
Wu Bisheng

Associate Professor
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China                                
E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

2005.11-2008.12 PhD in Applied Mathematics      
School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics  
University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
2002.09-2005.07 M.Sc. in Solid Mechanics          
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R. China
1998.09-2002.07 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering & Automation
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, P.R. China

Work Experience

2019.06-present    Associate professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2018.08-2019.06 Assistant professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2012.02-2018.08 Research Scientist, Unconventional Gas Engineering,
CSIRO Energy, Clayton, Australia
2009.02-2012.02 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Petroleum Engineering,
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Clayton, Australia
2008.06-2008.12 Research Assistant, School of Statistics and Applied Mathematics,
University of Wollongong.

Teaching Courses

Offshore Geotechnical Engineering

Research Interests

Rock mechanics and underground energy (such as geothermal energy, shale gas and natural gas hydrate) exploration: Heat and mass transfer in porous media or fracture networks; Hydraulic fracturing; Wellbore stability; In situ stress measurement

Research Projects

1. CSIRO strategic seed project, Hydraulic Fracture Model Optimisation, 2017-2018                          
2. CSIRO strategic seed project. Maximum in-situ horizontal principal stress prediction, 2017-2018
3. CSIRO strategic seed project. Modelling and visualizatio of hydraulic fracturing in multiple-layer low permeability reservoirs, 2017-2018        
4. CSIRO strategic seed project. Seed_Deep overcore measurement, 2014-2015
5. CSIRO strategic seed project. Seed_Thermal Fracking, 2014-2015                                                                            
6. CSIRO strategic seed project. Seed Multi-layer Hydraulic Fracturing, 2015-2016                                                              
7. CSIRO strategic seed project. Representative numerical model to determine petro-physical properties of unconventional reservoirs, 2015-2016          
8. NICNAS (Australian Government). NICNAS- Hydraulic Fracture, 2013-2014
9. CSIRO strategic seed project. CDF-Virtual EGS Simulator, 2011-2014                                                                        
10. Geodynamics Pty Ltd. Stimulation of Jolokia-1, 2011-2012                                                                          
11. Whitehaven Coal Pty Ltd. Whitehaven Fracture Analysis, 2010-2012

Professional Service

• Guest Editor,Special issue of Geofluids (SCI, JCRQ1; IF: 2.687) on “Near wellbore fluid flow and mass transfer”; 2018 (in progress);by Bisheng Wu, Fengshou Zhang, Qianbing Zhang, Andrew P. Bunger, Brice Lacampion
• Guest Editor,Special issue of Geofluids (SCI, JCRQ1; IF: 2.687) on “Mechanism, Cause and Control of Water and Gas Migration Triggered by Mining Activities”; 2018 (in progress);by Fangtian Wang, Wen Wang, Bisheng Wu, Qingsheng Bai, Mandadige S.A. Perera
Organizing International Conferences
Member of Organizing Committee, 2nd International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources (IC3G 2018), Chengdu, China
Member of Organizing Committee, 6th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS 2017), Melbourne, Australia
Member of Technical Program Committees, 2018. 11th International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science (ICECS 2018), September 3-5, Xiamen, China
Member of Technical Program Committees, 2018. The International Symposium in Environmental Science and Industrial Ecology (ISESIE2018), 10-12 August, Bangkok, Thailand
Session Chair, Jun 2017. 51st US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium held in San Francisco, California, USA
Session Chair, Mar 2017. The Sixth Annual Conference for the Development and Utilization of Deep Geothermal Energy, China University of Geoscience, 26-29 Mar, Beijing, China
Session Chair, Sep 2016. International Conference on Geo-mechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources.     Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Session Chair, Sep 2015. China Shale Gas 2015. Wuhan, Hubei, China.
Reviewers for International Journals/Conferences
• Elsevier: Energy, Geothermics, Computers & Geosciences, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Applied thermal Engineering, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Solids and Structures
• Springer: Petroleum Science
• Others:  SPE Journal, Geofluids, Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, Energies, The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Micro & Nano Letter, Open Fuels; Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, SPE Hydraulic Fracturing conference
• Member of SPE (The Society of Petroleum Engineers)
• Member of ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics)
• Member of ARMA (American Rock Mechanics Association)
• Member of IAEG (The International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment)
• Member of IGA (International Geothermal Association)

