
CUI Yifei

Associate Professor

Room 206, River Research Institute, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, 

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Email: [email protected]

Educational Background

2012 – 2016, Doctor of Philosophy in Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

2009 – 2012, Master of Science (Thesis) in Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

2005 – 2009, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, P. R. China

Work Experience

2021 – now, Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

2019 – 2020,Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

2018 – 2019, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 

2016 – 2018, Postdoc fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2009, Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Teaching Courses

Debris Flow Mechanisms and Risk Mitigation 

Professional English for Hydraulic Engineering 

Research Interests

Physical and numerical modelling on compound geohazard chain, Coupled Discrete Element Method with fluid flow, Hazard monitoring and early warning system, Internal erosion of soil, Seismic techniques for the monitoring of Earth surface processes.

Research Projects

Principal Investigator, General Project, Understanding the mechanisms of the fine particle migration and subsequent failure of wide-grading soil under rainfall infiltration condition, 2020, founded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Participant, Theme based project, Hazard detection and early warning along Sichuan-Tibet railway, 2020, founded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Principal Investigator, Understanding the mechanism of compound geohazard chain, 2019, funded by Tsinghua University.

Principal Investigator, Initial Grant, 2019, funded by State Kay Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University

Principal Investigator, Open funding, Understanding the initiation failure of large-scale construction solid waste landfill and the subsequent movement mechanism, 2016-2018, funded by State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University.

Participant, Theme based project, Understanding debris flow mechanisms and mitigating risks for a sustainable Hong Kong, 2015-2020, funded by The Research Grant Council of HKSAR

Professional Service

Editorial Board, Landslides (Q1 JCR-SCI)

Member, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), Technical Committees TC 208 Slope Stability in Engineering Practice

Guest Editor, 5th World Landslide Forum

Secretary-General, Young Committee of Branch China of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Vice Chairman, Geoscience Youth Network for “Belt and Road”

Young scientist, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) 

Professional member, Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation Committee, The Association of Geohazard Professionals (AGHP)

Member, European Geosciences Union

Engineer in Training, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGGA), Alberta, Canada

Honors and Awards

Computer and Geotechnics outstanding reviewer 2018

Academic Achievement

Selected International Journal Publication 

[1] Guo, C., Cui, Y. (2020) Pore structure characteristics of debris flow source material in the Wenchuan earthquake area. Engineering Geology. 267:105499. 

[2] Liu, D., Cui, Y., Guo, J., Yu, Z., Chan, D., Lei, M. (2020). Investigating the effects of clay/sand content on depositional mechanisms of submarine debris flows through physical and numerical modeling. Landslides. 17, 1863-1880.

[3] Yan, Y., Cui, Y., Guo, J., Hu, S., Wang, Z., Yin, S., (2020). Landslide reconstruction using seismic signal characteristics and numerical simulations: Case study of the 2017 “6.24” Xinmo landslide. Engineering Geology. 270: 105582.

[4] Yan, Y., Cui Y., Tian, X., Hu, S., Guo, J., Wang, Z., Yin, S., Liao, L. (2020). Seismic signal recognition and interpretation of the 2019 “7.23” Shuicheng landslide by seismogram stations. Landslides. 17, 1191-1206.

[5] Qiu, H., Cui, Y., Pei, Y., Yang, D., Hu, S., Wang, X., Ma, S. (2020). Temporal patterns of nonseismically triggered landslides in Shaanxi Province, China. CATENA. 187: 104356.

[6] Li, J., Cao, Z., Cui, Y., Borthwick, A. G. L. (2020). Barrier lake formation due to landslide impacting a river: A numerical study using a double layer-averaged two-phase flow model. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 80, 574-601.

[7] Cui, Y., Cheng, D., Choi, C. E., Jin, W., Lei, Y., Kargel, J. S. (2019). The cost of rapid and haphazard urbanization: lessons learned from the Freetown landslide disaster. Landslides. 16(6), 1167-1176.

[8] Cui, Y., Jiang, Y., and Guo, C. (2019). Investigation of the initiation of shallow failure in widely graded loose soil slopes considering interstitial flow and surface runoff. Landslides. 16(4), 815-828.

[9] Cui, Y. (2019). Effect of joint type on the shear behavior of synthetic rock. Bulletin of the engineering geology and the environment. 78(5): 3395-3421.

[10] Cui, Y., Cheng, D., Chan, D. (2019). Investigation of Post-Fire Debris Flows in Montecito. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 8(1), 5.

[11] Qiu, H., Cui, Y., Hu, S., Yang, D., Pei, Y., Yang, W. (2019). Temporal and spatial distributions of landslides in the Qinba Mountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 10(1): 599-621

[12] Zhang, Z., Cui, Y., Chan, D., Taslagyan, K. (2018). DEM simulation of vibrational fluidization of granular material. Granular Matter. 20(71). 

[13] Choi, C. E., Cui, Y., Zhou, G. G. D. (2018) Utilizing Crowdsourcing to Enhance the Mitigation and Management of Landslides, Landslides. 15(9): 1889-1899. 

[14] Su, Y., Cui, Y., Choi, C. E., Ng, C. W. W., Kwan, J. S. H.  (2018). Effects of particle size and thickness on the cushion efficiency of granular materials. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 56(2), 198-207.

[15] Choi, C. E., Cui, Y., Au, K. Y. K., Liu, H., Wang, J., Liu, D., Wang, H. (2018). Case Study: Effects of a Partial-debris Dam on Riverbank Erosion in the Parlung Tsangpo River, China. Water, 10(3), 250.

[16] Cheng, D., Cui, Y., Su, F., Jia, Y. (2018). The Characteristics of the Mocoa Compound Disaster Event, Colombia. Landslides, 15(6), 1223-1232.

[17] Cui, Y., Choi, C. E., Liu, H., Ng, C. W. W. (2018). Effects of Particle Size of Monodispersed Granular Flows Impacting a Rigid Barrier. Natural Hazards, 91(3), 1179-1201.

[18] Cui, Y., Chan, D., Nouri, A. (2017). Coupling of Solid Deformation and Pore Pressure for Undrained Deformation – a discrete Element Method Approach. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 41(18), 1943-1961.

[19] Cui, Y., Chan, D., Nouri, A. (2017). Discontinuum modelling of solid deformation pore water diffusion coupling. International Journal of Geomechanics. 17(8).

[20] Cui, Y., Zhou, X., Guo, C. (2017). Experimental study on the moving characteristics of fine grains in wide grading unconsolidated soil under heavy rainfall. Journal of Mountain Science. 14(3), 417-431.

[21] Cui, Y., Nouri, A., Chan, D., Rahmati, E. (2016). A new approach to the DEM simulation of sand production. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 147, 56-67.