
XU Mengzhen

Position:Associate Professor Director of River Research Institute Associate Head of Department of Hydraulic Engineering Associate Head of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange
Address:Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Postal Code:100084
E-mail:[email protected]

Educational Background

2012    Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University

           Dissertation: Experimental Study of Macroinvertebrate Limnoperna fortunei Invasion and Prevention in Water Transfer Tunnels (Advisor: Zhaoyin Wang)
Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of Tsinghua University in 2012
2007    B.Sc. Harbor, Costal and Offshore Engineering, Tianjin University      

Academic and Professional Experience

since 2023    Deputy Secretary of Communist Party of China of School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

since 2022    Associate Head, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Tsinghua University, China

since 2020    Associate Head, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
since 2017    Associate Professor; Director, River Research Institute, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
2014-2017    Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
2012-2014    Scientific Researcher, Section of Sediment and Erosion, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Norway
2007-2012    Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China

Teaching Courses

Dr. Mengzhen Xu has been in charge of three English Medium Instruction (EMI) courses and several short courses in Tsinghua University. The course “Integrated river management” has been elected as the Top-quality Course of Tsinghua University since 2019. She was selected and sent to Oxford for the EMI professional development training, and awarded the Oxford EMI Certificate. She was awarded for Excellent Instructor of Social Practice for Undergraduate Students in 2018, and Teaching Excellence of Tsinghua University in 2020.

2015-2023     Instructor, Integrated river management (80040103), 48 class hours per year
The Top-quality Course of Tsinghua University (1%)
Lecture-project course for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in Hydraulic, Civil, and Environmental Engineering as well as international students from relevant fields; Class includes lectures, invited talks, discussions, field trips, and group analytical projects and presentations

2014-2022     Instructor, Professional English for Hydraulic Engineering (70040291), 16 class hours per year
Lecture-discussion course for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in Hydraulic, Civil, and Environmental Engineering as well as international students from relevant fields; Class includes lectures, in-class discussions, scientific writing

2019-2022     Instructor, Development and Management of the Yellow River Basin (60040011), 16 class hours per year
Chinese culture course for international students from about 20 departments in Tsinghua University; Class content is an overview of the history of development and management of the Yellow River Basin, which is the cradle of Chinese culture, in the past thousands of years; Class includes lectures, and group presentations sharing the different nations and rivers over the world

2015-2022     Instructor, Undergraduate Cognition Practice & SRT, 1- or 2-day short courses per year
Short courses for freshmen of undergraduates’ cognition practice on river dynamics and watershed management, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, and Weiyang Colleague, Tsinghua University
Short courses for undergraduates’ Study and Research Training program (SRT) for over 10 departments or schools, including Hydraulic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, etc., Tsinghua University

2018              Instructor, Undergraduate Oversea Social Practice Program, 3-week oversea training
Short courses for undergraduate students from Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
One-week training in Malaysia includes lectures; international workshop with students from Malaysia, India, Indonesia, etc.; group project and presentations sharing water issues from different countries; field trip along the urban rivers in Penang and Kuala Lumpur
Two-week training in Ecuador includes visiting different hydropower stations, water conservancy engineering; interviewing people from government agencies and NGOs for water resource management and environment protection; field trip to national geology park; and culture experiencing in Guayaquil, Quito, and Cuenca, etc. Oversea social practice report is required for each students every day, and a comprehensive final report is required
This oversea training was very successful and was reported by over 10 newspaper and media; The team was awarded the Gold Prize Team in Global Competence of Tsinghua University Students' Social Practice, and the Excellent Team of Summer Social Practice for Undergraduate Students in Beijing (0.1%); Dr. Xu was awarded as the Excellent Instructor of Social Practice for Undergraduate Students, Tsinghua University (1%)

2017              Instructor, Integrated river management (80040103) (in Chinese), 48 class hours
Lecture-project course for GCT- Master of Engineering, China Gezhouba (Group) No. 5 Engineering CO. Ltd. Class includes lectures, invited talks, discussions, and experience sharing in hydraulic engineering construction and management

Research Interests

Interfaces between hydraulics, structures, sediment, and aquatic organisms, and their application in river uses and ecological restoration. These topics broadly encompass her research in eco-hydraulics, eco-sedimentation, and eco-geomorphology, such as:

[1] Impacts of natural hazards on channel stability, and habitat stability, diversity, and suitability;
[2] Adaptation of organisms to hydrodynamics and environmental conditions of river habitat;
[3] Responses of benthic community composition to river morphological evolutions;
[4] Naked carp migration and Chinese cavefish conservation;
[5] Golden mussel invasion and its prevention in water transfer/diversion projects, etc.

Research Funding 
Dr. Mengzhen Xu has been PI or Co-PI over 20 research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MSTC), the Ministry of Water Resources (MWRC), and industrial institutions, etc. 

2023-2025    A national bankfull river width dataset and its applications

                     The State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Funding (Grant No. 2023-KY-02)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2022-2025    Geomorphological heterogeneity and restoration mechanism of key fish habitats in the upper Yellow River
                     The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U2243222)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2022-2023    R&D bionic flow measuring device based on efficient sensing lateral line system of cave fish
                     Independent research project of Tsinghua University (Grant No. 20221080082)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2021-2025    Integration and demonstration of intelligent decision support platform for whole-process control of risk pollutants
                     Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2021YFC3200905)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2021-2023    Limnoperna fortunei biofouling monitoring and mechanism in the South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project
                     Construction and Administration Bureau of South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2020-2023    Interfaces between hydraulics, structures, sediment, and aquatic organisms
                     Ministry of Science and Technology of China
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2021-2022    Limnoperna fortunei biofouling risk in the East River Water Source Project
                     Administration Department of the East River Water Source Project
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2020-2021    Research on theoretical framework and key indicators of river sustainable development
                     Environmental Engineering Evaluation Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (Grant No.20202001006)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2020-2021    Research on refined real-time flood forecasting and regulation technology based on multi-source data and assemble model
                     Department of Water Resources of Guangdong Province (Grant No.2020-12)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2020-2021    Laboratory instrument and equipment research and development
                     The State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Funding
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2020-2021    Study on flood control and waterlogging control in karst area of Guangxi Province
                     General Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planning and Design, Ministry of Water Resources
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2019-2023    Principle of integrated disaster reduction wit coordination of ecological measures and geotechnical measures
                     Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA23090401)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2019-2020    Hydrodynamic modelling of the Xinghua Bay for mangrove restoration
                     General Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planning and Design, Ministry of Water Resources
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2018-2022    Risk assessment and comprehensive control principles of large scale geological hazards
                     National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41790434)
                     Role: Co-Principal Investigator
                     PI: Zhaoyin Wang, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2018-2021    Study on suitability of ecological fishpass for naked carp of Qinghai Lake (Gymnocypris przewalskii)
                     National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51779120)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2017-2018    Risk assessment of Limnoperna fortunei invasion in the South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project
                     Construction and Administration Bureau of South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2017-2018    The sedimentary characteristics and the influence mechanism of river bed evolution on the upstream of Yalutsangpo River
                     Chinese Academy of Sciences
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2016-2020    Study on the integrated assessment technology of the changing trend of runoff and sediment load in the Yellow River basin
                     The National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFC0402407)
                     Role: Co-Principal Investigator
                     PI: Xiaoming Zhang, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
2016-2019    Study on dynamics of sky rivers
                      The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91547204)
                      Role: Co-Principal Investigator
                      PI: Deyu Zhong, Qinghai University
2016-2018    Study on hydrogeological environment and aquatic habitat characteristics of karst caves
                     The State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Funding (Grant No. 2016-KY-04)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2016-2018    Sampling and identification of benthos and river ecological evaluation for the source area of Yellow River
                     The Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research Funding (Grant No. HKY-JBYW-2016-03)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2015-2018    Study on habitat characteristics of Chinese cave fish
                     Independent research project of Tsinghua University (Grant No. 2015THZ02-1)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2015-2018    Study on hydro-ecosystem evolution in the Yellow River Headwaters Region
                     The Ministry of Water Resources of China (Grant No. 201501028)
                     Role: Co-Principal Investigator
                     PI: Guangqian Wang, Tsinghua University
2015-2017    Feedback of river ecosystem to hydraulic engineering
                     China Association for Science and Technology
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2015-2017    Experimental study of eco-hydraulics prevention of Limnoperna fortunei bio-fouling in hydraulic engineering
                     National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51409146)
                     Role: Principal Investigator
2013-2014    Experimental study of eco-hydraulics prevention of Limnoperna fortunei invasion in water diversion tunnels
                     Special Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2013T60122)
                     Role: Principal Investigator

Research Projects

Research Advising 
Dr. Mengzhen Xu leads an active inter-disciplinary research group, working on interfaces between river geomorphology, structures, hydraulics, sediment, and aquatic organisms, and their application in hydraulic engineering. They have achieved novel results based on field observation, model development and flume experiment.

