
LIN Binliang

Position: Professor 

Address: Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China,  

Tel: +86 10 6279 6544

E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

Bachelor: Feb.1978 – Jul.1982, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Master:   Sep.1982 – Jan. 1985, River & Coastal Dynamics, Tianjin University
PhD:    Feb.1985 – Jul.1988, River & Coastal Dynamics, China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research

Work Experience

1988-90, Lecturer, Tianjin University
1990-95, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, University of Bradford
1996-97, Senior Engineer, Babtie Group
1997-2010, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor, Cardiff University
2011- : Professor, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1) Tidal energy and environment

2) Marine resources and energy

3) Estuarine process, ecology and environment

Research Interests

1. River & Coastal Dynamics

2. Environmental Hydraulics 

3. Computational Hydraulics

Research Projects

[1] 2020/01-2022/12, Development of high quality hydropower in upper rivers and mechanism of ecological environment evolution in lower reaches and the estuary, supported by the fund of State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering.

[2] 2018/7-2021/12, Coping with Deltas in Transition, supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.

[3] 2016/07-2020/12, Variations of phytoplankton and microorganism in the fluvial-reservoir system, supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China.

[4] 2017/01-2020/12, Multi-scale current structure in tidal stream energy extraction and hydrodynamic characteristics in turbine array, supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

[5] 2018/01-2020/12, Investigation of pollutants into the coastal waters of Tianjin Binhai New Area and control scheme, supported by the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Binhai New Area of Tianjin.

[6] 2015/03~2017/03, Flood impact assessment in mega cities under urban sprawl and climate change, supported by the Global Innovation Initiative (GII).

[7] 2015/01-2017/12, Mechanism and modelling of river migrations, supported by the fund of State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering.

[8] 2013/01-2015/12, Impact of huge reservoirs on the thermo-condition, supported by the State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering.

[9] 2012/01-2014/12, Investigation, modelling and estimation of wave and tidal current energy, supported by the National High-tech Research and Development Program in China (863 program ).

Professional Service

Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, CSHE, Associate Editor

International Journal of Sediment Research, Member of Editorial Board

Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, IAHR, Associate Editor

Journal of Engineering & Computational Mechanics, ICE, Member of Editorial Board

Honors and Awards

2015, The Institution of Civil Engineers, Robert Alfred Carr Prize (best paper of the journal Water Management)

Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (FLSW)

Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineer (FICE)

Member of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR)

Academic Achievement

Journal publication since 2011:

[1] Sun Jian, Liu Leyang, Lin Jie, Lin Binliang*, Zhao Haiping. Vertical water renewal in a large estuary and implications for water quality. Science of the Total Environment, 710 (2020): 135593.

[2] Li Yuanyi, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, Liu Zhaowei. Thermal-hydrodynamic circulations and water fluxes in a tributary bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Journal of Hydrology, 585 (2020): 124319.

[3] Yuan Bing, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*, Zhang Fanyi. Long-term morphodynamics of a large estuary subject to decreasing sediment supply and sea level rise. Global and Planetary Change, 2020, 191: 103212.

[4] Yuan Bing, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*. Decadal changes in sediment budget and morphology in the tidal reach of the Yangtze River. Catena, 2020, 188: 104438.

[5] Huang Zhe, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*, et al. Suspended Sediment Transport Responses to Increasing Human Activities in a High-Altitude River: A Case Study in a Typical Sub-Catchment of the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Water, 2020, 12: 952. 7.

[6] Lin J, Borthwick A.G.L., Lin B, Draper S. Power extraction by a water turbine in inviscid free surface flow with vertical shear, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 2020. 79, pp. 401-418

[7] Li Yuanyi, Zhang Weiguo, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, Feng Huan*. 210PB, 137CS and 7Be as Tracers for Sediment Deposition in an Embayment of Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chapter of Radionuclides: Properties, Behaviour and Potential Health, edited by Todorović Nataša and Nikolov Jovana, 2020, Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.

