
LI Danxun

Position: Professor

Address: Room 304, Laboratory of Sediment Research, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Tel:     010-62788532

Fax:    010-62772463

E-mail:   [email protected]

Educational Background

BA:   Sep.1990 – July.1995, Hydraulic Structures, Tsinghua University

PhD:   Sep.1995 – Dec. 1999, Hydraulics and River Dynamics, Tsinghua University

Work Experience

Dec.1999-Dec.2003: Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Jan..2004-Dec.2012: Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Jan.2013-                : Full Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

Teaching Courses

1. Water for urban development

2. Hydro-environmental engineering for urban development

3. Ethics in research and civil engineering

Research Interests

1. Mechanics of Sediment Transport

2. Measurement Science & Technology in Hydraulics

3. Hydro-environmental engineering for urban developmen

Research Projects

1. Experimental study on fluctuations of bed load transport rate in the river armoring process (51879138), NSFC, 2019.1~2022.12

2. Sedimentation regulation in the Yangtze River: theory and practice (2016YFC0402308), Ministry of Science & Technology, 2016.1~2020.12

Professional Service

Deputy chair, Measurement Technology Commission of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society

Honors and Awards

2017, Top prize for science and technology, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, 3/50

2017, First prize for science and technology, Jiangsu Province, 3/11

2013, First prize for higher education, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education

2012, First prize for science and technology, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society.

2010, First prize for science and technology, China Institute of Navigation

Academic Achievement

Academic Achievement


Authored and co-authored books 

1. Sedimentation regulation for TGP,China Water Resources Press,2017.08  (2/5)

2. High-frequency PIV: theory and practice,Tsinghua University Press,2017.09 (4/5)

3. Particle tracking velocimetry: principle and application, Science Press, 2012.11. (in Chinese)

4. Trend in flow and sediment yield in the upper Yangzi, Science Press, 2010.07. (in Chinese)

Journal Publications

1. Yanchong Duan, Peng Zhang, Qiang Zhong, Dejun Zhu, Danxun Li*. Characteristics of wall-attached motions in open channel flows, Physics of Fluids (2020): doi: 10.1063/5.0004323.

2. Yanchong Duan, Qigang Chen, Danxun Li, Qiang Zhong*. Contributions of very large-scale motions to turbulence statistics in open channel flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2020), vol. 892, A3. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.174.

3. Peng Zhang, Yanchong Duan, Danxun Li, Jiang Hu, Wenjie Li, and Shengfa Yang. Turbulence statistics and very-large-scale motions in decelerating open-channel flow, Physics of Fluids (2019): doi.org/10.1063/1.5129111.

4. Chen Huai, Li Danxun, Bai Ruonan, Wang Xingkui. Comparison of swirling strengths derived from two- and three-dimensional velocity fields in channel flow,AIP ADVANCES (2018), DOI: 10.1063/1.5023533.

5. Cao Lie-kai, Li Dan-xun, Chen Huai, Liu Chun-jing. Spatial relationship between energy dissipation and vortex tubes in channel flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics (2017), 29(4): 575-585, DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60770-9

6. ZhONG Qiang, LI Danxun*, CHEN Qigang, WANG Xingkui. Coherent structures and their interactions in smooth open channel flows, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2015, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Vol.15, No.3:653-672.

7. Qigang Chen, Qiang Zhong, Xingkui Wang and Danxun LI*. An improved swirling-strength criterion for identifying spanwise vortices in wall turbulence. Journal of Turbulence, 2014, 15(2): 71-87. 

8. LI Danxun*, Q. Zhong, M.Z. Yu, X.K. Wang. Large-scale particle tracking velocimetry with multi-channel CCD cameras. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2013, 28(1): 103-110. 

9. LI Danxun*, MUSTE M., ZHONG Qiang, WANG Xing-kui. An analytical study on turbulence with mixed-flow model and two-phase model. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2012, Vol.27, No.2, pp.235-239.

10. LI Danxun*, WANG Xingkui, ZHONG Qiang. Bias errors induced by cross-talk in two-phase flow measurements. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2010, 48(2): 250-254.

Patents issued in China

1. A device for measuring compression ratio of deposit in river-bed. ZL 2014 1 0527975.X

2. An automatic runoff observation system for field station. ZL 2012 1 0006316.2

3. A ship-borne device for restraining water blooms with jet flow. ZL 2011 1 0454226.5

4. A device for conducting experiments in an open channel bend. ZL 2011 1 0307175.3

5. A new tracer for physical dam-break model experiments. ZL 2014 1 0063214.3

6. Method and device for measuring concentration and size distribution of suspended load. ZL 2015 1 0010173.6

7. Method and device for measuring fluid mud rheological parameters of in situ test in natural rivers. ZL    2014 1 0406574.9

8. A device for measuring intensity of pressure in muddy water. ZL 2013 1 0499424.2

9. A method for measuring velocity in the viscous sub-layer of turbulent open channel flow. ZL 2014 1 0037928.7

10. A scanning system for producing laser sheets with rotating lens. ZL 2014 1 0153160.X

11. A device for real-time, synchronous measurement of sediment concentration and velocity profile. ZL 2013 1 0050828.3

12. Method and device for measuring settling velocity of grains. ZL 2013 1 0499361.0

13. Method and device for measuring sediment concentration distribution in situ test in natural rivers. ZL 2014 1 0190678.0

14. Method and device for measuring three dimensional velocity field based on scanning particle images with laser sheet. ZL 2014 1 0368220.X

15. A rotary device for sampling deposit in river-bed. ZL 2014 1 0446659.X