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1999 - 2004 加拿大里贾纳大学环境工程系,博士学位

1996 - 1999 北京大学城市与环境学系,硕士学位

1991 - 1996 清华大学环境工程系,学士学位

1994 - 1996 清华大学自动化系,第二学士学位


2005.05-2005.12 清华大学水利水电工程系,助理研究员

2005.12-2010.12 清华大学水利水电工程系,副研究员

2010.12-2017.07 清华大学水利水电工程系,研究员

2017.07- 至今  清华大学水利水电工程系,长聘教授







1、 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点项目,91647212,西南河流源区数据服务平台开发,2017/01-2020/12,直接经费330万元,在研,主持;

2、 国家重点研发计划,SQ2016YFHZ020388,全球水循环及“天河工程”理论与关键技术国际大科学计划,2017/08-2020/07,1002万元,在研,参加;

3、 兵团重大科技项目,2017AA002,新疆空中水资源利用研究与示范,2017/12-2020/12,900万元,在研,参加;

4、 青海省科技计划,2019-SF-146,多源水利生态大数据技术在河湖监测管理中的应用研究,200万元,在研,主持;

5、 深圳市水务发展专项资金,气候变化下深圳市水文特征分析与洪涝风险评估,200万元,在研,主持;

6、 深圳市水务局,深圳水战略2030,2017/07-2019/07,合同额1965.9万元,已结题,参加;

7、 鄂尔多斯水保局,鄂尔多斯市黑赖沟流域拦沙换水试点探索工程理论研究,2016/08-2017/12,270万元,已结题,参加;

8、 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院,黄河上游水情预报和流域发电量预测研究,2015/01-2017/06,430万,已结题,参加;

9、 科技部国家重点实验室仪器设备专项,高分辨率多频段降雨过程与空间结构监测设备研制,2005/01-2017/12,730万元,已结题,主持;

10、 四川凉山州大桥水电总公司,大桥水库入库径流中长期预报系统,地方科技项目,2015/1- 2017/6,85万元,已结题,主持;

11、 四川凉山州大桥水电总公司,基于SOA的水情测报和水光互补同联合优化调度,平台建设,2015/1- 2017/6,112.8万元,已结题,主持;

12、 青海省水利工程前期工作管理中心,青海省水生态文明先行区建设实施方案,2015/10-2016/12,628万元,已结题,第二主持;

13、 973 计划课题,2013CB036402,梯级水库群大坝溃决机制与灾害链效应,2013/01-2017/08, 527 万元,结题,主持;

14、 十二五科技支撑课题,2013BAB05B03,水联网多水源实时调度与过程控制技术,2013/01-2015/12,966 万元,已结题,参加;

15、 北京中油爱索节能环保技术有限公司,西部管道公司管道典型环境敏感点水工保护措施调查及评估,2013/05-2013/12,40万元,已结题,主持;

16、 国务院南水北调办政研中心,南水北调中线沿线地下水库调蓄能力调查研究, 2013/01-2013/11,48万元,已结题,参加;

17、 水利部公益性行业专项,201301081,疏勒河中游绿洲水-经济-生态系统耦合调控技术,2013/01-2015/12,400 万,已结题,参加;

18、 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目,91125018,水权框架下黑河流域治理的水文-生态-经济过程耦合与优化,2012/01-2015/12,260 万,已结题,参加;

19、 黄河流域水环境监测中心,黄河小-花间河段水质预测与预警可视化仿真平台开发,2012/03-2012/12,49万元,已结题,主持;

20、 黄河流域水环境监测中心,黄河小-花间水量调度与入河污染物控制条件下水质预测模块研发,2011/06-2011/12,98万元,已结题,主持;

21、 水利部公益性行业专项专题,201001015,淮河流域水质管理预警模型研究,2010/01-2012/12,70 万元,已结题,参加;

22、 水利部公益性行业专项专题,201001080,大东湖水网调度关键技术研究,2010/01-2012/12,30 万元,已结题,主持;