Honors and Awards

• ARMA (American Rock Mechanics Association) Future Leadership Program 2018
• Outstanding Reviewer (Energy) 2018
• Outstanding Reviewer (International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences) 2018
• Outstanding Reviewer (International Journal of Solids and Structures) 2018
• Outstanding Reviewer (Applied Thermal Engineering) 2017
• Outstanding Reviewer (Geothermics) 2016
• Australian PhD scholarship (Australian Research Council) 2005-2008

Academic Achievement

1. Bisheng Wu, Xi Zhang, Andrew P. Bunger and Robert G. Jeffrey. 2013. An efficient and accurate approach for studying the heat extraction from multiple recharge and discharge wells. In: Andrew Bunger, John McLennan & Robert G. Jeffrey, editor/s. Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing. InTech; 2013. 16.
Journal papers published
2. Radhika De Silva, Ranjith Gamage, Samintha Perera, Bisheng Wu, T. D. Rathnaweer. A modified hydrophobic soundless cracking demolition agent for non-explosive demolition and fracturing applications. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 119, 1–13, 2018.
3. Dirk Mallants, Rob Jeffrey, Xi Zhang, Bailin Wu, James Kear, Zuorong Chen, Bisheng Wu, Elise Bekele, Matthias Raiber, Simon Apte, Bruce Gray. Review of plausible chemical migration pathways in Australian coal seam gas basins. International Journal of Coal Geology, 195, 280–303, 2018.
4. V.R.S. De Silva, P.G. Ranjith*, Bisheng Wu, M.S.A. Perera. Micro-mechanics based numerical simulation of NaCl brine induced mechanical strength deterioration of sedimentary host-rock formations. Engineering Geology, 242, 55–69, 2018.
5. Xi Zhang*, Bisheng Wu, Luke Connell, Yanhui Han, Robert G. Jeffrey. A model for hydraulic fracture growth across multiple elastic layers. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 167, 918-928, 2018. Doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2018.04.071.
6. Xi Zhang*, Bisheng Wu, Luke Cornell, Yanhui Han. Predictions of fracture growth in Walloon coals using a layer fracture model. The APPEA Journal. 58, 765-768, 2018. Doi:10.1071/AJ17140
7. Changliang Fang, Mingming Zheng, Hongzhi Lu, Tianle Liu*, Guosheng Jiang, Bisheng Wu*. A simplified method for predicting the penetration distance of cementing slurry in gas hydrate reservoirs around wellbore. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 52, 348-355, 2018. Doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2018.01.042
8. Lei Zhang, Yu Bai, Yujun Qi, Hai Fang, Bisheng Wu. Post-fire mechanical performance of modular GFRP multicellular slabs with prefabricated fire resistant panels. Composites Part B: Engineering. 143, 55-67, 2018. Doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.01.034.
9. Shanpo Jia*, Liwei Zhang, Bisheng Wu, Hongdan Yu, Jingxi Shu. A coupled hydro-mechanical creep damage model for clayey rock and its application to nuclear waste repository. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 74, 230-246, 2018. Doi:10.1016/j.tust.2018.01.026.
10. Tianshou Ma*, Yang Liu, Ping Chen, Bisheng Wu. Fracture-initiation pressure analysis of horizontal well in anisotropic formations. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. In press, 2018.
11. Bisheng Wu*, Tianle Liu*, Xi Zhang, Bainlin, Wu, Robert G. Jeffrey, Andrew P. Bunger. A transient analytical model for predicting wellbore/reservoir temperature and stresses during drilling with fluid circulation. Energies, 11(1), 42, 2018. Doi: 10.3390/en11010042. (JCRQ2, IF17:2.676)
12. Y. Chan*, Bisheng Wu, Yong Ren, Liang Xia. Analytical solution for Newtonian flow inside a carbon nanotube taking into consideration of van der Waals forces. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 56, 158-169, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10910-017-0786-0 (JCRQ2, IF17:1.882 )