Current Ph.D. students

Xuanwei Xing; anticipated graduation: July 2027

Xiaoli Li; anticipated graduation: July 2026

Xinyi Zhou; anticipated graduation: July 2026

Chenyang Wang; anticipated graduation: July 2025

Yaqi Luo; anticipated graduation: July 2025

Kehan Huang; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Zijing Wang; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Nantawoot Inseeyong; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Jiahao Zhang; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Durgesh K. Singh; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Current M.S. student
Xiguo Zhang; anticipated graduation: July 2023

Current undergraduate research students

Xingyang Li; anticipated graduation: July 2025

Randongfang Wei; anticipated graduation: July 2024

Qirui Liu; anticipated graduation: July 2024
Xuanwei Xing; anticipated graduation: July 2023
Yibo Liu; anticipated graduation: July 2023

Former Ph.D. students
Fakai Lei (Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering, 2021; dissertation: “Characteristics and Conservation of the Chinese Sinocyclocheilus cavefish’s aquatic habitat”)Current position: Engineer, China South-to-North Water Diversion Group, Beijing

Xiongdong Zhou (Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019; dissertation: “Study on the Responses of Macroinvertebrate Assemblages to River Geomorphology in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”; the Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of Tsinghua University in 2019, top 1%)
Current position: Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Research Fellow (top 1%), Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Chendi Zhang (Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering, 2018; dissertation: “Study on the Stability of Step-pool System”)
Current position: Excellent Post-doc Fellow of Tsinghua University (top 5%), Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Liqun Lyv (Ph.D. Hydraulic Engineering, 2017; dissertation: “Research on the initiation and motion of gully debris flows in Tibetan Plateau”)
Current position: Assistant Professor, School of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing

Former M.S. students 

Xiguo Zhang (M.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2023; thesis: “Research on changes and climate response patterns of typical glaciers on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”)

Current position: Ph.D. student, Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Hydromechanics, TU Wien

Xinyue Liang (M.S. Agriculture, 2020; thesis: “Hazard Assessment of Debris Flows and Evaluation Effects of Mitigation Measures on the Edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS
Xing Liu (M.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019; thesis: “Study on the Ensemble Assessment Techniques of Runoff and Sediment Changes in the Yellow River Basin”)
Current position: Algorithm Engineer, Mininglamp Technology
Xin Li (M.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019; thesis: “Debris Flow Risk Assessment with Consideration of Barrier Dams and Excess Energy”)
Current position: Engineer, Langcang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Information Sharing Platform

Former undergraduate research students 

Xuanwei Xing; anticipated graduation: July 2023

Yibo Liu; anticipated graduation: July 2023

Aoran Sun (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2020)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Yaqi Luo (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2020)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Xiguo Zhang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2020)
Current position: M.S. student, Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Ziqi Qin (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019)
Current position: Ph.D. student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES)
Zewei Ma (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019)
Current position: Ph.D. student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES)
Kehan Huang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2019)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Jiahao Zhang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2018)
Current position: Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Mengna Wang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2018)
Current position: Engineer, Changde Military Automobile Harness Co., Ltd
Tiankai Yang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2017)
Current position: Engineer, Power China Kunming Engineering Corp. Ltd., Kunming, Yunnan
Hongyuan Li (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2017)
Current position: Engineer, China Resources Land Limited-West China Region
Hanmo Chen (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2016)
Current position: Engineer, Power China Kunming Engineering Corp. Ltd., Kunming, Yunnan
Yufeng Yang (B.S. Hydraulic Engineering, 2016)
Current position: Ph.D. student, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering

Service on Ph.D. committees
Yao Wang (Ph.D., Civil Engineering, 2020, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong)
Dissertation: “Ecological restoration of lowland Flood channel: A holistic evaluation of habitat Suitability integrated with sediment Regime concepts”
Xingyan Guo (Ph.D., Physical Geography, 2020, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Feature Analysis of Meander Planforms”
Ping Ni (Ph.D., Environmental Science, 2019, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Epigenetic mechanisms of local environmental adaptation in invasive Ciona ascidians”
Yiyong Chen (Ph.D., Environmental Science, 2019, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Genetic mechanisms of local adaptation to varied environments in a marine invader, Molgula manhattensis”
Ran Gao (Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Analytical study on point-source solute dispersion in typical wetland flows”
Chenge An (Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Analytical study on point-source solute dispersion in typical wetland flows”
Qingfeng Feng (Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineering, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Mountain river morphodynamics subject to varying water and sediment supply”
Guoyou Yao (Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineering, 2016, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Study of mussel erosion on hydraulic concrete structures and control technique”
Na Zhao (Ph.D., Hydraulic Engineering, 2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Dissertation: “Research on the influence of fluvial processes on macroinvertebrate assemblages”

Research experiences for undergraduate program supervision
2019-2020   Mengjiao Zhang, Xiaoli Li, Qisong Zheng, Yiruo Wang, Jiayao Li, Lijun Meng, Zeyu Fan, Bohan Luo
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “River protection and sustainable management of Tibetan rivers”
2019-2020   Pukang He, Linfei Wei, Chubing Weng, Yongjie Duan, Baoning Xu, Houran Zhao
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Eco-geomorphological processes of the rivers along the eastern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau”
2018-2019   Guangmiao Li, Yaqi Luo, Ruiyang Zhou, Qihan Chen, Qihua Jiang
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Early warning of bio-invasion in aquatic ecosystem using eDNA techniques”
2017-2018   Huijie Wang, Diran Yan, Yuqiao Feng, Jiarui Hai, Yongpeng Lin, Qinglin Huang, Xiguo Zhang, Junting Zhao, Sujia Liu, Yingjun Liu, Chao Ma, Aoran Sun, Chenyang Wang
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Suitability of ecological fishpass for the naked carp of the Qinghai Lake”
2017-2018   Yuan Yang, Yuyan Luo, Senchang Hu, Boyang Liu, Zhigang Ou, Fangzheng Yuan, Zhen Wu, Song Xu
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Hydrological and ecological processes of the source region of the Yellow River”
2016-2017   Qizhen Dong, Zhaoyi Li, Zhiqian Xiang, Xiao Wei
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Ensemble assessment techniques for runoff and sediment changes in the Yellow River Basin”
2016-2017   Baohua Gu, Wenxin Liu, Zhiqian Xiang, Kehan Huang, Zongxu Xie, Peiyu Cai, Rongjin Zhu, Yu Du, Yilong Liu, Jingsu Zhang
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Hydrological, geological, and ecological features of the karst region of Southwest China”
2016-2017   Xingyu Hu, Ziqi Qin, Wanqin Jiao, Ping Luo, Qi Zhong, Zhan He, Wei Zhao, Yu Zheng, Xiang Zhang, Jianfeng Liu
Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Impact of climate change and anthropologic activities on the hydrological and ecological processes of the source region of the Yellow River”

Mentoring service for undergraduate students
2021-2022   Head Teacher of Shuimu 11 with 30 undergraduate students, Weiyang College, Tsinghua University
Guiding the 30 students in study, research, and campus life; at least 8 hours per week for student communication; the students achieved remarkable progresses in different fields of academic, practical, cultural, etc., and won over 10 awards of Tsinghua University
2020-2021   Advisor of five undergraduate students from Weiyang College, Tsinghua University
Guiding the undergraduate students of the newly established Weiyang College of Tsinghua University in study and research in multi-disciplinary fields
2015-2020   Advisor for 3-5 freshmen of Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University every year
Guiding the undergraduate students in study, research and campus life
2015-2019   Head Teacher of Class 53 with 29 undergraduate students, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Guiding the 29 students in study, research, and campus life; at least 5 hours per week for student communication; the students achieved remarkable progresses in different fields of academic, practical, cultural, etc., and won over 20 awards of Tsinghua University

