National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad organized an international workshop on “Hydro-inatics & Water Management”. The workshop has been organized during 27 – 28 July, 2018. A team of three people Professor Zhentao Cong, Professor Yang Dawen and graduate student Muhammad Shahid from Tsinghua University attended this workshop. The main objective of the said workshop was to obtain feedback from stakeholders for launching a new academic program – MSc & PhD (Hydrinatics & Water Management) at NICE/NUST to support China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) & Pakistan Vision 2025. Professor Yang Dawen presented a short report about the water resources situation in China and Professor Zhentao Cong shared his professional opinion during panel discussion. During meeting with NUST officials Professor Yang has given a short presentation about Department of Hydraulic Engineering Tsinghua University. Moreover, the team has a short meeting with officials of China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Ltd.

A presentation about the water resources situation in China

The coffee break during the workshop

Visiting in China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Ltd