

教授 博导
Email: [email protected]


1996.9-2001.7 清华大学  水利系水力学及河流动力学     研究生/博士
1993.9-1996.7 清华大学  环境系环境工程专业         本科/第二学士
1991.9-1996.7 清华大学  水利系水工建筑专业            本科/学士


2020.07至今 成人自拍视频-成人国产自拍 ,党委书记

2017.06至今 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,副主任

2013.08-2020.06 成人自拍视频-成人国产自拍 ,副院长

2008.12-2013.11 清华大学水利系,河流研究所所长

2009.12 至今 清华大学水利系,教授

2001.08-2009.11 清华大学水利系,助研、副研


2).河床演变学 (研究生)




国家杰出青年科学基金项目   山区河流与流域泥沙动力学  (2016.1-2020.12)
清华大学自主科研计划 山洪泥沙动力学的若干基础问题 (2015.1-2017/12)
国家自然科学基金面上项目 山洪输沙及对震后山洪特性调整过程的影响机理、(2014.1-2017.12)
国家十二五科技支撑计划课题  黄河中下游高含沙洪水调控关键技术研究(2012.1-2015.6)
科技部973计划课题 山区小流域暴雨洪水演进过程与山洪灾害形成机理、(2011.1-2012.12)
国家自然科学基金优秀国家重点实验室研究项目基金 极端条件下城市山洪灾害的形成机理与模拟方法研究(2009.1- 2012.12)


中国水利学会青年科技工作委员会 副主任
中国大坝协会青年科技工作委员会 副主任
中国水利学会泥沙专委会 委员
中国水土保持学会滑坡泥石流专委会 委员
IAHR中国分会 执委


2014年       张光斗优秀青年科技奖                
2011年       中国青年科技奖                  
2010年      茅以升北京青年科技奖              
2007年     世界泥沙研究协会期刊优秀论文奖      排名2


1) Wu Z, Fu X, Wang GQ. On spatial pattern of concentration distribution for Taylor dispersion process. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: Art. 20556. Doi: 10.1038/srep20556 (2016).
[2) Guo D, Yu B, Fu X and Li T. Improved Hillslope Erosion Module for the Digital Yellow-River Model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2015, 20(6).
3) Zhang L, Parker G, Stark CP, Inoue T, Viparelli E, Fu X and Izumi N. Macro-roughness model of bedrock-alluvial river morphodynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2015, 3(1): 113-138.
4) Ma H, Heyman J, Fu X, Mettra F, Ancey C and Parker G. Bed load transport over a broad range of timescales: Determination of three regimes of fluctuations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 2014, 119(12): 2653-2673.
5) Ma H and Fu X. Stochastic formulation of particle kinetics in wall-bounded two-phase flows. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2014, 57(10): 2001-2011.
6) Wang DY, Fu X, Jie YX, Dong WJ and Hu D. Simulation of pipe progression in a levee foundation with coupled seepage and pipe flow domains. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(5): 974-984.
7) Wang H, Fu X, Wang Y and Wang G. A high-performance temporal-spatial discretization method for the parallel computing of river basins. Computers & Geosciences, 2013, 58: 62-68.
8) Wang H, Fu X and Wang G. Multi-tree Coding Method (MCM) for drainage networks supporting high-efficient search. Computers & Geosciences, 2013, 52: 300-306.
9) Gao J, Williams MW, Fu X, Wang G and Gong T. Spatiotemporal distribution of snow in eastern Tibet and the response to climate change. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012, 121: 1-9.
10) Ma H and Fu X. Real time prediction approach for floods caused by failure of natural dams due to overtopping. Advances in Water Resources, 2012, 35: 10-19.
11) Liu F, Fu X, Wang G and Duan J. Physically based simulation of dam breach development for Tangjiashan Quake Dam, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65(4): 1081-1094.
12) Wang H, Zhou Y, Fu X, Gao J and Wang G. Maximum speedup ratio curve (MSC) in parallel computing of the binary-tree-based drainage network. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 38(1): 127-135.
13) Wang H, Fu X, Wang G, Li T and Gao J. A common parallel computing framework for modeling hydrological processes of river basins. Parallel Computing, 2011, 37(6-7): 302-315.
14) Fu XD, Liu F, Wang GQ, Xu WJ, Zhang JX. Necessity of integrated methodology for hazard mitigation of quake lakes: case study of the Wenchuan Earthquake, China. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, 2011, 5(1): 1-10.
15) Fu X, Jiang L, Wu B, Hu C, Wang G and Fei X. Sediment delivery ratio and its uncertainties on flood event scale: Quantification for the Lower Yellow River. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(3): 854-862.
16) Fu X, Sun Q, Wang G and Ma H. Kinetic modeling of dilute solid-liquid two-phase flows with inelastic collisions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(23): 4358-4364.
17) Wang G, Liu F, Fu X and Li T. Simulation of dam breach development for emergency treatment of the Tangjiashan Quake Lake in China. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2008, 51: 82-94.
18) Wang G, Fu X, Huang Y and Huang G. Analysis of suspended sediment transport in open-channel flows: Kinetic-model-based simulation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, 2008, 134(3): 328-339.
19) Fu X, Wang GQ and Shao XJ. Vertical disoersion of fine and coarse sediments in turbulent open-channel flows. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, 2005, 131(10): 877-888.
20) Wang GQ, Fu XD, Wang XK. Kinetic modeling of constitutive relations for particle motion in low to moderately concentrated flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2005, 20(4): 305-318.
21) Wang GQ and Fu X. Mechanisms of particle vertical diffusion in sediment-laden flows. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(10): 1086-1090.
22) 傅旭东, 王光谦. 用PDF方程法分析悬沙垂线浓度分布. 力学学报, 2003, 35(4): 393-400.
23) 傅旭东, 王光谦. 低浓度固液两相流的颗粒相动理学模型. 力学学报, 2003, 35(6): 650-659.
24) Fu X, Wang GQ and Dong ZN. Theoretical analysis and numerical computation of dilute solid/liquid two-phase pipe flow. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2001, 44(3): 298-308.
25) 王光谦, 傅旭东. 快速颗粒流本构关系在固液两相流中的适用条件初探. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2000, 8(4): 416-424.