

研究员 博导
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通信地址:北京市海淀区清华大学 新水利馆


1998.09~2003.07:清华大学 水利水电工程系  工学博士
1993.09~1998.07:清华大学 水利水电工程系  工学学士


2017.12~至今:   清华大学水利水电工程系 研究员
2016.10~2017.12:清华大学水利水电工程系 副研究员

2010.01~2011.01:普林斯顿大学土木与环境工程系 访问学者

2008.12~2016.10:清华大学水利水电工程系 副教授
2003.12~2008.12:清华大学水利水电工程系 讲师
2001.08~2003.12:清华大学水利水电工程系 研究实习员










1、 丛振涛,杨大文,倪广恒. 蒸发原理与应用. 科学出版社, 2013
2、 杨大文, 丛振涛(译). 生态水文学. 水利水电科学出版社, 2008
1 张乐昕, 丛振涛. 基于FAO-Blaney-Criddle方法的河套灌区参考作物蒸散发量估算. 农业工程学报,2016,16:95-101.
2 丛振涛, 李沁书, 章诞武, 郑 颖. 维持东洞庭湖湖泊功能的河湖格局研究. 水力发电学报,2016,04:41-46.
3 章诞武, 丛振涛, 倪广恒. 1956—2010年中国降雪特征变化. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2016,04:381-386.
4杨大文, 丛振涛, 尚松浩, 倪广恒. 从土壤水动力学到生态水文学的发展与展望. 水利学报,2016,03:390-397.
5 章诞武, 丛振涛, 倪广恒. 1956—2010年中国水热季节性特征分析. 水科学进展,2015,04:466-472.
6 丛振涛, 肖鹏, 章诞武, 黎昔春, 郑 颖. 三峡工程运行前后城陵矶水位变化及其原因分析. 水力发电学报, 2014, 33(3)
7 侯爱中, 倪广恒, 丛振涛, 雷志栋. 耦合城市冠层模型对暴雨模拟精度的影响. 水利学报, 2013, 32(6):31-35
8 章诞武, 丛振涛, 倪广恒. 基于中国气象资料的趋势检验方法对比分析. 水科学进展, 2013(04): 490-496.
9 丛振涛, 张晓颖. 基于Poisson分布的降水模型及其在潮白河密云水库上游流域的应用. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2013(01): 36-41.
10 吕华芳, 丛振涛. 土壤入渗测定教学实验装置设计. 实验技术与管理, 2012(09): 75-78.
11 杨红娟, 丛振涛, 赵岩等. 叶尔羌河流域绿洲蒸散量的遥感估算. 干旱区研究, 2012(03): 479-486.
12 施亚栋, 丛振涛. 洞庭湖四口河系地区水资源需求及配置研究. 水利发电学报, 2011, 30(5): 35-39
13 刘卡波, 丛振涛, 栾震宇. 长江向洞庭湖分水演变规律研究. 水利发电学报, 2011, 30(5): 16-19
14 丛振涛, 杨静, 雷慧闽, 冯保清. 位山灌区四水转化模型模拟研究. 人民黄河. 2011, 33(3): 70-72
15 丛振涛, 姚本智, 倪广恒. SRA1B情景下我国主要作物需水预测. 水科学进展. 2011, 22(1): 38-43
16 杨大文,雷慧闽,丛振涛,2010. 流域水文过程与植被相互作用研究评述.水利学报, 41(10),8-15.
17 丛振涛, 辛儒, 姚本智, 雷志栋. 基于HadCM3模式的气候变化下北京地区冬小麦耗水研究. 水利学报, 2010, 41(9), 1101-1107
18 杨汉波, 杨大文, 雷志栋, 孙福宝, 丛振涛. 蒸发互补关系在不同时间尺度上的变化规律及其机理.
