
WANG Jinting

Position: Professor

Address: Xinshuiliguan 226


E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

Ph.D. Hydraulic Structural Engineering, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, China, 2001

M.S. Civil Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 1998

B.S. Civil Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 1995

Work Experience

2012- Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University..

2007.11-2009.1 Visiting Scholar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, USA.

2006-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2003-2006 Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2001-2003 Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Teaching Courses

1. Structural Analysis

2. Dynamics of Structures

Research Interests

1.Simulation of earthquake ground motion

2.Earthquake analysis and damage mechanism of concrete dams

3.Health monitoring and safety risk evaluation of concrete dams

4. Real-time hybrid simulation

Honors and Awards

2017 The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

2016 Zhang Guangdou Excellent Youth Science and Technology Award

2013 National Award for Youth in Science and Technology

2012 National Science and Technology Progress Award, People’s Republic of China

2011 Young Scholar Award, Tsinghua University.

2011 Beijing Youth Science and Technology Award, Mao Yi-sheng Science and Technology Awards

2010 New Century Excellent Talents in University, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

2008 National Science and Technology Progress Award, People’s Republic of China

Academic Achievement

1. Li Shuai, Pan Jianwen, Luo Guangheng, Wang Jinting. Automatic modal parameter identification of high arch dams: Feasibility verification. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2020, 19(4): 953-965.

2. Lu Liqiao, Wang Jinting, Zhu Fei. Improvement of real-time hybrid simulation using parallel finite element program. Jounral of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 24(10): 1547-1565.

3. Jiang Hui, Zhang Chuhan, Zhou Yuande, Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting, Wu Mingxian, Fan Qixiang. Mechanism for large-scale canyon deformations due to filling of large reservoir of hydropower project. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 12155.

4. Wu Huite, Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting. Nano-scale structure and mechanical properties of ASR products under saturated and dry conditions. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10, 9187.

5. Mahmoud AA, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng. An improved method for estimating life losses from dam failure in China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2020, 34, 1263-1279.

6. Ding Hao, Wang Jinting, Lu Liqiao, Zhu Fei. A toroidal tuned liquid column damper for multidirectional vibration control. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, 27, e255.

7. Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting. Effect of abutment movements on nonlinear seismic response of an arch dam. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 16, 1106-1120.

8. Liu Wenju, Pan Jianwen, Ren Yisha, Wu Zhigang, Wang Jinting. Coupling prediction model for long-term displacements of arch dams based on long short-term memory network. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2020, 27, e2548.

9. Zhang Lei, Wang Jinting, Xu Yanjie, He Chunhui, Zhang Chuhan. A procedure for 3D seismic simulation from rupture to structures by coupling SEM and FEM. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2020, 110, 1134-1148.

10. Jin Aiyun, Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting, Du Xiuli. A spectrum-based earthquake record truncation method for nonlinear dynamic analysis of arch dams. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 132, 106104.

11. Yuan Jie, Wang Jinting, Zhu Shoubiao. Effects of barriers on fault rupture process and strong ground motion based on various friction laws. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 1687.

12. Li Shuai, Wang Jinting, Jin Aiyun, Luo Guangheng. Parametric analysis of SSI algorithm in modal identification of high arch dams. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 129, 105929.

13. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Lu Liqiao. Control performance comparison between tuned liquid damper and tuned liquid column damper using real-time hybrid simulation. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2019, 18, 695-701.

14. Jin Aiyun, Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting, Zhang Chong. Effect of foundation models on seismic response of arch dams. Engineering Structures, 2019, 188, 578-590.

15. Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Nonlinear seismic response analysis of high arch dams to spatially-varying ground motions. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 17, 487-493.

16. Zhang Lei, Xu Yanjie, Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan. Velocity structure building and ground motion simulation of the 2014 Ludian Ms 6.5 Earthquake. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17, 719-727.

17. Wang Jinting, Zhang Mingxu, Jin Aiyun, Zhang Chuhan. Seismic fragility of arch dams based on damage analysis. Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 109, 58-68.

18. Wang Jinting, Lu Liqiao, Zhu Fei. Efficiency analysis of numerical integrations for finite element substructure in real-time hybrid simulation. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2018, 17, 73-86.

19. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Lu Liqiao, Gui Yao, Zhou Mengxia. Real-time hybrid simulation of the size effect of tuned liquid dampers. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2017, 24, e1962.

20. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Lu Liqiao. Real-time hybrid simulation of full-scale tuned liquid column dampers to control multi-order modal responses of structures. Engineering Structures, 2017, 38, 74-90.

21. Yang Jian, Jin Feng, Wang Jinting, Kou Lihang. System identification and modal analysis of an arch dam based on earthquake response records. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 92, 109-121.

22. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Lu Liqiao. Seismic performance of tuned liquid column dampers for structural control using real-time hybrid simulation. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 20, 1370-1390.

23. Gao Yichao, Gu Quan, Qiu Zhijian, Wang Jinting. Seismic response sensitivity analysis of coupled dam-reservoir-foundation systems. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016, 142, 04016070.

24. Song Liangfeng, Wu Mingxin, Wang Jinting, Xu Yanjie. Seismic damage analysis of the outlet piers of arch dams using the finite element sub-model method. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2016, 15, 617-626.

25. Wang Jinting, Jin Aiyun, Du Xiuli, Wu Mingxin. Scatter of dynamic response and damage of an arch dam subjected to artificial earthquake accelerograms. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 87, 93-100. 

26. Wang Jinting, Gui Yao, Zhu Fei, Jin Feng, Zhou Mengxia. Real-time hybrid simulation of multi-story structures installed with tuned liquid damper. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2016, 23, 1015-1031.

