
ZHANG Yongliang


Address:Old Hydraulic Building, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing 100084



E-mail: [email protected]

Educational Background

PhD: Sept 1997-Dec 2000, Fluid-Structure Interaction, University of Aberdeen, UK. 

MSc: Sept 1987-Dec 1989, Fluid Dynamics, Tsinghua University, CHINA. 

BSc: Sept 1982-July 1987, Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, CHINA.

Work Experience

2006-: Professor, Hydrodynamics and Wave Energy Development, Tsinghua University, CHINA

2006-: 2017, Director of Hydraulics Research Institute, Tsinghua University

2003-2006, Associate Professor, Hydrodynamics, Tsinghua University, CHINA

2001-2003, Postdoctoral Fellow, Fluid Dynamics, Imperial College, UK

1989-1996, Engineer, Senior Engineer, Planning, Design and Research Institute for Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communication of CHINA.

Teaching Courses

1. An Introduction to Coastal Science and Engineering 

2. Computational Fluid Dynamics

3. Marine Resources and Energy

4. Water Engineering Design

5. Special topics on engineering fluid mechanics

Research Interests

1. Ocean Hydrodynamics

2. Wave Energy Power Generation Technology Development

3. Fluid-Structure Interaction

Research Projects

1. Study on the key technology of wave energy conversion device based on double energy capture principles (51879144), NSFC, 2018-2022, Principal Investigator.

2. Theoretical and experimental study on the performance of a novel wave energy converter (51679124), NSFC, 2016-2020, Principal Investigator.

3. Study on the hydrodynamic behavior of raft-type wave energy dissipators (51479092), NSFC, 2014-2018, Principal Investigator. 

4. Study on the key technology of salitation utilizing ocean wave energy converter (51279088), NSFC, 2012-2016, Principal Investigator. 

5. Study on the key technology of piezoelectric wave energy converter (51079072), NSFC, 2011-2013, Principal Investigator.

Professional Service

1. Member of Ocean Energy Professional Committee, China Renewable Energy Society.

2. Member of the Smart Emergency Professional Committee, China Disaster Defense Association

Honors and Awards

1. 2014 Third Poster Award of Experimental Study on the wave measurements of wave buoys in ICOE Conference 2014 (Rank 3rd).

2. 2014 First Prize of Excellent Paper of Study on the performance of raft-typed wave energy dissipator in The Fifth National Symposium of Ocean Energy (rank 2nd).

3. 2014 Special Prize of Excellent Paper of Study on the response of a cylindrical float subjected to the action of nonlinear Coulomb damping in The Fifth National Symposium of Ocean Energy (rank 2nd).

4. 2013 Excellent Paper Award of Numerical analysis of operating characteristics of wave energy pump in Sixth National Conference of Hydraulics and Hydraulics Informatics. (Rank 2nd).

5. 2012, Mentor Award, Tsinghua University.

6. 2011 Excellent Paper Award of Numerical analysis on the local scour around complex piers of a sea-crossing bridge in Fifth National Conference of Hydraulics and Hydraulics Informatics. (Rank 2nd).

7. 2005, Winner for Education Ministry’s New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Plan.

Academic Achievement

[1] Publications

Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2020) Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA), RENEWABLE ENERGY 153:681-700.

[2] Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio (2020) Power capture performance of hybrid wave farms combining different wave energy conversion technologies: The H-factor, ENERGY 204.

[3] Zheng, Siming; Miles, Jon; Greaves, Deborah; Zhu, Guixun; Iglesias, Gregorio; Antonini, Alessandro; Zhang, Yongliang (2020) Hydrodynamic performance of a multi-Oscillating Water Column (OWC) platform, Applied Ocean Research 99.

[4] Zheng, Siming; Iglesias, Gregorio; Zhang, Yongliang; Liu, Jiabin (2020) Wave diffraction from multiple truncated cylinders of arbitrary cross sections, Applied Mathematical Modelling 77:1425-1445.

[5] Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Liu, Yingyi; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2019) Wave radiation from multiple cylinders of arbitrary cross sections, OCEAN ENGINEERING 184: 11-22.

