1. Wu Z, Chen Z, Hu L, Wang R, Zhang X. Effect of conditioning schemes on mechanical properties of EPB shield soil. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 42:101058
2. Wu Y, Wang Y, Hu L. A theoretical model of the soil freezing characteristic curve for saline soil[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 622: 129639.
3. Wang Y, Hu L. Evaluation of the BET and GAB models for interpretation of soil water isotherms: A molecular simulation study[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 159: 105454.
4. Yandi Wu, Yijie Wang, Liming Hu. A theoretical model of the soil freezing characteristic curve for saline soil. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 622: 129639.
5. Chen Z, Wang Y, Hu L. Thermal desorption mechanism of n-dodecane on unsaturated clay: Experimental study and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2023, 323: 121228.
6. Wang Y, Chen Z, Hu L. Determining the geometric surface area of mesoporous materials[J]. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2023, 127(9): 4799-4807.
7. Lin D, Zhang D, Zhang X, et al. Prediction of gas production rate from shale gas reservoirs using a micro–macro analysis[J]. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13(1): 494.
8. Lin D, Hu L, Lo I M C. Two-Dimensional Modeling of Nano Zero-Valent Iron Transport and Retention before and after Phosphate Adsorption[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(24): 17712-17719.
9. Wang Y, Hu L, Luo S, et al. Soil water isotherm model for particle surface sorption and interlamellar sorption[J]. Vadose Zone Journal, 2022, 21(5): e20221.
10. Lin D, Zhang X, Hu L*, et al. Prediction of colloid sticking efficiency at pore-scale and macroscale using a pore network model[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2022: 128253
11. Zhang L, Hu L*. Effect of anode condition on electro-osmotic consolidation combined with vacuum preloading[J]. Drying Technology, 2022, 40(9): 1856-1865
12. Zhang L, Hu L*. Numerical simulation of electro-osmotic consolidation considering tempo-spatial variation of soil pH and soil parameters[J]. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022, 147: 104802
13. Lin D, Hu L*, Bradford S A, et al. Prediction of collector contact efficiency for colloid transport in porous media using Pore-Network and Neural-Network models[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 290: 120846
14. Zhang P, Liu B, Hu L, et al. Coupled multiphase flow and pore compression computational model for extraction of offshore gas hydrates[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 145: 104671
15. Du J, Luo S, Hu L, et al. Multiscale mechanical properties of shales: grid nanoindentation and statistical analytics[J]. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17(2): 339-354
16. Chen Z, Hu L. Adsorption of Naphthalene on Clay Minerals: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study[J]. Materials, 2022, 15(15): 5120.
17. Lin D, Hu L, Bradford S A, et al. Pore-network modeling of colloid transport and retention considering surface deposition, hydrodynamic bridging, and straining[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 127020.
18. Wang Y, Hu L, Zhang C, et al. Liquid Cavitation during Nitrogen Sorption on Soils[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, 147(11): 04021099
19. Wang Y J, Hu L, Zhang C, Luo S, Lu N. Liquid Cavitation during Nitrogen Sorption on Soils. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, 147(11): 04021099.
20. Lin D, Hu L, Bradford S A, Zhang X, Lo IMC. Pore-network modeling of colloid transport and retention considering surface deposition, hydrodynamic bridging, and straining. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 127020.
21. Zhang D, Meegoda J N, da Silva B M G, Hu L. Impact of de-ionized water on changes in porosity and permeability of shales mineralogy due to clay-swelling. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 20049.
22. Du J, Luo S, Hu L, Guo B, Guo D, Zhang G. Multiscale mechanical properties of shales: grid nanoindentation and statistical analytics. Acta Geotechnica, 2021: 1-16.
23. Du J, Whittle A J, Hu L, Divoux T, Meegoda J. Characterization of meso-scale mechanical properties of Longmaxi shale using grid microindentation experiments. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 13(3): 555-567.
24. Zhang D, Zhang X, Guo H, Lin D, Meegoda J, Hu L. An anisotropic pore-network model to estimate the shale gas permeability. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11(1): 7902.
25. Lin D, Bradford S, Hu L, Lo I M C. Impact of phosphate adsorption on the mobility of PANI‐supported nano zero‐valent iron. Vadose Zone Journal, 2021, 20(2): e20091.
26. Zhang L, Hu L. Effect of anode condition on electro-osmotic consolidation combined with vacuum preloading. Drying Technology, 2021: 1-13.
27. Lin D, Hu L, Bradford S A, Zhang X, Lo I M C. Simulation of colloid transport and retention using a pore‐network model with roughness and chemical heterogeneity on pore surfaces. Water Resources Research, 2021, 57(2): e2020WR028571, 1-18.