23、 国家自然科学基金委优秀国家重点实验室研究项目,50823005,极端条件下城市山洪灾害的形成机理与模拟方法研究,2009/01- 2012/12,140 万元,已结题,参加;

24、 党河流域水资源管理局,敦煌水资源合理利用与生态保护综合规划,2008/10-2010/12,300万元,已结题,参加;

25、 中国石油化工股份有限公司,海底管线泄漏应急抽油控制技术研究,2007/4- 2008/3, 50万元,已结题,主持;

26、 973 计划课题,2005CB724202,城市水和营养物循环机理与演变规律研究,2005/12-2010/11,324.8 万元,已结题,主持;

27、 中加国际科技合作项目,2008DFA91370,基于生物表面活性剂与强化微生物的土壤与地下水石油污染原位修复技术,2008/03-2010/02,99 万元,已结题,主持;

28、 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目,50509010,基于中试实体模型的地下水污染修复系统三维模拟和过程控制研究,2006/01- 2008/12,27 万元,已结题,主持;

29、 国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目,50221903,流域水沙过程与临界调控机理,2006/01- 2008/12,420 万元,已结题,参加;

30、 国务院南水北调工程关键技术研究项目,JGZXJJ 2005-22,南水北调中线工程长距离调水水量及水力的调配与控制研究,2005/09- 2007/06,508 万元,已结题,参加;

31、 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2009 年,教育部








(1) Shuai Gao, Yuefei Huang, Shuo Zhang, Jin-cheng Han, Guangqian Wang, Meixin Zhang, Qingsheng Lin, Short-term runoff prediction with GRU and LSTM networks without requiring time step optimization during sample generation, Journal of Hydrology, June 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125188

(2) Jiahua Wei, Jun Qiu, Tiejian Li, Yuefei Hunag, Zhen Qiao, Jiongwei Cao, D. Zhong, Guangqian Wang, Cloud and precipitation interference by strong low-frequency sound wave, Science China Technological Science, April 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s11431-019-1564-9

(3) Jing-Cheng Han, Yang Zhou, Yuefei Huang, Xiaofeng Wu, Zhe Liu, Yongqiang Wang, Risk assessment through multivariate analysis on the magnitude and occurrence date of daily storm events in the Shenzhen bay area, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2020, 34(5):1-21

(4) Li, J.Y., Li, T.J., Zhang, L., Sivakumar, B., Fu, X.D., Huang, Y.F., Bai, R., A D8-compatible high-efficient channel head recognition method, Environmental Modeling & Software, 2020 (March), 125, 文献号: 104624, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104624

(5) Chen, S.L., Huang, Y.F., Wang, G.Q., Response of vegetation carbon uptake to snow-induced phenological and physiological changes across temperate China, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 692: 188-200

(6) Zhang, Y., Rubinato, M., Kazemi, E., Pu, J.H., Huang, Y.F., Lin, P.Z., Numerical and experimental analysis of shallow turbulent flow over complex roughness beds, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2019, 33(5): 202-221

(7) Chen, S.L., Huang, Y.F., Gao, S., Wang, G.Q., Impact of physiological and phenological change on carbon uptake on the Tibetan Plateau revealed through GPP estimation based on spaceborne solar-induced fluorescence, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 663: 45-59

(8) DeLucia, E.H., Chen, S.L., Guan, K.Y., Peng, B., Li, Y., Gomez-Casanovas, N., Kantola, I.B., Bernacchi, C.J., Huang, Y.F., Long, S.P., Are we approaching a water ceiling to maize yields in the United States? Ecosphere, 2019, 10(6), 文献号:e02773,DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2773

(9) Han, J.C., Huang, Y.F., Zhang, H., Wu, X.F., Characterization of elevation and land cover dependent trends of NDVI variations in the Hexi region, northwest China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 232: 1037-1048