[6] Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang; Iglesias, Gregorio,(2019) Coast/breakwater-integrated OWC: A theoretical model, MARINE STRUCTURES 66: 121-135.

[7] Zheng, Siming; Zhang, Yongliang,(2018) Theoretical modelling of a new hybrid wave energy converter in regular waves, RENEWABLE ENERGY,128:125-141.

[8] Siming Zheng,Yongliang Zhang* (2018) Analytical study on wave power extraction from a hybrid wave energy,Ocean Engineering,165:252~263.

[9] Siming Zheng, Yongliang Zhang (2017) Analysis for wave power capture capacity of two interconnected floats in regular waves. Journal of Fluids and Structures 75:158–173.

[10] Cen Yang, Yongliang Zhang. (2017) Numerical study on the hydrodynamic behavior and capture width ratio of a two-buoy wave energy converter. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser.B.

[11] Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., (2017) Analytical study on hydrodynamic performance of a raft-type wave power device. Journal of Marine Science and Technology. 22:620–632.

[12] Yu, Hui-Feng; Zhang, Yong-Liang; Zheng, Si-Ming, Numerical study on the performance of a wave energy converter with three hinged bodies, Renewable Energy, 2016.12, 99: 1276~1286.

[13] Zheng, S., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W. (2016) Maximum wave energy conversion by two interconnected floaters. Journal of Energy Resources Technology. May 138: 032004-1~11. 

[14] Zheng, S., Zhang, Y.L., (2016) Wave radiation from a truncated cylinder in front of a vertical wall. Ocean Engineering. 111:602-614. 

[15] Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W.A. (2016) Maximum power absorption of connected floating bodies under motion constraints. Applied Ocean Research. 58:95-103.

[16] Lin Z, Zhang Y.L. (2016) Dynamics of a mechanical frequency up-converted device for wave energy harvesting. Journal of Sound and Vibration,367:170-184. 

[17] Chen, W.C., Zhang, Y.L., Yu, W.F. (2016) Numerical study on the performance of a twin-raft wave energy dissipator in a stilling basin. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 66:170–182.

[18] Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., (2016) Wave diffraction and radiation by multiple rectangular floaters. Journal of Hydraulic Research. 54(1): 102-115. 

[19] Zheng, S.M, Zhang, Y.L., (2015) Wave diffraction from a truncated cylinder in front of a vertical wall. Ocean Engineering, Aug 1, 2015, 104:329-343. 

[20] Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.H., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng W.A., (2015) Numerical study on the dynamics of a two-raft wave energy conversion device. Journal of Fluids and Structures. Oct 2015, 58:271–290 

[21] Liu, Q.L., Zhang, Y.L. (2015) Numerical study of wave energy resources in Zhaitang Island sea area, Journal of Hydroelectric Power,34(11):1-9.

[22] Liu, S., Zhang, Y.L. (2015) Numerical simulation of multidirectional irregular wave group propagation. J Tsinghua Univ (Sci & Technol), 55(12):1289-1295.

[23] Yang, C., Zhang, Y.L. (2015) Experimental study on operation characteristics of oscillating buoy wave energy converters. Journal of Hydroelectric Power. 35(7): 120-126.

[24] Liang, SenDong., Zhang, YongLiang., Yang, James. (2015). An experimental study on pile scour mitigating measures under waves and currents. Sci China Tech Sci. 58(6):1031-1045. 

[25] Zhang, Y.L., Lin, B. 2014. Advance in Marine Energy Technology. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing. 

[26] Zhang, Y.L., Lin, Z., Liu, Q.L. (2014) Marine renewable energy in China: Current status and perspectives. Water Science and Engineering. 7(3): 288-305.

[27] Liu, Qiulin, and Zhang, Yongliang. Hydrodynamic study of phase-shift tidal power system with Y-shaped dams. Journal of Hydraulic Research,2014, 52(3): 356-365. 