中国科学(E辑:技术科学), 2009, 39(2): 333-340
19 杨红娟, 丛振涛, 雷志栋. 谐波法与双源模型耦合估算土壤热通量和地表蒸散发. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版, 2009, 34(6): 706-710
20 刘钰, 汪林, 倪广恒, 丛振涛. 中国主要作物灌溉需水量空间分布特征. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(12), 6-12
21 杨红娟, 丛振涛, 雷志栋. 利用遥测地表温度模拟土壤热通量. 干旱区研究. 2009.3: 21-25
22 姚本智, 丛振涛, 倪广恒. SWAP模型在灌溉制度优化中的应用. 现代农业水土资源高效利用理论与实践(中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会第五届全国学术会议论文集, 2008.8, 新疆石河子), 478-482
23 丛振涛, 辛儒, 王舒展. 气候变化对作物耗水影响的模型模拟研究. 现代农业水土资源高效利用理论与实践(中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会第五届全国学术会议论文集, 2008.7, 新疆石河子), 38-42
24 杨大文, 丛振涛. 生态水文学:植被形态与功能的达尔文表达. 冰川冻土, 2008, 30(5): 903-905
25 杨红娟, 刘志武, 雷志栋, 丛振涛. 一种简易遥感腾发模型在干旱区平原绿洲的应用. 水利学报, 2008, 38(4): 483-489
26 杨汉波, 杨大文, 雷志栋, 孙福宝, 丛振涛. 蒸发互补关系的区域变异性. 清华大学学报(自然科学版) , 2008, 48(9): 33-36
27 丛振涛, 倪广恒, 杨大文, 雷志栋. “蒸发悖论”在中国的规律分析. 水科学进展,2008, 19(2):147-151
28 丛振涛, 王舒展, 倪广恒. 气候变化对冬小麦潜在产量影响的模型模拟分析. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 48(9): 46-50
29 孙福宝, 杨大文, 刘志雨, 丛振涛. 基于Budyko假设的黄河流域水热耦合平衡规律研究. 水利学报, 2007, 38(4):409-416
30 孙福宝, 杨大文, 刘志雨, 丛振涛, 雷志栋. 海河及西北内陆河流域的水热平衡研究. 水文, 2007, 27(2):7-10
31 丛振涛, 倪广恒. 生态水权的理论与实践. 中国水利, 2006.19: 21-24
32 丛振涛, 倪广恒, 雷志栋, 师峰军. 塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型研究. 冰川冻土, 2006.8, 28(4): 543-548
33 倪广恒, 李新红, 丛振涛, 孙福宝, 刘钰. 中国参考作物腾发量时空变化特性分析. 农业工程学报, 2006.5, 22(5):1-4
34 雷志栋, 倪广恒, 丛振涛, 杨诗秀. 干旱区绿洲水资源可持续利用中的几个热点问题的认识. 水利水电技术, 2006.2, 37(2): 31-33
35 雷志栋, 杨汉波, 倪广恒, 杨诗秀, 丛振涛, 李平, 张玉平, 朱刚, 王教堂, 陈俊鹏. 干旱区绿洲耗水分析. 水利水电技术, 2006.1, 37(1): 15-20
36 黄聿刚, 丛振涛, 雷志栋, 杨诗秀. 新疆麦盖提绿洲水资源利用与耗水分析—绿洲耗散型水文模型的应用. 水利学报, 2005.9, 36(9): 1062-1066
37 丛振涛, 雷志栋, 胡和平, 杨诗秀. 冬小麦生长与土壤-植物-大气连续体水热运移的耦合研究II:模型验证与应用. 水利学报, 2005.6, 36(6): 741-745
38 丛振涛, 雷志栋, 胡和平, 杨诗秀. 冬小麦生长与土壤-植物-大气连续体水热运移的耦合研究I:模型. 水利学报, 2005.5, 36(5): 575-580
39 买合木提, 丛振涛, 吾买尔江等. 塔里木河下游应急生态输水的四水转化研究. 人民黄河, 2005.4, 27(4): 22-24
40 丛振涛, 倪广恒, 雷志栋. 用于田间作物-水分关系研究的ThuSPAC模型. 沈阳农业大学学报, 2004.10, 35(5-6): 459-461
41 丛振涛, 雷志栋, 杨诗秀. 基于SPAC理论的田间腾发量计算模式. 农业工程学报, 2004.3, 20(2): 6-9
42 丛振涛, 周海鹰, 雷志栋等. 塔里木河下游输水过程的分析与模拟. 水科学进展, 2003.05, 14(3): 276-279
43 丛振涛, 周智伟, 雷志栋. Jensen模型水分敏感指数的新定义与新解法. 水科学进展, 2002.11, 13(6): 730-735
Papers in Journals:
1 Shen, Q. N., Cong, Z. T. and Lei, H. M. (2017), Evaluating the impact of climate and underlying surface change on runoff within the Budyko framework a study across 224 catchments in China, Journal of Hydrology, 554, 251-262.