28. Du J, Whittle A J, Hu L, et al. Characterization of meso-scale mechanical properties of Longmaxi shale using grid microindentation experiments[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021.
29. Liu M, Hu L*. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. Integrated Similarity Criteria of Particle Erosion in Elbows Under Gas and Gas-Mist Flow Conditions, 2021, 143(6).
30. Zhang P, Celia M A, Bandilla K W, Hu L*, Meegoda J N. A Pore-Network Simulation Model of Dynamic CO2 Migration in Organic-Rich Shale Formations. Transport in Porous Media, 2020,133: 479–496.
31. Zhang R, Quan W, Fan F, Hu L, Yan D. Distinguishing Computer-Generated Images from Natural Images Using Channel and Pixel Correlation. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2020, 35(3): 592–602.
32. Lin, Dantong; Hu, Liming*; Lo, Irene M. C.; Yu, Zhigang. Size Distribution and Phosphate Removal Capacity of Nano Zero-Valent Iron (nZVI): Influence of pH and Ionic Strength. Water, 2020, 12(10): 2939.
33. Liu M, Hu L*. A numerical procedure for estimating the sand erosion of elbows in annular flow with the complete thickness distribution of the liquid film. Wear, 2019, 440–441: 203085
34. Koshy N, Dondrob K, Hu L*, Wen Q, Meegoda J N. Mechanical Properties of Geopolymers Synthesized from Fly Ash and Red Mud under Ambient Conditions. Crystals, 2019, 9(11): 572.
35. Xia, Z., & Hu, L. (2019). Theoretical Model for Mass Transfer Processes of Oxygen and Ozone Micro-Nano-Bubbles During Contaminant Treatment. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 14(3): 157–167.
36. Hu L*, Zhang L, Wu H. Experimental study of the effects of soil pH and ionic species on the electro-osmotic consolidation of kaolin. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019. 368: 885-893.
37. Nevin Koshy, Kunga Dondrob, Liming Hu*, Qingbo Wen, Jay N. Meegoda. Synthesis and characterization of geopolymers derived from coal gangue, fly ash and red mud. Construction & Building Materials, 2019. 206: 287–296.
38. Zhang L, Hu L*. Laboratory tests of electro-osmotic consolidation combined with vacuum preloading on kaolinite using electrokinetic geosynthetics. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2019, 47: 166-176.
39. Xia Z, Hu L*. Treatment of Organics Contaminated Wastewater by Ozone Micro-Nano-Bubbles. Water 2019, 11, 55.
40. Yu, Zhigang; Hu, Liming; Lo, Irene M. C. Transport of the arsenic (As)-loaded nano zero-valent iron in groundwater-saturated sand columns: Roles of surface modification and As loading. CHEMOSPHERE. 2019, 216: 428-436.
41. Yu, Zhigang; Huang, Junyi; Hu, Liming; Zhang, Weilan; Lo, Irene M. C. Effects of geochemical conditions, surface modification, and arsenic (As) loadings on As release from As-loaded nano zero-valent iron in simulated groundwater. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5(1): 28-38.
42. Du J, Hu L*, Meegoda JN, Zhang G*. Shale softening: Observations, phenomenological behavior, and mechanisms. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 161: 290–300.
43. Wu H, Hu L*, Wen Q. Numerical assessment of equivalent radius for electro-kinetic geosynthetics electrodes during electro-osmotic consolidation. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE. 2018, 18(5): 04018024.
44. Zhang, Weilan; Lo, Irene M. C.*; Hu, Liming; Voon, Chia Pao; Lim, Boon Leong; Versaw, Wayne K. Environmental Risks of Nano Zerovalent Iron for Arsenate Remediation: Impacts on Cytosolic Levels of Inorganic Phosphate and MgATP(2-) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(7): 4385-4392.
45. Hui Wu; Qingbo Wen; Liming Hu*; Meng Gong. Effect of adsorbate concentration to adsorbent dosage ratio on the sorption of heavy metals on soils. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 2018, 144(2): 04017094.
46. Hu L*, Xia Z. Application of Ozone Micro-Nano-Bubbles to Groundwater Remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 342: 446-453.
47. Wu H, Hu L*, Wen Q. Numerical simulation of electro-osmotic consolidation coupling non-linear variation of soil parameters. Computers & Geosciences, 2017, 103: 92-98.
48. Wu H, Wen Q, Hu L*, et al. Feasibility study on the application of coal gangue as landfill liner material. Waste Management, 2017, 29: 161-171.
49. Wu H, Hu L*. Electro-osmotic Consolidation of Soil with Variable Compressibility, Hydraulic Conductivity and Electro-Osmosis Conductivity. Computers and Geotechnics, 2017, 85: 126-138.