[8] 陶磊, 孙健, 李原仪, 刘海英, 尚建程, 林斌良, 聂振华, 袁德奎. 潮汐和季风作用下渤海湾水交换研究. 水力发电学报, 2020, 39(5): 99-107. 

Tao Lei, Sun Jian, Liu Haiying, Li Yuanyi, Shang Jiancheng, Lin Binliang, Nie Zhenhua, Yuan Dekui, Study on the water exchange in the Bohai Bay under the effects of tides and seasonal winds. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2020, 39(5): 99-107. (in Chinese)

[9] Sun Jian, Zhang Man, Zhou Jianjun, Lin Binliang*. Investigation on hydrothermal processes in a large channel-type reservoir using an integrated physics-based model. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2019, 21(3): 493-509.

[10] Chen Yaling, Lin Binliang*, Sun Jian, Guo Jinxi, Wu Wenlong. Hydrodynamic effects of the ratio of rotor diameter to water depth: An experimental study. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 331-341.

[11] 刘璐, 孙健, 袁冰, 林斌良. 城市暴雨地表积水过程研究:以清华大学校园为例. 水力发电学报, 2019, 38(8): 98-109.

Liu Lu, Sun Jian, Yuan Bing, Lin Binliang. Surface flooding in urban areas under heavy downpours: Case study of Tsinghua University campus. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2019, 38(8): 98-109. (in Chinese)

[12] Zhang Fanyi, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*. Current reversals in a large tidal river. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019, 223: 74-84.

[13] Huang Guoxian, Falconer Roger, Lin Binliang, Evaluation of E.coli losses in a tidal river network using a refined 1-D numerical model, Environmental Modelling and Software, 2018, Vol.108, 91–101

[14] Li Jun-De, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*. Bed-Load Transport Based on the Entrainment Probabilities of Sediment Grains by Rolling and Lifting. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2018, 33: 126-136. 

[15] Zhang Fanyi, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang*. Huang Guoxian. Seasonal hydrodynamic interactions between tidal waves and river flows in the Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Marine Systems, 2018, 186: 17-28. 

[16] Liu Lu, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Lu Lingwei. Building performance in dam-break flow – an experimental study. Urban Water Journal, 2018, 15(3): 251-258. 

[17] Yang H, Lin B and Zhou J, Avulsions in a simulated large lowland braided river, Water Resources Management, 2018, Vol.32, 2301-2314.

[18] Chen Y, Lin B, Lin J, Wang S, Experimental study of wake structure behind a horizontal axis tidal stream turbine. Applied Energy, 2017, 196, 82-96.

[19] Sun Jian, Lu Lingwei, Lin Binliang*, Liu Lu. Processes of dike-break induced flows: A combined experimental and numerical model study. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2017, 32: 465-471. 

[20] Yang Haiyan*, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, Huang Guoxian. Simulating laboratory braided rivers with bed-load sediment transport. Water, 2017 9: 686. 21.

[21] Huang G, Falconer RA, Lin B, Integrated hydro-bacterial modelling for predicting bathing water quality, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2017, 188, 145-155.

[22] Huang G, Zhou J, Lin B, Xu X and Zhang S, Modelling flow in the middle and lower Yangtze River, China, Water Management, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 2017, 298–309.

[23] Faghihirad S, Lin B, Falconer RA, 3D Layer-Integrated Modelling of Morphodynamic Processes Near River Regulated Structures, Water Resource Management, 2017, 31, 443-460.

[24] Lin Jie, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian*, Chen Yaling. Numerical model simulation of island-headland induced eddies in a site for tidal current energy extraction. Renewable Energy, 2017, 101: 204-213. 

[25] 韩晗,张曼,林斌良,周建军. 连续丁坝回流特性实验研究. 水力发电学报, 2017, 36(10): 84-92.

