AN Xuehui
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background
BA: Sep.1985 – July.1990, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
MA: Sep.1990– Mar. 1991, Hydraulic Engineering,, Tsinghua University
PhD: Sep.1991 – Jun.1993, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University;Oct.1994 – Jun.1996, Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Work Experience
1996-1999: Researcher, TEPSCO, Tokyo, Japan
1999-2002: Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
2002- : Professor, Department of Hydro science and Engineering, Tsinghua University
Teaching Courses
Research Interests
1. Self-compacting Concrete(SCC) and Rock Filled Concrete (RFC)
2. Smart manufacture and testing technology of concrete
3. Life-span performance evaluation of concrete structures
Research Projects
1 2014The best paper prize of the year from JCI, Tokyo
2 2013 Fellow, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo
3 2008The Nishino Prize, The Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction
4 1999 The best paper prize of the year (incentive for younger scholars) from Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo
5 1996 Concrete Award, 21st Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structure, Singapore
Professional Service
1 Member, Concrete Quality Committee in CCES (China Civil Engineering Society )
2 Deputy Chair, Building Waterproofing Technical Committee in China Associating ofEngineering Construction Standardization (CECS)
3 Council member, Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society
Honors and Awards
1 Tsinghua-Maeda(Okamura) Advanced Construction Technology Research Center2003-2009
2 Tsinghua-SinoconfixRFCResearchCenter 2014-
Academic Achievement
(1) Nie D. and An X., Optimization of SCC mix at paste level by using numerical method based on a paste rheological threshold theory,Construction and Building Materials, 102, 428-434, 2016.
(2)Wu, Q. and An, X., Development of a mix design method for SCC based on the rheological characteristics of paste, Construction and Building Materials, 53, 642-651, 2014.
(3) Li, S. and An, X., Method for estimating workability of self-compacting concrete using mixing process images, Computers and Concrete, 13(6), 781-798, 2014.
(4) Zheng, J., An X. and Huang M., GPU-based parallel algorithm for particle contact detection and its application in self-compacting concrete flow simulations, Computers & Structures, 112, 193-204, 2012.
(5) Huang M., An X., Zhou H. and Jin F., Rock-filled concrete -development, investigation and applications, International water power and dam construction, 60(4), 20-24, 2008.( Cover Story)
(6) An X, Shawky A. and Maekawa K. The collapse mechanism of a subway station during the Great Hanshin earthquake, Cement and Concrete Composites, 19(3), 241-257, 1997.