
ZHANG Jianhong

Address:Room 118, New Hydraulic Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
Tel:+86 10 6279 2984
Fax:+86 10 6278 5593
Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:   Sep.1985 – July.1989, Hydraulic Engineering, Sichuan University
MA:   Sep.1989 – Mar. 1991, Geotechnical Engineering, Sichuan University
PhD: Feb.1992 – Jun.1996, Geotechnical Engineering,, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

Experience 1995-1999: Lecturer  Department of Hydraulic, Tsinghua University
1999-2011: Associate Professor  Department of Hydraulic, Tsinghua University
2011- : Professor  Department of Hydraulic, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1. Soil Mechanics 2 (Foundation Engineering)
2. Engineering ethics3.

Research Interests

1. Offshore geotechnics
2. Slope stability
3. Geoenvironmental engineering

Research Projects

Mechanism of pockmark and liquefaction in submarine slopes involving high pore pressure, Natural Science Foundation of China ,  coordinator.

Evaluation of landslides in the region of Xiao Lang Di hydro-complex, Yellow River Conservancy Commission, coordinator.

Hydrodynamics of dyke breaching, sub-project of National science and technology 973 plan, coordinator.

New structures for stabilizing slopes susceptible to failure, Northwest of China railway science research institute co., LTD, , coordinator.

Bearing capacity of suction foundation for offshore platforms under complex loading conditions, Natural Science Foundation of China, coordinator.

Centrifuge modelling of heavy metal transport in unsaturated soils, Natural Science Foundation of China , coordinator.

Professional Service

Secretary General, Chinese Geotechnical Society
Member Technical committee on offshore geotechnics of ISSMGE

Honors and Awards

1998,    Changjiang Water Resources Commission Science and technology progress award   (Rank10th),( honored project: Seepage analysis of the cofferdam for the Three Gorges Project)

2005    Beijing Second prize of outstanding achievements of teaching (Rank 4th)

2006    Tsinghua University first prize of outstanding achievements of teaching (Rank 3th)

2010    Tsinghua University first prize of outstanding achievements of teaching (Rank 1st)

2018 First prize of teaching achievement of Beijing Higher Education (Rank 3th)

Academic Achievement

International Journal

1 Zhang, J. H. Lin, H.L. Wang, K. Z. 2015. Centrifuge modeling and analysis of submarine landslides triggered by elevated pore pressure. Ocean Engineering, 419-429..

2 Zhang, J-M, Yang ZY, Gao XZ, Zhang JH. 2015. Geotechnical aspects and seismic damage of the 156-m-high Zipingpu concrete-face rockfill dam following the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Special Issue. 76(SI): 145-156. 

3 Zhang, BY, Zhang JH, Sun GL. 2015. Deformation and shear strength of rockfill materials composed of soft siltstones subjected to stress, cyclical drying/wetting and temperature variation. Engineering Geology. 190 (5): 87-97.

4 Zhang JH, Zhao C, Xiong ZS. 2014. Meso-level simulation of gas hydrate dissociation in low-permeability sediments. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014(4):11-17.

5 Zhang, BY, Zhang JH, Sun GL, 2014. Development of a Soft-Rock Weathering Test Apparatus, Experimental techniques. 38(2): 54-65.

6 Zhang, JH, Hu, LM, Pant, R. Yu, YZ., Wei ZX. Zhang GP. 2013. Effects of interlayer interactions on the nanoindentation behavior and hardness of 2:1 phyllosilicates. Applied Clay Science, 80-81(267-280).

7 Zhang, BY, Zhang JH, Sun GL, 2012. Particle breakage of argillaceous siltstone subjected to stresses and weathering. Engineering Geology, 137–138, 1 June, 21–28. 

8 He, J., Zhang, J.H., Yu, Y.Z., and Zhang, G.P. 2012. The Strength and Microstructure of Two Geopolymers Derived from Metakaolin and Red Mud-Fly Ash Admixture: A Comparative Study. Construction and Building Materials 2012; 30, 80-91. 

9 Zhang, J.H., Chen, Z.Y., and Li, F. 2010. Three dimensional limit analysis of suction bucket foundations, Ocean Engineering. 37(6): 790-799.

10 Zhang, J-.M., Zhang, J.H., Wang G., and Chen, Y. 2009. Safety evaluation of breakwaters based on physical and numerical modelling, Ocean Engineering. 36(11): 852-862.

11 Zhang, J.H., Lo, I. M.-C. 2008. Centrifuge Study of Long Term Transport Behavior and Fate of Copper in Soils at Various Saturation of Water, Compaction and Clay Content, Soil & Sediment Contamination, 17(3): 237-255.

12 Zhang, J-M, Zhang JH, Wang, G, and Chen Y. 2008. Stability of jetties for channel protection in soft soils at Huanghua Port, Ocean Engineering, 35(17-18): 1716-1726.

13 Zhang, J.H., Chen, Z.Y., and Wang, X.G. 2007. Centrifuge modelling of rock slopes susceptible to block toppling. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 40(4): 363-382.  

14 Zhang, J.H., Zhang, L.M., and Lu, X.B. 2007. Centrifuge Modeling of Suction Bucket Foundations under Ice-sheet Induced Cyclic Lateral Loadings, Ocean Engineering, 34(8-9): 1069–1079.

15 Lo, I. M.-C., Zhang, J. H., Hu, L. M. 2005. Centrifuge Modeling of Cadmium Migration in Saturated and Unsaturated Soils. Soil & Sediment Contamination, November, 2005, 14(5):417-431.

16 Lu XB, Wang SY, Zhang JH, Sun GL, Shi ZM, 2005. Experimental study of pore pressure and deformation of suction bucket foundations under horizontal dynamic loading, China Ocean Engineering, 2005,19 (4): 671-680.