2 Shahid M., Cong Z. T., Zhang D. W (2017), Understanding the impacts of climate change and human activities on streamflow: a case study of the Soan River basin, Pakistan. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-15.
3 Zhang, L. X., Cong, Z. T., Zhang, D. W. and Li, Q. S (2017), Response of vegetation dynamics to climatic variables across a precipitation gradient in the Northeast China Transect, Hydrological Sciences Journal,62(10), 1517-1531.
4 Cong, Z. T., Li, Q. S., Mo, K. L., Zhang, L. X. and Shen, H. (2017), Ecohydrological optimality in the Northeast China Transect. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(5), 2449-2462.
5 Cong, Z. T., Shen, Q. N., Zhou, L., Sun, T. and Liu, J. H (2017), Evapotranspiration estimation considering anthropogenic heat based on remote sensing in urban area, Science China Earth Sciences, 60(4), 659-671.
6 Cong, Z. T., Shahid, M., Zhang, D. W., Lei, H. M., & Yang, D. W (2017), Attribution of runoff change in the alpine basin:
a case study of the Heihe Upstream Basin, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62(6), 1013-1028.
7 Pan, B., and Z. Cong (2016), Information Analysis of Catchment Hydrologic Patterns across Temporal Scales,
Adv Meteorol, 2016, 11.
8 Mo, K. L., Z. T. Cong and H. M. Lei (2016), Optimal vegetation cover in the Horqin Sands, China, Ecohydrology, 9(4), 700-711.
9 Zhang, D., Z. Cong, G. Ni, D. Yang, and S. Hu (2015), Effects of snow ratio on annual runoff within the Budyko framework, Hydrol Earth Syst Sc, 19(4), 1977-1992.
10 Yang, D. W., B. Gao, Y. Jiao, H. M. Lei, Y. L. Zhang, H. B. Yang, and Z. T. Cong (2015), A distributed scheme developed for eco-hydrological modeling in the upper Heihe River, Sci China Earth Sci, 58(1), 36-45.
11 Zhang, X. Y., and Z. T. Cong (2014), Trends of precipitation intensity and frequency in hydrological regions of China from 1956 to 2005, Global Planet Change, 117, 40-51.
12 Zhang, D. W., G. H. Ni, Z. T. Cong, T. Chen, and T. Zhang (2014), Statistical interpretation of the daily variation of urban water consumption in Beijing, China, Hydrolog Sci J, 59(1), 181-192.
13 Cong, Z. T., X. Y. Zhang, D. Li, H. B. Yang, and D. W. Yang (2014), Understanding hydrological trends by combining the Budyko hypothesis and a stochastic soil moisture model, Hydrolog Sci J, 60(1), 145-155.
14 Li, D., M. Pan, Z. T. Cong, L. Zhang, and E. Wood (2013), Vegetation control on water and energy balance within the Budyko framework, Water Resources Research, 49(2), 969-976.