[28] Yang, C., Zhang, Y.L. (2013) Experimental study on operation performance of wave-driven pressure pump. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,44(9):1107-1111.

[29] Chen, W.C., Zhang, Y.L. 2013. Numerical study on conversion efficiency from wave energy to hydraulic energy by raft-type wave energy converters. Journal of Hydroelectric Power, 32(05):191-196.

[30] Zhang, Y.L. 2011. Fluid-Structure Dynamic Interaction. Academy Press, Beijing.

[31] Si Liu, Yongliang Zhang. Numerical simulation of second-order irregular wave groups. Proceedings of the 24th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Busan, June 15-20, 2014, 884-889. 

[32] WC Chen, YL Zhang, SM Zheng. Advance in the Study of Wave Energy Dissipation of Floating Bodies[C]. Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Proceedings (2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference), 27 July-1 August 2014, Tokyo, Japan, O-Oc-7-5.

[33] HF Yu, YL Zhang, QL Liu. Study of Energy Storage and Stabilization Technology Based on Wave Energy Hydraulic Pump[C], Grand Renewable Energy 2014 Proceedings, 27 July-1 August 2014, Tokyo, Japan, O-Oc-19-2. 

[34] Qiulin Liu, Tony Lewis, Yongliang Zhang, Wanan Sheng. Exprimental Study on the wave measurements of wave buoys[C]. 2014 International Conference on Ocean Energy. Nov 4-6, 2014, Halifax Canada

[35] Cen Yang, Yongliang Zhang. Experimental study on operation performance of wave pressure pump[C]. 1st International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, 24-26 November, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

[36] Liu, S., Zhang, Y.L., Liu, S.X., Li, J.X. and Xia, Z.S. (2013) The physical simulation of wave groups and their variations in a wave flume. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 32(11): 1-6. 

[37] Sendong Liang, James Yang, Yongliang Zhang. An experimental study of scour countermeasures for offshore piles in marine environment. Proceeding of 35 IAHR World Congress, Sep 8-13 2013, Chengdu, China, p2134-2141.

[38] Zheng, S.M., Zhang, Y.L., Sheng, W.A., 2015. Numerical study on the dynamics of a novel two-raft wave energy absorption device. 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 6-11 September, Nantes, France. 07C1-3.


[1] Zhang, Y.L., Zheng, S.M. A Wave Energy Pump. National Invention Patent (ZL103277282A), 4 Sept 2013.

[2] Zhang, Y.L., Zheng, S.M. A Wave Energy Hydraulic Pump. National Invention Patent (ZL201310273219.4), 23 Sept 2016.

[3] Zhang, Y.L., Zheng, S.M. A Wave Energy Hydraulic Pump with a water tank. National Invention Patent (ZL103291531A).30 Sept 2015.

[4] Zhang, Y.L., Zheng, S.M. A Raft-type Adjustable Wave Energy Hydraulic Pump. National Invention Patent (ZL201410408972.4),18 May 2015.

[5] Zhang, Y.L., Yu, H.F.A Marine vertical profile monitoring device. National Invention Patent (ZL201410543598.9).22 June 2016.

[6] Zhang, Y.L., Yu, H.F.,A Wave Energy Conversion Device. National Invention Patent (ZL201510505164.4), 17 August 2016.

[7] Zhang, Y.L., Chen, W.C,A Wave-Driven Combined powered Ship. National Invention Patent (ZL201310400999.4), 15 June 2016.

[8] Zhang, Y.L.,Chen, W.C. A Raft-type Wave Energy Dissipation Device. National Invention Patent (ZL201410025510.4), 30 March 2016.

[9] Lin, Z.,Zhang, Y.L., A Wave Power Generation System. National Invention Patent (ZL201410415522.8) 15 June 2016.

[10] Zhang, Y.L., Lin, Z. Ocean Current Power Supply of an Underwater Monitoring Instrument. National Invention Patent (ZL20140010424.6), 18 May 2016.

[11] Zhang, Y.L., Yang, C.,A Float-type Wave Energy Converter. National Invention Patent (ZL201510702644.X), 26 October 2016.