Advisee Fellowships and Awards
2020            Sujia Liu; Special Scholarship for Undergraduate Students of Tsinghua University (top 0.1%)
2020            Aoran Sun; Excellent Undergraduate Student Award of Tsinghua University (top 5%)
2020            Ruiyang Zhou, Yu Zhang; Third Prize of the Tsinghua University Challenge Cup for Undergraduate Students: “Solid - liquid refractive index matching technique”
2020            Kehan Huang; Scholarship for Excellent Graduate in Overall Quality of Tsinghua University (top 5%)
2019            Class 53; The Outstanding Undergraduate Class Award in Beijing (top 0.1%)
2019            Ziqi Qin; Excellent Undergraduate Student Award in Beijing (top 0.1%)
2019            Yaqi Luo, Guangmiao Li, Dingyu Peng; National-level Innovation Training Program for Undergraduate Students: “Organic carbon flux in the river ecosystem of Huairou, Beijing”
2019            Aoran Sun; Liangjin Zhong; Ruiyang Zhou; Beijing-level Innovation Training Program for Undergraduate Students: “Innovative measurement for channel bed morphology of gravel bed rivers”
2019            Tongyu Zhang; Innovation Training Program of Tsinghua University for Undergraduate Students: “Investigation of golden mussel biofouling in water transfer projects”
2019            Aoran Sun; First Prize of the Hydraulic Innovation Competition of Tsinghua University for Undergraduate Students: “Innovative measurement for channel bed morphology of gravel bed rivers”
2019            Xiongdong Zhou; the Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of Tsinghua University (top 1%)
2019            Xin Li; Scholarship for Excellent Graduate in Overall Quality of Tsinghua University (top 5%)
2018            Diran Yan; Best Experiment Award in the 10th Hydraulic Innovation Competition of Tsinghua University for Undergraduate Students: “Fish behavior recognition using machine learning”
2018            Aoran Sun, Chenyang Wang; Undergraduate Academic Research Promotion Program of Tsinghua University: “Vision-based 3D topographic survey of rivers”
2018            Jiahao Zhang; Excellent Undergraduate Student Award of Tsinghua University (top 5%)
2018            Xing Liu; Scholarship for Excellent Graduate in Overall Quality of Tsinghua University (top 5%)
2017            Xingyu Hu, Ziqi Qin; Second Prize of Excellent Project of Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University: “Impact of climate change and anthropologic activities on the hydrological and ecological processes of the source region of the Yellow River”

Service to the Profession 
Department and Institute Leadership

since 2022    Associate Head, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Tsinghua University, China
University level management on International exchange and cooperation, international student administration, and research and development organization
since 2020   Associate Head of Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Faculty search and recruitment, international exchange and cooperation, international student administration, and research and development organization
since 2017   Director of River Research Institute, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
In charge of laboratory facility updating and management, smart laboratory platform construction, curriculum system improvement, graduate student administration, and academic activity organization

Professional Society Service
since 2012   International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Leadership Member (since 2020), Ecohydraulics Committee
Committee Member (2018-2020), Ecohydraulics Committee
Executive Committee Member (since 2017), IAHR China (Mainland) Chapter
Individual Member (since 2012), IAHR
YPN Member (since 2009), IAHR
since 2013   International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)
Board Member (since 2020), IAHS China Committee
Chair (since 2019), International Commission on Continental Erosion China Youth Committee
Member (since 2013), IAHS
since 2017   Board Member, Board of International River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposia (RCEM)
since 2022   Council Member, World Association for Sedimentation & Erosion Research (WASER)
since 2016   Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES)
Vice chair (since 2021), CHES Youth Science and Technology Working Committee
Board Member (since 2019), CHES Eco-hydraulic Engineering Committee
Board Member (since 2018), CHES Sediment Committee
Board Member (since 2016), CHES Youth Science and Technology Working Committee
since 2021   China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Board Member, CAST Academic Exchange and Journal Publishing Committee
since 2013   European Geosciences Association (EGU)Member
since 2017   American Geophysical Union (AGU)Member

Symposium Organization Service
2021             Session Chair, the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU2021), New Orleans, LA & Online
since 2020    Executive Secretary-general, the 14th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, Nanjing, China
2020             Secretary, the 261th Shuangqing Summit, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Beijing, China
2019             Session Chair, the 11th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2019), Auckland, New Zealand
2019             Session Chair, the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Chengdu, China
2018             Session Chair, the 12th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, Tokyo, Japan
2018             Session Chair, Marine and Freshwater Invasive Species: Solutions for Water security, Beijing, China
2017             Session Chair, IAHR World Congress 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2015             Session Chair, IAHR World Congress 2015, the Hague, the Netherlands

Editorship of Journal and Publication Review
since 2021   Associate Editor, Journal of Ecohydraulics
Select reviewers, summarize reviews, and recommend decision regarding publication
since 2019   Executive Associate Editor, Environmental Science & Ecotechnology
Select reviewers, summarize reviews, and recommend decision regarding publication
since 2012   Reviewer of over 80 manuscripts submitted to international and Chinese journals, including Journal of Hydrology, Ecological Engineering, Ecological Indicators, Geomorphology, Hydrobiologia, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Environmental Sciences & Technology, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, International Journal of Sediment Research, Journal of Environmental Management, Science of the Total Environment, etc.

Thesis Review
since 2015   Reviewer and thesis defense committee member of over 60 Ph.D. and M.Sc. theses from Tsinghua University, the Hongkong Polytechnic University, Beijing Normal University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.

Grant Review Panelist
since 2015   National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Professional Service

Invited Talks   

1. “Golden mussel infestation in China” The Biotechnological control of the golden mussel, ANEEL, the Brazilian Governmental Agency for Energy. April 12, 2023, Brasilia.

2. “Decision support platform for water quality assurance of large scale water transfer project.” The Frontier Science and Technology Cooperation • Water Science and Technology Frontier Forum, Nanyang, China. April 1, 2023. (in Chinese)

3. “River dynamics and ecology of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.” The 2022 IWHR Youth Annual Conference. Nov 19, 2022. (in Chinese)

4. “The ecological response on river dynamics of the Qinghai-Tibetan Rivers.” The 2022 Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society Annual Conference, Beijing, China, Nov 8, 2022. (in Chinese)

5. “Ecohydraulics in China: emerging challenges/trends.” ECoENet biannual meeting- Local challenges and global networking at the 14th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, ISE2022 Webinar, October 10, 2022.

6. “Influence and control of Limnoperna fortunei invasion in inter-basin water transfer project.” The 2022 Water Youth Voices: A Road to Research for Young Scholars, Beijing, China, June 17, 2022. (in Chinese)

7. “Emerging issues of Ecohydraulics in China.” Workshop for Young Scholars, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society and China Association for Science and Technology, Beijing, China, November 25, 2021. (in Chinese)

8. “Inter-disciplinary techniques in Ecohydraulics.” China Three Gorges Corporation 2021 National Science Popularization Day and China Association for Science and Technology Youth Salon, Beijing, China, September 17, 2021. (in Chinese)

9. Collecting sediment data for studying sediment-based ecological problems. ISI Online Training Workshop on Sediment Transport Measurement and Monitoring. IWHR Webinar system, July 5-9, 2021.

10. “Prevention on mussel invasion in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.” Symposium on aquatic ecology of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Nanyang, China, June 10, 2021. (in Chinese)

11. “Natural hazard mitigation and ecological restoration using step-pools/cascades in Southwest China.” IAHR 85th Anniversary Summit, Webinar, December 14, 2020.

12. “Seeking and platform support in the inter-discipline research of eco-hydraulics.” The National Association Congress, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Beijing, China, November 30, 2020. (in Chinese)

13. “Study of macroinvertebrate invasion and control in inter-basin water diversion.” The 11th National Symposium on Fundamental Sediment Research, Guangzhou, China, November 28-29, 2020. (in Chinese)

14. “Debris flow prevention and river restoration.” The Training Seminar for Management Personnel of Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture, Xide County, China, October 24, 2020. (in Chinese)

15. “Macroinvertebrate invasion and control in inter-basin water diversion projects.” The 6th Qian Ning (Ning Chien) Youth Forum of Sediment Research, Beijing, China, August 21-22, 2020. (in Chinese)

16. “River evolution and ecological response in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.” CYWater 2020, webinar, August 11 -14, 2020. (in Chinese)

17. “River dynamics and its ecological responses.” High-level Academic Forum on Hydrology, Sedimentology, and Ecology Changes, webinar, July 4, 2020. (in Chinese)

18. “Effects and prevention measures of golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in water transfer projects.” The 3rd Forum on Ecological and Economic Impacts of Invasive Species, Ouro Preto, Brazil, November 12, 2019.

