
SHAO Xuejun

Address:Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Tel:010 62788543
Fax:010 62772463
E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:    Sep.1979 – July.1984, Water Resources Engineering, Tsinghua University
PhD:  Sep.1984 – Jun.1989, Hydraulics & River Mechanics, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

2004 -    :    Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
1996 – 2003 :  Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
1989 – 1996 :  Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1. Introduction to River Mechanics (for undergraduate students)
2. River Mechanics (for post-graduate students)

Research Interests

1.  Mechanics of sediment transport & fluvial processes;
2.  Numerical simulation of fluvial processes and its application in river engineering;
3.  Physical modeling / hydraulic modeling / mobile bed modeling of River channel processes.

Research Projects

2018/7-2021/6: National Key R&D Program of China: Mechanism of High-efficiency Transport of Reservoir Deposits (2018YFC0407402-01)

2009/01-2011/12: Variability of Fluvial Channel Planforms based on the Cusp Catastrophe Theory, funded by NNSF No. 50879042.

2007/08-2010/12: Mobile bed experimental study of the siltation and regulation of the Chong-qing Port section of the Yangtze River channel after the filling of the Three-Gorges Reservoir, funded by the Three Gorges Corporation. 

2008/01-2010/12: Analysis of field measurements of siltation in the near-dam section of the Three Gorges Reservoir and its navigation channels, funded by the Three Gorges Corporation.

2006/11-2008/12: Impact of the operation of Three Gorges Reservoir on the fluvial processes of the middle-Yangtze River channel, funded by the National Key Technology R&D Program.

2005/01-2007/12: Time scale distortion in scaled mobile-bed physical models for non-steady flow dominated processes using light-weight model sediments, funded by NNSF (China National Natural Science Foundation) No.50479004.

Professional Service

Associate Editor, International Journal of Sediment Research.

Honors and Awards

The Da Yu Award for Science and Technology in Hydraulic Engineering (2012)

2009/01-2011/12: Variability of Fluvial Channel Planforms based on the Cusp Catastrophe Theory, funded by NNSF No. 50879042.
2007/08-2010/12: Mobile bed experimental study of the siltation and regulation of the Chong-qing Port section of the Yangtze River channel after the filling of the Three-Gorges Reservoir, funded by the Three Gorges Corporation.
2008/01-2010/12: Analysis of field measurements of siltation in the near-dam section of the Three Gorges Reservoir and its navigation channels, funded by the Three Gorges Corporation.
2006/11-2008/12: Impact of the operation of Three Gorges Reservoir on the fluvial processes of the middle-Yangtze River channel, funded by the National Key Technology R&D Program.
2005/01-2007/12: Time scale distortion in scaled mobile-bed physical models for non-steady flow dominated processes using light-weight model sediments, funded by NNSF (China National Natural Science Foundation) No.50479004.

Academic Achievement

1. Shao XJ, Wang H, Chen Z. Numerical Modeling of Turbulent Flow in Curved Channels of Compound Cross–section. Advances in Water Resource, 2003, vol.26,  pp.525-539.

2. Shao XJ, Wang H, Wang ZY. Interbasin transfer projects and their implications: A China case study, Intl. J. River Basin Management, 2003, Vol.1, No.1, pp.5-14.

3. Shao XJ, Wang H, Hu HW. Experimental and modeling approach to the study of the critical slope for the initiation of rill flow erosion. Water Resources Research, 2005, 41(12): W12405.1-W12405.11. (SCI)

4. Jia DD, Shao XJ, Wang H, Zhou G. Three-dimensional modeling of bank erosion and morphological changes in the Shishou bend of the middle Yangtze River. Advances in Water Resources, 2010, 33: 348-360.

5. Jia, DD, Shao, XJ, Zhang, XN, Ye, YT. Sedimentation Patterns of Fine-Grained Particles in the Dam Area of the Three Gorges Project: 3D Numerical Simulation. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 2013, 139(6): 669-674.

6. Qin, CC, Shao, XJ, Xiao, Y. Secondary Flow Effects on Deposition of Cohesive Sediment in a Meandering Reach of Yangtze River. Water, 2019, 11(7): 1444, DOI: 10.3390/w11071444.