
LIN Peng


Address: Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Fax:E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:   Sep.1991 – July.1995, Mining Eng., Northeastern University

MA:   Sep.1995 – Mar. 1998, Mining Eng., Northeastern University

PhD: Sep.1998 – Jun.2002, Mining Eng., Northeastern University 

Work Experience

2014/12-now,   Prof., Depart. of Hydraulic Eng., Tsinghua University, China

2005/12-2014/12,  Associate prof., Depart. of Hydraulic Eng., Tsinghua University, China

2004/06-2005/12, Assistant prof., Depart. of Hydraulic Eng., Tsinghua University, China

2002/05-2004/05, Post doctoral Research Fellow, Depart. of Hydraulic Eng., Tsinghua University, China

1998/10-2001/04, Research Assistant, Depart. of Civil & Structural Eng., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Teaching Courses

1.Intelligent Construction 

2.Building Construction 

3.Design in Water Engineering

Research Interests

1. Intelligent construction and management

2. Intelligent cooling control

3. Cracking and failure behavior of brittle medium

4. Cracking mechanism and cracking control of high arch dam

5. Overall stability assessment of dam-foundation, high slope and underground excavation

Research Projects

1. Study on grouting mechanism and uplift deformation control for dam complex foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSF), 2020-2023

2. Study on performance evolution and mechanical- electromagnetic effects of rock mass containing defects, National Natural Science Foundation of China(NNSF), 2013-2016

3. Experimental and damage localization reinforcement theoretical study on rock mass containing three dimension flaws, NNSF, 2008-2010

4. Brittle failure behaviour of medium containing 3D flaws and pores, NNSF, 2005

5. Sub.item of: Researches on life-cycle safety control on high-steep rock slopes in hydropower engineering, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), 2011-2015

6. Study on cracking control theory and technology of concrete high dam, ministry of education, China, 2011-2014

7. Methods study and system development of closed-loop intelligent management for full life cycle of offshore wind power, CHNG, Project, 2019-2021

8. Study on grouting mechanism and uplift control for BHT dam complex foundation, CTGC Project, 2019-2020

9. Study on Key Technologies of Intelligent cooling Control for Mass Concrete of Selamuren Grand Bridge, RBHBC Project, 2019-2020

10. Study on the overall deformation analysis, safety assessment, control strategy of Wudongde dam during construction, impoundment and operation period, CTGC Project, 2017-2024

11. Further research and equipment develop on intelligent cooling control system for BHT arch dam, CTGC Project, 2011-2014

12. Research and equipment develop on intelligent cooling control system for Xiluodu arch dam, CTGC Project, 2011-2014

13. Development of monitoring and simulation analysis system of Xiluodu arch dam, CTGC Project, 2011, 2013

14. Study on the overall safety standard system of super high arch dam based on geo-mechanical model test, CHIDI Project, 2015-2016

15. Study on the overall safety standard system of super high arch dam based on 3D Nonlinear FEM analysis, CHIDI Project, 2015-2016

Professional Service

1. Editorial member: Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2020-now

2. Editorial member: Rock mechanics and rock engineering,2016-now

3. Editorial member: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015-2018

4. Editorial member: Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2014-now

5. Editorial member: Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering, 2017-now

6. Council Member: Science and Technology Committee of Yangtze River Ecologic and Environment Protection Group Co., Ltd,2019-now

7. Council Member and Vice Secretary: Beijing Society for Hydropower Engineering, 2018-now

8. Vice Secretary: Professional Committee of Intelligent Construction and management of CNCOLD, 2004-now.

9. Executive member of the council: Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME),2016-now.

10. Secretary: Professional Committee of Numerical Simulation and Physics Test of CSRME, 2004-2018.

11. Vice president: Youth Working Committee, of CSRME, 2011-2019.

12. Council Member: Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME),2009-2016.

13. Corresponding Member: International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), 2008-now

Honors and Awards

1. 2020,The Grand Prize of Science and Technology Advances Award, Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering(The first winners)

2. 2019,The First Class Science and Technology Advances Award, China Association Of Work Safety(The third winners)

3. 2017,The First Class Science and Technology Advances Award, Sichuan Province(The eighth winners)

4. 2017,The First Class Science and Technology Advances Award, , China Society for Hydropower Engineering. (The seventh winners)