15 Liu, D. F., F. Q. Tian, H. P. Hu, M. Lin, and Z. T. Cong (2012), Ecohydrological evolution model on riparian vegetation in hyperarid regions and its validation in the lower reach of Tarim River, Hydrological Processes, 26(13), 2049-2060.
16 Yang, H. J., Z. T. Cong, Z. W. Liu, and Z. D. Lei (2010), Estimating sub-pixel temperatures using the triangle algorithm, Int J Remote Sens, 31(23), 6047-6060.
17 Cong, Z. T., J. J. Zhao, D. W. Yang, and G. H. Ni (2010), Understanding the hydrological trends of river basins in China, Journal of Hydrology, 388(3-4), 350-356.
18 Yang, H. B., D. W. Yang, Z. D. Lei, F. B. Sun, and Z. T. Cong (2009), Variability of complementary relationship and its mechanism on different time scales, Sci China Ser E, 52(4), 1059-1067.
19 Cong, Z. T., D. W. Yang, and G. H. Ni (2009), Does evaporation paradox exist in China?, Hydrol Earth Syst Sc, 13(3), 357-366.
20 Cong, Z. T., D. W. Yang, B. Gao, H. B. Yang, and H. P. Hu (2009), Hydrological trend analysis in the Yellow River basin using a distributed hydrological model, Water Resources Research, 45, W00A13.
21 Cong, Z. T., Zhao J. J., Shang Z. N., Yang D. W (2009), Hydrological trends during the past 50 years in the Yangtze River basin, IAHS Publ. 335, p143-148
22 Yao, B. Z., Cong, Z. T., Ni, G. H (2009), Reference evapotranspiration under climate change. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 41(S2), 182-186
23 Yang, H. B., Yang D. W., Cong Z. T., Lei Z. D (2009), Analysis of the dominant climatic factors of evaporation change over the main basins in mainland China based on Budyko and Bouchet hypotheses, IAHS Publ. 335, p111-115
24 Yang, H. J., Cong, Z. T., Lei, Z. D (2009), Methods comparison of soil heat flux in remote sensing model to estimate evapotranspiration. Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition), 41(S2), 115-121
25 Zhentao CONG, Dawen YANG, Fubao SUN, Guangheng NI (2008), Evaporation Paradox and its Response in Yellow River Basin, China. Hydrological Research in China: Process Studies, Modelling Approaches and Applications (Proceedings of Chinese PUB International Symposium, Beijing, September 2006). IAHS Publ. 322, 3-8
26 Yang, D. W., F. B. Sun, Z. Y. Liu, Z. T. Cong, G. H. Ni, and Z. D. Lei (2007), Analyzing spatial and temporal variability of annual water-energy balance in nonhumid regions of China using the Budyko hypothesis, Water Resources Research, 43(4), W04426.
27 Yang, D. W., F. B. Sun, Z. T. Liu, Z. T. Cong, and Z. D. Lei (2006), Interpreting the complementary relationship in non-humid
environments based on the Budyko and Penman hypotheses, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(18), L18402.
28 CONG-Zhentao, ZHANG-Zhuoying, NI-Guangheng, LEI-Zhidong. Parameters of vG Model for Soil Water Retention Curve. Effective utilization of agricultural soil-water resources and protection of environment (Proceedings of International conference on effective utilization of agricultural soil-water resources and protection of environment at Najing, 2006.8), 2007, 222-229
29 Cong Z. T., Ni G. H., Lei Z. D., Barati M (2005), The Hydrological and Ecological Effect of Restoring the Green Corridor in the Lower Tarim River, China. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands (Proceedings of symposium S4 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 2005). IAHS Publ. 294, p114-121
30 Lei, Z. D., B. L. Zhen, S. H. Shang, S. X. Yang, Z. T. Cong, F. W. Zhang, X. H. Mao, and H. Y. Zhou (2001), Formation and utilization of water resources of Tarim River, Sci China Ser E, 44(6), 615-6