(10) Zheng, YT, Huang, YF, Zhou, S, Wang, KY, Wang, GQ, Effect partition of climate and catchment changes on runoff variation at the headwater region of the Yellow River based on the Budyko complementary relationship, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 643: 1166-1177

(11) Zheng, YT, Han, JC, Huang, YF, Fassnacht, SR, Xie, S, Lv, EZ, Chen, M, Vegetation response to climate conditions based on NDVI simulations using stepwise cluster analysis for the Three-River Headwaters region of China, Ecological Indicators, 2018, 92: 18-29

(12) Zhou, S, Yu, BF, Zhang, Y, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration partitioning for three typical ecosystems in the Heihe River Basin, northwestern China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 253: 261-273

(13) Zhou, S, Liang, JY,  Lu, XJ, Li, QY, Jiang, LF, Zhang, Y, Schwalm, CR, Fisher, JB, Tjiputra, J, Sitch, S, Ahlstrom, A, Huntzinger, DN, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Luo, Y, Sources of Uncertainty in Modeled Land Carbon Storage within and across Three MIPs: Diagnosis with Three New Techniques, Journal of Climate, 2018, 31(7): 2833-2851

(14) Lin, CJ, Gentine, P, Huang, YF, Guan, KY, Kimm, H, Zhou, S, Diel ecosystem conductance response to vapor pressure deficit is suboptimal and independent of soil moisture, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 250: 24-34,

(15) Zhou, S, Zhang, Y, Ciais, P, Xiao, XM, Luo, YQ, Caylor, KK, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Dominant role of plant physiology in trend and variability of gross primary productivity in North America, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41366 DOI: 10.1038/srep41366

(16) Zhao, CH, Gao, JE, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Xu, Z, The Contribution of Astragalus adsurgens Roots and Canopy to Water Erosion Control in the Water-Wind Crisscrossed Erosion Region of the Loess Plateau, China, Land Degradation & Development, 2017, 28(1): 265-273

(17) Jaan H Pu, Simon Tait, Yakun Guo, Yuefei Huang, Prashanth Reddy Hanmaiahgri, Dominant features in three-dimensional turbulence structure: comparison of non-uniform accelerating and decelerating flows, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 18(8), DOI: 10.1007/s10652-017-9557-5

(18) Han, JC, Huang, YF, Li, Z, Zhao, CH, Cheng, GH, Huang, PF, Groundwater level prediction using a SOM-aided stepwise cluster inference model, Journal of Environmental management, 2016, 182: 308-321

(19) Zhou, S, Zhang, Y, Caylor, KK, Luo, YQ, Xiao, XM, Ciais, P, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Explaining inter-annual variability of gross primary productivity from plant phenology and physiology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016, 226: 246-256

(20) Zhou, S, Yu, BF, Zhang, L, Huang, YF, Pan, M, Wang, GQ, A new method to partition climate and catchment effect on the mean annual runoff based on the Budyko complementary relationship, Water Resources Research, 2016, 52(9): 7163-7177

(21) Zhao, CH, Gao, JE, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Zhang, MJ, Effects of Vegetation Stems on Hydraulics of Overland Flow Under Varying Water Discharges, Land Degradation & Development, 2016, 27(3): 748-757

(22) Zhou, S, Zhang, Y, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Partitioning evapotranspiration based on the concept of underlying water use efficiency, Water Resources Research, 52(2): 1160-1175

(23) Bai, R, Li, TJ, Huang, YF, Li, JY, Wang, GQ, Yin, DQ, A hierarchical pyramid method for managing large-scale high-resolution drainage networks extracted from DEM, Computers & Geosciences, 2015, 85: 234-247

(24) Han, JC, Huang, GH, Huang, YF, Zhang, H, Li, Z, Chen, QW, Chance-constrained overland flow modeling for improving conceptual distributed hydrologic simulations based on scaling representation of sub-daily rainfall variability, Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 524: 8-22

