
YANG Qiang

Address:Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Tel:(8610) 6279-4874
Fax:(8610) 6277-3576
E-mail:[email protected]

Educational Background

BA: Sep.1981 – July.1986, HydraulicStructural Engineering, Tsinghua University
MA: Sep.1986 – Dec. 1988, HydraulicStructural Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD: Sep.1992 – Jun.1996, Civil Engineering, Innsbruck University, Austria

Work Experience

2001-: Professor at Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing;
2007-: Chief Scientist of State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering in Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1. Design of Hydraulic Structures
2. Numerical Methods of Geotechnical and structural Engineering
3.Experimental Stress Analysis

Research Interests

1.Stability and reinforcement analysis of high arch dams, slopes, tunnels;
2. Reinforcement theory of geotechnical structures and its
3. Damage mechanics of jointed rock masses and its thermodynamic basis;

Research Projects

2014, Chandra S. Desai Medal of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG)
2008, Excellent Contributions Award of IACMAG
2009,Distinguished Young Scientist of Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Professional Service

Vice President of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME)
Chair of the Committee of Numerical and Physical Modeling of CSRME;
Board member of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG)
Associate editor of International Journal of Geomechanics;
Editorial board member of International Journal of Damage Mechanics;
Associate editor of Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering

Honors and Awards

On experimental measurement of unbalanced forces in rock structures,Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2013-2016, coordinator.

Study on geomaterial plasticity based on internal freedoms,Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016-2019, coordinator.

Study on monolithic stability of super high dam, China Design Institute for Hydro-power, 2016-2018, coordinator.

Academic Achievement

[1] Yang Q, Liu YR., Leng KD (2014). Geomaterial plasticity and thermodynamic stability of equilibrium. Proceedings of 14th International Conference of the IACMAG 2014, pp.91-102. F. Oka ed. Kyoto, Japan (plenary speech)
[2] Yang Q, Leng KD, Liu YR. (2011). Structural stability in deformation reinforcement theory—fundamentals and applications. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of the IACMAG 2011, N. Khalili ed. (semi-plenary speech)
[3] Yang, Q., Leng, K. D., Chang, Q., Liu, Y. R. (2013). Failure Mechanism and Control of Geotechnical Structures. Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials. Springer. Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 63-87.  (plenary speech)
[4] Yang Q, Leng K, Liu Y. (2013). On the structure of maximum entropy production principle: from near to far-from equilibrium. Proceedings of 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference. Brescia, July 1-5. (invited speech)
[5] Swoboda, G. and Yang, Q. (1999). An energy-based damagemodel of geomaterials — I. Formulation and numerical results. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 36, 1719-1734.
[6] Swoboda, G. and Yang, Q. (1999). An energy-based damagemodel of geomaterials — II. Deduction of damageevolution laws. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 36, 1735-1755.
[7] Yang, Q., Xue, L.J. and Liu, Y.R. (2009). Thermodynamics of infinitesimally constrained equilibrium states. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,76, 014502.
[8] Yang, Q., Wang, R.K., Xue, L.J. (2007). Normality structures with thermodynamic equilibrium points. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 74, 965-971.
[9] Yang, Q., Tham, L.G., Swoboda, G. (2005). Normality structures with homogeneous kinetic rate laws. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 72, 322-329.
[10] Yang, Q., Zhou, W.Y. and Swoboda, G. (2001). Asymptotic solutions of penny-shaped inhomogeneities in global Eshelby's tensor. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 68, 740-750.
[11] Yang, Q., Chang, Q., Liu, Y.R., Feng, X.Q. (2015). Time-Independent Plasticity Based on Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Its Stability. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,137, 031006-1.
[12] Yang, Q., Liu, Y.R., Feng, X.Q. and Yu, S.W.  (2014). Time-independent Plasticity Related to Critical Point of Free Energy Function and Functional. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,136, 021001.
[13] Yang, Q., Liu, Y.R., Bao, J.Q. (2010).Hamilton's principle of entropy production for creep and relaxation processes. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,132, 011018.
[14] Yang, Q., Xue, L.J., Liu, Y.R. (2008).Multiscale Thermodynamic Basis of Plastic Potential Theory. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology,130, 044501.
[15] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y. (2006).Multiscalethermodynamic significance of the scale invariance approach in continuum inelasticity. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 128, 125-132.
[16] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y. (2005). On the structure of anisotropic damage-yield criteria. Mechanics of Materials. 37, 1049-1058.
[17] Yang, Q., Zhou, W.Y. and Swoboda, G. (1999). Micromechanical identification of anisotropic damageevolution laws. International Journal of Fracture, 98, 55-76.
[18] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y., (2005). Thermodynamic relationship between creep crack growth and creep deformation. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 30, 81-94.
[19] Yang, Q., Bao, J.Q., Liu, Y.R.(2009). Asymptotic stability in constrained configuration space for solids. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 34, 155-170.
[20] Yang, Q., Leng, K.D., (2014). A microplane-based anisotropic damage effective stress. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 23, 178-191.
[21] Yang,Q.,Chen, X.,Zhou,W.Y.(2010).Thermodynamicsignificanceandbasisofdamagevariablesandequivalences.InternationalJournalofDamageMechanics,19,898-910.
[22] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y. (2008). Effective stress and vector-valued orientational distribution functions. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 17, 101-121.
[23] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y. (2005). On microscopic thermodynamic mechanisms of damage evolution laws. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 14, 261-293.
[24] Yang, Q., Chen, X., Zhou, W.Y. (2005). Microplane-damage-based effective stress and invariants. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 14, 179-191.