19. “Impact of changing runoff on river dynamics and ecology.” The 2nd International Workshop on Global Water Cycle and Sky River Research, Beijing, China, July 2-5, 2019.

20. “River dynamics and ecological responses.” Workshop on Watershed Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai, May 17, 2019. (in Chinese)

21. “Research progresses in river eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation.” Memorial Conference of Qian Ning (Ning Chien), Beijing, China, November 23-25, 2018. (in Chinese)

22. “Sediment-related ecological problems and their control.” UNESCO International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment Management in River Basin, Beijing, China, November 4-9, 2018.

23. “Ecological hydraulic engineering and river restoration.” The High-level Training Seminar for Management Personnel of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, Beijing, China, October 24, 2018. (in Chinese)

24. “The hydrodynamic characteristics and sensory ability of Chinese cavefish.” Annual conference of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society. Nanchang, China, October 20-21, 2018.

25. “Flood hazard and management.” Beijing Forest University International Program, Beijing, October 12, 2018.

26. “Effects and prevention measures of the golden mussel biofouling.” Marine and Freshwater Invasive Species: Solutions for water security, Beijing, China, August 27-29, 2018.

27. “Ecological hydraulic engineering and healthy watershed.” The High-level Training Seminar for Management Personnel of Survey and Design of Water Resources and Hydropower in Hunan Province, Beijing, China, August 25, 2018. (in Chinese)

28. “Overview of river management issues in China.” ESPOL-Tsinghua Day, Guayaquil, Ecuador, August 2, 2018.

29. “Overview of water disasters and river management issues in China.” The 1st UNESCO-IAHR International Youth Forum on Water Engineering Management: Water: Connecting Youth to the World, Penang, Malaysia, July 5- 6, 2018.

30. “Innovation in the inter-discipline research of eco-hydraulics and eco-geomorphology.” The 514st Ph.D. Student Forum of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 21-22, 2018. (in Chinese)

31. “Biological invasion and biofouling in water diversion projects.” The 1st Youth Forum of the Water Diversion Committee of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, Hangzhou, China, April 20-21, 2018. (in Chinese)

32. “Aquatic ecology in the Upper Yellow River Basin.” American Geophysical Union – Hydrology Days Conference: the CICSU Water and Environmental Sustainability Symposium, Fort Collins, USA, March 18-24, 2018.

33. “Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) biofouling and its prevention strategies.” Academic Exchange Meeting and 2017 Working Meeting of Youth Science and Technology Committee of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, Gongqing, China, September 23-24, 2017. (in Chinese)

34. “Effects of stream power on macroinvertebrate.” The 2th Qian Ning (Ning Chien) Youth Forum of Sediment Research, Beijing, China, August 19-21, 2016. (in Chinese)

35. “River ecology and restoration.” The High-level Professional and Technical Talents Training Seminar for Yichang Water Conservancy, Beijing, China, April 19, 2016. (in Chinese)

Honors and Awards

2023    Panelist of the Biotechnological control of the golden mussel, ANEEL, the Brazilian Governmental Agency for Energy. April 12, 2023, Brasilia

2022    The first prize of the 2022 Dayu Water Science and Technology Award (MWRC)
2022    Panelist of the International Session at the 10th National Congress on Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics. Nanchang, China
2022    Invited Speaker, the 2022 Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society Annual Conference, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society (CHES)
2022    The second prize of Science and Technology Award of Beijing Hydraulic Engineering Society (BHES)
2021    Invited Lecturer, Online Training Workshop on Sediment Transport Measurement and Monitoring, UNESCO-ISI
2021    Invited Speaker, the 100-year Association Ceremony, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
2021    Secretary-general of a delegation, the 10th National Congress of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
2021    Invited participant, the 8th China-EU High Level Dialogue on Water Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources of China (MWRC)
2021    The first prize of 2021 Science and Technology Award of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
2020    National Outstanding Young Talent Award
2020    Invited Speaker, the IAHR 85th Anniversary Summit, International Association for Hydro-environment and Research (IAHR)
2020    Invited Speaker, the National Association Congress, China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
2020    Award for Teaching Excellence, Tsinghua University          
2019    English Medium Instruction Certificate, Oxford EMI Training Held at St Antony’s College, Oxford, UK
2019    Award for Top-quality Course of Tsinghua University
2019    Excellent Advisor of Challenge Cup for Undergraduate Students, Tsinghua University
2018    Excellent Instructor of Social Practice for Undergraduate Students, Tsinghua University
2018    Invited Lecturer, International Training Workshop on Integrated Sediment Management in River Basin, UNESCO
2018    Panelist, the 1st UNESCO-IAHR International Youth Forum on Water Engineering Management. Penang, Malaysia
2017    Silver Prize of the 11th Beijing Invention and Innovation Competition
2017    Excellent Advisor of the Study and Research Training Program (SRT) of Tsinghua University
2016    Second Prize of the 7th Youth Teaching Competition of Tsinghua University
2015    Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
2014    First Prize of Excellent Academic Publication, Hubei Hydropower Engineering Society
2013    John F. Kennedy Award, International Association for Hydro-environment and Research (IAHR)
2012    Excellent Doctoral Thesis, Tsinghua University
2010    Outstanding Contribution to Sedimentation Studies through Publication of Effect of Streambed on Benthic Ecology in the International Journal of Sediment Research, World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research (WASER)
2010    First Prize for Excellent Graduate in Overall Quality of Tsinghua University
2008    First Prize for Excellent Graduate in Overall Quality of Tsinghua University
2007    Outstanding Winner of the 9th Challenge Cup for Undergraduate Students in Tianjin City
2006    Excellent Student Scholar of Soong Ching Ling Foundation
2006    First Prize for Excellent Undergraduate in Overall Quality of Tianjin University
2005    First Prize for Excellent Undergraduate in Overall Quality of Tianjin University
2004    Outstanding Student Award of School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University  

Academic Achievement


Peer-reviewed journal publications in English(& denotes advisee author, students, and post-docs; * denotes corresponding author)

1. Chuenchum Pavisorn&,*, Xu Mengzhen, Tang Wenzhe. Assessment of reservoir trapping efficiency and hydropower production under future projections of sedimentation in Lancang–Mekong River Basin. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 184, 113510

2. Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Kattel Giri, Zhang Jiahao&, Liu Yibo&, Wang Congcong&. Channel abandonment alters trophic characteristics of highland rivers. Water Research, 2023, Volume 230, 119590

3. Wang Congcong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhang Jiahao&, Zhou Xiongdong&. High-latitude invasion and environmental adaptability of the freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei in Beijing, China. Ecological Applications, 2023, e2887

4. Wang Congcong&, Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Linyuan Zhang, Xinjue Hou, Zhongsuo Wang, Yao Yang&, Yaqi Luo&. Evaluating the ecological health of aquatic habitats in a megacity through a multimetric index model based on macroinvertebrates. Ecological Indicators, 150 (2023) 110235

5. Zhang Chendi*, Xu Yuncheng, Hassan Marwan A., Xu Mengzhen*, He Pukang&. Hybrid modeling on 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit, Earth Surface Dynamics (2022). //doi.org/10.5194/esurf-2022-5.

6. Xu Mengzhen*, Guanghui Wang&, Zijing Wang&, Hongchang Hu, Durgesh Kumar Singh&, Shimin Tian. Temporal and spatial hydrological variations of the Yellow River in the past 60 years. Journal of Hydrology 609(2022), 127750

7. Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Lei Fakai&, Zhang Jiahao&, Wang Zhaoyin, Luo Yaqi&. Responses of macroinvertebrate assemblages to flow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Establishment and application of a multi-metric habitat suitability model. Water Resources Research 2022, 58, e2021WR030909

8. Zhang Jiahao&, Xu Mengzhen*, Sun Luo&, Reible Danny, Fu Xudong. Impact of Golden Mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) Colonization on Bacterial Communities and Potential Risk to Water Quality. Ecological Indicators 2022, 144, 109499

9. Lei Fakai&, Xu Mengzhen*, Ji Ziqing&, Rose KA, Zakirov V, Bisset M. Swimming behavior and hydrodynamics of the Chinese cavefish Sinocyclocheilus rhinocerous and a possible role of its head horn structure. PLoS ONE 2022 17(7): e0270967.