(25) Bai R., T. J. Li, Y. F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, An O(NlogN) Complexity Method for Complete Drainage Network Extraction from Billion-scale Grids based on Size-balanced BST, Geomorphology, 2015, Geomorphology, 238: 56-67

(26) Zhou, S, Yu, B, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, Daily underlying water use efficiency for AmeriFlux sites, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 2015, 120(5): 887-902

(27) Zhou, S, Yu, BF, Huang, YF, Wang, GQ, The complementary relationship and generation of the Budyko functions, Geophysical Research Letters, 2015, 42(6): 1781-1790

(28) Zhou, S., et al., The effect of vapor pressure deficit on water use efficiency at the sub-daily time scale. Geophys. Res. Lett. 2014, 10.1002/2014GL060741

(29) Lizhen Wang, Yuefei Huang, Long Wang, GuangqianWang, Pollutant flushing characterizations of stormwater runoff and their correlation with land use in a rapidly urbanizing watershed, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 2014, 23(1) 44-54.

(30) Sha Zhou, Yuefei Huang, Bofu Yu, Guangqian Wang, Effects of human activities on ecological environment in the middle Heihe River Basin based on an extended Environmental Kuznets Curve model, Ecological Engineering, 2014, //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.04.020.

(31) Feng Zhou; Guoxian Chen; Yuefei Huang et al. An adaptive moving finite volume scheme for modeling flood inundation over dry and complex topography, Water Resources Research, 2013, 49(4):1914-1928

(32) Pu, J. H., Shao S.D., Huang Y.F. and Hussain, K., Evaluations of SWEs and SPH Numerical Modelling Techniques for DAM break flows, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2013, December, 7(4), 544-563.

(33) Qin, H. P., Tan, X.L., Fu, G.T., Zhang, Y.Y., and Huang, Y.F., Frequency analysis of urban runoff quality in an urbanizing catchment of Shenzhen, China, Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 496: 79-88.

(34) Han, Y., Huang, Y.F., Jia, S.F. and Liu, J.H., An interval-parameter fuzzy linear programming with stochastic vertices model for water resources management under uncertainty, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/942343.

(35) Zhang, W., Li, J.B., Huang, G.H., Song, W.K., and Huang, Y.F., An experimental study on the bio-surfactant-assisted remediation of crude oil and salt contaminated soils, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2011, 46(3): 306-313.

(36) Jaan Hui Pu,Songdong Shao, Yuefei Huang,Numerical and experimental turbulence studies on shallow open channel flows,Journal of Hydro-environment Research,2013,//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2012.12.001

(37) Jaan, H.P., Khalid, H., Shao, S.D. and Huang Y.F., Shallow sediment transport flow computation using time-varying sediment adaptation length, International Journal of Sediment Research, In Press.

(38) L. Wang, J. H. Wei, Y.F. Huang, I. Maqsood, G.Q. Wang, Pollution buildup and washoff models for simulating storm runoff quality in the Los Angeles County, Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(7), 1932-1940.

(39) Lin, QG, Huang, GH, Bass, B, Huang, YF, Zhang, XD, DESPU: Dynamic Optimization for Energy Systems Planning Under Uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part B-Economics Planning and Policy, 2011, 6(4): 321-338, DOI: 10.1080/15567240802592134.

(40) Y. Han, Y.F. Huang and G.Q. Wang. An Interval-parameter Linear Optimization Model with Stochastic Vertex for Land and Water Resources Allocation under Dual Uncertainty, Environmental Engineering Sciences, 2011, 28(3): 197-205. 

(41) Yan Han, Yue-fei Huang, Guang-qian Wang and Imran Maqsood. A multi-objective linear programming model with interval parameters for water resources allocation in Dalian city. Water resources management, 2011, 25(2): 449-463

(42) Zhou F., Huang Y.F., Zou R., Sheng H., Wu J., Guo H.C., Determining optimal TMDL allocation under uncertainty: A new simulation-optimization approach. Water Research. 2010.  doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.12.022.

