2009-2014 Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering, School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Thesis Advisor: Xudong Fu. (Graduated with Best Thesis Award)
2011-2012 Visiting Ph.D. Student in Environmental Hydraulics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Advisor: Christophe Ancey.
2006-2009 Dual B.S. in Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
2005-2009 B.S. in Hydraulic Engineering, School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Dissertation Advisor: Xudong Fu. (Graduated with Best Dissertation Award)
2024- Associate Professor (tenure track)
2023- Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface
2022- Assistant Professor (tenure track), Dept of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua Univ, Beijing, China
2021-2022 Postdoc, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Univ of California Irvine, USA, Advisor: Efi Foufoula- Georgiou
2021 Postdoc, Dept of Environmental Sciences, Univ of Virginia, USA, Advisor: Ajay Limaye
2020-2021 Postdoc, Dept. of Geosciences, Univ. of Arkansas, USA, Advisor: John Shaw.
2014-2019 Postdoc, Dept. of Earth Science, Rice University, Texas, USA, Advisor: Jeffrey Nittrouer, Co-advisors in the same project: Gary Parker (UIUC), Mike Lamb (Caltech), Gail Kineke (Boston College)
Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Hydraulic Engineering
2022 NSF-China: Excellent Young Scientists (Oversea) Program
2022 Tsinghua University: Start-up fund for junior faculties
2023-present Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface
2023 Robert Sharp Lecture, American Geophysical Union
2023 Luna B. Leopold Early Career Award, American Geophysical Union
2022 Excellent Early-Career Scientists (Oversea) Award, NSF of China.
2019 Best Paper Award to my first author paper “Universal relation with regime transition for sediment transport in fine-grained
rivers” by the International Association of Chinese Youth in Water Sciences (CYwater; one paper per year)
2014 Outstanding Ph. D. Thesis Award of Tsinghua University
2014 Outstanding Graduate Student of Beijing City, China
2012 National Scholarship for Outstanding Graduated Students
2012 Outstanding Young Researcher Award from Ministry of Education of China
2011 China National Fellowship for International Joint-education of Graduate Students
2010 First-class Scholarship in the 253th Tsinghua University Research Symposium
2010 Pan Jiazheng Hydraulic Engineering Scholarship
2009 Outstanding Bachelor Dissertation Award of Tsinghua University
Selected publications (Full publication list: Google Scholar Citations at //goo.gl/Eda17e)
Wu, C, Kim, W., Herring, R., Cardenas, B. T., Dong, T., Ma, H.B., Moodie, A., Nittrouer, J.A., Tsai, F., Li, A. Lowland river sinuosity on Earth and Mars set by the pace of meandering and avulsion. Nature Geoscience, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-02301231-1.
Ma, H. B., Nittrouer, J., Fu, X. D., Parker, G., Zhang, Y. F., Wang Y, Wang, Y. J., Lamb, M., Cisneros, J., Best, J., Parsons, D. and Wu B. S. Amplification of downstream flood stage due to damming of fine-grained rivers. Nature Communications, 13, 3054, 2022. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30730-9. (Featured byScience Magazine and highlighted in National Geographic)
Cisneros, J. et al. including Ma, H. B. Dunes in the World’s big rivers are characterized by low-angle leeside slopes and a complex shape. Nature Geoscience, 2020, 13, 156–162. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-019-0511-7
Ma, H. B., Nittrouer, J., Wu B. S., Lamb, M., Zhang, Y. F., Mohrig, D., Wang Y. J., Fu, X. D., Moodie, A., Naito, K., Wang, G., Hu, C., and Parker, G. Universal relation with regime transition for sediment transport in fine-grained rivers. PNAS, 2020, 117(1), 171-176. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1911225116 (Best Paper Award from CYwater)
Ma, H. B., Nittrouer, J., Naito, K., Fu, X. D., Zhang, Y. F., Moodie, A., Wang Y. J., Wu B. S., and Parker, G. The exceptional sediment load of fine-grained dispersal systems: example of the Yellow River, China. Science Advances, 2017, 3: e1603114. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1603114. (Featured by Scientific American)