27. He Chunhui, Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan. Nonlinear spectral-element method for 3D seismic-wave propagation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2016, 106, 1074–1087.

28. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Gui Yao. Comparison of explicit integration algorithms for real-time hybrid simulation. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 14, 89-114.

29. Pan Jianwen, Xu Yanjie, Jin Feng, Wang Jinting. Seismic stability assessment of an arch dam-foundation system. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2015, 14, 517-526.

30. He Chunhui, Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng. Simulation of broadband seismic ground motions at dam canyons by using a deterministic numerical approach. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 76, 136-144.

31. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Chi Fudong, Gui Yao. Stability analysis of MDOF real-time dynamic hybrid testing systems using the discrete-time root locus technique. Earthquake Engineering & Strucutral Dynamics, 2015, 44, 221-241.

32. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Gui Yao, Zhou Mengxia. Analysis of delay compensation in real-time dynamic hybrid testing with large integration time-step. Smart Structures and Systems, 2014, 14, 1269-1289.

33. Zhu Fei, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhou Mengxia, Gui Yao. Simulation of large-scale numerical substructure in real-time dynamic hybrid testing. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 2014; 13, 599-609.

34. Gui Yao, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Chen Cheng, Zhou Mengxia. Development of a family of explicit algorithms for structural dynamics with unconditional stability. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 77, 1157-1170.

35. Zhou Mengxia, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Gui Yao, Zhu Fei. Real-time dynamic hybrid testing coupling finite element and shaking table. Jounral of Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 18, 637-653. 

36. Lv Dandan, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng Jin, Zhang Chuhan. Reflection of plane waves at a water–porous sediment interface with a double porosity substrate. Transport in Porous Media, 2014, 103, 25-45.

37. Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhou Bing, Zhang Chuhan. A centrifuge test for the dynamic stability of arch dam-abutment systems. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2013, 7, 1350032.

38. Wang Jinting, Wang Shuo, Jin Feng. Measurement and evaluation of the thermal expansion coefficient of rock-filled concrete. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2013, 41, 951-958.

39. Wang Jinting, Lv Dandan, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Earthquake damage analysis of arch dams considering dam-water-foundation interaction. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 49, 64-74.

40. Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Reflection and transmission of plane waves at an interface of water/porous sediment with underlying solid substrate. Ocean Engineering, 2013, 63, 8-16.

41. Wang Jinting, Lv Dandan, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Accuracy of the half-power bandwidth method with a third-order correction for estimating damping in multi-DOF systems. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2013, 12, 33-38

42. Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Estimation error of the half-power bandwidth method in identifying damping for multi-DOF systems. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2012, 39, 138-142.

43. Li Yuchun, Wang Jinting. A supplementary, exact solution of an equivalent mechanical model for a sloshing fluid in a rectangular tank. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2012, 31, 147-151.

44. Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng. Nonlinear earthquake analysis of high arch dam–water–foundation rock systems. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2012, 41, 1157-1176.

45. Wang Qiang, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Chi Fudong, Zhang Chuhan. Real-time dynamic hybrid testing for soil–structure interaction analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 31, 1690-1702.

46. Jin Feng, Hu Wei, Pan Jianwen, Yang Jian, Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan. Comparative study procedure for the safety evaluation of high arch dams. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38, 306-317.

47. Wang Jinting, Jin Feng, Zhang Chuhan. Seismic safety of arch dams with aging effects. Science China Technological Sciences, 2011, 54, 522-530.

48. Wang Jinting. Investigation of damping in arch dam-water-foundation rock system of Mauvoisin arch dam. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 31, 33-44.

49. Jin Feng, Zhang Chong, Hu Wei, Wang Jinting. 3D Mode Discrete Element Method: Elastic Model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48, 59-66.

50. Wang Jinting, Chopra Anil K. Linear analysis of concrete arch dams including dam-water-foundation rock interaction considering spatially-varying ground motions. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2010, 39, 731-750.

51. Chopra Anil K, Wang Jinting. Earthquake response of arch dams to spatially-varying ground motion. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2010, 39, 887-906.

52. Chi Fudong, Wang Jinting, Jin Feng. Delay-dependent added damping and stability of SDOF real-time dynamic hybrid testing. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2010, 9, 425-438.

53. Jin Feng, Chen Zheng, Wang Jinting, Yang Jian. Practical procedure for predicting non-uniform temperature on the exposed face of arch dams. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2010, 30, 2146-2156.

54. Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan, Jin Feng. Analytical solutions for dynamic pressures of coupling fluid-porous medium-solid due to SV wave incidence. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2009, 33,1467-1484.

55. Pan Jianwen, Zhang Chuhan, Wang Jinting, Xu Yanjie. Seismic damage-cracking analysis of arch dams using different earthquake input mechanisms. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52, 518-529.

56. Zhang Chuhan, Pan Jianwen, Wang Jinting. Influence of seismic input mechanisms and radiation on arch dam response. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2009, 29, 1282-1293.

57. Wang Jinting, Zhang Chuhan, Du Xiuli. An explicit integration scheme for solving dynamic problems of solid and porous media. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2008, 12, 293-311.

58. Zhao Chenggang, Li Weihua, Wang Jinting. An explicit finite element method for dynamic analysis in fluid saturated porous medium-elastic single-phase medium-ideal fluid medium coupled systems and its application. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, 282, 1155-1168.

59. Zhao Chenggang, Li Weihua, Wang Jinting. An explicit finite element method for Biot dynamic formulation in fluid-saturated porous media and its application to a rigid foundation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, 282, 1169-1181

60. Du Xiuli, Wang Jinting, Hung Tinkan. Effects of sediment on the dynamic pressure of water and sediment on dams. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46, 521-524.