13. Gerald G. Pereira, Bisheng Wu, and Shakil Ahmed*. Lattice Boltzmann heat transfer model for permeable voxels. Physical Review E. 96(6), 063108, 2017. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.063108. (JCRQ1, IF17:2.284)
14. Bisheng Wu*, Guangqing Zhang, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey, James Kear, Tongtiegang Zhao. Semi-analytical model for an enhanced geothermal system considering the effect of the areal flow between dipole wells on heat extraction. Energy. 138, 290-305, 2017. (JCRQ1, IF17: 4.968)
15. Bisheng Wu*, Ranjith P. Gamage, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey, Ken Mills, Xishu Wang. An analytical thermo-poro-elasticity model for the mechanical responses of a wellbore and core during overcoring. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 98, 141-158, 2017. (JCRQ1, IF17: 2.836)
16. Yuxiang Wang, Shuo Chen*, Bisheng Wu. Self-driven penetration of a droplet into non-wetting capillaries. Computers and Fluids. 154, 211-215, 2017. (JCRQ1, IF17: 2.221)
17. Bisheng Wu*, Tianshou Ma, Zuorong Chen, Guanhong Feng, Xi Zhang. An approximate solution for predicting the heat extraction from a closed-loop geothermal reservoir. Geofluids, 2041072, 17 pages, 2017. (JCRQ1, IF17: 2.540)
18. Xishu Wang*, Zhihao Zhang, Huaihui Ren, Yilong Chen, Bisheng Wu. Role of soft matter in the sandwich vein of dragonfly wing in its configuration and aerodynamic behaviors. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 14(3), 557–566, 2017. Doi: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60421-3. (JCRQ1: IF17:2.325)
19. B. Motevalli, N. Taherifar, Bisheng Wu*, W. Tang*, and J. Z. Liu*. A density functional theory computational study of adsorption of Di-Meta-Cyano Azobenzene molecules on Si (111) surfaces. Applied Surface Science. 422, 557-565, 2017. (JCRQ2, IF17: 4.439)
20. V.R.S. De Silva, P.G. Ranjith*, M.S.A. Perera, Bisheng Wu, T. D. Rathnaweer. Investigation of the mechanical, microstructural and mineralogical morphology of soundless cracking demolition agents during the hydration process. Materials Characterization. 130, 9-24, 2017. (JCRQ2: IF17.2.892)
21. Xi Zhang*, Bisheng Wu, Robert G. Jeffrey, Luke Connell and Guangqing Zhang. A new pseudo-3D model for hydraulic fracture growth in a multilayered rock. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 115-116, 208-223, 2017. (JCRQ1, IF17:2.566)
22. Tianshou Ma*, Bisheng Wu*, Jianhong Fu, Qiangui Zhang, Ping Chen. Fracture pressure prediction for layered formations with anisotropic rock strengths. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 38, 485-503, 2017. Doi: 10.1007/s11269-017-1599-4 (JCRQ2, IF17:2.803)
23. Tongtiegang Zhao*, Jianshi Zhao, Xiaohui Lei,Xu Wang, Bisheng Wu. Improved dynamic programming for reservoir flood control operation. Water Resources Management. 31(7), 2047-2063, 2017. Doi:10.1007/s11269-017-1599-4. (JCRQ1, IF17:2.644)
24. Bisheng Wu*, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey, Andrew P. Bunger. A simplified model for heat extraction by circulating fluid through a closed-loop multiple-fracture enhanced geothermal system. Applied Energy. 183C, 1664-1681, 2016. Doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.09.113 (JCRQ1: IF17: 7.900)
25. Bisheng Wu*, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey. An extended overcore stress measurement method based on a thermo-poro-elastic analysis of the stresses in three-dimensional states. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 89(75-93), 2016. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2016.07.018.  (JCRQ1: IF17:2.836)
26. Xi Zhang*, Robert G. Jeffrey and Bisheng Wu. Mechanics of edge crack growth under transient pressure and temperature conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structure. 69-70, 11-22, 2015. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.06.019. (JCRQ1:2016IF:2.566)