5. 2016, The grand prize of Science and Technology Advances Award, China Society for Hydropower Engineering (The fifth winners)

6. 2016, The First Class Science and Technology Advances Award, Chinese Society For Electrical Engineering (The fifth winners)

7. 2015, The second prize of Science and Technology Advances Award, China Society for Hydropower Engineering , (The third winners)

8. 2014, The Second Class DAYU Science and Technology Advances Award, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, (The first winners) 

9. 2014, The First Class Science and Technology Advances Award, ministry of education, China, (The second winners) 

10. 2005/2019 The First Class Teacher Work Award, Tsinghua University

Academic Achievement


1. Peng Lin, Pengcheng Wei, Cheng Wang, Shengzu Kang, Xin Wang, Effect of rock properties on cracking and the electromagnetic radiation mechanism, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 13(2021),798-810, DOI:doi.org/10.1016/j.jrmge.2021.01.001

2. Peng Lin, Haoyang Peng, Qixiang Fan,Yunfei Xiang, Zongli Yang, Ning Yang,A 3D Thermal Field Restructuring Method for Mass Concrete Dams Based on Real-time Temperature Monitoring, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(4), DOI: 10.1007/s12205-021-1084-8 

3. Peng Lin, Junfeng Guan, Haoyang Peng, Jie Shi, Horizontal cracking and crack repair analysis of a super high arch dam based on fracture toughness, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019,97, 72-90

4. Peng Lin, Jie Shi, Pengchen Wei,Qixiang, Fan, Zhilin, Wang, Shallow unloading deformation analysis on Baihetan super-high arch dam foundation, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019,78,5551–5568

5. Peng Lin, Jie Shi, Weiyuan Zhou, Renkun Wang, 3D geomechanical model tests on asymmetric reinforcement and overall stability relating to the Jinping I super-high arch dam. Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2018,102,28-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2017.11.017 

6. Peng Lin, Xiaoli Liu, Senyin Hu, Pujian Li, Large deformation analysis on a high slope relating to the Laxiwa reservoir, China, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2016, 49: 2253-2276, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-016-0925-0

7. Peng Lin, Xiaoxu Zhu, Qingbin Li, Hongyuan. Liu, Yongjun Yu, Study on optimal grouting timing for controlling uplift deformation of a super high arch dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng.,2016,49(1), 115-142, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-015-0732-z 

8. Peng Lin, Robina H.C.Wong, Chunan Tang, Experimental study of coalescence mechanisms and failure under uniaxial compression of granite containing multiple holes, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2015, 313-327, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.04.017 

9. Peng Lin, Bo Huang, Qingbin Li, Renkun Wang, Hazard and seismic reinforcement analysis for typical large dams following the Wenchuan earthquake, Eng. Geo.,2015, 194, 86-97, DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.05.011  

10. Peng Lin, Zhou Weiyuan, Hongyuan Liu, Experimental study on cracking, reinforcement, and overall stability of the Xiaowan super-high arch dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2015, 48(2): 819-841, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-014-0593-x 

11. Peng Lin, Hongyuan Liu, Weiyuan Zhou, Experimental study on failure behavior of deep tunnels under high in-situ stresses, Tunnel.Underg.Space Technol.,  2015, 46, 28-45, DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2014.10.009 

12. Peng Lin, Tianhui Ma, Zhengzhao Liang, Chunan Tang, Renkun Wang. Failure and overall stability analysis on high arch dam based on DFPA code, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2014,45:164-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.06.020

13. Peng Lin, Yaneng Zhou, Hongyuan Liu and Chen Wang, Reinforcement design and stability analysis for large-span tailrace bifurcated tunnels with irregular geometry, Tunnel.Underg.Space Technol., 2013. 38(9): 189-204, DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2013.07.011

14. Jie Shi, Peng Lin, Yuande Zhou, Pengcheng Wei, Renkun Wang, Reinforcement Analysis of Toe Blocks and Anchor Cables at the Xiluodu Super-High Arch Dam, Rock Mech. and Rock Eng., 2018, 51(8), 2533-2554 ,DOI:10.1007/s00603-018-1517-y

15. Hancheng Jiang, Peng Lin, Maoshan Qiang, Qixiang Fan, A labor consumption measurement system based on real-time tracking technology for dam construction site, Authom. Contr., 2015, 52, 1–15, //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2015.02.004 

16. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin, Numerical study of stress distribution and crack coalescence mechanisms of a solid containing multiple holes, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci., 2015,79,41-54, DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.08.003

17. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin, Chunan Tang, Experimental and numerical study on splitting failure of brittle solids containing single pore under uniaxial compression, Mechanics of Materials,38,142-159,2006

18. Robina H.C.Wong, Peng Lin,  Chunan Tang, Chau, K.T. Creeping damage around an opening in rock-like material containing non-persistent joints, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 69, 2015-2027, 2002 

19. P. Lin, Z.Y. Ning, M. Li, et al.,Study on Prototype Intelligent Control Test of Cooling Pipeline for a Super-high Arch Dam,Journal of hydraulic engineering,2021(in Chinese)

20. Q.X. FAN, P. Lin, P.C. Wei, Z.Y. Ning, G. Li, Closed-loop control theory of Intelligent construction J. Tsinghua University (Scie & Technol.),2021,61(7),660-670,DOI:10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.26.023(in Chinese)

21. P. Lin, P.C. Wei, Q.X. FAN, W.Q. Chen, CNN model for mining safety hazard data from a construction site, J Tsinghuauniv (Sci & Tech), 2019, 59(8), 628-634, DOI:10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.26.008(in Chinese)

22. P. Lin, Y.L. Wang, Z.L. WANG, et al.,Development and application of Wesafety system on construction site of large hydraulic engineering base of Wechat,Journal of safety science and technology,2017,13(7),137-143(in Chinese)

23. S.G. She, P. Lin, Some developments and challenging issues in rock engineering field in china, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 33(3): 433-457 (in Chinese)

24. P. Lin, C. Wang, Y.H. Weng, Q.X. Cao, Q.Y.Hu, Interaction mechanism analysis on overall stability of Wudongde super-high arch dam and underground powerhouse, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering,2014, 33(11):2236-2246 (in Chinese)

25. P. Lin, Q.B. Li, S.W. Zhou, Y. Hu, Intelligent cooling control method and system for mass concrete, Chinese Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2013, 44(8), 950-957(in Chinese)

26. P. Lin, R.K. Wang, S.Z. Kang, H.C.Zhang, W.Y. Zhou, Study on key problems of foundation failure, reinforcement and stability for super high arch dams, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2011, 30(10), 1945-1958(in Chinese)

Authored Patents

27. P. Lin, Q.B. Li, et al, Integral flow and temperature control device.2012,China, ZL2012102999976)

28. P. Lin, P.C. Wei, H.Y Peng, et al. Medium-based intelligent temperature control data management system and method. 2020, China, ZL2019102644843.

29. P. Lin, Q.X. FAN, Z.L. WANG, et al. A medium heat exchange intelligent control system and method. 2020, China, ZL2019102636175.

30. P. Lin, Q.X. FAN, Z.L. WANG, et al. Expert system of intelligent cooling control and method for hardware detection and data monitoring. 2020, China, ZL2019102644580.

31. P. Lin, S.W. Zhou, H.Y Peng, Localization of temperature sensors for global thermal field. 2020, China, ZL2019102295912.

32. P. Lin, Z.L. WANG, W.F. Chen, et al. An adaptive temperature adjustment method of dam heat exchange medium. 2020, China, ZL 2019102581736.

33. P. Lin, Z.Y. Ning, W.F. Chen et al., A control method of temperature difference within concrete pouring block. 2020, China, ZL2019110895561.

34. P. Lin, S.W. Zhou, Y.F. Xiang et al. Temperature field forming method and system based on the complementary temperature measurement with optical fiber and digital thermometer. 2020, China, ZL2019102290444.

35. P. Lin, Z.Y. Ning, H.Y Peng, P.C. Wei, A temperature control method of mass concrete based on intelligent learning. 2021, China, ZL2019102645916.

36. P. Lin, H.Y Peng, Z.Y. Ning, et al. A Multi-field, real-time, online collaborative intelligent simulation method and system for mass concrete. 2021, China, 2019102746438

37. P. Lin, J.S.Ouyang, Z.Y. Ning, et al., An intelligent gradient temperature control method, system, equipment and readable storage medium,2021,China,ZL2020109955259

38. P. Lin, H.Y Peng, Y.F. Wang, et al.,A temperature control method and system for lining concrete,2021,China,ZL2020110866491