(43) Zhang X.X., Li, J.B., Huang Y.F., Thring R., Surfactant Enhanced Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Oil Refinery Tank Bottom Sludge, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (SCI, 2010, 49(5), 34-39.

(44) Y.P. Li , G.H. Huang, Y.F. Huang, H.D. Zhou, A multistage fuzzy-stochastic programming model for supporting sustainable water-resources allocation and management, Environmental Modeling & Software(435KC), 2009, 24, 786-797

(45) Y.P. Li, G.H. Huang, G.Q. Wang, Y.F. Huang, FSWM: A hybrid fuzzy-stochastic water-management model for agricultural sustainability under uncertainty, Agricultural Water Management(513TG), 2009, 96, 1807-1818

(46) Tiejian Li, Guangqian Wang, Yuefei Huang, Xudong, Fu, Modeling the process of hillslope soil erosion in the Loess Plateau, Journal of Environmental Informatics(545LX), 2009, 14(1): 1-10.

(47) Y.F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, G. H. Huang, H. N. Xiao, A. Chakma, IPCS: An integrated process control system for enhanced in-situ bioremediation, Environmental Pollution (SCI, 276LT), 2008, 151: 460-469.

(48) Wang GQ, Fu XD, Huang YF, Huang GD, Analysis of suspended sediment transport in open-channel flows: Kinetic-model-based simulation, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering(264XP), 2008, 134(3), 328-339

(49) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, G. Q. Wang, Q. G. Lin and A. Chakma. An integrated numerical and physical modeling system for an enhanced in situ bioremediation process, Environmental Pollution (SCI), Volume. 144, Issue. 3, Pages 872-885 (December 2006).

(50) Huang, G. H., Y. F. Huang, G. Q. Wang, H. N. Xiao Development of a forecasting system for supporting remediation design and process control based on NAPL-biodegradation simulation and stepwise-cluster analysis, Water Resources Research (SCI,EI, W06413), 2006, 42(6), doi:10.1029/2005WR004006.

(51) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, I. Maqsood, B. Chen, J. B. Li, and Y. P. Yang, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites through simulation of a DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 1. model development, Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (SCI, EI), 2007, 29(4), 347-365, DOI: 10.1080/15567030600904460.

(52) Y. F. Huang, G. H. Huang, H. N. Xiao, A. Chakma, Q. G. Lin, and H. Xu, Remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites through simulation of a DPVE-aided cleanup process: Part 2. remediation design, Energy Sources (SCI, EI), Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2007 , 29(4), 367-387, DOI:10.1080/15567030600904460.

(53) L. Liu, S.Y. Cheng, J.B. Li, Y.F. Huang, Mitigating environmental pollution and impacts from fossil fuels: The role of alternative fuels, Energy Sources (SCI, EI), Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2007, 29(12):1069-1080.

(54) Yuefei Huang, Zou, Y., Huang, G. H., Maqsood, I., and Chakma, A. (2005), Flood Vulnerability to Climate Change through Hydrological Modeling: a Case Study of the Swift Current Creek Watershed in Canada, Water International (SCI), 30(1): 31-39. 

(55) Maqsood, I., J.B. Li, G.H. Huang, and Yuefei Huang (2005), Simulation-based risk assessment of contaminated sites under remediation scenarios, planning periods, and land-use patterns - a Canadian case study, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) (SCI) Vol.19, No.2, pages 146-157. 

(56) Chen, Z., L. Liu, G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, and I. Maqsood (2005), Modeling for the separation of light nonaqueous phase liquids from contaminated subsurface through vacuum-enhanced oil recovery, Energy Sources (SCI,EI), 27: 123-138. 

(57) Chen, B., Huang, G.H., Li, Y.F., Zhang, B. Y., and Yuefei Huang (2005), P Pesticide-loss simulation and health risk assessment during the flood season in watershed systems, Water International (SCI), 30(1): 88-98. 