Han Han, Zhang Man, Lin Binliang, Zhou Jianjun, Experiment on flow circulations behind spur dikes. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2017, 36(10): 84-92. (in Chinese)

[26] Fang H, Lai X, Lin B, Xu B, Zhang F and Zhang Y, Variational-Based Data Assimilation to Simulate Sediment Concentration in the Lower Yellow River, China, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 21, 2016, pp 1-11.

[27] Lin Jie, Lin Binliang*, Sun Jian and Chen Yaling, Modelling hydrodynamic processes in tidal stream energy extraction. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2016. 28(6). 1058-1064. 

[28] 林杰, 林斌良, 陈娅玲, 孙健, 2016. 水平轴潮流发电机作用下流场的动态模拟. 太阳能学报, 37(4): 1050-1055. 

Lin Jie, LinBinliang, Chen Yaling, Sun Jian, 2016. Dynamic simulation of flow field under horizontal tidal turbine. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 37(4): 1050-1055.

[29] 陆灵威, 林斌良, 孙健, 刘璐, 2016. 河道溃堤水波的物理模型实验研究. 水力发电学报, 35: 25-34. 

Lu Lingwei, Lin Binliang, Sun Jian, Liu Lu, 2016. An experimental study of propagation of dike-break waves. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 35: 25-34.

[30] Sun Jian, Lin Binliang. A hydro-morphological study with a physics-based numerical model. The 11th International Symposium on Eco-hydraulics, 2016, Feb 7-12, Melbourne, Australia.

[31] Liu Lu, Sun Jian, Lin Binliang, Lu Lingwei. Numerical and Experimental Study on dam-break flows with building, 12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 2016, 21-26 August, Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea.

[32] Zhou, Jianjun; Zhang, Man; Lin, Binliang; Lu, Pingyu Lowland fluvial phosphorus altered by dams, Water Resources Research. 2015, 51, 2211-2226.

[33] Yang, Haiyan; Lin, Binliang; Zhou, Jianjun Physics-based numerical modelling of large braided rivers dominated by suspended sediment, Hydrological Processes. 2015, 29, 1925-1941.

[34] Sun, Jian; Lin, Binliang; Yang, Haiyan Development and application of a braided river model with non-uniform sediment transport, Advances in Water Resources. 2015, 81, 62-74.

[35] Sun, Jian; Lin, Binliang; Kuang, Hongwei Modelling the dynamic processes of channel migration, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management. 2015, 168, 256-269.

[36] Sun, Jian; Lin, Binliang; Kuang, Hongwei Numerical modelling of channel migration with application to laboratory rivers, International Journal of Sediment Research. 2015, 30, 13-27.

[37] Loudyi, Dalila; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Finite Volume Method and Accuracy of Groundwater Flow Models, Houille Blanche. 2015, 2, 39-44.

[38] Lin, Jie; Sun, Jian; Liu, Lu; Chen, Yaling; Lin, Binliang Refined representation of turbines using a 3D SWE model for predicting distributions of velocity deficit and tidal energy density, International Journal of Energy Research. 2015, 39, 1828–1842.

[39] Huang, Guoxian; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Integrated River and Coastal Flow, Sediment and Escherichia coli Modelling for Bathing Water Quality, Water. 2015, 7, 4752-4777.

[40] Gao, Guanghai; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Modelling the fate and transport of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters, Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2015, 100, 162-168.

[41] Faghihirad, Shervin; Lin, Binliang Lin; Falconer, Roger Application of a 3D Layer Integrated Numerical Model of Flow and Sediment Transport Processes to a Reservoir, Water. 2015, 7, 5239-5257.

[42] Chen, Yaling; Lin, Binliang; Lin, Jie; Wang, Shujie Effects of stream turbine array configuration on tidal current energy extraction near an island, Computers & Geosciences. 2015, 77, 20-28.

[43] Zhou, Juntao; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Refinements to the EFDC model for predicting the hydro-environmental impacts of a barrage across the Severn Estuary, Renewable Energy. 2014, 62, 490-505.