50. Wu H, Hu L*, Qi W, Wen Q. Analytical Solution for Electroosmotic Consolidation Considering Nonlinear Variation of Soil Parameters[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2017, 17(5): 06016032.
51. Zhang P, Hu L*, Meegoda J N. Pore-scale simulation and sensitivity analysis of apparent gas permeability in shale matrix. Materials, 2017, 10(2): 104.
52. Hu L*, Wu H&, Zhang L&, et al. Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017: 29(2): 04016220.
53. Xiaoling Tan; Fengyin Liu; Liming Hu; Allen H Reed; Yoko Furukawa; Guoping Zhang. Evaluation of the particle sizes of four clay minerals[J]. Applied Clay Science. 2017, 135: 313-324.
54. Wu H, Hu L*, Zhang G. Effects of Electro-Osmosis on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Bentonite. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2016, 28(8): 06016010.
55. Xu WJ, Hu LM, Gao W. Random generation of the meso-structure of a soil-rock mixture and its application in the study of the mechanical behavior in a landslide dam. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016, 86, 166-178.
56. Wu H, Hu L*, Zhang L, Wen Q. Transport and Exchange Behavior of Ions in Bentonite During Electro-Osmotic Consolidation. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2015, 63(5): 395-403.
57. Zhang P, Hu L*, Wen Q, et al. A multi-flow regimes model for simulating gas transport in shale matrix. Géotechnique Letters, 2015: 231-235.
58. Wu H, Hu L*, Wen Q. Electro-osmotic enhancement of bentonite with reactive and inert electrodes. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 111: 76-82.
59. Zhang P, Hu* L, Meegoda J & Gao S. Micro/Nano-pore Network Analysis of Gas Flow in Shale Matrix. Nature Publishing Group: Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 13501. DOI: 10.1038/srep13501.
60. Hu L*, Meegoda J, Li H, et al. Study of flow transitions during air sparging using the geotechnical centrifuge. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015, 141(1): 04014048. 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000877.
61. Liu T, Hu L*. (2014). Organic acid transport through a partially saturated liner system beneath a landfill. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42(5): 428-436.
62. Wu H, Hu L*. Microfabric change of electro-osmotic stabilized bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 101: 503-509.
63. Pasha AY, Hu L*, Meegoda JN. Numerical simulations of a light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) movement in variably saturated soils with capillary hysteresis. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2014, 51: 1046-1062.
64. Li H, Hu L*, Song D, Lin F. Characteristics of Micro-nano Bubbles and Potential Application in Groundwater Bioremediation. Water Environment Research, 2014, 86(9): 844-851.
65. Hu L*, Wu H. Mathematical model of electro-osmotic consolidation for soft ground improvement. Geotechnique. 2014, 64(2): 155-164.
66. Li H, Hu L*, Song D, Al-Tabbaa A. Subsurface transport behavior of micro-nano bubbles and potential application for groundwater remediation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2014, 11(1), 473-486.
67. Tan X, Hu L., Reed AH, Furukawa Y, Zhang G. Flocculation and particle size analysis of expansive clay sediments affected by biological, chemical, and hydrodynamic factors. Ocean Dynamics, 2014, 64(1), 143-157.
68. Dong WX, Hu L, Yu YZ, Lv H. Comparison between Duncan and Chang’s EB model and the generalized plasticity model in the analysis of a high earth-rockfill dam. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, Article ID 709430, //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/709430.
69. Li HZ, Hu LM*, Xia ZR. Impact of groundwater salinity on bioremediation enhanced by micro-nano bubbles. Materials, 2013, 6, 3676-3687.
70. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. A dynamic two-phase flow model for air sparging. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013, 37(12): 1801-1821.
71. Zhang J, Hu LM, Pant R, Yu, Wei, Zhang. Effects of interlayer interactions on the nanoindentation behavior and hardness of 2:1 phyllosilicates. Applied Clay Science, 2013, 80-81: 267-280.
72. Wu H, Hu LM*. Analytical solution for axisymmetric electro-osmotic consolidation. Géotechnique. 2013, 63(12): 1074 -1079.
73. Wu H, Hu L*. Numerical model of soft ground improvement by vertical drain combined with vacuum preloading. Journal of Central South China University, 2013, 20(7): 2066-2071.
74. Liu Xiaoli; Hu Liming; Wang Enzhi; Xue Qiang. Study on Landfill Leachate Plumes with coupled Liquid-Solid Model. Disaster Advances, 2013, 6(7): 51-57.
75. Wu H, Hu LM*. Discussion of "Numerical assessment of equivalent diameter equations for prefabricated vertical drains". Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2013, 50(7): 801-804.
76. Pasha AY, Hu LM, Meegoda JN, Ebadi T. Back-Calculated Soil–Water Characteristic Curve From Fluid Flow Data. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2013, 36(3): 301-309.