17 Zhang, J., Pu, J., Zhang, M., Qiu, T., 2001, “Model tests by centrifuge of soil nail reinforcements”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.29, No.4, July, 2001, 315-328.

18 Zhang, J.H., Xu Q.J., Chen Z.Y. 2001. Seepage analysis based on the unified unsaturated soil theory. Mechanics Research Communications. 28, 1, 107-112, 2001.

19 Zhang J.H., Zhang X.X. 2010. Finite Element Analysis of a Cofferdam with Bucket Foundations at Zhuanghai Artificial Island, The Open Ocean Engineering Journal, 2010, 3, 63-68.

20 Zhang, J-M, Zhang JH, Wang, G, and Chen Y. 2010. Stability Evaluation of a Quay Wall of Large Cylinders. The Open Ocean Engineering Journal, 2010, 3, 69-74.

21 Lo, I. M.-C., Zhang, J. H., Hu, L. M. and Shu, S.Z. 2003. “The Effect of Soil Stress on Cadmium Transport in Saturated Soils.” ASCE Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 7(3):170-176.

International Conference

22 Lin, HL, Zhang JH, 2015. Triaxial tests and DEM simulation on artificial bonded granular materials. The 15 Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, extended abstracts, eds. Watabe et al. Nov. 9-12, 2015. Japan, 357.

23 Zhao C, Zhang WZ, Zhang JH, Wang KZ and Xiong ZS. 2013. Modelling techniques of submarine landslides in centrifuge. 4th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR 2013), December 4-6, 2013, Hong Kong. pp. 235-238.

24 Zhang, JH, Zhang, YM, Zhou, M. 2010. Centrifuge modeling of base load – displacement response of piles in sand under static vertical load, Proceedings of The Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, June 20–26, 2010, ISOPE-2010-TPC-137. 

25 Zhang, JH, Jiang, SB, Wang QS, Hou YJ, Sui, HB, Liang JH. 2010. Critical hydraulic gradient of piping in sand, Proceedings of The Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, June 20–26, 2010, ISOPE-2010-TPC-184.

26 Zhang, JH, Zhang, YM, Lu XB, 2010. Dynamic response of a single and a 4-bucket foundations, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, June 28th – July 1st 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. pp 1087-1092.

27 Zhang, J-.M., Zhang, J.H., Wang G.., and Chen, Y. 2009. Stability of a trial quay wall of large diameter cylinders, Proceedings of the ASME 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. May 31-June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii. OMAE2009 - 79016.

28 Zhang, J-.M., Zhang, J.H., Wang G.., and Chen, Y. 2009. Numerical simulation of breakwaters for land reclamation, Proceedings of the ASME 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. May 31-June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii. OMAE2009 - 79017.

29 Xu, Y, Zhang, LM, and Zhang JH, 2009. Diagnosing distresses of embankment dams using Bayesian network based on 150 incidents, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 1738-1741.

30 Zhang, JH, Lv, H., Lin, X.J. and Lu X.B. 2007. Behavior of large diameter cylinder under lateral loads, New Frontiers in Chinese and Japanese Geotechniques, proceedings of the 3rd Sino-Japan Geotechnical Symposium, Nov. 2007, Chongqing. 759-766.

31 Chen, Z.Y., Zhang, J. H., Wang, W. X., and Xing, Y. C. 2006. Centrifuge Modeling for Rock Slopes. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Hong Kong, China, Aguust 4-6, 19-28. 

32 Zhang, JH, Lu, H. and Liu, S. 2006. Copper migration in unsaturated soils. 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering (JS-Dalian 2006) Dalian, China, Nov.23-25, 2006, pp.331-336.

33 Lu, X.B., Zhang, J.H., Sun, G.L., and Chen Z.Y. Simulation of dynamic loading in centrifuge for suction bucket foundations, The 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Seoul, Korea, June 19-24, 2005, pp 423-430. 

34 Zhang, J.H., and Yan, D. 2003. Accelerated migration of copper in unsaturated soil. Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering,29th-30th Oct. 2003, Beijing,290-293.

35 Zhang, J.H., Yan, D., Sun, G.L. and Li, W.X. 2003. Centrifuge modeling on suction caisson in offshore engineering. 29th-30th Oct. 2003, Beijing. Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, 43-49. 

36 Lo, Irene M. C., Zhang, J.H., Hu, L.M., 2002, Centrifuge Study of Cadmium Migration in Saturated Soils, International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Newfound land, Canada, July 10-12, 385-389.

37 Zhang, J.H., Pu, J.L., Zhang, Y, and Wei, Z. X., 2002, Simulation of Soil Nail Reinforcements in Centrifuge. International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Newfound land, Canada, July 10-12, 1017-1022.

38 Lo, I. M.-C., Zhang, J.H., and Hu, L.M. Geotechnical centrifuge modelling of Cadmium Migration in Saturated Soils. Proceeding of International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies. Vol 1, O-46, Beijing, China, 9-12 October 2001.

39 Zhang J.H., Chen Z.Y., Wang X.G.. et al. Stability of a toppling slope. ISSMFE Centrifuge 98, September 23-25th, 1998, Tokyo, Japan pp. 621-625. (Published by Balkema, Rotterdam).

40 Pu J.L., Zhang J.H. Yu QH, Yu YZ, Liang J, Wang RD, Takemura J. 1997. Stress and movement analysis for concrete cutoff wall and a core of high earth and rock-fill dam, The 9th International Conference of Computer Method and Advance in Geotechnical Engineering, 1777-1782, November 2-7th, 1997, Wuhan, China. (Published by Balkema, Rotterdam)