[44] Xie, Zhihua; Lin, Binliang; Falconer, Roger A. Turbulence characteristics in free-surface flow over two-dimensional dunes, Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 2014, 8, 200-209.

[45] Sun, Jian; Lin, Binliang; Li, Kaiming; Jiang, Guoqiang A modelling study of residence time and exposure time in the Pearl River Estuary, China, Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 2014, 8, 281-291.

[46] Sun, Jian; Lin, Binliang; Jiang, Guoqiang; Li, Kaiming; Tao, Jianhua Modelling study on environmental indicators in an estuary, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management. 2014, 167, 141-151.

[47] Ren, Yuheng; Lin, Binliang; Sun, Jian; Pan, Shunqi Predicting water age distribution in the Pearl River Estuary using a three-dimensional model, Journal of Marine Systems. 2014, 139, 276-287.

[48] Chen, Yaling; Lin, Binliang; Lin, Jie Modelling tidal current energy extraction in large area using a three-dimensional estuary model, Computers & Geosciences. 2014, 72, 76-83.

[49] Yang, Chen; Jiang, Chunbo; Lin, Binliang Modelling Graded Sediment Transport and Bed Evolution in a Tidal Harbour, Journal of Coastal Research. 2013, 29, 736-744.

[50] Xie, Zhihua; Lin, Binliang; Falconer, Roger A.; Maddux, Timothy B. Large-eddy simulation of turbulent open-channel flow over three-dimensional dunes, Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2013, 51, 494-505.

[51] Xie, Zhihua; Lin, Binliang; Falconer, Roger A. Large-eddy simulation of the turbulent structure in compound open-channel flows, Advances in Water Resources. 2013, 53, 66-75.

[52] Wang, Fei; Lin, Binliang Modelling habitat suitability for fish in the fluvial and lacustrine regions of a new Eco-City, Ecological Modelling. 2013, 267, 115-126.

[53] Gao, Guanghai; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Modelling importance of sediment effects on fate and transport of enterococci in the Severn Estuary, UK, Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2013, 67, 45-54.

[54] Gao, Guanghai; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Modeling effects of a tidal barrage on water quality indicator distribution in the Severn Estuary, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2013, 7, 211-218.

[55] Xia, Junqiang; Lin, Binliang; Falconer, Roger A.; Wang, Yanping Modelling of man-made flood routing in the lower Yellow River, China, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management. 2012, 165, 377-391.

[56] Xia, Junqiang; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang; Tan, Guangming Estimation of annual energy output from a tidal barrage using two different methods, Applied Energy. 2012, 93, 327-336.

[57] 夏军强; 王光谦; 林斌良; 谈广鸣 动床条件下溃坝水流的二维水沙耦合模型, 水利学报. 2011, 296-308.

[58] Xia, Junqiang; Teo, Fang Yenn; Lin, Binliang; Falconer, Roger A. Formula of incipient velocity for flooded vehicles, Natural Hazards. 2011, 58, 1-14.

[59] Xia, Junqiang; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang; Tan, Guangnin Estimation of future coastal flood risk in the Severn Estuary due to a barrage, Journal of Flood Risk Management. 2011, 4, 247-259.

[60] Xia, Junqiang; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang; Tan, Guangming Modelling flash flood risk in urban areas, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management. 2011, 164, 267-282.

[61] Xia, Junqiang; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang; Tan, Guangming Numerical assessment of flood hazard risk to people and vehicles in flash floods, Environmental Modelling & Software. 2011, 26, 987-998.

[62] Shu, Caiwen; Xia, Junqiang; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Incipient velocity for partially submerged vehicles in floodwaters, Journal of Hydraulic Research. 2011, 49, 709-717.

[63] Gao, Guanghai; Falconer, Roger A.; Lin, Binliang Numerical modelling of sediment-bacteria interaction processes in surface waters, Water Research. 2011, 45, 1951-1960.