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中国水利学会疏浚与泥处理利用专业委员会 委员




1. Lei Huang, Hongwei Fang, Danny Reible*. Mathematical model for interactions and transport of phosphorus and sediment in the Three Gorges Reservoir, Water Research, 2015, 85, 393-403.
2. Lei Huang, Hongwei Fang*, Guojian He, Helong Jiang, Changhui Wang. Effects of internal loading on phosphorus distribution in the Taihu Lake driven by wind waves and lake currents, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 219, 760-773.
3. Lei Huang, Hongwei Fang*, Xingya Xu, Guojian He, Xuesong Zhang, Danny Reible. Stochastic modeling of phosphorus transport in the Three Gorges Reservoir by incorporating variability associated with the phosphorus partition coefficient, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 592, 649-661.
4. Lei Huang*, Hongwei Fang, Mehdi Fazeli, Yishan Chen, Guojian He, Daoyi Chen. Mobility of phosphorus induced by sediment resuspension in the Three Gorges Reservoir by flume experiment, Chemosphere, 2015, 134, 374-379.
5. Lei Huang, Hongwei Fang*, Guojian He, Minghong Chen. Phosphorus adsorption on natural sediments with different pH incorporating surface morphology characterization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 18883-18891.
6. Hongwei Fang, Lei Huang, Jingyu Wang, Guojian He, Danny Reible*. Environmental assessment of heavy metal transport and transformation in the Hangzhou Bay, China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 302, 447-457.
7. Hongwei Fang, Haojie Lai*, Wei Cheng, Lei Huang*, Guojian He. Modeling sediment transport with an integrated view of the biofilm effects, Water Resources Research, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020628.
8. Hongwei Fang, Yishan Chen, Lei Huang*, Guojian He. Analysis of biofilm bacterial communities under different shear stresses using size-fractionated sediment, Scientific Reports, 2017, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-01446-4.
9. Hongwei Fang, Mehdi Fazeli, Wei Cheng, Lei Huang*, Hongying Hu. Biostabilization and transport of cohesive sediment deposits in the Three Gorges Reservoir, PLoS ONE, 2015, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142673.
10. Hongwei Fang, Yishan Chen, Lei Huang*, Guojian He. Biofilm growth on cohesive sediment deposits: laboratory experiment and model validation, Hydrobiologia, 2017, 799, 261-274.
11. Hongwei Fang, Zhenghui Cui, Guojian He*, Lei Huang, Minghong Chen. Phosphorus adsorption onto clay minerals and iron oxide with consideration of heterogeneous particle morphology, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 605, 357-367.
12. Xingya Xu, Xuesong Zhang, Hongwei Fang*, Ruixun Lai, Yuefeng Zhang, Lei Huang, Xiaobo Liu. A real-time probabilistic channel flood-forecasting model based on the Bayesian particle filter approach, Environmental Modelling and Software, 2017, 88, 151-167.
13. Hongwei Fang, Dongchen Dai*, Songheng Li, Guojian He, Lei Huang. Forecasting Yangtze finless porpoise movement behavior using an Eulerian-Eulerian-diffusion method (EEDM), Ecological Engineering, 2016, 88, 39-52.
14. Zhenghui Cui, Hongwei Fang*, Lei Huang, Ke Ni, Danny Reible. Effect of surface heterogeneity on phosphorus adsorption onto mineral particles: experiments and modeling, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-017-1746-9.
15. Dongchen Dai, Hongwei Fang*, Songheng Li, Guojian He, Lei Huang, Wenqi Peng. Numerical simulation of fish movement behavior for habitat assessment by Eulerian-Eulerian-Habitat-Selection (EEHS) method, Ecological Modelling, 2016, 337, 156-167.
16. Hongwei Fang, Dongchen Dai*, Songheng Li, Guojian He, Lei Huang, Wenqi Peng. Kinetic theory for aquatic animal distribution simulation, Science China Technological Sciences, 2016, 59, 1856-1866.
17. Hongwei Fang*, Guojian He, Dong Han, Jiehui Duan, Lei Huang, Minghong Chen. Fluvial processes and their impact on the finless porpoise’s habitat after the Three Gorges Project became operational, Science China Technological Sciences, 2014, 57, 1020-1029.
18. Jingyu Wang, Hongwei Fang*, Guojian He, Lei Huang. A model of 90Sr distribution in the sea near Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in China, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8, 845-853.
19. 黄磊, 方红卫, 王靖宇, 何国建. 河流泥沙磷迁移过程的数学模型研究, 水利学报, 2014, 45, 394-402.
20. 黄磊, 方红卫, 王靖宇, 陈明洪, 何国建. 天然石英砂的表面络合模型研究, 环境科学学报, 2014, 34, 1141-1149.
21. 程伟, 方红卫, 黄磊, 赖豪杰, 何国建. 生物膜泥沙床面对水体紊动影响的实验研究, 水利学报, 2016, 47, 1017-1024.
22. 徐兴亚, 方红卫, 张岳峰, 赖瑞勋, 黄磊, 刘晓波. 河道洪水实时概率预报模型与应用, 水科学进展, 2015, 26, 356-364.
23. 王靖宇, 方红卫, 黄磊, 陈益山, 何国建. 重金属随泥沙迁移过程的数学模型研究, 水科学进展, 2014, 25, 234-241