77. Pasha AY, Aflaki E, Hu LM*, Meegoda JN. Effect of Soil Fabric on Transport of a LNAPL through Unsaturated Fine Grained Soils: A Centrifugal Model Study. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 2013, 22(2): 223-240.
78. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. Simulation of Dynamic Two-phase Flow during Multistep Air Sparging, Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 96: 173-193.
79. Gao SY, Meegoda JN, Hu LM*. Two Methods for Pore-Network of Porous Media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36(18): 1954-1970.
80. WU Hui, HU Liming*. Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Vacuum Preloading Considering a Radius Related Strain Distribution. Mechanics Research Communications, Mechanics Research Communications, 2012, 44: 9-14.
81. Hu L*, Wu W, Wu H. Numerical model of electro-osmosis consolidation in clay. Géotechnique, 2012, 62(6): 537-541.
82. Pashal AY, Hu LM*, Meegoda J N, Aflaki E, Du J. Centrifuge modeling of in-situ surfactant enhanced flushing of diesel contaminated soil. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2011, 34(6): 623-633.
83. HU Liming*, MEEGODA J, DU Jianting, GAO Shengyan, WU Xiaofeng. Centrifugal Study of Zone of Influence during Air-Sparging. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, RSC, 2011, 13 (9), 2443-2449.
84. Meegoda JN, Hu LM. A Review of Centrifugal Testing of Gasoline Contamination and Remediation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2011, 8, 3496-3513.
85. Gao Shengyan, Meegoda J N, Hu Liming*. Microscopic Modeling of Air Migration during Air Sparging. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE, 2011, 15(2): 70-79. [ASCE-EWRI Best Paper Award]
86. Meegoda JN, Gao S, Al-Joulani N, Hu L. Solid waste and ecological issues of coal to energy. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, ASCE, 2011, 15(2): 99-107.
87. Hu L*, Wu X, Liu Y, Meegoda JN, Gao S. Physical Modeling of Air Flow during Air Sparging Remediation. Environmental Science and Technology, ACS, 2010, 44(10): 3883-3888.
88. Hu L*, Zhao M, Pu J. Centrifuge modeling of an offshore water-intake project under ice loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2010, 32(1): 49-57.
89. Hu Liming*, Zhang Bingyin, Ma Jie. Mechanical characteristics for interfaces between granular materials. Mechanics Research Communications, 2010, 37(1): 42-46.
90. Hu Liming*, Ding Jinwei, Liu Haixiao. Mechanical Behavior of Marine Clay under Wave Loading. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 2010, 20(1): 72-79.
91. Dawson A, Boothroyd P, Ma J and HU Liming. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of groundwater contamination in the highway environment, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2009, 10(4): 265-276.
92. Zhang Bingyin, Yu Yuzhen, Fu Jian, HU Liming. Simple Shear Test for Interface between Two Granular Materials, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 2008, 31(3): 252-260.
93. Hu Liming*, Lo IMC, Meegoda JN. Numerical analysis and centrifuge modeling on LNAPLs transport in subsurface system. Progress in Natural Science, 2006, 16(4): 416-424.
94. Hu LM, Lo IMC, and Meegoda NJ. Centrifuge Testing of LNAPL Migration and Soil Vapor Extraction for Soil Remediation. Practice Periodical Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE. 2006, 10(1): 33-40.
95. Lo IMC, Hu L. M., and Meegoda, N. J. Feasibility Study of Using Centrifuge for Investigation of LNAPL Migration in Unsaturated Soils. Soil and Sediment Contamination, AHA, 2005, 14(1), 85-103.
96. Lo Irene M. C., Zhang Jianhong, HU Liming. Centrifuge Modeling of Cadmium Migration in Saturated and Unsaturated Soils, Soil and Sediment Contamination, AHA, 2005, 14(5), 417-431.
97. HU Liming*, PU Jialiu. Testing and Modeling of Soil-structure Interface. Journal of geotechnical and geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2004, 130(8): 851-860.
98. Lo IMC, Hu LM. Centrifuge Modeling of LNAPLs Transport In Unsaturated Soils. Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2004, 130(5): 535-539.
99. Lo IMC, Hu LM. Long-term migration of light nonaqueous-phase liquids in two unsaturated soils: Clayey silt and fine sand. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 2004, 8(4): 228-237.
100. Lo IMC, Zhang JH, Hu LM, and Shu SZ. Effect of Soil Stress on Cadmium Transport in Saturated Soils. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Management, ASCE, 2003, 7(3): 170-176.
101. Hu Liming*, PU Jialiu. Application of Damage Model for Soil-structure Interface, Computers and Geotechnics, 2003, 30(2): 165-183.