10. Wang Zijing&, Xu Mengzhen*, Xing Liu&, Durgesh Kumar Singh&, Xudong Fu. Quantifying the impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities on runoff and sediment load reduction in a typical Loess Plateau watershed. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 39 (2022) 100992

11. Huang Kehan&, Liu Wei, Xu Mengzhen*, He Siming, Cui Yifei, Wang Zhaoyin. Application of artificial step-pools in natural hazard mitigation. Catena 2023, Volume 220, Part A, 106658.

12. Lyv Liqun&,*, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Cui Yifei, Koen Blanckaert. Submitted. A field investigation on debris flows in the incised Tongde sedimentary basin on the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Catena 2022, 105727.

13. Lyu Liqun*, Xu Mengzhen, Zhou Guanyu, Wang Zhaoyin. Quantitative evaluation of eco-geotechnical measures for debris flow mitigation by improved vegetation-erosion model. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19(7): 2015-2026

14. Meng Zhe, Lyu Liqun*, Xu Mengzhen, Yu Guoan, Ma Chao, Wang Zhaoyin, Stoffel Markus. Effects of frequent debris flows on barrier lake formation, sedimentation and vegetation disturbance, Palongzangbo River, Tibetan Plateau. Catena 2023, Volume 220, Part A, 106697

15. Singh Kumar Durgesh &, Xu Mengzhen*, Singh Nandita, Lei Fakai&. Submitted. Perspectives on emerging pressures and their integrated impact on large river systems: an insight from the Yellow River basin. Journal of Environmental Management 2021 298: 113423

16. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Lei Fakai&, Zhang Jiahao&, Kattel Giri Raj, Duan Yongjie&. 2021. Spatio-temporal distribution of Gymnocypris przewalskii during migration with UAV-based photogrammetry and deep neural network. Journal of Ecohydraulics 2021, DOI: 10.1080/24705357.2021.1892547.

17. Lyv Liqun&,*, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Qi Lijian, Li Xin&. 2020. Impact of densely distributed debris flow dams on river morphology of the Grand Canyon of the Nu River (upper Salween River) at the east margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Landslides 2021, 18: 979-991.

18. Zhao Na&, Xu Mengzhen*, Koen Blanckaert, Qiao Chunhua, Zhou Hanmi, Niu Xiaoli. 2021. Study of factors influencing the invasion of golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei) in water transfer projects. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 22: 385-395.

19. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Hassan Marwan, Chartrand Shawn, Wang Zhaoyin, Ma Zewei&. 2020. Experiment on morphological and hydraulic adjustments of step-pool unit to flow increase. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(2): 280-294.

20. Pavisorn Chuenchum&, Xu Mengzhen, Tang Wenzhe*. 2020. Predicted trends of soil erosion and sediment yield from future land use and climate change scenarios in the Lancang-Mekong River by using the modified RUSLE model. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 8: 213-227.

21. Liu Wei&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhang Jiahao&, Zhang Tongyu&. 2020. Tolerance of the invasive freshwater mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) to environmental conditions and its potential implication in the biofouling control. Limnology 21:245-255

22. Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Bofu, Shao Xuejun. 2019. Responses of macroinvertebrate assemblages to environmental variations in the river-oxbow lake system of the Zoige wetland (Bai River, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau). Science of the Total Environment 659: 150-160.

23. Zhou Xiongdong&, Bisset Mike, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin. 2019. A new species of Behningia Lestage, 1929 (Ephemerotera: Behningiidae) from China. Zootaxa 4671(3):420-426

24. Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Bofu, Fu Xudong, Liu Wei&, Sun Luo&, Shao Xuejun. 2019. Debris-flow deposits on a major river influence aquatic habitats and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Freshwater Science 38(4):713-724.

25. Liu Wei&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhao Na&, Zhou Xiongdong&, Pan Baozhu, Tian Shimin, Lei Fakai&. 2019. River health assessment of the Yellow River source region, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, based on tolerance values of macroinvertebrates. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26(10): 10251-10262.

26. Tian Shiming, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Guanghui&, Hu Hongchang*, Liu Xing&. 2019. Temporal variations of runoff and sediment load in the upper Yellow River, China. Journal of Hydrology 568: 46-56.

27. Xu Mengzhen*, Zhao Na&, Zhou Xiongdong&, Pan Baozhu, Liu Wei&, Tian Shimin*, Wang Zhaoyin. 2018. Macroinvertebrate Biodiversity Trends and Habitat Relationships within Headwater Rivers of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Water 10(1214) doi:10.3390/w10091214. (Invited by the guest editor)

28. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhaoyin Wang, Hassan A. Marwan, Chartrand M. Shawn. 2018. Experimental study on the stability and failure of individual step-pool. Geomorphology 311: 51-62.

29. Yang Yufeng&, Zhou Xiongdong&, Yi Yujun*, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhifeng Yang. 2018. Influence of debris flows on macroinvertebrate diversity and assemblage structure. Ecological Indicators 85: 781-790.

30. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Liu Wei&, Yu Dandan&. 2017. Experimental study on the effect of turbulence in pipelines on the mortality of Limnoperna fortunei veligers. Ecological Engineering 109(Part A): 101-118.

31. Yao Guoyou&, Xu Mengzhen*, An Xuehui. 2017. Concrete deterioration caused by freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei fouling. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 121: 55-65.

32. Zhou Xiongdong&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen*, Yu Bofu, Liu Wei&, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na&, Shao Xuejun. 2017. The stream power parameter as a predictive indicator of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Basin (Tibetan Plateau). Hydrobiologia 797: 215-230.

33. Lyu Liqun&, Wang Zhaoyin, Cui Peng, Xu Mengzhen*. 2017. The role of bank erosion on the initiation and motion of gully debris flows. Geomorphology 285: 137-151.

34. Zhao Na&,*, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei*, Wang Zhaoyin, Zhou Hanmi. 2017. Macroinvertebrate distribution and aquatic ecology in the Ruoergai (Zoige) Wetland, the Yellow River source region. Frontiers of Earth Science 11: 554-564

35. Pan Baozhu, Yuan Jianping, Zhang Xinhua*, Wang Zhaoyin, Lu Jinyou, Yang Wenjun, Chen Jiao, Li Zhiwei, Zhao Na&, Xu Mengzhen. 2016. A review of ecological restoration techniques in fluvial rivers. International Journal of Sediment Research 31(2): 110-119.

36. Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Zhao Na&, Pan Baozhu. 2015. Growth, reproduction, and attachment of the golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water diversion projects. Acta Ecologica Sinica 35: 70-75.

37. Xu Mengzhen*, Bogen Jim, Wang Zhaoyin, Bønsnes Truls E., Gytri Stine. 2015. Proglacial lake sedimentation from jökulhlaups (GLOF), Blåmannsisen, northern Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(5): 654-665.

38. Xu Mengzhen, Bogen Jim*, Ragulina Galina, Read Adrian. 2015. Early and late Holocene sediment yield of Austdalsbreen glacier, southwest Norway. Geomorphology 246: 277-289.

39. Xu Mengzhen, Darrigran Gustavo, Wang Zhaoyin*, Zhao Na&, Lin Cheng Chieh. 2015. Experimental study on control of Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in water transfer tunnels. Journal of Hydro-environment Research 9: 248-258.

40. Bogen Jim, Xu Mengzhen*, Kennie Patricia. 2015. The impact of pro-glacial lakes on downstream sediment delivery in Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(7): 942-952.

41. Zhao Na&, Wang Zhaoyin*, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei. 2015. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in mountain streams with different streambed stability. River Research and Application 31:825-833.

42. Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua, Pan Baozhu. 2014. Effects of pollution on macroinvertebrates and water quality bio-assessment. Hydrobiologia 729:247-259.

43. Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin*, Pan Baozhu, Yu Guo-an. 2014. The assemblage characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Yalutsangpo River, the highest major river in the world. Frontiers of Earth Science 8(3): 351-361.

44. Wang Zhaoyin*, Lee Joseph H.W., Xu Mengzhen. 2013. Eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation studies in China. Journal of Hydraulic Research 51(1): 19-32.

45. Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin*, Ying Chao, Xu Mengzhen, Huang Guobing. 2013. Meiofaunal assemblages in relation to properties of fluid mud in river estuaries. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22(1): 67-73.

46. Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin*, Li Zhiwei, Yu Guo-An, Xu Mengzhen, Zhao Na, Gary Brierley. 2013. An exploratory analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of the ecological status of the Upper Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Journal of Geographical Sciences 23(5): 871-882.

47. Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin*, Pan Baozhu, Na Zhao. 2012. Distribution and species composition of macroinvertebrates in the hyporheic zone of bed sediment. International Journal of Sediment Research 7: 129-140.

48. Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Qi Lijian, Liu Le. 2012. Disaster chains initiated by the Wenchuan Earthquake. Environment Earth Sciences 65(4): 975-985.

49. Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin*, Xu Mengzhen. 2012. Macroinvertebrates in abandoned channels: assemblage characteristics and their indications for channel management. River Research and Applications 28(8): 1149-1160. (Second Prize of the 15th Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of Hubei Province)

50. Pan Baozhu, Wang Zhaoyin*, Xu Mengzhen, Xing Linghang. 2012. Relation between stream habitat conditions and macroinvertebrate assemblages in three Chinese rives. Quaternary International 282: 178-183. (First Prize of Excellent Academic Publication, Hubei Hydropower Engineering Society)

51. Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin*, Xu Mengzhen. 2011. Effects of fluvial processes and human activities on stream macroinvertebrates. International Journal of Sediment Research 26(4): 416-430.

52. Zhang Kang*, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2009. Study on Reforestation with Seabuckthorn in the Pisha Sandstone Area. Journal of Hydro-environment research 3(2): 77-84.

53. Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin*, Xu Mengzhen, Zhang Kang. 2009. Effect of streambed sediment on benthic ecology. International Journal of Sediment Research 24 (3): 325-338. (Outstanding Contribution to Sedimentation Studies, World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research)

Selected peer-reviewed journal publications in Chinese (& denotes advisee author, students, and post-docs; * denotes corresponding author)

1. Zhou Xiongdong&, Liu Yibo&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhang Jiahao&, Wwang Congcong&. Response of benthic macroinvertebrates in highland rivers to the lateral hydrological connectivity: Taking the Quanji River as an example. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2023, 63(5): 818-829.

2. Xu Mengzhen*, Yang Yao&, Zhang Jiahao&, Fu Xudong. 2023. Challenges in invasive mussel monitoring using environmental DNA technology. Acta Ecologica Sinica 43(11): 1-11.

3. Weng Chubin &, Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*. 2023. Research on suitability of renewable energy exploitation in Tibet. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 44(1): 475-484.

4. Huang Kehan&, Xu Mengzhen*, Zhang Chendi&, Wang Zhaoyin. 2022. Mechanism of the step-pool structure on channel stability. Advances in Water Science, 33(6): 978-988.

5. Zhang Xiguo&, Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen*, Liang Xinyue. 2022. Distribution of hydropower development suitability in Tibet in the face of geological hazard susceptibility. Acta Geographica Sinica, 77(7): 1-12.

6. Xu Mengzhen*, Fu Xudong, Jin Feng. 2020. Exploration of the Belt and Road Initiative for talent cultivation. Education Modernization 46: 16-19.

7. Huang Kehan&, Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Lin Yongpeng&. 2020. Application study on the automated grain sizing based on BASEGRAIN software. Journal of Sediment Research 45(2): 44-51.

8. Liang Xinyue&, Xu Mengzhen, Lyu Liqun&, Cui Yifei, Zhang Fengbao*. 2020. Geomorphological characteristics of debris flow gullies on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Acta Geographica Sinica 75(7): 1389-1401.

9. Tian Yong, Zhang Aijing, Wang Shulei, Xu Mengzhen*. 2020. Impact and control measures for Limnoperna fortunei (golden mussel). Journal of Hydroecology 41(1): 110-116.

10. Zhang Chendi&, Lin Yongpeng&, Xu Mengzhen*, Huang Kehan&, Wang Zhaoyin. 2019. Morphological characteristics and mechanism for riverbed stabilization of the barrier dams in Nujiang River. Shuili Xuebao 50(10): 1165-1176.

11. Zhao Na&, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei, Zhou Hanmi, Yin Dongxue. 2019. Macroinvertebrate ecology in a meandering river of the Yellow River Headwaters. Journal of Hydroecology 05: 40-47.

12. Lyv Liqun&, Wang Zhaoyin, Cui Peng, Xu Mengzhen. 2018. Role of bank erosion on the unsteady dynamics of debris flow motion. Advances in Water Science 29 (2): 213-220.

13. Liu An&, Liu Cheng, Ji Ziqing&, Xu Mengzhen, Li Zhiwei. 2018. Relationship between riparian vegetation and migration of a meandering river in the Yellow River Source Region. Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources 38(2): 57-61, 76.

14. Yao Guoyou&, Xu Mengzhen, An Xuehui, Yan Zhenrui, Qin Xiaochuan. 2017. Experimental study on concrete deterioration caused by Limnoperna fortunei fouling. Shuili Xuebao 48(12): 1447-1455.

15. Xu Mengzhen, Li Yanfu, Wang Zhaoyin, Li Zhiwei, Han Lujie. 2017. Relationship between the desertification risk index and blowing sand content of typical aeolian erosion areas in Sanjiangyuan. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 57(4): 337-344.

16. Lyv Liqun&, Wang Zhaoyin, Cui Peng, Xu Mengzhen. 2017. Role of bank erosion on the gully debris flow initiation and motion. Advances in Water Science 04:1-12.

17. Liu Wei&, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Dandan&, Zhou Xiongdong&. 2017. Experimental study of attachment characteristics of golden mussel larvae. Acta Ecologica Sinica 37(8): 2779-2787.

18. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Wang Yin, Yu Kun. 2016. Experimental study on the effect of pipeline turbulence on killing Limnoperna fortunei larvae I. Hydraulic characteristics. Shuili Xuebao 47(11): 1405-1417.

19. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen*, Wang Zhaoyin, Liu Wei&, Yu Dandan&, Wang Daqiang. 2016. Experimental study on the effect of pipeline turbulence on killing Limnoperna fortunei larvae II. Efficiency comparison. Shuili Xuebao 47(12): 1510-1518.

20. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei&, Yu Dandan&, Qiang Jie, Hu Zhiping, Yao Guoyou&. 2016. Golden mussel biofouling and its prevention in pumped storage power plants. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 35(7): 75-83.

21. Yao Guoyou&, Xu Mengzhen, An Xuehui, Zhou Jianwei, Hua Pilong. 2016. Performance test of anti-fouling and anti-corrosion for coatings. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 35(5): 31-39.

22. Yu Dandan&, Tang Hongwu, Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei&, Wang Zhaoyin, Min Congjun. 2016. Influence of daily operation of pumped-storage power plant on density of Limnoperna fortunei veligers. Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering 35(6): 74-79.

23. Lyv Liqun&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Qi Lijian, Zhang Chendi&. 2016. Geomorphic characters of debris flow fans along Nu River and the river blocking mechanisms. Shuili Xuebao 47(10): 1245-1252.

24. Li Zhiwei*, Yu Guoan, Xu Mengzhen, Hu Xuyue, Yang Hongming, Hu Shixiong. 2016. Progress in studies on river morphodynamics in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Advances in Water Science 617-628.

25. Yao Guoyou&, Xu Menzhen, An Xuehui*, Wang Zhaoyin. 2015. Rapid evaluation of anti-fouling coating materials for Limnoperna fortunei. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 55(9): 957-963.

26. Zhao Na&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Zhou Xiongdong&, Zhang Chendi&. 2015. Influence of rubber cultivation on the aquatic ecology of the Naban River. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 55(12):1296-1302.

27. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na. 2014. Parameters influencing the vertical distribution of macroinvertebrates in a gravel bed river. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 54(8): 1038-1043.

28. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Wang Xuzhao, Liu Wei, Zhao Na. 2013. Golden mussel invasion in water transfer tunnels and hydraulic prevention. Shuili Xuebao 44(7): 856-872.

29. Xu Mengzhen, Cao Xiaowu, Wang Zhaoyin, Wang Xuzhao. 2012. Attachment character of golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei) invaded in water transport project. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 52 (2): 170-176.

