
ZHOU Yuande

Position:Associate Professor

Address:Rm 247, Dept. of Hydraulic Engng., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China 



E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:   1994 – 1999, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

PhD: 1999 – 2004, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2010- : Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

2006-2010: RA, PDF, SRA, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Teaching Courses

1. Hydraulic Structures

2. Bridge Engineering

Research Interests

1. Failure mechanics of Geomaterials and multiscale modelling

2. Landslide hazards and safety of hydraulic structures

3. Nonlinear fracture mechanics of quasi-brittle materials

4. Adjustable cemented rockfill technology and engineering reinforcement method

5. Particle breakage mechanics

Research Projects

[1] Macro- and Meso- properties of cemented particles, National Key R&D plan under grant No. 2018YFC0406802, core member.

[2] Development of multiscale analysis method for the sliding-depositing process of rock avalanche incorporating progressive particle fragmentation, NSFC, 2016-2019, coordinator.

[3] Performance and deterioration mechanism of a high speed railway tunnel subjected to train vibration and aerodynamic loading considering initial defects, NSFC-CRC, 2015-2018, sub-project coordinator.

[4] Development study on grinding simulation for coal pulverizer, Tsinghua University-MHI Japan International cooperative project, coordinator, 2013-2014.

[5] Development of strength analysis considering crush behavior of a large number of brittle material blocks, Tsinghua University-MHI Japan International cooperative project, coordinator, 2012-2013. 

[6] Development of strength analysis method considering crush behavior of brittle material,  Tsinghua University-MHI Japan International cooperative project, coordinator, 2011-2012.

[7] Effects of thermal load on the performance of water-transfer tunnel across the Yellow River, Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research, 2019-2020

Professional Service

Editor of Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 

Editorial board member of Minerals Engineering and Hans Journal of Civil Engineering

Honors and Awards

2012, The second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, (Rank 9th)

2012, The second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education (Rank 7th)

2013,  Best paper by young person from China award in 3rd ISRM symposium on Rock Mechanics, Sinorock 2013.

2014 Tsinghua University excellent class advisor award

2015, 2019 Tsinghua University outstanding master thesis supervisor

Academic Achievement


[1]. Zhang C.H., Jin F., Hou Y.L., Zhou Y.D. Discrete-Contact-Fracture analysis of rock and concrete. Tsinghua University Press. 2008.

Selected peer-reviewed journal papers:

[1] Hui Jiang, Chu-Han Zhang, Yuan-De Zhou, et al. Mechanism for large-scale canyon deformations due to filling of large reservoir of hydropower project. Scientific Reports. 2020, 10, 12155.

[2] Tang XW, Zheng HQ, Gao YC, Zhou YD. An effective model for the elastic behavior of two-phase materials based on structural recognition,Solid State Communications, 2019(298).

[3] Jiang H, Zhou YD, et al. Transparent confined compression tests on particle beds: Observations and implications. Powder Technology. 2018(336):339-349.

[4] Jie Shi, Peng Lin, Yuande Zhou, et al. Reinforcement Analysis of Toe Blocks and Anchor Cables at the Xiluodu Super-High Arch Dam. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2018, 8:2533-2554.

[5] Jianwen Zhong, Yuande Zhou, et al.  Strengthening mechanism of channel steel plate for notched concrete beams against fracture: Test and numerical study. Eng. Fracture Mechanics. 2017(180):132-147.

[6] Jiang H, Li QM, Zhou YD, et al. Effects of spatial correlation property of microstructure on the pulverising performance of rock prisms. Miner. Eng. 2016(90): 96-104

[7] Chi CJ, Zhou YD, Cao SQ, et al. Development of a pilot roller test machine for investigating the pulverizing performance of particle beds. Minerals Engineering, 2015, 72: 65-72. 

[8] Zhou YD, Liu YL, Tang XW, et al. Numerical investigation into the fragmentation efficiency of one coal prism in a roller pulveriser: Homogeneous approach. Minerals Engineering, 2014, 63: 25-34.

[9] Zhong Jianwen, Wang Enzhi, Zhou Yuande, et al. Contributions of Flexible-Arch Configurations in Shimenzi Arch Dam: New Evidence from Field Measurements. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.

[10] Tang XW, Yang XB, Zhou YD. An efficient algorithm for spatially-correlated random fields generation and its applications on the two-phase material. Solid State Communications, 2014, 182: 30-33.

[11] Tang XW, Zhou YD, Liu YL. Factors influencing quasistatic modeling of deformation and failure in rock-like solids by the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.

[12] Zhou Yuande, Xu Kai, Tang Xinwei, et al. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Spatial Reinforcement of Soil Nails in a Field Slope under Surcharge Loads. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013.

[13] Zhou YD, Tham LG, Tang XW, et al. Parametric analyses of push-out tests and implications for design of rock-socketed steel H-pile. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38(3): 383-392.

[14] Qi Shengwen, Xu Qiang, Zhang Bin, Zhou Yuande, et al. Source characteristics of long runout rock avalanches triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2011, 40(4): 896-906.

[15] Tang Xinwei, Zhou Yuande, Zhang Chuhan, et al. Study on the Heterogeneity Character of Concrete Failure Based on the Equivalent Probabilistic Model. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2010, 1(1): 150.

[16] Zhou YD, Tham LG, Kwong AKL, Tang XW. Mechanism of drying induced rebound movements in a soil slope in Sai Kung Hong Kong. Engineering Geology. 2010,116:86-94.

[17] Qi Shengwen, Wu Faquan, Zhou Yuande, et al. Influence of deep seated discontinuities on the left slope of Jinping I Hydropower Station and its stability analysis. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2010, 69: 333-342.

[18] Zhou YD, Cheuk CY, and Tham LG. Numerical modelling of soil nails in loose fill slope under surcharge loading, Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36:837-850.

[19] Zhou YD, Cheuk CY, and Tham LG. An embedded bond-slip model for finite element modelling of soil-nail interaction, Computers and Geotechnics, 2009, 36:1090-1097.

[20] Zhou YD, Cheuk CY, and Tham LG. Deformation and crack development of a nailed loose fill slope subjected to water infiltration, Landslides, 2009, 6:299-308.

[21] Qi Shengwen, Yue Zhongqi, Liu Chunling and Zhou Yuande. Significance of outward dipping strata in argillaceous limestones in the area of the Three Gorges reservoir, China, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2009, 68, 195-200.

[22] To ECY, Tham LG, and Zhou YD. An elasto-plastic model for saturated loosely compacted completely decomposed granite, Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, 2008, 3, 13-25.