(58) Maqsood, I., G.H. Huang, Yuefei Huang, and B. Chen (2005), ITOM: an interval-parameter two-stage optimization model for stochastic planning of water resources systems, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA) (SCI,EI), Vol.19, No.2, pages 125-133.

(59) Huang, Y. F., Huang, G. H., Hu, Z. Y., Maqsood, I., and Chakma, A. (2005). Development of an expert system for tackling the public’s perception to climate-change impacts on petroleum industries in Canada, Expert System with Application (SCI,EI), 29(4), 817-829.

(60) B. Luo, Y. Y. Yin, G. H. Huang and Y. F. Huang (2004). Uncertainty Analysis for Distribution of Greenhouse Gases Concentration in Atmosphere, Journal of Environmental Informatics, 3(2), 89-94.

(61) Maqsood, I., G.H. Huang, and Y.F. Huang (2004), A groundwater monitoring design through site characterization, numerical simulation and statistical analysis – a North American case study, Journal of Environmental Informatics (International Society for Environmental Information Sciences), 3(1), 1-23.

(62) Huang, Y. F., Li, J. B., Huang, G. H., Chakma, A., and Qin, X. S. (2003). Integrated simulation-optimization approach for real-time dynamic modeling and process control of surfactant-enhanced remediation at petroleum-contaminated sites. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (American Society of Civil Engineers) (EI), 7(2), 95-105 (The Best Practice-Oriented Paper Award). 

(63) Huang, Y. F., X. Chen, G.H. Huang, B. Chen, G.M. Zeng, J.B. Li, and J. Xia (2003), GIS-based distributed model for simulating runoff and sediment load in the Malian River Basin. Hydrobiologia - The International Journal on Limnology and Marine Sciences (SCI,EI), 494(1-3), 127-134. 

(64) Yin, Yongyuan, Huang, Y. F. and Huang, G. H. (2002), An integrated approach for evaluating adaptation options to reduce climate change vulnerability in coastal region of the Georgia Basin, Geographic Information Sciences. 8(2), 86-96. 

(65) Huang, Y. F., G. H. Huang, A. Chakma, and G. M. Zeng (2004), Development of a multi-phase and multi-component dynamic simulation model for composting processes. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (SCI,EI), 14(1): 37-42. 

(66) Huang, Y. F., Baetz, B. W., Huang, G. H., and Liu, L. (2002). Violation analysis for solid waste management system: an interval fuzzy programming approach. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI), 65(4), 431-446. 

(67) Huang, Y. F., Huang, G. H. and Dong, M. Z. (2003), Development of an artificial neural network model for predicting minimum miscibility pressure in CO2 flooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (SCI,EI), 37(1-2), 83-95. 

(68) Ni, J. R., D. S. Zhong, Y. F. Huang, and H. Wang (2001). Total waste-load control and allocation based on input-output analysis for Shenzhen, South China. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI). 61(1): pp 37-49. 

(69) Chen, B., Li, Y. F., Huang, G. H., Huang, Y. F. and Li, Y. R. (2004). PeLM: an integrated pesticide losses model for simulating pesticide pollution in a watershed system, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, B (SCI,EI), 39(4), 613-626. 

(70) Qin X. S., G. H. Huang, Y. F. Huang, G. M. Zeng, A. Chakma, and J. B. Li (2006). NRSRM: a decision support system and visualization software for the management of petroleum-contaminated sites, Energy Sources: Part A (SCI,EI), 28(1-3): 199-220.

(71) Y. P. Li, G. H. Huang, S. L. Nie, and Y. F. Huang (2006). IFTSIP: interval fuzzy two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming: a case study for environmental management and planning, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems (SCI,EI), 23(2): 73-99.

(72) J. B. Li, G. H. Huang, G. M. Zeng, I. Maqsood, and Y. F. Huang (2007). An integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for risk assessment of groundwater contamination, Journal of Environmental Management (SCI), 82:173-188.

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