30. Ye Baomin, Cao Xiaowu, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Lin Cheng Chieh. 2011. Study of Limnoperna fortunei invasion in long distance water transmission project. Water and Wastewater Engineering 37(7): 99-102.

31. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Shi Wen Jing, Wang Xuzhao. 2010. Mountain disaster chain induced by the Wenchuan earthquake in the Huoshiguo Gorge. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology) 50(9): 1338-1341.

32. Tian Shimin, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Zhang Kang. 2010. Study on coupling mechanism of benthonic animal and area of aquatic habitat. Yellow River 32(11): 19-23.

33. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua. 2009. Summary of the control and prevention of Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia Mytilidae) invasion in water supply system. Water and Wastewater Engineering 35(5): 205-208.

Technical Reports

1. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei, Zhang Jiahao. 2023. “Evaluation of the influence of Limnoperna fortunei biofouling on the safety of Dongjiang Water Source Project.” Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute. Beijing. (in Chinese)

2. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Congcong, Zhang Jiahao. 2021. “Monitoring Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in Beijing section of South-to-North Water Transfer Project.” Hydrological Station of Beijing. Beijing. (in Chinese)

3. Xu Mengzhen, Zhou Xiongdong. 2021. “Framework and key indicators of river sustainable development in Tibet.” Environmental Engineering Evaluation Center Fund, Ministry of Ecology and Environment. Beijing. (in Chinese)

4. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei, Niu Xiaojing. 2020. “Plan for mangrove restoration of the Xinghua Bay.” General Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planning and Design Fund, Ministry of Water Resources. Beijing. (in Chinese)

5. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei, Zhang Jiahao. 2020. “Risk of Limnoperna fortunei invasion in the South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project.” Construction and Administration Bureau of South-to-North Water Division Middle Route Project Fund. Beijing. (in Chinese)

6. Xu Mengzhen, Lei Fakai. 2019. “Hydrogeological environment and aquatic habitat characteristics of karst caves.” The State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Fund. Beijing. (in Chinese)

Standards in Chinese

1. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Cao Xiaowu, Li Tiejian, Wang Guangqian, Zhao Na, Fu Xudong, Liu Wei, Wang Xuzhao. 2021. Guideline of prevention pool for Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in water transfer project. Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society. (T/CHES 56—2021)

2. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Cao Xiaowu, Fu Xudong, Zhao Na, Zhang Chendi, Hu Hongchang, Liu Wei. 2021. Guideline of prevention and control facility for Limnoperna fortunei biofouling in technical water supply pipeline. Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society. (T/CHES 55—2021)

Patents and Software Copyright in Chinese

1. Xu Mengzhen, Yang Yao, Chen Xingyu, Fu Xudong, et al. 2022. An intelligent assessment method and system for Limnoperna fortunei invasion risk in water diversion project. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (Application No. 202211024696.2).

2. Xu Mengzhen, Huang Kehan, Jie Yuxin, Cui Yifei, Fu Xudong. 2022. The utility model relates to a control structure of a horse-repellent type debris flow and a preparation method thereof. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (Application No. 202210893590.X).

3. Xu Mengzhen, Huang Kehan, Jie Yuxin, Cui Yifei, Fu Xudong. 2022. The utility model relates to a bionic energy dissipation and disaster reduction structural unit. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (Application No. 202210618808.0).

4. Xu Mengzhen, Zhou Xiongdong, Wang Congcong, Zhang Jiahao, Luo Yaqi. 2022. A method and platform for constructing and analyzing the structure and function of a river ecosystem food web. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (Application No. 202210348197.2).

5. Xu Mengzhen, Lei Fakai, Zhang Ga. 2020. Fish trajectory tracking method and system based on artificial neural network. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (Application No. 202010478461.5).

6. Zhang Chendi, Zhang Yu, Zhou Ruiyang, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Guangqian. 2021. An optimal refractive index measurement method for a multilayer transparent spherical bed. (Application No. 202110412983.X).

7. Qi Shengwen, Liu Fangcui, Cui Peng, Chen Jiangang, Xu Mengzhen, et al. 2022. Comprehensive evaluation method and device of slope and gully disaster reduction in small watershed. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2022 1 0483330.5).

8. Zhang Chendi, Zhou Ruiyang, Zhang Yu, Xu Mengzhen. 2021. The invention relates to a method and device for measuring refractive index of a transparent solid with a convex curved surface. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2021 1 0119607.1).

9. Zhang Chendi, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2020. A design method for multiple step-pool energy dissipation system composed of natural stones. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2020 1 1119174.1).

10. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Xing, Fu Xudong, Zhang Xiaoming, Wang Zijing, Zhao Yang. 2019. An intelligent ensemble evaluation method and system for watershed runoff and sediment research. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. 2019 1 0953930.1).

11. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zijing, Hu Hongchang. 2019. A method for analysis of watershed vegetation change based on remote sensing data. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2019 1 0962541.5).

12. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zijing, Liu Xing, Hu Hongchang. 2019. An ensemble evaluation software (V1.0) for watershed runoff and sediment transport models using machine learning methods. National Copyright Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate (No. 4620292).

13. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Zhao Na, Yu Dandan, Zhang Chendi, Liu Wei, Xing Jihong, Yuan Bo, Wang Weiping, Xiong Xuping, Wang Daqiang, Li Wei, Wang Xuzhao. 2015. A facility and method for killing Limnoperna fortunei. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2015 1 0586644.8).

14. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Yu Dandan, Zhang Chendi, Liu Wei, Li Jianguang, Qiang Jie, Li Wei, Wang Ying, Min Congjun, Yu Kun, Wu Peizhi, Wang Xuzhao. 2015. An attachment-silting pool and facility for killing Limnoperna fortunei. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Utility Model Patent (No. ZL2015 2 0714723.8).

15. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Xuzhao, Cao Xiaowu, Chen Xiaodan, Liu Le. 2013. A water purification facility and a water transmission engineering comprising the facility. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2011 1 0256378.4).

16. Wang Zhaoyin, Zhao Na, Wang Xuzhao, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen. 2013. A device for shallow water silt stratification sampling. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Utility Model Patent (No. ZL2013 2 0115793.2).

17. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Ye Baomin, Wang Xuzhao, Yuan Baozhao, Zhao Na. 2013. A facility for treatment of biofouling organisms and a water transmission engineering comprising the facility. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2011 1 0317506.1).

18. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Xuzhao, Zhu Hailong, Su Xuemin, Li Wenzhen. 2013. A facility, method and water transmission engineering comprising the facility for killing harmful aquatic organisms. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL2011 1 2055939.9).

19. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Xuzhao, Zhang Kang. 2011. An attachment facility, system, and water transmission engineering comprising the facility and aquaculture facility for plankton. China National Intellectual Property Administration, Patent for Invention (No. ZL 2011 2 0325605.X).

Other Publications

Selected Conference Proceedings, Presentations and Posters (& denotes advisee author, students, and post-docs)

1. Guo Xingyan &, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Ruiyu, Li Zhi, Chen Dong, Garcia H Marcelo, Best Jim, Parker Gary. 2020. Triangle shaped bends associated with peat in the Zoige Basin, Northeast Qinghai - Tibet Plateau. The 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, December 1-17, 2020, Webinar.

2. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen, Lei Fakai&, Zhang Jiahao&, Kattel Giri Raj, Duan Yongjie&. 2020. Investigating spatio-temporal distribution of the naked carp (Gymnocypris przewalskii) during migration by combining UAV-based photogrammetry and deep neural network. The 13th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, November 23-24, 2020, Webinar. (Invited speech)

3. Xu Mengzhen, Lei Fakai&, Zhou Xiongdong&. 2019. Effects of meander cutting on macroinvertebrates in the high plateau peat-substrate meandering rivers. The 11th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2019), November 17-23, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.

4. Huang Kehan&, Xu Mengzhen, Zhang Chendi&, Lyu Liqun&. 2019. Experimental study on effect of bed structures in preventing river incision and slope failure. The 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS2019), September 16-19, 2019, Chengdu, China.

5. Zhang Chendi&, Liu Yingjun&, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2019. The 3D Numerical Study on Flow Properties of individual step-pool. The 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, September 16-19, 2019, Chengdu, China.

6. Zhang Chendi&, Sun Ao’ran&, Liu Sujia&, Ju Jingwei&, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Chenyang&, Huang Qinglin&, Han Lujie&. 2019. Laboratory application of bathymetric Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry in topographic survey for gravel bed. The 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, September 16-19, 2019, Chengdu, China.

7. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen, Feng Yuqiao&, Hassan Marwan, Wang Zhaoyin. 2019. The energy budget and design framework for step-pool system. EGU General Assembly 2019. April 7-12, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

8. Xu Mengzhen, Zhang Chendi&, Giri Kattel, Zhongjing Wang. 2018. Developing a theoretical model to help design ecologically-friendly fishway of the endangered fish species, scale-less carp (Gymnocypris przewalskii) in the Qinghai Lake watershed, western China. The 2018 International Conference on River Connectivity (Fish Passage 2018) & the First International Symposium on Hydropower and Fish Management, December 10-14, 2018, Albury, NSW, Australia.

9. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen, Ma Zewei, Huang Kehan, Wang Zhaoyin. 2018. Experimental study on the morphological and hydraulic responses of step-pool to extreme flood events. The AGU 2018 fall meeting, December 10-14, 2018, Washington, USA.

10. Zhou Xiongdong&, Xu Mengzhen. 2018. Macroinverterbates as indicators for the ecological significance of cutoff in high plateau meandering rivers in the Zoige Wetland, China. The 12th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, August 18-28, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

11. Liu Wei&, Xu Mengzhen, Han Lujie&, Ji Ziqing&, Zhou Xiongdong&. 2018. Ecological significance of suspended load based on macroinvertebrate communities traits. The 12th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, August 18-28, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

12. Zhang Jiahao&, Xu Mengzhen, Liu Wei &, Zhang Tongyu &. 2018. Experimental study on the effect of golden mussel attachment on the roughness of water transfer pipeline. The 12th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, August 18-28, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

13. Zhao Na&, Xu Mengzhen, Zhou Hanmi, Jiang Yunpeng. 2018. Ecological pattern of macroinvertebrates in the floodplain of typical meandering river in the Yellow River Source Region. The 12th International Symposium of Ecohydraulics, August 18-28, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.

14. Huang Kehan&, Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen. 2018 Sensitivity and precision analysis of an automated grain sizing method for gravel bed. The 2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology Congress, May 30 - June 1, 2018, Nanjing, China.

15. Xu Mengzhen, Liu Xing&. 2017. Comparison of the various methodologies used in studying runoff and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin. The 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, USA.

16. Lyu Liqun&, Xu Mengzhen, Wang  Zhaoyin, Cui Peng. 2017. The role of fine sediment content on soil consolidation and debris flows development after earthquake. The 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, USA.

17. Zhang Chendi&, Li Zhiwei, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2017. Experimental study on individual step-pool stability. The 10th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2017). September 15-22, 2017, Trento and Padova, Italy.

18. Lei Fakai&, Xu Mengzhen, Ji Ziqing, WangZhaoyin, Bisset Michael Andrew, Zakirov Vadim. 2017. The Head-horn structure of cavefish (Sinocyclocheilus Tileihornes) may strengthen their sense efficiency in water flow. The 37th IAHR World Congress, August 13 - 18, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

19. Zhang Chendi&, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2017. Experimental study of turbulence on killing Limnoperna fortunei larvae in pipelines. The 37th IAHR World Congress, August 13 - 18, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

20. Ji Ziqing&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Liu An. 2017. Bank erosion aggravated by meander cut-off at the alpine meadow in the source region of Yellow River. The 1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change (CONSOWA), June 10-19, 2017, Lleida, Spain.

21. Xu Mengzhen. 2017. The aquatic ecological characteristics of the Zoige Marsh in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The 2017 International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment Conference. January 4-6, 2017, Wuhan, China.

22. Xu Mengzhen. 2016. The aquatic ecological characteristics of highland rivers in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. CYWater 2016 Summer Meeting - Frontiers in Water Sciences, August 5-6, 2016, Beijing, China.

23. Xu Mengzhen, Zhaon Na&, Wang Zhaoyin, Zhou Xiongdong, Li Zhiwei. 2016. Impact of marsh degradation on aquatic ecosystem in the Zoige Marsh, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, February 07-12, 2016, Melbourne, Australia.

24. Xu Mengzhen. 2015. Highland river ecology. Headwater Regions Symposium 2015: the Global Social, Ecological, and Hydrological Importance. October 19-21, 2015, Beijing, China.

25. Xu Mengzhen, Li Yanfu, Wang Zhaoyin, Han Lujie, Pan Baozhu. 2015. Study of the relationship between desertification and blowing sand in the Sanjiangyuan Region in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The 36th IAHR World Congress, June 30-July 05, 2015, the Hague, the Netherlands.

26. Yu Dandan&, Xu Mengzhen, Tang Hongwu, Wang Zhaoying. 2015. Influence of pumped-storage power plant’s daily operation on the density of veligers of Limnoperna fortunei. The 36th IAHR World Congress, June 30-July 05, 2015, the Hague, the Netherlands.

27. Zhou Xiongdong&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na. 2015. Biodiversity and bio-community of macroinvertebrate in different stream powers in the Yarlung Tsangpo River. The 36th IAHR World Congress, June 30-July 05, 2015, the Hague, the Netherlands.

28. Zhao Na&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen, Han Lujie, Zhou Xiongdong. 2014. Research on aquatic ecology in the Naban River and restoration suggestions. The 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2014), September 3-5, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland.

29. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin. 2014. The aquatic ecological characteristics of the Yalutsangpo, the highest-altitude major river in the world. The 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, June 28- July 03, 2014, Trondheim, Norway.

30. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Lin Cheng Chieh, Pan Baozhu, Zhao Na. 2013. Experimental study of invasion and biofouling of freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei. The 2013 Hydrology, Ocean and Atmosphere Conference (HOAC 2013). September 18-21, 2013, Beijing, China.

31. Xu Mengzhen. 2013. Experimental study of bio-fouling control of Limnoperna fortunei in water transfer tunnels. The 35th IAHR World Congress, September 02-07, 2013, Chengdu, China. (Third Prize in the John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition)

32. Zhao Na&, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. 2013. Investigation of aquatic ecology in the middle and lower reaches of the Yalu Tsangpo River. The 35th IAHR World Congress, September 02-07, 2013, Chengdu, China.

33. Xu Mengzhen. 2013. Macroinvertebrates and water quality assessment. Joint Assembly IAHS-IASPEI, July 22-26, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden.

34. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. 2012. Problems and researches on eco-hydraulics and eco-sedimentation. The 6th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow 2012), 05-07 September, 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica. (Keynote speech)

35. Duan Xuehua, Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. 2011. Assessment of effects of fluvial processes and human activities on river ecology using macroinvertebrates as indicator. The 7th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM2011), September 6-8, 2011, Beijing, China.

36. Xu Mengzhen. 2011. Experimental study of colonization of Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker 1857) in the Xizhijiang River. Blueprint for Sustainable, Ecologically-based Watershed Management in China: A Workshop on Lessons Learned Globally. August 1-4, 2011, Beijing, China.

37. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Jin Xin. 2010. Thickness of hyporheic zone and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in mountain streams. The 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), September 12-16, 2010, Seoul, Korea.

38. Wang Zhaoyin, Xu Mengzhen. 2010. Habitat diversity of rivers and its relation with biodiversity. The 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), September 12-16, 2010, Seoul, Korea. (Invited speech)

39. Wang Zhaoyin, Pan Baozhu, Xu Mengzhen, Yu Guo-an. 2010. Community characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrates in the source region of the Yellow River. The 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE 2010), September 12-16, 2010, Seoul, Korea.

40. Chang Tung-Chiung, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guo-an, Xu Mengzhen. 2010. Particle size characteristics of step pool of mountain river and the quantitative study. The 11th International Symposium on River Sedimentation (ISRS2010), September 6-9, 2010, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

41. Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua, Zhuang Meiqi, de Souza Fabio Teodoro. 2009. Ecological measures of controlling invasion of golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) in water transfer systems. The 33rd IAHR Congress: Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, August 09 - 14, 2009, Vancourver, BC, Canada.

42. Zhang Kang, Xu Mengzhen, Wang Zhaoyin, Duan Xuehua, Bi Cifen. 2018. Ecological impacts of seabuckthorn in the Pisha sandstone area. The 16th IAHR-APD & 3rd IAHR-ISHS, October 20-23, 2008, Nanjing, China.