Li Xiao-bao, Yuan Dekui, Sun Jian, 2008. Simulation of water exchange in Bohai bay. Adv. Water Resour. Hydraul. Eng. - Proc. IAHR-APD Congr. Symp. IAHR-ISHS, Nanjing, China, IV: 1341-1346.

[60] Sun Jian, Nie Hongtao, Tao Jianhua, Fu Guo, 2009. Analysis of the pulse impact on sea area by the sluice-controlled river. Proceedings of International Symposium of HAI Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management (River Basin Research and Planning Approach), Beijing, China, 71-77.

[61] Yuan Dekui, Lin Binliang, Tao Jianhua and Sun Jian, 2007. Pollutant transport and mixing in water wave field. Proceedings of 32nd Congress of IAHR, Venice, Italy, A1.a-004-O, 252.

[62] 袁德奎, 吕迎雪, 孙健, 陶建华, 2008. 用关联矩阵研究天津港的水交换. 第二十一届全国水动力学研讨会暨第八届全国水动力学学术会议暨两岸船舶与海洋工程动力学研讨会文集, 济南, 922-927.

[63] 孙健, 陶建华, 2007. 潮流数值模拟中动边界处理方法研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 22(1): 44-52.

[64] Sun Jian, Tao Jianhua, 2006. Relation matrix of water exchange for sea bays and its application. China Ocean Engineering, 20(4): 529-544.

[65] Tao Jian-hua, Sun Jian, 2006. Numerical simulation of water exchange for sea bays. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2006, Nice, FRANCE, 1: 684-690.

[66] 焦楠, 孙健, 陶建华, 2006. 河口建闸对河道河口及近岸海域水环境的影响研究. 港工技术, 170(2): 7-9.

[67] 孙健, 李顺芹, 陶建华, 2004. 非线性Stokes波浪场中污染物输移扩散研究. 水动力学研究与进展, 19(4): 494-500.


[1] 孙健, 周文清, 林斌良, 李治, 康建军, 冯月永, 周达. 一种多探头分时复用装置、流速测量装置和方法, 2020-03-20, 中国, 发明专利, ZL201711192642.6.

[2] 孙健, 陆灵威, 林斌良, 刘璐, 一种用于水力学模拟的提升装置, 发明专利, ZL201610258487.2.

[3] 李建成, 卲万骏, 孙健, 袁德奎, 刘长根, 一种柱状机械抓斗式底样采泥器, 2013.04.17, 中国, ZL 2012 2 0569365.2.