27. Bisheng Wu*, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey, Andrew P. Bunger and Cameron Huddlestone-Holmes. Perturbation analysis for predicting the temperatures of water flowing through multiple parallel fractures in a rock mass. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 76, 162-173, 2015. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.03.013. (JCRQ1: IF17:2.836)
28. K. Regenauer-Lieb, A. Bunger, H. Chua, A. Dyskin, F. Fusseis, O. Gaede, R. Jeffrey, A. Karrech, K. Ali, K. Thomas, J. Liu, V. Lyakhovsky, E. Pasternak, R. Podgorney, T. Poulet, S. Rahman, C. Schrank, M. Trefry, M. Veveakis, Bisheng Wu, D. Yuen, F. Wellmann, X. Zhang. Deep geothermal: The ‘Moon Landing’ mission in the unconventional energy and minerals space. Journal of Earth Science, 26(1), 2-10, 2015.
29. Bisheng Wu*, Xi Zhang and Robert G. Jeffrey. A model for downhole fluid and rock temperature prediction during circulation. Geothermics. 50, 202-212, 2014. Doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2013.10.004.
30. Xishu Wang*, Huaihui. Ren, Bisheng Wu, Jia Su, and N. Kawagoishi. Effect of the loading type on the fatigue crack growth behavior of solder joints in electronic packages. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 27(3), 245-258, 2014. Doi:10.1016/S0894-9166(14)60034-3.
31. Bisheng Wu*, Xi Zhang, Robert G. Jeffrey and Bailin Wu. A semi-analytic analysis of a wellbore in a non-isothermal low-permeable porous medium under non-hydrostatic stresses. International Journal of Solids and Structure. 49(13), 1472-1484, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2012.02.035.
32. Bisheng Wu*, Pei Tillman, Scott W. McCue and James M. Hill. Nanoparticle melting as a Stefan moving boundary problem, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 9(2), 885-888, 2009. Doi: 10.1166/jnn.2008.6017.
33. Scott W. McCue*, Bisheng Wu and James M. Hill. Micro/nano particle melting with spherical symmetry and surface tension. The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. 74(3), 439-457, 2009. Doi:10.1093/imamat/hxn038.
34. Bisheng Wu*, Scott W. McCue, Pei Tillman and James M. Hill. Single phase limit for melting nanoparticles. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 33(5), 2349-2367, 2009. Doi:10.1016/j.apm.2008.07.009.
35. Scott W. McCue*, Bisheng Wu and James M. Hill. Classical two-phase Stefan problem for spheres, Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 464, 2055-2076, 2008. Doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0315.
36. Xishu Wang*, Jinghong Fan, Bisheng Wu and Ying Li, 2008. Effects of distance and alignment holes on fatigue crack behaviors of cast magnesium alloys. Advanced Materials Research. 33-37, 13-18, 2008. DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.33-37.13.
37. Xishu Wang*, Chengkun Yan, Ying Li, Yibin Xue, Xiangkang Meng and Bisheng Wu. SEM in-situ investigation on failure of nanometallic film/substrate structures under three-point bending loading. International Journal of Fracture. 151(2), 269-279, 2008. DOI 10.1007/s10704-008-9257-8.
38. Xishu Wang*, Bisheng Wu. Online SEM investigation of microcrack characteristics of concretes at various temperatures. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(7), 1385-1390, 2005. Doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2004.07.015.
39. Xishu Wang*, Bisheng Wu. In situ observation and evaluation of the initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks for as-cast magnesium-aluminum alloys. Material Periodical (in Chinese). 8(A), 233-236, 2004.

Opportunities for Postgraduate Candidates/Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Excellent students with background in geotechnical engineering, engineering geology, engineering mechanics, applied mathematics, earth science or petroleum engineering are welcome for the postgraduate study. Proficiency in English is required.
There are vacancies for postdoctoral research fellow in the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering.